A cracking deal if you've got Gold - really worth a go if you want to go for something a little more lighthearted. Metacritic gives it a solid 77%.
Blob's origins are mysterious, but he rolled up at the right place and the right time to be the hero that the Color Underground was looking for. Music surrounds him and color energy flows through him; with his touch Blob can literally make the world a better place. Blob represents individuality and determination. Blob is good hearted but lazy. He is often late, but he always comes through.
5 Apr 171#1
Great game, played this when it first came out and loved it. Shame no one bought it, can see myself getting this for the BC.
5 Apr 17#2
I think I got this year's ago when it was on sale, really must play it! Thanks for the reminder.
5 Apr 17#3
What happens if I buy this during my free month of Gold? Is it still available after it runs out? I don't intend to renew.
5 Apr 17#4
If you have paid for it, it's yours.
It's only the Games with Gold freebies that you'd "lose" if you decided not to renew.
ludwig352 to Deggy3
5 Apr 17#6
And even then I don't think you lose the 360 ones.
noemailthankyou to Deggy3
5 Apr 17#8
That's only on Playstation Network, on Xbox Live once you redeem the monthly games they're yours to keep and download at any time regardless of your subscription status.
5 Apr 17#5
5 Apr 17#7
that's awesome if correct
6 Apr 17#9
cool thanks for clarifying!
6 Apr 17#10
Not true. heres the info from the faq at xbox.com
What happens to my Games with Gold games if I cancel my Xbox Live Gold subscription?
On Xbox One, you’ll no longer be able to access your Games with Gold titles if you cancel your subscription. However, if you decide to renew your subscription at any time, you’ll be able to access and play your previously redeemed Games with Gold titles again.
On Xbox 360, any Games with Gold titles that you redeem as an Xbox Live Gold member are yours to keep, regardless of whether you continue your subscription.
9 Apr 171#11
^^This is what i love about GWG, you at least get to keep all your 360 titles for good, and that get's even more value now it's been confimed that if it works on the xbox 360/XB1 BC, it will work on the scorpio, fantastic. :smiley:
TGPMatt to XP200
9 Apr 17#12
Totally agree. I can't bear the idea of continually re-buying games I love!
9 Apr 17#13
Yeap, i have a steam account from 2003 and i still got all my games, no matter the amount of OS we have since then, but last gen i simply had too much content to the Ps3/360 to simply start buying them all over again on the next console, MS being forced to offer BC of 360 games was total win for me, and that they have just confirmed you take it all with your onto the scorpio is again another win, just a shame Sony are in such a position as to not need to offer gamers said features, gamers never win when there is no real competiton, and when i think of all the features we got on the Ps3 when they were the underdog, trophy support, free online, free games ever month. :disappointed:
Opening post
Blob's origins are mysterious, but he rolled up at the right place and the right time to be the hero that the Color Underground was looking for. Music surrounds him and color energy flows through him; with his touch Blob can literally make the world a better place. Blob represents individuality and determination. Blob is good hearted but lazy. He is often late, but he always comes through.
It's only the Games with Gold freebies that you'd "lose" if you decided not to renew.
What happens to my Games with Gold games if I cancel my Xbox Live Gold subscription?
On Xbox One, you’ll no longer be able to access your Games with Gold titles if you cancel your subscription. However, if you decide to renew your subscription at any time, you’ll be able to access and play your previously redeemed Games with Gold titles again.
On Xbox 360, any Games with Gold titles that you redeem as an Xbox Live Gold member are yours to keep, regardless of whether you continue your subscription.