heat looks good to me,by the way any one heard anything about stock coming in for the NES itself.
30 Apr 17#3
Nintendo just recently discontinued it, but there is noise about a SNES remake coming at the end of the year.
30 Apr 17#4
there's no more stock coming nintendo have discontinued it as of April , they're rumoured to be working on a mini snes version now
30 Apr 172#5
30 Apr 17#6
Nice one! Grabbed one of the Tri- Force heroes guide in-store. Shame there's no text on the spine :disappointed:
30 Apr 17#7
Thought there was to be one last small stock consignment for the end of April,but now Smyths And Tesco have put up no longer available signs on websites I have to agree no more coming its finito.
30 Apr 17#8
You never know, there should be a few floating about seeing they made around 1.5 million of em; I remember gettin the xenoblade chronicles with controller for the wii about 5 years after it was first manufactured from argos so you really do never know.
I'll have my paws crossed for you!
30 Apr 17#9
On Theworks TCB page it says we can't use cashback in conjunction with vouchers not approved by TCB....
Opening post
Another nice item is the The Legend Of Zelda Tri Force Heroes for only £4.80 using the code
All comments (17)
I'll have my paws crossed for you!