and a lot safer than many of the no-name Chinese ones on eBay
20 Feb 172#3
Good price but even Poundland 5w leds works great!
anewman to adi0604
20 Feb 17#20
Oh no, 99p extra for a branded product. How will we ever survive?! :smile:
tranceybowler to adi0604
20 Feb 171#21
They do... for 6-9 months at which point they all failed without exception in my experience!
20 Feb 171#4
I bought 16 of these for Kitchen/hall to replace existing 50w gu10 halogens a few months ago. Work well but they're brighter than the halogens were. We've got used to them now but were in 2 minds to take them back. Please bear this is mind if buying.
20 Feb 17#5
Are these actually any better than these also at Screwfix that work at £1.40 per bulb?
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