Here’s your chance to get all the great add-on content for Forza Horizon 2 in one bundle at one low price.
The Storm Island Expansion,
Porsche Expansion,
VIP membership and cars, and all 13 car packs:
Mobil 1, Falken Tire,
NAPA Chassis,
G Shock,
Top Gear,
Furious 7,
Pre-Order Pack,
Duracell, IGN,
Playground Select, and Fast & Furious car packs, as well as the Forza Horizon 2 Treasure Map. Forza Horizon 2 game required.
18 Apr 174#1
id want the game chucking in too at that price, its getting on a bit. FH3 must have been out nearly a year by now?
Wilsh88 to bradevosprint
18 Apr 174#2
Still a great game though, doesn't matter how old it is
18 Apr 172#3
great game and price just a shame they don't offer complete packages on release when your buying best edition and season passes on release its not the only game im refering to either and then more addons come out not included in a season pass or the ultimate spanky danky editions :S
18 Apr 173#4
Heat for price, unfortunately I own bits and pieces in it... I got Storm Islands when it was cheap and Car pass but don't have Porsche or VIP but do have the Fast and Furious stuff... I hate the way Forza does its DLC but the Horizons and Motorsports are all fantastic games. Even the older ones are still worth playing.
18 Apr 17#5
Doesn't help us that own a piece or two, begrudge paying for stuff I already own even if its still a good deal :disappointed:
Good deal even if the 70 odd quid "standard" price made me laugh a little.
18 Apr 17#6
im not saying its not a great game, all the forza games are excellent, but you wouldnt pay £50 now for a copy of forza motorsport 1
18 Apr 17#7
But annoying that they throw the pre order pack in :stuck_out_tongue: I've got most of the stuff on that list, heat added for the price, quite the savings :smiley:
18 Apr 171#8
Forza Motorsport is 12 years old, of course you wouldn't expect to be paying full price. Horizon 2 is not even 3 years old yet and still looks and plays great. This is a great deal for this amount of content. Heat.
18 Apr 17#9
So you can grab a used FH2 for around £10-11 on eBay (obviously with no DLC) and then get this.
So FH2 (the works) for circa £29 or FH3 (bobby basic) for £24.85 (via ShopTo)...
Opinions??? :neutral_face:
JayITFC to Barst
20 Apr 171#12
18 Apr 17#10
a lot of people will buy this thinking it has the game aswell
forza horizon 2 complete addons collection is worded in a way that makes you think the game is included because the complete is after the game title and before the addons collection bit
this is what we call in the UK sharp practice, deceptive selling
if it said forza horizon 2 addons collection complete i would know that it didnt have the base game
dexix to ijwia
19 Apr 17#11
Are you ok? I saw it on Xbox store and it is clear that you require the base game. I suggest you slow down and read things before getting over excited.
23 Apr 17#13
i'm ok thx, who is this microsoft fannyboy ?
23 Apr 17#14
Thanks. Took out a 1 month free trial of Gold this morning in order to play Ryse. Spotted this deal and purchased the pack as well as the £4 Porsche Expansion Pack for Forza 6. Excellent value for money.
Opening post
The Storm Island Expansion,
Porsche Expansion,
VIP membership and cars, and all 13 car packs:
Mobil 1, Falken Tire,
NAPA Chassis,
G Shock,
Top Gear,
Furious 7,
Pre-Order Pack,
Duracell, IGN,
Playground Select, and Fast & Furious car packs, as well as the Forza Horizon 2 Treasure Map. Forza Horizon 2 game required.
Good deal even if the 70 odd quid "standard" price made me laugh a little.
So FH2 (the works) for circa £29 or FH3 (bobby basic) for £24.85 (via ShopTo)...
Opinions??? :neutral_face:
forza horizon 2 complete addons collection is worded in a way that makes you think the game is included because the complete is after the game title and before the addons collection bit
this is what we call in the UK sharp practice, deceptive selling
if it said forza horizon 2 addons collection complete i would know that it didnt have the base game