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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Opening post
24 Mar 17
Been listed previously by bowdiddly but it's now slightly cheaper
Admin fee £198.00
Deposit £871.14
24 x 145.19 = 3484.56 total for 2 years £4553.70

Maintenance extra £31.20 a month

Average a month without maintenance £189.73
Average a month with maintenance £220.93
Top comments
Marekj to RajUK
24 Mar 17 8 #20
You aren't confused, you know exactly what the deal is (as you've illustrated it above), it's just not for you. This is a perfectly reasonable position to adopt, but not everyone feels the same.
cheeky_chops to RajUK
24 Mar 17 5 #24
​your convieniently forgetting car tax (150) mot(50), consumables like tyre(200), breakdown cover(50) repairs(250), mpg will be better in a new car (100) and lower insurance as new cars are safer (50) - so approx £850 per year to add on.
I went from a y reg volvo that cost £207 pm over 1 year to a brand new car that cost me so far £227 pm
24 Mar 17 4 #18
Might have been asked many times, but still I am confused ...
After 2 years , you are out of Pocket with £4553.70 , with NO Car. Agreed roughly £2K loss (depending on which car) for a used car, so £2500 + NO CAR in the end is what you pay for driving a NEW CAR ?
89quidyoucantgowrong to RajUK
24 Mar 17 3 #27
An older car depreciates less but typically is more expensive to maintain. I've had an XC90 from new and although depreciation is now minimal after losing nearly all its value in 12 years, it's been costing me around £1500 a year in maintenance for the last three years. Having covered 160,000 miles, many parts of the vehicle are simply wearing out. These problems don't exist in new vehicles still under warranty so there's a genuine saving to be had there versus an old banger like mine before you even take into account savings from vastly improved mpg.
All comments (110)
24 Mar 17 #1
Is maintainance worth for these leases?
mgk to RUGAAL
24 Mar 17 #2
Depends on how long you lease imo. I lease 15k a year for 2 years...So basically a set of tyres and one oil service on my i decided not to get maintenance .If longer then it starts to make sense or if a car that needs more regular services
colinmckenna to RUGAAL
24 Mar 17 1 #3
​No chance. £374 for a service is mental. No reason why after 16000 miles after 2 years that you need tires or brakes and any breakdown or issues are under warranty. So no i wouldn't bother
voodoo85 to RUGAAL
24 Mar 17 #19
Check total cost of maintenance against cost of replacing tyres as that is the main thing that will need to be replaced at your cost if you don't have maintenance along with manufacturer service costs

Worth noting that BRVLA guidelines state they should be same class tyres so if you have very good bridgestone tyres on at the start of lease with ratings of B/B for wet performance & fuel economy then the car will need to be returned with B/B tyres

So don't look up tyres with rating of E/E as a comparison of cost. I'm coming to the end of a 3yr lease and have had to replace the front tyres once but they cost ~£100 each so that is £200 out of my pocket.

Add in the annual service (service intervals dependant on manufacturer + mileage) costs which you also have to pay for yourself and it can soon add up.

When my lease goes back in June i will have had to pay for 2 minor services + a major service. Add in the 2 new tyres and i will have spent ~£700.

Some people will need more regular services depending on mileage and could possibly need all 4 tyres replaced during the lease so it may be worth paying for maintenance if that's the case
24 Mar 17 1 #4
Agree on 2 year but if you are doing 2 years at 15k or 3 years on 10k for extra 30 a month it likely starts to make sense.....Eg set of tyres and 2 services probably be close to 1000 on one of these
24 Mar 17 #5
​what do you have if u don't mind me asking? I'm interested in a 2 year least with around 15000 miles
24 Mar 17 1 #6
think it's actually 23 x £145.19 as first month is in deposit
marathonic to tourneyman
24 Mar 17 #10
Agreed. Overall cost is just £4408.51.
24 Mar 17 #7
Even with a 3+35 its only £164pcm.

You need to specify in the title it's a personal lease, no extra VAT to add.

Seems like a decent deal and even has metallic paint included.

Only downside is the lack of power in the Renault engine, 0-60 in 12 seconds or 0-60 eventually!
24 Mar 17 2 #8
It could be because it's a "famous" Renault 1.5dCi engine, where you need to replace crankshaft bearings with every oil change to avoid engine damage.

While other drivers usually search for holiday targets or at least low fuel prices, happy 1.5dCi owners reading or watching on youtube "1.5dCi engine complete rebuild"
I'm not joking - check here: 107k results:
24 Mar 17 #9
Interesting to know as I have one and it could do with an oil change soon. Never had any issues with mine at all, unlike my previous Octavia that had its conrod make holes in the engine casing.
24 Mar 17 #11
Why does the monthly cost increase the longer you lease the vehicle, surely as it gets older it gets a poorer deal in terms that the car gets worn down? I must be missing a trick here?:neutral_face:
tourneyman to quincemeister
24 Mar 17 1 #12
​it doesn't!
cheeky_chops to quincemeister
24 Mar 17 #16
​It controls over supply at manufacturer - and they can also still sell them on franchise forecourts with manufacturer warranty for top dollar after 2 years.
24 Mar 17 #13
It does, if I had took out a contract for 36 or 48 months the monthly cost is more?
24 Mar 17 #14
​apologies yes that seems strange
24 Mar 17 #15
you can also go with a 3 months initial payment and work out total £4570.38
yes it about £30ish more over the 2 years but this is good for those who don't want to pay that much upfront.
24 Mar 17 2 #17
cold - car hire
24 Mar 17 4 #18
Might have been asked many times, but still I am confused ...
After 2 years , you are out of Pocket with £4553.70 , with NO Car. Agreed roughly £2K loss (depending on which car) for a used car, so £2500 + NO CAR in the end is what you pay for driving a NEW CAR ?
Marekj to RajUK
24 Mar 17 8 #20
You aren't confused, you know exactly what the deal is (as you've illustrated it above), it's just not for you. This is a perfectly reasonable position to adopt, but not everyone feels the same.
bellboys to RajUK
24 Mar 17 3 #21
Leasing usually makes financial sense if you are the type who likes a new car every 2 years due to depreciation, the hidden cost of motoring that few people take into account when owning a car.
m5rcc to RajUK
24 Mar 17 3 #22
Are you comparing a new car to a eight year old car for £2k?

Think about it from a different perspective. If I wanted to buy this car outright with cash, I would need to fork out around £18k (with discount). The residual value of this car after two years and 20k miles is £11.9k. So in theory, you have lost £7k merely on depreciation. Plus you avoid the hassle of MOTs and long-term maintenance issues that diesels bring.
voodoo85 to RajUK
24 Mar 17 3 #23
If you buy a brand new car for say £20000, after 2 years the depreciation in value will be significant.

According to theAA "A new car loses value as soon as you drive off the forecourt and by the end of the first year will have lost around 40% of its value. This varies a lot though and the best may lose as little as 10%."

So a Infiniti Q30 which starts at £20,550 (according to manufacturer website) at best would lose 10% (£2055) and possibly as high as 40% (£8,220) and this is just in the first year
cheeky_chops to RajUK
24 Mar 17 5 #24
​your convieniently forgetting car tax (150) mot(50), consumables like tyre(200), breakdown cover(50) repairs(250), mpg will be better in a new car (100) and lower insurance as new cars are safer (50) - so approx £850 per year to add on.
I went from a y reg volvo that cost £207 pm over 1 year to a brand new car that cost me so far £227 pm
89quidyoucantgowrong to RajUK
24 Mar 17 3 #27
An older car depreciates less but typically is more expensive to maintain. I've had an XC90 from new and although depreciation is now minimal after losing nearly all its value in 12 years, it's been costing me around £1500 a year in maintenance for the last three years. Having covered 160,000 miles, many parts of the vehicle are simply wearing out. These problems don't exist in new vehicles still under warranty so there's a genuine saving to be had there versus an old banger like mine before you even take into account savings from vastly improved mpg.
Hibbers1 to RajUK
24 Mar 17 2 #30
Depends how you want to do your motoring, if you wish to own a brand new car with all the latest benefits etc. - you lose roughly 20% the minute you drive out of the showroom. If you lease yes it costs you £X over the period but no depreciation to factor in. As a true life example I lease a Citroen C4 (no not everyones cup of tea I admit!) to have bought it new 18 months ago the list price was £17999 (appreciate could have got for a little less), to buy the exact same vehicle today is approx. £8500 on a well know car website so over that period if I had bought it would have cost me over £8,000 in depreciation versus the £3,000 to lease.
24 Mar 17 #25
It's Infiniti.
24 Mar 17 #26
Wouldn't touch a diesel myself but definitely a hot deal
24 Mar 17 1 #28
- tyre(200), breakdown cover(50) - These still have to be spend for New cars as well
24 Mar 17 3 #29
A new set of tyres should last 20k miles from new. This deal is for 16k miles.

Most lease firms include breakdown cover for 'free' - i.e. part of the monthly payment.
24 Mar 17 1 #31
Most car manufacturers include breakdown cover for free on new cars, as well as cars serviced by them. As for tyres lasting 20k miles, there are so many variables that 20k is something to aim for, not any guarantee. The sort of roads you drive on, how you drive the car, how heavily loaded the car is, what speeds you drive at, tyre pressures. Even the outside temperature all affect wear rates.
24 Mar 17 1 #32
Its back. My dad may be interested haha
24 Mar 17 #33
Given the interest in these 'lease deals' lately, I'm wondering what other costs are incurred at the end of the lease period...people have talked about costs of tyres, servicing but what about those nasty little dinks to bodywork (stones, people with 'wide swinging' car doors)...I assume that adds a bit to the cost to get them repaired? Or is there an option for 'general maintenance' that kinda covers these problems?
malky39 to SSPanther
24 Mar 17 1 #34
​There will be general wear and tear allowed e.g a few stone chips, marks on body work, alloys. Take it back with big dents on every panel then you will pay handsomely for the pleasure
24 Mar 17 #35
im looking at leasing as a option for my new car. looking for a reasonable family car under 200 a month with 10000 - 12000 miles per year. can someone explain the risks of leasing? or offer any advice
24 Mar 17 1 #36
The tyres fitted to a brand new vehicle are likely to last much longer than subsequent sets. A new car sits tight and straight on the road, maximising tyre life. The tyres are firmly sealed to the rim, so accurate pressures are more reliably maintained. As a car ages, the suspension components wear and cause tyres to wear more rapidly, rims corrode and let air out causing tyre-damaging under inflation. The tyres on my XC90 are lasting much longer since spending a fortune having the front suspension rebuilt a few years back :disappointed:
24 Mar 17 2 #37
My previous car (Yeti TDI170 4x4) lost £190 per month in depreciation over the four years that I owned it.
I believe the Yeti is/was good in that respect.
My current lease is costing me £145pm in total, I think I would be prepared to pay up to £225pm to get something in the same class as the Yeti and not having to shell out £22-25k on a new car in one go.
There are some good deals out there if you look hard enough.
24 Mar 17 1 #38
I have a 5 series currently which and had a c class before - both on 2 years 15k if you bide your time you see some good deals come up interesting how the new VED affects prices. is a good place to browse allows you to put all sorts of optiosn in to search against.....also mportnat that deals like this sometimes get the inevitable "8000 a year - great if you want to go to Tescos once a week"...but sometimes working out the excess mileage is cheaper than specing a 15k contract upfront.
I have a 15k contract my wife has an 8k contract and if we exceed one is 7 p per mile one is 10.7 or similar
24 Mar 17 #39
Taking it up to 10k miles per year is an extra £12 per month, may be of interest to some who would struggle with 8k
24 Mar 17 #40
Sometimes I think they have specials to shift some cars and hit their numbers and then they must have option to sell them on at 2 years at a given price - hence they can do a deal - I have seen this quite often
24 Mar 17 #41
​What did you move to if you don't mind me asking?

I'm on my 2nd lease car which is a Skoda Yeti Elegance 2.0. I've had it for 46 months fully maintained for £235 a month, top spec, great mpg. Easily the most practical and comfortable car I've ever had. So it goes back in 6 weeks and I want something just as good but ideally a little bit cheaper.
24 Mar 17 #42
What did you move to if you don't mind me asking?

I'm on my 2nd lease car which is a Skoda Yeti Elegance 2.0. I've had it for 46 months fully maintained for £235 a month, top spec, great mpg. Easily the most practical and comfortable car I've ever had. So it goes back in 6 weeks and I want something just as good but ideally a little bit cheaper.
24 Mar 17 #43
Seems weird then that both Infinity and Mercedes use this engine
24 Mar 17 #44
In what?
24 Mar 17 #45
I looked at the Google link and nothing is specifically saying the crankshaft bearings need replacing. Sure there seems to be several related problems but I could make something up like "renault megane interior light problem" and if I type that into Google there are 88k results and probably related YouTube videos but I doubt it is considered a "common" fault.

I'm not disbelieving you but is there anything from Renault saying this should be done or some concrete evidence on this said problem?
24 Mar 17 1 #46
Renault while designing this engine, named K9K did some savings not implementing a thing called crankshaft bearlng locks, which is commonly used in other engines. Bearings can be damaged in any combustion engine, especially if there is anything wrong with oil - not changed in time, bad quality etc.
Lack of locks means bearings can be damaged more easily. As the result bearings doesn't stay in proper place any more and starts spinning with the crankshaft, which obviously damages bearings, crankshaft and engine block.

It's even easier in modern engines Euro5 or Euro6 complant, where engine uses excessive dosage of fuel to raise exhaust gases temperature to clean DPF filter - sometimes fuel excess manage to get between cylinder and piston and mix with engine oil.
While normal diesel engine bearings lasts 200-300k miles, there is history of K9K engines having such problems around 50-60k miles.
It doesn't mean if you buy a car with this engine it will fail. It means the risk is higher, comparing to other, properly designed engines. No more, no less.
24 Mar 17 2 #47
What has this got to do with a lease for 16K miles. I'm leasing, I don't care if the engine falls apart 3 years after I've handed the car back.
24 Mar 17 #48
This car uses the Renault as do Merc A Class (latest models)
24 Mar 17 #49
20,000 miles is average mileage for the front tyres of a front drive car.
24 Mar 17 #50
Infiniti, you mean?

Why is it weird? Infiniti is owned by Nissan. The Q30 is built on the third generation Mercedes-Benz A-Class platform and as a result, Nissan and Mercedes agree to share technology to lower their own R&D costs.
24 Mar 17 #51
Any Bentley's at this price available?
24 Mar 17 #52
Totally agree! I've gone from a 1998 BMW 528i to a Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid fully maintained for ballpark £70 per month real cost per month (taking into account everything!) got to be good at this price :wink:

24 Mar 17 #53
Bigger value loss for example
24 Mar 17 #54
I got told by someone on here that getting 23k miles on front set of tyres on Mk3 Octavia was bad and I was a poor driver. Lol. Some of those factors mentioned would have contributed such as weather (Scotland) and fast but windy country A roads (Scotland )..
24 Mar 17 #55
And while the platform is indeed designed by Mercedes, both cars (Q30 and A-class) are built in Infinity factory, using Renault engines.
24 Mar 17 1 #56
So buy it new instead then and sell it after 2 years. Let us know how much you're out of pocket then.

I can guarantee you'll lose more if you buy it than what you'd have paid to lease it.
24 Mar 17 #57
Absolutely awful car, nothing but faults including a lovey habit of randomly applying the brakes even if there's nothing else on the road!! Avoid this car
24 Mar 17 #58
Depends on the car and type of tyre, you will need to change ultra low profiles within 16K miles no matter how careful you are! and a full set easily exceeds £374
24 Mar 17 #59
Not all A class use renault engines, think its only the two bottom rung diesels
24 Mar 17 #60
I would find that hard to believe - 20K mile the average, no chance. I would think 15K tops being the average
24 Mar 17 1 #61
point well made i think this is the most important calculation when thinking about leasing - what amount extra per month am i willing to pay to drive a new car with modern features and improved safety etc.
24 Mar 17 #62
Great deal for what looks like a premium car. This model is a bit light on features but at that price that's hardly surprising. Don't worry about the engine reliability it will be fine. If not will be covered under warranty (up to 3 years).
24 Mar 17 1 #63
I used to think it better to spend a few grand on a used car and run it into the ground, but got tired of unreliability, unidentifiable problems, high tax and running costs etc.

Leasing seems to have become cheaper over the years and in many cases (agreed not all) makes sense!

I am 9 months into a 2 year lease and love it! No looking back

If you buy a cheap car, maintain it yourself and don't want to be paying monthly then leasing is not for you.

If you don't mind paying monthly to be in a new car with no MOT worries, generally better safety, economy etc then leasing is for you
24 Mar 17 #64
I have a car on 3 year lease, I am two years into in and the tyres will need changing in a few weeks, service already completed in December requiring another in 4K miles which will most likely be in august.
For me maintainers was a good idea having to change a set of tyres, two services and potentially brake pads towards the end of my lease.
For two year contracts I would not recommend maintained service unless you are doing 15k + miles a year.
24 Mar 17 1 #65
All 1.5 litre engines - both petrol and diesels - are Renault/Nissan made
24 Mar 17 #66
That's one ugly neo-Renault!
24 Mar 17 #67
My lease goes back in June after 3 years so will find out exactly what charges there will be then. But there is the BVRLA guidelines (available here) which detail things like chips and scratches cannot be through the paintwork or over a certain length.

Also things like kerbed alloys with marks over 50mm would be charged so i am worried there are quite a few things to check and possibly be charged for.
24 Mar 17 #68
I got 11000 miles from brand new quasqui bridgestone, then 9000 miles from the replacements (bridgestone).
So your logic may have some gravitas.
25 Mar 17 #69
imho, leased cars need different type of insurance, which may add extra cost.
25 Mar 17 #70
I'm on the VW Passat Alltrack deal

Obviously at the extreme end of bargain.
The Yeti is a brilliant car I would definitely have another, but the All track deal was too good to miss.
I remember seeing some £99 Yeti DSG deals about a month later and would have jumped on one of those if not already signed up for the VW.
25 Mar 17 #71
I'd rather get the 17 plate E class deal for the exact same price with 10k mileage...
25 Mar 17 #72
And where would that be ...
25 Mar 17 #73
Infiniti, you mean?

Wrong actually. The Q30 is made in Sunderland. The A-Class is made in a couple of places but mainly in Rastatt, Germany.
25 Mar 17 #74
You may find it hard to believe, but it is a fact.
25 Mar 17 1 #75
Yes, you're right. But that's even worse, unfortunately. I would trust more Japanese-owned (in some part at least) factory than German. Mercedes has too long history of dirty tricks, like lack of anti-rust layer in W220, MAP sensor integrated with ECU in A-class mk1, deliberately badly designed electrical harness in multiple models ( or - just to mention the their biggest blunders. There is no time and place for hundreds of smaller.

So as long I was convinced the GLA is made in Sunderland, it was - at least for me - worthy considering, but probably would choose Q30 anyway. Now the problem of choice is gone :-)
25 Mar 17 #76
Well, 1996-97 Mercedes altered the way it prepared its bodies for paint and the result was that all Mercedes from around 2003 to around 2007 rust very badly - known problem. Not a dirty trick, per se. The dirty trick could be considered to be Mercedes routinely refusing to honour the 30-year Mobilo no perforation warranty on the grounds that the cars have not been maintained to the contract standards.

Not a problem if it works, but ECU failures in MBs are common.

The problem with most, but not all, German cars is the perception of quality. That trait has been long gone for some time.

The GLA is a bit of a meh car. Nothing extraordinary. Very plain.
25 Mar 17 #77
I was looking for a lease with a premium feel. After reading the comments good and bad , i decided to go to a dealer to have a look at one...i was first hit with how few dealers their are but i found one in Cambridge. a total of three cars on display and one of them was a q30....not the spec i was looking for ,but gave me a idea of what the car looks like in the flesh and how it feels inside. I decided to order this lease with a 12500 mileage and 3 months initial payment. Thanks Op. just hope i get accepted for the deal and i have noticed on white available. when i ordered which was fine as i wanted white
25 Mar 17 2 #78
no it isn't - purely estimates and guidelines exist not a precise fact. The largest study available in the public domain (done by SMMT) has the front wheel average higher than you have quoted, albeit that is specifically within scope of a certain car in fleet usage over 6 years. The independent data isn't available to extrapolate beyond that scope and claim it as fact.
25 Mar 17 #79
You haven't read the posts in context.

Someone criticised the engine, therefore it's weird two premium marques would use it if the facts were accurate.

Thanks for correcting my spelling though. Well done there.
26 Mar 17 #80
did they give you a idea of how long it would be for delivery?
26 Mar 17 #81
i think she said 5 to 6 weeks....
26 Mar 17 #82
So the SMMT has a higher average and I quoted a lower one. yet you dispute it Bertie?

I will claim it as a fact because I and many others do get 20k miles out of tyres, on average. Go to the various online tyre suppliers and read their FAQs. Are you suggesting that because I get 20k miles usage from a set of tyres, that it is not a fact?
26 Mar 17 #83
Is it weird? Are premium marques not subjectable to poor engines?
26 Mar 17 #84
that seems a long time for a car that is in stock
26 Mar 17 #85
im new to leasing. so i couldn't say
26 Mar 17 #86
Where did you get this?
26 Mar 17 1 #87
Correct, it is a variance and regardless of being more or less it proves your fact is fiction.
Yet you started this stating the minimum is 20K (not average). Then you changed that to 20K on front wheel drive cars on average (the mean) and then when gazjon questioned you then decided to try stating it is a fact (nothing supplied to back you up as normal). It isn't a fact and if the minimum and average was so close together (you didn’t retract your first) then there be would be something very fishy in that data that gave that conclusion.
The closest you will get to fact in this is finding a statistical significance. What you are supplying does not fulfil anything scientific other than generic guidelines/estimates and referring to those that are not independent to retrieve.

The most detailed study here available is SMMT's but it is a very narrow spectrum of the most popular fleet car over 6 years gathered from the maintenance contractor. To make your assertion of 20K being fact for the average on front wheel drive cars you would need the complete data that goes well beyond SMMT's scope and just isn't viable in being available.

See you already did and it didn't get you very far did it? Hence the contradictions between the differing guidelines of minimum and average front wheel you have already quoted above that I can see where you got from your 10 second googling.
First that is now a differing fact to above.
Second the probability that you get exactly 20K on your front tyres is zero, it will vary and is on a continuous, not discrete scale.
Third you are having a laugh that you try to suggest you are the average use case whilst driving a lease Golf RS and like to quote trackdays at the Nurburgring in it! - certainly something doesn't add up there!
26 Mar 17 #88
Or it proves that you have nothing else to do but to be a pendant to the nth degree, as per usual.

My first quote was "A new set of tyres should last 20k miles from new". Should, Bertie. Not must. I do not know which tyres are supplied with this Q30 from factory.

This is a FWD car. If you drive normally, you would fnd that you can get, on average, 20k miles from a set of tyres. And one should certainly not need a new set in this lease term.

I will maintain this given that I've done it on a number of cars in the past.

I didn't realise you were the HUKD Regulator, Bertie. Congratulations on your new role.

You can do that in your spare time, should you wish to. You are still suggesting that because I get an average of 20k miles from a set of tyres, that it isn't a fact. Grow up, Bertie.

What did I Google, exactly?

What is a Golf RS? You assume that I only drive a Golf R. Keep guessing Bertie, it's what you do best.
27 Mar 17 #89
Pedant (the irony) but I take that as a compliment.

Missed your spell check who should we phone this time?
You can maintain it all you want and in your experience I wouldn't dispute. I do dispute you stating this is fact though 20,000 miles is average mileage for the front tyres of a front drive car. which is the statement you made. Correcting it to be in my experience, that I achieve or with my front drive car (a very specific narrow sample) wasn't your response to gozjon.

Is this the bit where you claim all innocence and that as you would put it I do not need to call people names to get my point across

No. To reiterate I am saying you can not say you are the average and claim as fact in this statement of yours 20,000 miles is average mileage for the front tyres of a front drive car.. This couples with one of your favourite statements of I relay facts, not opinions albeit last tranche (that was the title I started with) I got this out of you Am I not allowed to have an opinion?.
27 Mar 17 #90
Applied Leasing had the expired deal again, a bit more - to count for the road tax increase - so still great value.
27 Mar 17 #91
Generally, one would think if there was a significant issue with an engine like this that's been on the go for over 12 years (that I recall) they wouldn't use it.

Stop the trolling kiddo.
27 Mar 17 #92
Yes Bertie. You can have an opinion, But I can also disregard it. If you want to have a rant over tyre mileages, then take it elsewhere. I'm certainly not interested whether you believe whether I get an average of 20k miles from a set of tyres or not. As per usual, you've entered the debate late. Try getting in earlier next time :wink:
27 Mar 17 #93
The 1.5dCi dates back 20 years+.
27 Mar 17 #94
I am glad you are answering your own questions to yourself and giving yourself your own authority , t'is highly amusing with no rant needed :smiley:
27 Mar 17 #95
It's it's, Bertie.

Someone who stalks and goes out of their way to make rant is even more amusing.

Keep at it Bertie, it's what you do best :wink:
27 Mar 17 #96
This is - but try again
27 Mar 17 #97
Still misspelled it if you wanted to write 'tis.
27 Mar 17 #98
That also debateable and could be challenged as should be 'Tis
27 Mar 17 #99
Debatable, you mean?
27 Mar 17 #100
you missed That's too :P
27 Mar 17 #101
I had a call today and they are now saying 3 to 4 weeks
27 Mar 17 #102
You mean misspelt. This is a British web site.
27 Mar 17 #103
One can use both misspelt and misspelled. They are both past participles.
27 Mar 17 #104
According to the wiki - it's been out since 2001 - so we're both wrong. Engine code K9K
27 Mar 17 1 #105
Certainly doesn't add up at all. Before I replaced my Fiesta ST I'd done 16k miles from new. At that time, the front tyres were just short of minimum limit for replacing. I'm no high speed driver, and certainly don't do track days. My average fuel consumption being 42 mpg shows I hadn't thrashed the car in the 2 years I owned it.
27 Mar 17 1 #106
why not replace the fronts for the back tyres half way through the life cycle
10 Apr 17 #107
Anybody had any luck with this offer? Any striking differences between the SE model and the Business pack model? Seems like a nice car, good deals cropping up quite often on these. Never see them on roads, so nice if you want something different
10 Apr 17 #108
Two reasons, firstly I was getting rid of the car before the tyres did need replacing, and also why equalise the wear so that you then have to buy 4 tyres at once? If it were 4WD then yes I'd have done that. :smiley:
4 Jun 17 #109
I always used to think this was a good idea but then when I asked a mobile fitter to swap mine round he said he would but what is the point, you are still getting exactly the same amount of wear just swapping round what tyres it's on and juggling wear around.
25 Jul 17 #110
did anyone get the car... any hukd reviews?
also how much is excess mileage and is there a limit for excess miles?

the car is back in stock but more expensive
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games

£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Spread the word - don't keep it to yourself
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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