These are very good drill bits paid about £9 for the same ones a few months back
doozeruk to smudge95
27 Feb 172#6
Are you sure yours aren't the dewalt extreme 2 ones? They are always about £9 and far out class these. I always buy the extreme ones now, last so much longer and go into concrete lintels easy too!
spannerzone to smudge95
27 Feb 17#8
I suspect you're right, the extreme ones are in identical pack and usually £9. I agree they outclass the cheaper ones and almost every other masonary bit I've tried over the decades (excluding SDS) if you have tought brickwork or concrete I'd only use the extreme bits and with my high torque Makita 458 drill it makes drilling a relative breeze.
27 Feb 17#2
£3.52 at Amazon if more convenient...
jans to healthandsafety
27 Feb 17#5
It's an Add On item which means you have to have a qualifying order of £20 (even if you have prime)
27 Feb 17#3
Got these before. Pretty good
27 Feb 17#4
I use these - they are good for the money.
27 Feb 17#7
At 70 pence a drill bit who cares,I use these all the time and never let me down, Amazon is brilliant,I use them all the time,easy to spend £20 to avoid postage so many good deals going on all the time,try them you won't be disappointed,if you are just let me know,kind regards.
jans to healthandsafety
27 Feb 17#9
Nah, why would I bother having to bulk up and inflate an order up to £20 with unnecessary products just to get a £3.59 item when I can just easily drop into the nearest Screwfix when I'm heading to the local supermarket. Your way they would effectively cost £4 each, not 70p.
27 Feb 17#10
You need to go back to school, little boy.
28 Feb 17#11
School, eh? Well the last time I was at school. 5 divided into 20 was equal to 4. As I've already said, (and I certainly won't be responding again - because if you don't get it then you don't really understand the basic fundamentals of this site) is why would anybody waste their time and money messing around trying to look for additional goods that they don't really want or need and spend over x5 times the amount of just that one single item that they did require when they could simply pick that same item up at any time when they're passing... Not only that, chances are, you would very likely need to be at home to receive these extra items because of the additional bulk you have added to the parcel, you've also unnecessarily tethered yourself into hanging around or having to chase up the delivery of these items that you didn't want in the first place.
28 Feb 17#12
yes they are a good buy on amazon if you are buying something over £20 not worth spending just for the sake of it though, I already do too much of that already. would liked to have seen a 7mm in the set seem to use a lot more of that size
28 Feb 17#13
If your a keen diyer I would pay the extra and get the dewalts extreme 2 £9.99. Had for couple of years and still going strong. Worth spending the extra on masonry bits. Really annoying when having the tip break off and then having to replace one in a set.
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