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Opening post
3 May 17
New HSBC mortgage rates with lowest 5 year fixed rate on the market. Maximum LTV of 60% required and £749 booking fee for advance/premier customers or £999 for standard.

2Yr Fixed Advance @ 1.14%

3Yr Fixed Advance @ 1.44%

5Yr Fixed Advance @ 1.69%

Link to all of their mortgage deals -
Top comments
3 May 17 24 #6
Good deal, but you'll have paid off your existing mortgage by the time HSBC get around to transferring you.

It's easier to wrestle a pasty off a tramp than it is to get a financial product from these clowns.
3 May 17 14 #8
Cold, bring the house prices down !
rossington to telcoengr
4 May 17 9 #9
How does high house prices make this a cold deal? (_ :wink:
4 May 17 5 #23
Rates have been up and down at the minute with HSBC, we managed to secure 1.99% fixed for five years (60% ltv) with no fee earlier this year just before they started going up, now it's 1.94%. But like the deals now, even on a £90k mortgage it still worked out cheaper going with the fee free rate over 5 years than paying £749/£999 booking fee. I guess if you want to borrow over £100k it might be worth looking at the deals with booking fees.

And for those complaining how tough it is to get a mortgage with HSBC, we sat with a mortgage advisor for about 2 hours, gave him all our income and outgoings and once he was happy we could afford the mortgage it was approved in principle there and then and signed the paperwork the week after. Isn't that the way it should be done, mortgage providers checking you can afford the mortgage amount you're looking to borrow?
Latest comments (98)
3 Jun 17 #98
Just did mine 3 year 1.74 no fee i think it was
10 May 17 #97
I am a 64 year old pensioner stuck on a 3.45 per cent mortgage (fixed term finished ages ago) with about 50 per cent ltv ....any ideas who I can remortgage with?

Nervous of going through too many credit checks

Thanks jane
7 May 17 #96
a fee, for wha
7 May 17 #95
Sorry it's a bit off topic. I'm in a process of selling my current property and moving to a new build. Looking for a good mortgage rate with 75% LTV. Any advice, opinions, recommendations?
6 May 17 #94
Thanks golo83 very much appreciated. At least I know it's possible, I will speak to them about it. I may even have a chat to a broker to. Thank you :smiley:
6 May 17 #93
Understood, good luck with it.
5 May 17 #92
the actual term is Dyscalculia, but every time i mention it nobody knows what it is so saying dsylexia is easier and gives the general meaning, anyway as i say wife has a had a good look and she says its a good deal so has applied, can only wait and see what they see
5 May 17 #91
should be possible in theory. hsbc would send their surveyor to do the valuation, and provided it is within the range you think it is, then you should be able to borrow more. not all banks do capital raising re-mortgages i believe but with hsbc could be tricky given how painful they are!
5 May 17 #90
With your condition it is words NOT numbers that can present a problem?
5 May 17 #89
Lucky you mate still no news from my broker
5 May 17 #88
Took me 1 year. Lucky i wasn't taken to court by the seller.
5 May 17 #87
Can somebody help me?

Im not that familiar with mortages, I bought a house 5 years ago and have been on the standard variable for three so looking to change providers. I am currently with natwest so can someone help me with a question.

If I change to hsbc can I draw some money out of the house as a lump sum to do some upgrades? I bought the house for £135k, I owe £95k on it but I have done it up so it is worth more than I bought it. Zoopla say £185k but will probably be less (how do hsbc know how much it is worth?). I want to draw out say £20k meaning I owe £115k on a house worth at least £165k (for arguments sake) giving an ltv value of around 75%? Is this correct? Would that be possible?

Thanks, just want to check before I arrange a mortgage appointment.

5 May 17 #86
yeah house prices are crazy here, you would think i lived in mansion, dont get me wrong its a 5bed house which we have lived in for 8 years im just coming upto 42 but as i say ive been overpaying for the last 2-3 years by quite a bit. but id like to fix for 5 years so i know my payments and i think we can probably pay get close to paying it off in five years. I keep reading lots of stuff on the internet but its muddles my brain. Missus is going to look at it again today but she reckons the 1.69% rate is fine
5 May 17 #85
There is putting in some guidance and rules and then just being completely unrealistic and unfair.
5 May 17 #84
Lucky you, not everyone can do it. Also price in last 10-15 years has increased significantly. Wages hasn't increased that much, there is house shortages in UK but if you make mortgage affordable then it increases the demand which will bring the prices more up, means take more loan for first time buyers. More loan means more interest so even if they have 1%, it will still benefit banks. At the end of the day, banks are doing business and they always love to multiply their money.
5 May 17 #83
really? surely you would be able to remortgage given 96k balance...unless you are retired/over 80?
if you have loads of savings have a look at offset mortgages, but in any case i dont think SVR of 4.49% is the best rate!
4 May 17 #82
when we took out our mortgage 7yrs ago the hsbc advisor in the branch told us it was highly recommended for us to take our life insurance/assurance policies for our application and that he could provide us with a great cover.

I told him I will do some research before deciding what to do.

straight on to moneysaving expert i went.

When we came back for our follow up appointment i told him I decline his offer telling him I had found a cheaper policy through cavendish-online with L&G (Legal & General Premier Term Assurance) which was
1. Level term (fixed amount) cover in 100k in excess of the mortgage (his offer was a decreasing level cover meant to match the mortgage amount); and
2. cheaper than his policy by £6 per person per month for the next 40 years (£6 x 12 mths x 40yrs x 2 persons....)

he didn't look please and said.."oh its only £6 cheaper per month!"
I told him, "yes cheaper PER person PER month for the next 40 i'm going with that!"

as soon as house purchase was complete, i remortgaged to another bank (was on a fee free tracker hsbc mortgage) within the next month and never looked back!
4 May 17 #81
Thanks, but sorry maybe my reply wasn't very clear. I wasn't asking if they were allowed to overpay, more suggesting that they should over pay (if they can afford it and no penalties) to get it down to 60% LTV before remortgaging to get the best rate for the long run.
4 May 17 1 #80
On a small-ish amount like that I'd hazard a pure guess that a fee saver will work out cheaper. All depends on if you fix the rate and decide on how long for. You'll not be as easily able to overpay though depending on the product.
4 May 17 2 #79
Just had our mortgage with them. Worst company I've ever dealt with. Customer service is terrible. Very slow at sorting anything.
4 May 17 #78
thanks im waiting for the wife to come in and she will know what to do, im dyslexic and have a real problem with numbers lol. ive been on calculators and i think ive worked it out also been on MSE website which is useful, i only have 96k to pay off on 730k house so the LTV is very low now so i dont think i wont get given a new mortgage, we have been overpaying and on the santander svp rate.
4 May 17 #77
I moved out of the London area partially for this reason. But if you insist on living anywhere near the capital, with the insane housing situation it has, well, that's your choice. (I know not everyone has the luxury of being able to move like I did)
4 May 17 #76
Mortgage exit fee You may have to pay this if:
Your mortgage term comes to an end;
You transfer the loan to another lender; or
Transfer borrowing from one property to another:
This is payable either at the end of the mortgage term, or before the end of your mortgage term if you transfer the loan to another lender or another property (known as 'redemption').
You may be charged a separate fee by your solicitor or licensed or qualified conveyancer for their work relating to the redemption of the mortgage and discharge of the security. £0
4 May 17 #75
The Atom rate is also no longer available (as of 2 weeks ago). I'm personally not bitter as I managed to get it in time, but it's no good comparing the HSBC rate against something which doesn't exist for new customers...
4 May 17 #74
Paid ours off by age of 33. Plus over 3 times the £100,000 price quoted here. :smile:
4 May 17 #73
3 months before it's due to end , so in your case September. Many lenders try to tempt you stay with them by waiving the early repayment fees, so you can technically save money by moving to a new plan 3 months before the end of current one. Of course if there are better offers outside than your lender, then go with them. 3 months should give you enough time anyway to do research and check the market.
4 May 17 #72
Do your sums and see what is cheapest over the fixed period.
4 May 17 #71
It is simple if you take your time. Without the tools you wont get accurate numbers.
4 May 17 #70
If your mortgage is less than £250K (over 25yr @60% LTV) you're better off getting Nationwide's 2yr fix @ 1.5% with next to no fee (£20)
4 May 17 #69
Ive got reasonaly good experience with HSBC too.
They are thorough for sure. I would deal with them again.
4 May 17 #68
My current 2-year fixed @ 2.64% is due to end in Dec 2017, when is the best time to start the process to remortgage?
4 May 17 2 #67
God almighty, it's simple to work out. They even provide calculators for you to input the figures and it works it all out for you. You actually need to put in a bit of effort yourself!
4 May 17 #66
i never understand whats best to do with the fees, take the cheaper interest rate with fees or higher rate without the fees?
4 May 17 #65
I'm with HSBC and they have always been OK with me.. and my solicitor didn't have any choice.
4 May 17 #64
I just got a 5 years fixed 2.19% But I am FTB.
4 May 17 #63
Not bad, but the Atom 5 year fix is better as mentioned.

1.29% with a £900 fee, or 1.64% with no fee (60% LTV)

Can't find the redemption fees however?
4 May 17 #62
You wouldn't overpay the existing mortgage (may be early repayment charges if you were to do that), but on applying for the HSBC mortgage, it would be at that point that you would apply for 60% of your home's value (as determined by their valuation of course).
Assuming that there would be a shortfall between what HSBC were going to lend versus your existing lender, it would be at that point that you would be asked how you wanted to make up the shortfall.

Hope that helps!
4 May 17 #61
Many people like myself who have £100k mortgages and it doesn't reflect house value. I bet plenty of people where you live dont have £1/2 million mortgages.
4 May 17 #60
On your existing mortgage of course - but HSBC will want to value your property and in our case they valued it at lowest market value giving is 62% LTV so we got 1.19 % and not 1.14%.
4 May 17 #59
Can you over pay to get to 60% before taking a new deal?
4 May 17 1 #58
Drug dealers, crooks and terrorists launder money with them, but hard-working people like you are turned away. DISGRACE!
4 May 17 #57
Agree 110%. Never been refused any financial product and these idiots turned down an equity release less than 33% of the value of my house that has no mortgage on it!!!
4 May 17 #56
If you make mortgage affordable then demand increases which eventually pushes the prices up. Remember mortgage is 15 to 35 year agreement and you will not find many people in here who have paid off their mortagage
4 May 17 #55
I heard comments like this a lot before I went in for my mortgage appointment with HSBC but as their rates were so cheap I thought I would give it a go.

Im 18, first time buyer and was looking to borrow 4 times my salary. I sat down with the mortgage advisor and knew exactly what mortgage I wanted and had all the documents I needed. 1 hour later the mortgage was ready to be applied for. I left him to it and the next day he sent me an email saying my mortgage had been approved. From everything I have heard it couldnt have been any easier. Im borrowing just over 4 times my salary and that including the fact that I pay about 30% of my salary into share schemes at work and have an expensive ground rent & service charge + council tax and everything else to pay by myself.
4 May 17 #54
We just missed hitting the 60% LTV BUT IT WAS 1.19 % which was still good
4 May 17 #53
Great rates. Just been and opened the Advanced Account today as well.
4 May 17 #52
Agreed that the 60% max LTV does make the deal inaccessible to many but it still doesn't mean it's a cold deal and that wasn't given as the reason for the cold vote though anyway, they literally said that this isn't a good deal because houses are too expensive.
4 May 17 #51
Barclays are doing a couple of good five year fixes on 60%. Either 1.75% and a £999 arrangement fee or 1.70% with a £1499 fee. I went for Barclays because neither Virgin or HSBC would give me the amount I wanted. I'm pretty from my experience that Barclays are less demanding than some mortgage providers.
4 May 17 #50
Atom is a digital bank, with mortgages only available through select brokers. I also moved on to the 1.29% 5yr product, although it closed to new customers within the space of a few days I'm afraid!
4 May 17 1 #49
Get off the dole and work hard ... save the pennies you chimney sweeper.
4 May 17 #48
I think HSBCs rule of thumb is, if you can afford to buy a house for cash on 3 years savings out of your high income, they might consider you as a mortgage customer.
4 May 17 #47
4 May 17 #46
Going through an online application right now, and I've returned their calls about 3 or 4 times only to be told 'We don't know why you were called' - often they have called the wrong applicant (joint app).. their online system is awful too. Ok nobody has died, and I'll be happy when it's done, but it's a bit of a shambles.
4 May 17 3 #45
I live near (not in) London and laugh slightly hysterically when I see people writing about 100k mortgages. Need the best part of 1/2 mil to buy round here :-(
4 May 17 1 #44
I also got a mortgage with HSBC at the start of the year, no problems with them, they asked for a lot of information but nothing excessive considering they were lending £100K. As first time buyers, we did not mind the 3 hours of meetings as it helped us get things right(ish!). I think when people complain about HSBC's process it may be down to them and perhaps poor past financial decisions rather than HSBC's policies.

Having said that they did do the insurance hard sell, and for everything I didn't agree to, they sent me a letter sounding very annoyed that I had ignored their sage advice (or, not advice, depending on the product). Other than home insurance I cancelled the rest of the insurances before the mortgage went through any way. And I only stuck with their house insurance to simplify things to start wit, will definitely be changing it next year.
4 May 17 #43
Just looked at the two year deal.

Its not as good as I thought it looked.
Many people would even be better off with a higher interest rate mortgage if enough cashback was available.

By paying £749 fee, as opposed to receiving the £750 which I was given (from Nationwide when I took out my two year fixed mortgage @ 1.69% in January 2017 - £500 for being a first time buyer, £250 for Nationwide customer) I would had to have purchased a property where the loan was on £250,000 before it was worth taking out this two year fix.

Even if there was no cashback involved, you would have to be loaning over £120,000 in order for this 2 year deal to be worth it compared to something without any product fee, such as Nationwide's 1.69% deal (Based on a 25 year mortgage without any cashback).
4 May 17 #42
from where you got this deal. bank or building society?
4 May 17 #41
My credit rating is very poor haha!

Anybody have any info about getting a mortgage on a poor credit rating? My salary is decent but from being young and dumb I have a bad credit rating
4 May 17 #40
Coming up to the end of the third year in August, but the exit penalty would have to come out of money I'm saving for a new roof so I'm torn.
4 May 17 #39
Would anyone here consider the 10 Year Fixed Fee Saver @ 2.59% ? I do like to play it safe I guess!
3 May 17 3 #4
absolute scum bank. A lot of solicitors won't deal with them because of how awkward they make getting a mortgage.
g1hsg to red23
4 May 17 2 #17
Because things ended so well back in the days of self certification didn't they?
Nad_84 to red23
4 May 17 #30
I had no issues at all
supermann to red23
4 May 17 1 #38
Odd as HSBC seemed quite flexible in the Americas, happy to help launder billions in drug money.

Or given the violence from the drug war over there, maybe I should rephrase that to 'blood money'.
4 May 17 #37
The 60% maximum LTV perhaps?
4 May 17 1 #36
I did similar, ended up paying the exit fee when I moved house, but rate went from over 5% to 2.89%. Yes there are even cheaper deals now but it's all about the timing. Same with buying property - I bought at a good time when the market was slow, sold about 4 years later with 20k profit. I know others who haven't been so lucky with the timing of property purchases and find themselves in negative equity.
4 May 17 #35
That's what I did, 8 months in to a 5 year fix at 4.69% I paid FirstDirect £3,300 to get out and dropped to 1.24 above base
4 May 17 #34
60% max LTV though :disappointed:
4 May 17 #33
Transferred and re-mortgaged twice now with HSBC, very straight forward with the online application.
4 May 17 #32
Get a better deal from Nationwide without fee's.
4 May 17 #31
I got a mortgage with HSBC beginning of the year, was very straight forward although these rates are slightly better than what I got!
4 May 17 #10
Decent offer but got Atom 1.29% 5y fix deal confirmed today :wink:
lionkhan1 to senukas
4 May 17 #18
essexgangsta to senukas
4 May 17 #29
good deal, did you contact them and they find that deal for you?
4 May 17 1 #28
Depending on how far you are into the 4/5 year fixed, it may work out cheaper to pay the early redemption penalty and take one of these out instead..
4 May 17 2 #27
Let me make YOU feel better. 4.14% 5yr fixed
4 May 17 #25
what is a mortgage?
alltaken123 to bloc
4 May 17 #26
It's credit for people unable to afford to buy property outright.
4 May 17 #24
Not confirmed the specifics of this deal, but you can typically add booking fees to the mortgage, which effectively would spread this out.

From HSBC's own literature:
Booking Fee
A non-refundable fee charged on some mortgages to secure a particular mortgage deal.
You may be able to add some or all of the booking fee to your mortgage. Adding fees to your mortgage will mean that you will pay more interest over the term of the loan, than if you had chosen to pay the booking fees at the outset. If you would like to consider adding the booking fee to your mortgage, please call us or visit your local HSBC branch where we will be happy to discuss your requirements.
4 May 17 5 #23
Rates have been up and down at the minute with HSBC, we managed to secure 1.99% fixed for five years (60% ltv) with no fee earlier this year just before they started going up, now it's 1.94%. But like the deals now, even on a £90k mortgage it still worked out cheaper going with the fee free rate over 5 years than paying £749/£999 booking fee. I guess if you want to borrow over £100k it might be worth looking at the deals with booking fees.

And for those complaining how tough it is to get a mortgage with HSBC, we sat with a mortgage advisor for about 2 hours, gave him all our income and outgoings and once he was happy we could afford the mortgage it was approved in principle there and then and signed the paperwork the week after. Isn't that the way it should be done, mortgage providers checking you can afford the mortgage amount you're looking to borrow?
4 May 17 3 #22
Personally I thought their mortgage team was fine. We got the 2 year 1.69 on 75% a month ago. We knew the exact product we wanted, so applied online instead of using a mortgage advisor. It took about 6 weeks, the norm according to my research and discussions with several lenders. Yes, they were very thorough, but I didn't consider it to be excessively intrusive, and their underwriters were very pleasant.
3 May 17 #7
Shame I'm only half way through my 2.99% deal. Would be very tempted to investigate deal otherwise. Heat added.
adi0604 to holeymoley18
4 May 17 1 #21
Let me make you feel better, I am on 3.99% 4y fixed ! :disappointed:
4 May 17 #20
Tory party puppet masters. Cold.
4 May 17 #19
I recently remortgaged within HSBC from an old pre-existing 5 year deal with 1 year left to a 5 year fixed at 1.79% with 60% LTV and no booking fee. This was an open offer in about January. Surely the offer posted here is worse because of the booking fee? So much for price war...
4 May 17 #16
Assuming you're not looking to spread the fee across the mortgage. I prefer not to stump up the fee upfront these days. Need the cash for home improvements.
4 May 17 1 #14
I was renewing my 2 year deal with them the other day and it actually worked out better to take the 2 year fee saver at 1.54% over the 2 year Advanced/Premier rate at 1.14% with £749 fee. You only really profit if you take a 3 or 5 year deal it seems.
FatalSaviour to iskillz
4 May 17 2 #15
Of course, this is entirely dependent on the amount you're borrowing :smiley: Anything over £100k and the lower rate works out less than the £749 fee
3 May 17 24 #6
Good deal, but you'll have paid off your existing mortgage by the time HSBC get around to transferring you.

It's easier to wrestle a pasty off a tramp than it is to get a financial product from these clowns.
imsomethingyournot to themadgoose
4 May 17 2 #13
Why are you stealing food from the homeless?! Having a mortgage and s house not enough for you that you have to steal their pasty?! For shame....for shame....
4 May 17 2 #12
From my experience HSBC have probably got the toughest mortgage application process going. It is how banking should be but they can show you the door at the initial stage!
4 May 17 1 #11
Sorry if this is slightly off topic. But has anybody ever found that having the credit card of a particular lender got them a more favourable rate when remortgaging? I'm thinking of getting the Halifax 30 month purchase card. Only that my mortgage is with Santander, who offer a 0% 27 month card, I'd be tempted to go with them if i thought it might get me a better deal next year when my mortgage's fixed term is up.
3 May 17 14 #8
Cold, bring the house prices down !
rossington to telcoengr
4 May 17 9 #9
How does high house prices make this a cold deal? (_ :wink:
3 May 17 #5
interesting ive been holding out and over paying my mortgage over the last two years. 1.69% is a very good rate
3 May 17 1 #3
Looks interesting.

Link to all of their mortgage deals -
3 May 17 #2
Excellent deal. :wink:
3 May 17 #1
good deal
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3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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