Why would I need it and how much is paper/ink for it?
compadre to lucyferror
7y 38d2#3
No ink. It's thermal.
7y 38d#4
"Ideal for restaurants, retailers and the hospitality industry, this POS receipt printer conveniently sits underneath your counter, as it is the same height as most cash drawers, and saves you valuable desktop space. Combined with a wide range of connectivity options (USB, Ethernet and Wi-Fi) this receipt printer offers you the flexibility to set up and operate wherever is most convenient for you. Wires and cables are also protected from accidental spillages thanks to the optional protective.
This receipt printer is ideal for busy environments that demand consistent, high volume printing. It features an improved printing mechanism life of up to 17 million lines, as well as a printhead life cycle of 120km and auto cutter that can carry on working for up to 1.7 million transactions.
With the margin-less paper saving function, you can print receipts right up to the edge. This helps save you money, as you are able to print more receipts per roll, and can be an effective eco-friendly addition to your business."
7y 38d#5
Sold out by the time i'd translated the POS
7y 38d#6
7y 38d#7
Thanks OP managed to get an order in before it went out of stock - what a bargain secondhand on fleabay they are £125, I have the really old model still going strong but at this price had to upgrade :-)
7y 38d#8
Just noticed lol. Need bigger phone can't see properly
7y 38d#9
Actuellement indisponible.
Nous ne savons pas quand cet article sera de nouveau approvisionné ni s'il le sera.
I think that means Out of Stock!
7y 38d#10
Needs more clicks to expire
7y 38d#11
They cancelled the order :-(
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Opening post
These are around £200 on all other websites in the UK. Delivery says 1-2 months, but worth a punt if interested.
This receipt printer is ideal for busy environments that demand consistent, high volume printing. It features an improved printing mechanism life of up to 17 million lines, as well as a printhead life cycle of 120km and auto cutter that can carry on working for up to 1.7 million transactions.
With the margin-less paper saving function, you can print receipts right up to the edge. This helps save you money, as you are able to print more receipts per roll, and can be an effective eco-friendly addition to your business."
Nous ne savons pas quand cet article sera de nouveau approvisionné ni s'il le sera.
I think that means Out of Stock!
Bonjour,Nous vous informons que l’article Epson tM-t70II que vous avez choisi sur Amazon.fr a fait l’objet d’une erreur d’affichage de prix.Malheureusement et pour une raison indépendante de notre volonté, le prix affiché de l’article au moment où vous avez passé votre commande était très inférieur au prix auquel nous souhaitions vendre cet article. Nous avons donc été contraints de retirer cet article de votre sélection.Sachez que votre compte bancaire n'a pas été débité du montant correspondant à cet article. Amazon.fr met tout en œuvre pour que chaque client bénéficie d'un service de qualité irréprochable et des meilleures offres. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir accepter nos excuses pour le désagrément causé et vous remercions pour votre compréhension.Cordialement,Service Client Amazon.fr
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