This is a great bargain for those that can go at short notice, £159.10pp for a week half board based on family of 4. I realise that most kids won't have broken up yet but if you have those under school age you're in luck!
The apartments are in Cala n Bosch and have great reviews.
30 Jun 17#1
Great price have some heat!
30 Jun 17#2
Great price, paying more than this just for the villa.
30 Jun 17#3
£680 now, but still a bargain. I have now left booking family holidays til last minute- always got a bargain.
30 Jun 17#4
Only problem with last minute outside of school hols is that our school want at least 3 weeks notice, never had any problems taking them outside school hols as long as we stick to the notice period.
rooney10 to margamboy
30 Jun 17#5
So worst case £60 fine per child (if they actually fine you) ... seriously that's a deal breaker ? Not for me :wink:
Opening post
The apartments are in Cala n Bosch and have great reviews.