Are these games or just add ons? I can never tell.
TGPMatt to sinxa
9 May 17#4
Gat Out of Hell is standalone. All of them are games in their own right!
9 May 172#5
Also, I can see the headlines now... "XBOX IN 'PUTTING SAINTS ROW IV AND METRO REDUX ON SALE' SHOCK"
9 May 17#6
Thank you, I purchased the double pack, defo worth £8
9 May 171#7
Metro was one of the first games I got for the One that really looked the part. Great game play, great visuals. Can't go wrong for £8. Saints is also brilliant, although whether you enjoy that is a little more subjective.
9 May 17#9
Agreed - just a massive shame SRIV a reskin of Saints Row the Third, even though that was a phenomenal game. The black sky gets on your tits quite a bit, and collecting all of the orbs can be a chore, but it's worth the grind for sure!
Everyone should own Metro, though. I think I picked the double up for about £4 last year
9 May 171#10
Can anyone remember if the disc version of saints re-elected & gooh was ALL on disc (incl the extra dlc bits) or was there a code for one? I'm not at home to check and wondered about switching it to digital.
Opening post
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell £3
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat out of Hell Bundle £6
Saints Row Metro Double Pack £8
Claire: Extended Cut £4.80
Ginger: Beyond The Crystal £8
Instant Indie Hits £19.20
Everyone should own Metro, though. I think I picked the double up for about £4 last year