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Back in stock - Apple iPhone 7 £514.98 delivered @ Smartfonestore
3.5 stars +224

Back in stock - Apple iPhone 7 £514.98 delivered @ Smartfonestore

£514.98 Smartfonestore10 Mar 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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10 Mar 17
For those who missed out 3 days ago.
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daBluone to Roger_Irrelevant
10 Mar 17 17 #2
^^ Apt user name

Deal heated
10 Mar 17 11 #1
All my friends used to have Apple phones but they got tired of all the expense and being locked in, and the lack of innovation, so they went to Android. :disappointed:
10 Mar 17 4 #16
Me personally I buy iPhones because:

Apples customer service/Telephone Support
Fast software updates
Resale Value
Genius Bars for any Issues
Apple Pay

These and the fact that Apple keep supporting devices via software update for 4/5 years no android phone does that even Nexus/Pixel (Google only supports 2 years)
10 Mar 17 3 #20
Currently using a Google Pixel because I prefer Android but I sneakily gave the iPhone 7 a spin for about 4 days a couple weeks ago (I'd bought it for my brother as a present but wasn't gonna see him until the weekend) before using my brother's old S7 Edge that it replaced (albeit with a smashed front screen) and here are my conclusions:

- Pretty much all high end phones are unbelievably similar these days; When it boils down to it, they all have great cameras and a fast when browsing the internet

- The iPhone feels way more premium than Samsung and Google's flagship offerings

- I don't play mobile games so I can't speak for gaming experience on these devices

- The iPhone 7 is the only phone hardware that has seriously impressed me since the Nexus 5X (yes, the plastic, small battery and poor camera having 5X)

- The iPhone 7's vibration engine (they call it 'taptic') is the most underrated feature of any modern smartphone

- The iPhone 7's sound quality from the headphone jack is unbelievable (with my Band and Olufsen H3 in-ears)

- The iPhone 7's lack of a headphone jack is actually more annoying than I expected

- The iPhone 7 has the best form factor out of all three devices I tried

- The curved screen on the the S7 is just plain annoying. Does anyone actually find it useful?

- Everything about the S7 and Touchwiz just feels, for want of a better word, oversaturated

- The Google Pixel really isn't significantly different to the Nexus 5X I owned before it. Approaching the upgrade as a lifelong android user ( Motorola Milestone 2 -> Xperia Arc S -> Nexus 5 -> Xperia M4 Aqua -> Nexus 5X -> Pixel ) it was a very very underwhelming change.

- Android Pay > Apple Pay; because it's far more convenient to access

- The iPhone's video capabilities are way better than any android phone going

- The Google Pixel is by far the most boring phone I have ever owned

- Android > iOS but they're still pretty much neck and neck in terms of functionality these days

- Android notification centre >>> iPhone notification centre

Taking another look at the waffle I just typed out, I sound fairly critical of my pixel. What I mean to say is that it's not a bad phone, just that most reviewers give it too much credit by calling it the best android phone ever made, even though it's hardware is mediocre and its software hasn't had any significant changes since Lollipop imo. Overall iPhone 7 > Pixel > S7 Edge because while Android is the superior OS, the iPhone is just a lot more impressive and a lot more fun to use.
All comments (46)
10 Mar 17 11 #1
All my friends used to have Apple phones but they got tired of all the expense and being locked in, and the lack of innovation, so they went to Android. :disappointed:
daBluone to Roger_Irrelevant
10 Mar 17 17 #2
^^ Apt user name

Deal heated
f2k8 to Roger_Irrelevant
10 Mar 17 1 #12
I'm just surprised quite a few female friends of mine have bought Android phones instead of the iPhone 7, after owning every iPhone previous to it. Don't know what finally knocked some sense in to them, crazy what a 3.5mm jack can do!
10 Mar 17 1 #3
Keeps showing as just 1 in stock since the last 2 hours. So either the stock is not there or no one is buying it.

Nothing exciting for this phone to cost £500, so voting cold. Doesn't even have OIS for the camera. :smiley:
daBluone to abhijitdash123
10 Mar 17 #4
Not sure if serious or trolling? It does have OIS.
craigrathbone to abhijitdash123
11 Mar 17 #36
Just because you don't find it exciting doesn't mean this isn't a good deal, find me a cheaper iPhone 7?
10 Mar 17 #5
10 Mar 17 2 #6
Save yourself some dollar and get the iPhone SE
tomwatts to WestMidlands
10 Mar 17 #7
Best phone I've owned if I'm honest. I've gone through a lot over the years but I got this as a stop-gap that would'nt lose money between what I thought would be my Xperia Z5 (which broke) and a S7/S7 Edge. Still using the SE to the day!
10 Mar 17 #8
I thought these had IOS? :confused:
10 Mar 17 1 #9
no jack, no innovation justifying the price tag... seriously the iPhone is on its way out like Nokia and blackberry before it...
10 Mar 17 #10
Good price, but personally waiting for the 10th anniversary model. I would hope to see a bit more innovation with that one like we did when the 5s was replaced with the 6.
simonc23 to thearbiter65
10 Mar 17 #14
It's the ease of use and built in familiarity that people like. A lot of owners aren't bothered about being ahead of the curve. We like to be the middle of the curve where things have been improved on instead of early and buggy.
konicky to thearbiter65
11 Mar 17 #28
Trouble is that's likely to be really pricey! latest rumours suggest a 7S and 7Splus which will be similar to the 7 and an iPhone Edition model with all the new tech which will be crazy expensive.
10 Mar 17 1 #11
I don't think the iPhone will ever be on its way out! but that's your opinion! I think the new IPhone X in September the top model (if rumours are correct) will be Apples best phone in years!
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