good deal, ordered. not many i'd spring for an HD release for but this is a good offer!
21 Jun 17#2
How's this compare performance-wise to the originals anybody know?
Edit: just checked via Digital Foundry. Sub-par ports.
21 Jun 17#3
I think after being patched they're both 1080p 30 the vast majority of the time. PS4 pro support was a bit naff last I heard.
21 Jun 17#4
Oh, ok. I'll pass none the less. Locked 30fps should for me have been a given.
21 Jun 17#5
Visuals are mostly improved but after some major framerate issues at launch, the latest version is locked at 30fps, even on the Pro.
21 Jun 171#6
If you've not played these yet, it's still totally worth it. Arkham Asylum is still one of the best games I've ever played, and the first to make you really believe you're Batman. City is still great, but suffers mainly just from not being Asylum - the latter of which is more tightly focused. I'm playing through Knight to 100% completion right now and I find myself missing Asylum even now.
Source: Lifelong gamer/Batman fan :wink:
21 Jun 17#7
Check out digital foundry, after the latest patch it runs at 30 fps 99% of the time, with only very rare drops.
21 Jun 17#8
I loved Arkham Asylum but just couldn't get on with City or the later ones. I personally am not a big fan of open world games (with a few exceptions) and I feel Batman should be more story driven and linear (like Arkham Asylum was). Same gripe I have with Metal Gear Solid 5, it just felt so far removed from what had come before, and it wasn't to my liking.
Heat added, good price for these if you haven't played them, and I think I am in the minority of not liking City, so most will probably really enjoy both games.
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Edit: just checked via Digital Foundry. Sub-par ports.
Source: Lifelong gamer/Batman fan :wink:
Heat added, good price for these if you haven't played them, and I think I am in the minority of not liking City, so most will probably really enjoy both games.