Before any argument, this is thankfully £15.99 on PSN at the moment. I've found Amazon US have this on sale which works out £10.75 delivered will all expenses (ordered one myself). Also, CeX pays £11 cash for this or £16 voucher, so either way better than buying digital.
The sequel to 2012's Game of the Year continues several months after the events seen in Season One of The Walking Dead, and Clementine is searching for safety. But what can an ordinary child do to stay alive when the living can be just as bad – and sometimes worse – than the dead?
As Clementine, you will encounter tragedy, struggle with survival and discover the harsh reality of things to come in a game series where every decision matters.
Contains all 5 episodes
- Decisions you made in Season One and in 400 Days will affect your story in Season Two
- Play as Clementine, an orphaned girl forced to grow up fast by the world around her
- Meet new survivors, expolore new locations, and make gruesome choices
19 Apr 171#1
CEX won't take imports
mixmixi to Marcoos
19 Apr 17#4
They do, send it through post and they will take it. Stores sometimes take as well, depend who you are dealing with. Aside from that, this is a good deal. No need to be picky all the times. Sometimes, people buy to keep not to sell.
19 Apr 171#2
Plus isn't there a chance of a small refund if the 'handling/tax' is less than you paid?
19 Apr 177#3
Just in case anyone didnt know, this is FREE on Xbox live Games with Gold... :smiley:
19 Apr 171#5
No Nathan, not in this case. There is no tax/import fees for items sub $20, so don't expect a refund. But if you have Halifax Clarity, you will be paying less than £10.75 for sure that is why I put ~ next to the price. :smiley:
19 Apr 171#6
I'll just go back under my rock :smile:
19 Apr 171#7
I will join you for a rock party. :stuck_out_tongue:
19 Apr 171#8
19 Apr 171#9
This doesn't play well on vita
cannibalwombat to jacksamthompson
19 Apr 172#11
I was going to ask about that. Season 1 performance is a bit choppy on Vita and assumed it may be the same here. I don't know why Telltale have such difficulty getting their relatively lo-fi games to run well on consoles!
Plus this doesn't have a platinum trophy so NO DEAL! :stuck_out_tongue: Decent price though.
19 Apr 171#10
19 Apr 17#12
Would there be any issues with region compatibility between the US game and the UK Vita?
mixmixi to Xorro
19 Apr 171#13
No Vita is region free. I buy many games from Amazon US and Japan, both PS4 and vita games are absolutely fine.
19 Apr 171#14
I'm playing TWD1 on the Vita at the moment and agree that it can be choppy. Good point about TWD2 not having a platinum, although this isn't as bad a Michonne which gave us 21 measly bronze trophies and nothing else.
19 Apr 17#15
I'm playing the first one on Vita at the moment. There are some lumpy loading screens, but the story is good enough to get away with it. How does the second one fair on Vita?
Spidersmudge to Curlynob
19 Apr 171#16
Just as bad sadly... The occasional choppy moment where you die in QTE because you couldn't move, much like the first one. But as others have said, the story is decent enough that said performance issues do little to detract from the overal fun experience :smiley:
19 Apr 17#17
Played Walking Dead 1 and 2 on my Vita, which was how I got into the series. Season 3 is not being released on Vita though, so bear that in mind if you want to carry over saves. Ended up re-playing the first two seasons again on Xbox just to carry over my progress to New Frontier. Not complaining, I enjoyed playing through them again :smiley:
Opening post
P.S: Angry Birds Starwars (Vita) is also on sale, both workouts about £22 delivered together if interested.
The sequel to 2012's Game of the Year continues several months after the events seen in Season One of The Walking Dead, and Clementine is searching for safety. But what can an ordinary child do to stay alive when the living can be just as bad – and sometimes worse – than the dead?
As Clementine, you will encounter tragedy, struggle with survival and discover the harsh reality of things to come in a game series where every decision matters.
Contains all 5 episodes
- Decisions you made in Season One and in 400 Days will affect your story in Season Two
- Play as Clementine, an orphaned girl forced to grow up fast by the world around her
- Meet new survivors, expolore new locations, and make gruesome choices
Plus this doesn't have a platinum trophy so NO DEAL! :stuck_out_tongue: Decent price though.