Part of the backwards compatibility sale, brilliant games and great online co-op on Portal 2
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16 May 178#3
Portal: Still Alive contains more Portal than you get with The Orange Box - there's an additional 20 challenge rooms I think. Still, why not buy all three?
16 May 176#2
This was a triumph!
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!
16 May 173#12
I'm GLaDOS someone said it...
16 May 173#1
Bargain for both! But I would recommend paying an extra £1.25 for the orange box as it includes portal 1, which you get an extra 4 games!
Heated op!
All comments (23)
16 May 173#1
Bargain for both! But I would recommend paying an extra £1.25 for the orange box as it includes portal 1, which you get an extra 4 games!
Heated op!
16 May 176#2
This was a triumph!
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!
16 May 178#3
Portal: Still Alive contains more Portal than you get with The Orange Box - there's an additional 20 challenge rooms I think. Still, why not buy all three?
16 May 17#4
Nice deal, thanks
16 May 17#5
Ah I didn't know this. :-)
16 May 17#6
You sure acted like you knew what was right :laughing:
16 May 172#7
Best. Game. Ever :wink:
16 May 171#8
Ha, No! I was just trying to get people better value for money!
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I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!
Heated op!
All comments (23)
Heated op!
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!