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Plusnet Mobile mse exclusive 1,500 mins, unlimited texts and 5gb 4g data £10.00
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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20 Apr 17
MSE exclusive beats the 500 mins they were offering last week!

Sim Only 30 Day Plan 1,500 Minutes + Ult Texts + 5GB 4G Data @ plusnet Mobile £10 Month

Smart cap is set at £10. Can be set to minimum £2 and maximum £30. Applies to limit the charges that can be incurred outside your monthly plan allowance within each allowance period.
See for full details.

Proud to use the EE network "We cover 99% of the UK population, Proud to be part of the EE network”: Either 2G, 3G or 4G coverage of 99.63% of the UK population as at 30 September 2016. Based on EE data.

UK based customer service

Tethering allowed

*TCB are offering £6 cashback too even though you'll have to wait three months to get it
Top comments
Jabaltariq to sil0
21 Apr 17 3 #13
If it's anything like the EE coverage around the Herts/Beds border? Then it'll be $#!tEE.
Latest comments (112)
16 May 17 #112
great deal for the data alone ! but I always laugh at EE's claim of 99% of UK coverage ! where do they get that stat from ??
1 May 17 #110
Hot deal.

Worth noting - wife phoned EE to cancel to take out this deal. EE offered 4GB data, unlimited texts and mins £10.99 p/m. Amazing what they can do when you cancel.
1 May 17 #109
Commenced the new tariff yesterday :-)
25 Apr 17 #97
strange ? maybe Sky block the port ?
mb1 to seaniboy
26 Apr 17 #101
I'm even more impressed with Plusnet Mobile after going for this deal. My replacement 4G SIM arrived and was activated (via a freephone UK call centre) in less than 24 hours.. Excellent speeds and coverage.
shef0072 to seaniboy
29 Apr 17 #108
26 Apr 17 #103
Because at times I need to send photo's. My point was it only seems to be plusnet that charge this. I was with GiffGaff and my mate mate was with Tesco mobile. Neither charged for sending emoji's although my mate said Tesco used to but stopped some time ago.
dlozuk to Argyll68
29 Apr 17 #107
Using Speedtest
download: 25.00mbs
Upload 8.35
my speed on plusnet
27 Apr 17 #106
number port completed in the time they stated, its honestly been less than 48 hours from the order placed, to sim received, activated and number port completed ...

Happy so far..
27 Apr 17 #105
I've never been charged MMS for sending emojis with plusnet....really think it's to do with your phone/settings.
27 Apr 17 #104
My mate (on EE) sent me a text with too many smilies the other day, it came through to me as an MMS, so I warned them they'd likely get charged, yep sure enough, 47p. They get a warning but they'd missed it. I think most people now use another means of sending photos, whatsapp, Facebook messanger etc. There's no real need for MMS now, it's just a way of screwing us for more money!
26 Apr 17 #102
Thanks for the link it was helpful. Although I think it's a standard charge by Plusnet as this is what the plusnet rep told me.
26 Apr 17 #100
Ordered yesterday (payment failed with Mastercard, but fine with Visa), Sim card received and activated today... quick service..

Already requested the transfer of my number which should complete by tomorrow 6pm :smiley:

Now i just need to get a refund from GiffGaff once my number port is complete
26 Apr 17 1 #99
This has saved me £132 per year. I was paying for a basic plusnet deal for minutes and the EE 15GB deal at another £15 a month totaling £21 a month. I used the EE for data in my dual sim mobile but have only used more than 5GB once in over a year so makes sense to upgrade to this deal and cancel the EE one, Great deal.
By the way if you dont mention moneysavingexpert you wont get offered the deal, so do mention it.
26 Apr 17 1 #98
Bit the bullet and gone for it, thanks op!
25 Apr 17 #94
Why don't you turn off MMS or picture messaging?
Incendiary to Somebody
25 Apr 17 #96
This is your phone, not PlusNet/EE specifically. It's usually possible to change settings on the device to avoid this. Bit of background here
25 Apr 17 #95
I have a feeling it may have charged anyway. Missing £15 from available balance (I tried 3x - £5) so just going to see whats going on with that first before I try again.
25 Apr 17 #93
Probably a small thing but be aware PlusNet charge MMS for sending emoji's. My first bill was over £15 and couldn't figure out why until I called CS. It's difficult getting out the habit of sending 'OK' instead of a thumbs up.
25 Apr 17 #92
No, Mastercard. Next time I try I'll use a debit card and see if that helps.
25 Apr 17 #91
Thanks OP - just signed up - making the switch from Giffgaff... Saving £5 per month :smiley:
24 Apr 17 1 #90
Plusnet Mobile is an MVNO on EE but it is not EE and therefore doesn't provide an EE login, which is required for the Tube.
24 Apr 17 #89
Cheers op

ordered.... great price for 5gb 4g imo.... lady at work gets 10mbps so seems good
24 Apr 17 #88
Isn't Plusnet EE? That should be enough for the Tube?
24 Apr 17 #87
and Norway
23 Apr 17 #85
5s, works great for me.
mb1 to BloodshotBilly
24 Apr 17 #86
Great spot OP, will switch. You can just have a Three PAYG for London Underground Wi-Fi, which is how I get around it being on Plusnet.
23 Apr 17 1 #84
No, Mates Rates is only available on non-affiliated tariffs from the standard Plusnet page.
The promotional tariffs offered via third parties like MSE and uSwitch are typically better than the Mates Rates offerings, making a mockery of the Mates Rates scheme which was supposed to offer additional benefits for "loyal Plusnet customers". There is only one tariff which is unique to Plusnet customers - the £15/Unlimited/Unlimited/8GB Mates Rates tariff.
23 Apr 17 1 #83
It does but if you leave it will stop! This deal is not mates rate so therefore if you leave you will still get it! More people are using data now than minutes so i find for my wife 1500 mins is more than enough and she'd rather have the extra data!
23 Apr 17 #82
I'm currently on the MSE 4GB/unlimited offer for £10 from the usual £15 rate, if I use PlusNet Broadband does that go to 8GB with mates rates ? Anyone on this deal ?
23 Apr 17 #81
Yep. Tried numerous times and get an error at the last stage. Are you using a Barclay card by any chance?
Contacted customer services and they didn't know whats going on.
23 Apr 17 #80
They ask how long you have been at current address so I'm assuming yes.
23 Apr 17 #79
Wifi Calling enabled ? What handset ? I have a i6S and it does not work
23 Apr 17 #78
Just upgraded my account. Took 2 minutes on online chat. Moving from a 3GB deal paying £8.50 a month to 5GB paying just £1.50 more a month. Worth it so I no longer have to worry about going over my limit. Thanks
22 Apr 17 #77
There's still a credit check to pass though. If he always uses cash he may not pass.
22 Apr 17 1 #76
Does your account support direct debit as the card is only for one payment! Ask someone to pay for the first tenner and give them the cash! Now you're gonna tell me you have no friends!
22 Apr 17 #75
I don't have one of those either as I just use cash with a plain old cashpoint card.
22 Apr 17 #74
You can use a debit card!
22 Apr 17 #73
I used a debit card.
22 Apr 17 #72
Went for it.
Thanks everyone.
22 Apr 17 2 #71
A pity that you need a credit card in your name to take out a contract as I don't do any form of credit.
21 Apr 17 #70
Oh well rules me out then, thanks for the reply.

21 Apr 17 #69
Those on plus net what's the 4g data speed?
21 Apr 17 #68
Just changed one of the family who are on plusnet £10 deal from previous lifemobile tarrif to this via chat. New sim card being sent as moving from 3g to 4g but no issues at all. Said i should have monday and will change plans once arrives
21 Apr 17 #67
yes you should be able to, i have done previously
21 Apr 17 #66
yes they do or at least they did previously under life mobile
21 Apr 17 1 #65
Been with plusnet since they took over life mobile and never once had a call. Changed my tariff many times also with no trouble.
21 Apr 17 #64
I just did through the chat on their website. Took 2 minutes. But you will have to wait for your next bill date to start using your new plan. Mine just renewed yesterday :disappointed:
21 Apr 17 #63
Much better than giffgaff. Giffgaff was very slow compared to plusnet
21 Apr 17 #62
Does anyone know if they do a credit check on this tariff?
21 Apr 17 #61
dear, have you heard of calling cards >
21 Apr 17 #60
i too would like to know.
21 Apr 17 #59
been with plusnet since it was lifemobile and very happy with service and customer service.
21 Apr 17 #58
Ha ha! Love it! :smiley:
21 Apr 17 #57
Was happy with THREE ...... been with them ages.

They couldn't match this deal on 30 day contract to keep me so bye bye ...

THREE was an Indian Call Centre which was a real pain in the backside trying to get them to understand my yorkshire accent and me their Asian accent.

Rang Plusnet and at last an accent I could work with!

Happy ... number ported fine ... up and running with 5gB Data - can't fall off it for £10!
21 Apr 17 #56
Does it means that I can use this sim with EE network locked phone,right?:neutral_face:
21 Apr 17 1 #55
MSE = Money Saving Expert aka Martin Lewis off the TV.
21 Apr 17 1 #54
That depends on the bitrate of the particular radio stream. For the example of a 128kbps stream: 128kbps * 60 seconds * 60 minutes / 8 bits in a byte = 56.25 MBytes. Using just that every day would be over 1.6GBytes per month. If you can find a lower quality stream then it'll be proportionally less.

Edit: and just to add, maybe the tunein app lets you restrict the stream quality, I don't know how clever it is when picking which stream to use (there are usually multiple streams for each station).
21 Apr 17 #53
Sorry to be dumb but what does "MSE Exclusive" mean? What is MSE?

Looks like a good deal btw. :smiley:
21 Apr 17 #52
But somebody really has to explain them what is "net neutrality" because feel-at-home is heavily throttled with traffic shaping and if you hope to do anything different thant facebook/twitter/snapchat/skype/email/texts/calls - better stop.
Even simple tasks like checking company e-mail using VPN or home CCTV can be real nightmare, their traffic shaping is misconfigured for long time, regardless numerous reports. When you report it as a problem, you can hear only silly excuses and advice to read T&C...
Really looking forward for EU roaming.
21 Apr 17 #51
their payment system seems to be broken at the moment
21 Apr 17 #50
21 Apr 17 1 #49
just upgraded to this from 2gb . Might aswell as if you need a bolt on its £2 for 500mb data.
21 Apr 17 #48
My 2 year contract is ending this month, gone with this for now
21 Apr 17 #47
Just migrated over from the 500 minutes 5 Gb £10 deal I signed up for last week. The overseas call centre I originally got through to didn't have the deal on their system but they transferred me to the UK call centre and they switched me no problem. Thanks for the heads up OP!
21 Apr 17 2 #46
Signed up last month to the 2gb data deal for £7.50, and now just upgraded to this deal via online chat. Took about 2 minutes to complete and confirmed via text too. Only ever contacted plusnet via live chat and every time my issues or queries have been sorted in a matter of minutes. Would highly recommend their service and 4g coverage is great around me in Lancashire. Previously was paying £10 a month for 500mb of data and limited minutes on o2- mobile/customer service was woeful!!
21 Apr 17 #45
It's because it's a 4g and lifemobile is 3G. I found the switch very quick when the new sim arrived. My wife is still on the £5.95 deal.
21 Apr 17 #44
its good as long as your not in a hurry (like me) was with lifemobile before plusnet took over and although i'm with plusnet now if i wanted this i'd have to order a new sim. They couldn't just change my current tariff to this one without new sim in post and codes and whatnot. shame.
21 Apr 17 #43
I wouldn't go back to Plusnet.
21 Apr 17 #42
Decent Deal. :-)
21 Apr 17 #41
Thanks :smiley:
21 Apr 17 #40
would avoid!!!! Plusnet does my fibre and never had a problem but their mobile service is awful. i was given a number, nothing but sales calls from day 1 and when i asked for number to change was told this could not happen
21 Apr 17 #39
Yes, and I've pasted answer number 4 about the data above.
21 Apr 17 #38
Kids just switched over as well using online chat
21 Apr 17 #36
How much data does it use to stream about 60 minutes of radio each day on the TuneIn app ?
I want to listen to Moyles on the way to work in the car but don't have DAB.
Wondering if 1GB is enough.
21 Apr 17 #30
Does anyone know how long this deal will be available until. I just contacted cs through chat and they didn't even know about the deal!!!
JamesDoh1980 to aandyr123
21 Apr 17 2 #35
Within the terms and conditions: Available to new and existing customers signing up via between 18th April 2017 and 9th May 2017.
21 Apr 17 #34
Keep getting an error after I enter my payment details. Anyone else?
21 Apr 17 #33
Had switched to the 500
Mins one.

Contacted customer service via online chat. And 3 mins later now on this one. Deal confirmed by text and email :-)
21 Apr 17 #32
Not quite....taken from the link you provided....

If at home you have unlimited mobile data or very cheap mobile data, your operator may apply a safeguard (fair use) limit on data use while roaming. If this is the case, the operator will have to inform you in advance about such a limit and have to alert you in case you reach it. That safeguard limit will be high enough to cover most, if not all, of your roaming needs. Beyond this threshold, you can continue data roaming, subject to a small charge (maximum €7.70/GB + VAT; this will decline gradually to reach €2.50/GB as of 2022).

So I think tariffs such as EE for example, where it states 500mb EU data, will remain the same.
Not sure what will happen with these Plusnet tariffs, as there is no stated EU data currently.
I'd guess there will be a set limit introduced, 500mb again perhaps
21 Apr 17 #31
I clinked on link and ordered but my order details say 4gb and £15 a month - has this happened to anyone else? Rand CS and they said they can't do anything about it yet as it's not live on the system.
21 Apr 17 #29
5 mins on phone. Extra gig of data. Yay!
21 Apr 17 #28
Does this allow (EE) access to wifi on the Underground?
21 Apr 17 1 #27
This is part of the EU Roam Like At Home directive ( this comes in 15th June 2017 and all allowances available within the UK will also be able to be used in EU/EEA countries.
21 Apr 17 #26
Done! Thanks op
21 Apr 17 #25
Done! You have to talk to customer services he didn't know about the deal! Wife pleased as more data but without the cut in minutes! Starts next time bill changes even sent a text to confirm!

*update customer service is fine! At least they all based in england took about 20 mins altogether! Maybe other people are having a harder time wit CS but never had any problems with them!
21 Apr 17 #24
Called 500
21 Apr 17 #23
I'm on the same deal but with 4gb data (signed up 2 weeks ago). Just called them up and they were happy to move me over to this deal :smiley:
21 Apr 17 #22
Hot Deal. Damn my inertia - with GiffGaff at the mo.
21 Apr 17 #21
Have you a link showing this information?
My understanding is that roaming won't cost any more per minute or per mb of data than it does in the UK, but this doesn't mean it's included in your allowance, unless it states it so.
21 Apr 17 #20
21 Apr 17 #19
Just left Plusnet, only because I needed global roaming. First class product and call centre, can't rate them highly enough. Yes, it's a no frills service, you don't get the nice little extras like WiFi calling or roaming packages but it does what it says on the tin.
21 Apr 17 #17
Via chat or phone? If phone what number?
21 Apr 17 #9
Tempted, as I'm looking to buy a Moto g5 plus. I'm with Talkmobile on 30 day sim contract at present. Only thing putting me off is i went with Plusnet Mobile on first day they started the mobile side up. Was a nightmare,they messed up moving my old mobile number,which i lost in the end,took a week of emails and calls to cancel,under the cooling off period, customer service very poor. Just wondering if they have improved at all, been with there Broadband for many years,never any problems. Talkmobile ok,but this is a much better deal and with 4g. Undecided to risk them again.
machomansavage to denwyn
21 Apr 17 1 #16
20 Apr 17 #4
I'm with Plusnet. Can i change to this tarrif?
angelhaseyes to mistermoneysaver
20 Apr 17 1 #5
Apparently yes you can. Check the legal bit on the checkout page.
OrribleHarry to mistermoneysaver
21 Apr 17 #15
I just did!
21 Apr 17 2 #14
I moved from giffgaff to Plusnet earlier this year. Overall I'm happy.
More data/£
Much faster
EE wifi calling enabled
No app. Have to use browser to see usage.
Can't use any "free" wifi on Underground
Never seem to get more than 3 bars of coverage anywhere. Often less!
20 Apr 17 1 #7
Anyone on pn mobile. Whats the 4G quality like. Got to be better than giffgaff surely?
p.s: Forgot to say. Nice deal Op.
Anon32 to sil0
21 Apr 17 2 #8
My wife went over yes much better than giffgaff! Only original 4g but you'll get 20 mb/ sec if you want 4.5g or 4.75g then you'll have to go direct to EE
Jabaltariq to sil0
21 Apr 17 3 #13
If it's anything like the EE coverage around the Herts/Beds border? Then it'll be $#!tEE.
21 Apr 17 #12
Thank you OP, two mobile phones in the family now on this great deal. :-)
21 Apr 17 #11
ah good point. Although Three includes these in addition to EU roaming, and probably more to come...

Hong Kong
New Zealand
Sri Lanka
United States
20 Apr 17 2 #1
shame they don't have something like 'Three feel at home' inclusive roaming plan?
disgraceUK to davewave
20 Apr 17 1 #3
That's all that is stopping me switching
dimbles to davewave
21 Apr 17 #10
As of July roaming will be included in allowances in EU countries.
20 Apr 17 1 #6
Very good deal. Thanks OP for sharing. Left giff gaff for this!
20 Apr 17 #2
just signed up for the 500 minutes deal, seems a decent deal and you get a three times as many minutes
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