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virgin media tvxl v6 box plus 200mbs fibre inc line rental. customer retention deal £20.50
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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17 Jan 17
so I was going to join BT, mainly for the better wifi connection plus the bonus of getting BT sport in the package. after £110 topcashback and £150 reward card it was going to average out about £23 a month. so I gave my 30 days cancellation notice (virgin couldn't get close orginally) and signed up with BT. a few days later I got a call back from virgin asking if there was anything they could do to keep me, I said I don't think so but was willing to listen. and I was offered the new v6 box with full house tv xl package including BT sport (no movies) plus my old tivo box in another room new hub 3 upgraded to 200mbs including line rental for £20.50, discounted from £73 a month! a £49.99 installation fee would be charged but I'd be credited that back as they want to keep me. it was an offer I couldn't refuse. I wasn't trying to blag anything and was prepared to try BT for a year and wasn't expecting virgin to be able to beat them. I might still end up trying BT next year as my wifi signal isn't much better with the new hub 3 but I've installed a wifi booster now which helps.
Top comments
118luke to stonedave
17 Jan 17 7 #4
You got lucky. Last time i rang up to cancel virgin, they offered 10% off and when i said no, they cut me off immediately! Had to ring them back with my tail between my legs asking them to reconnect it!

Virgin are nowhere near as good as sky to haggle with.
Im currently with Virgin on 70Mbps paying just short of £30 a month (broadband & phone only). Desperate to switch to something cheaper/faster but there doesn't seem to be much about?
All comments (120)
17 Jan 17 2 #1
You can put your hub 3 in modem mode, and use a wifi router with good wifi. The Hub 3 hasn't got very powerful wifi.

Thanks for sharing your personalised retention offer. Just goes to show what is possible if you meet the right conditions. Out of interest how long have you been on cable and what was your package/price before?
DarkWhite to androidavis
17 Jan 17 #2
This does sound good, I go through the whole BT routine every year, but I'm paying something like £40 for a similar deal, TV XL, 100 mb and line rental on basic phone. Have you had a bill in yet though, 1 year they totally screwed me over on what they offered and what they gave, get that contract in writing pronto.
17 Jan 17 1 #3
​been with them 4 years and after the last price rise was paying about £46 for a standard package. lost count of the number of price increases since I joined!
118luke to stonedave
17 Jan 17 7 #4
You got lucky. Last time i rang up to cancel virgin, they offered 10% off and when i said no, they cut me off immediately! Had to ring them back with my tail between my legs asking them to reconnect it!

Virgin are nowhere near as good as sky to haggle with.
Im currently with Virgin on 70Mbps paying just short of £30 a month (broadband & phone only). Desperate to switch to something cheaper/faster but there doesn't seem to be much about?
17 Jan 17 1 #5
as androiddavis has already mentioned if Wi-Fi is a major importance I recommend putting the home hub in modem mode and look for a good router with a better spec for WiFi, It's very simple to do.

Your other option would be is to get a power line adapter and buy a wireless access point, that should at least cover the room the AP is in if it's only a typical AP.
17 Jan 17 2 #6
​I've put in one of those net gear mini wifi range extenders and it covers my whole house now, will see I how I can get on with that. it was frustrating when I couldn't get a wifi signal on one side of the house but could find my neighbours BT signal no bother!
Shqip to stonedave
17 Jan 17 2 #7
Just when i thought i had the best deal, paying £39.99 for full house xl movie inc BT sport with 200mbs broadband, this one comes along. A little disappointed now
jh787 to stonedave
17 Jan 17 1 #8
Op was giving them silly money, so it makes sense to keep him\her as a customer even if it means them paying a lot less.
People that aren't as profitable to the company won't get such a good deal.
Heat for the post.
Nice to know where the goalposts are on these retention deals
17 Jan 17 1 #10
bud that's still an awesome deal there. How many other people can boast as such!
17 Jan 17 #11
It normally takes 28days for them to cut you off?
I cancelled, they offered me a better deal I said no, they said ok we'll cut you off in 28days as thats the notice we need, I said fine... 12 days later they rang to offer me
£38 a month;
Fun XL Tv package
150meg broadband with Superhub 3
Phone line
17 Jan 17 1 #12
My last two VM bills were £98 & £92. I was on XL tv, 50 meg bb and line rental with TiVo box and extra box in bedroom. Spoke to retentions and got it down to £48 per month for six months and £51 after that. Girl put bb up to 70meg too. Guess it's luck of the draw who you talk to.
Triads to Lornauk
17 Jan 17 1 #15
They will contact you within the 30 day notice period to try to keep you. I gave them my notice (was on phone and 100mb broadband) and they offered me 200mb plus phone a lot less than i was paying. They tried to get the tv too but I had just signed with sky for £20 a month with £100 credit so I didn't bite. Funny thing was every time I said "no i'm staying with sky" they dropped the price again, they ended up offering me 200mb broadband, the largest tv package and phone for £39. Not as good as the op's deal but not bad, i stayed with sky. Just stick in your notice and see what happens, and negotiate hard, you can always rejoin on day 29 if you want to stay with them.
17 Jan 17 #13
My wifi coverage was good even with vm hub 2 after relocation to center of my house. But cant coupe with their price keep increasing every 3/4 months. Although they offer 2,3 times after cancel, now i'm stick with sky. Sky Q more worst with wifi coverage but just bought new router with their £55 quidco cashback :laughing:
118luke to z_dane
17 Jan 17 1 #17
I know i keep reading that on here.
Happened twice, once to me and i tried haggling at my parents as well. Both times they immediately cut off and told me i would receive a final bill in 28 days.
I will try again in Feb and see what they offer.
17 Jan 17 1 #14
Virgin are offering to cancel the contract I have with them due to the horrible utilisation issues in the area.

Currently paying 55/month for xl Internet phone and M TV.

Wouldn't mind staying if they upgraded me to the gamer package with an extra 10 credit.

If I was to move ISP, who is recommended?
17 Jan 17 1 #16
I was on the £5 pm (+ line rental) uswitch deal from a year ago with £50 bill credit.

This had 30 days left a week ago, so I phoned as I always do to re-negotiate. Been with them since Telewest etc. In the past the cancellations always seemed to give reasonable deals but not this time so I gave 30 days notice quoting a couple of deals I could get elsewhere. Sure enough, within 1 week retentions phoned me but after some pushing best he would do was 50mb bband only for £20 (close enough to the 50mb bband only for £18 they were doing for new punters 3 or 4 weeks ago), or £22.25 for 150MB bband only . I don't use phone and make #alternativearrangements for tv so I went for the 150mb at £22.25 for 12 months. Nowhere near as good as the OP, but I've probably never been particularly profitable for them, since I've only ever had haggled minimal services from them
17 Jan 17 #18
If I have broadband only with them, am I still able to get this deal? I phoned them 1 week ago to cancel the contract.
17 Jan 17 #19
It's not a 'deal' pe se, since retention offers are customer & agent specific.
17 Jan 17 #20
This is a fantastic deal! I'm paying £23pm, I get 50Mb and Phone Line, contract is up in June or July. I hope they can offer me something like this then.
drdoom2k to drnkbeer
17 Jan 17 #21
Brillant deal. That is, if you are actually in a non-utilised area where your broadband speeds do not go down to 5% of capacity between 19.00 - 23.00!
17 Jan 17 #22
It's time for my annual call to Virgin to re-negotiate, will bear this in mind cheers!
ShoelaceExpress to Begize
17 Jan 17 1 #23
It sounds like you could get that down to something more in the region of £20-40 with another provider or by going through retention, I used to sell broadband and some people get utterly exploited with how much Virgin/BT charge them but don't realise because they think they're already getting a great deal for being a "loyal customer" - you're definitely one of these people!
Everything you have in your package will be attainable for dramatically less, shop around and don't let them take out another bill at that price after this month!
17 Jan 17 #24
This is more of a competition than a deal. We've been with virgin since it was CableTel, maybe 25 years or more, and constantly call up to get a better deal, threatened to leave many times, but never get anywhere near this. I have the old TiVo box with only basic free view channels, Superhub 2 with 100mb broadband and evening/weekend calls for £43. Apparently that's a good deal and they refuse to make it any lower or add anything else on. Even want to charge to upgrade to current equipment. That includes line rental too though.
17 Jan 17 #25
It is pure pot luck I gave my 30 days notice about 4 months ago missed one call never got another one from them, ended up allowing the cancellation to go through and connecting again on the same package under wife's maiden name, Same package I had previously but saving myself around £25-£30 a month and cashback of like £130 I think. (They offered me originally when phoned £3.50 discount...). They even have the cheek to say oh we need 30 days notice even if you have been out of contract per say but sure will probably do all again in 10 months time and switch back to my name.

No direct number anymore for retention's and if you phone the number back they call on, you just get "Hi its V Media we called you but missed you etc etc we will try again" guess not, I had been with them for 10 years at this point. This team that phone are the only ones who can give these kind of deals normal number you phone via options cannot match or come close to the proper COT/Retention's team.
17 Jan 17 1 #26
Totally agree. I'm with them since NTL and got maximum 10% off. Tried few times and spent more than hour on phone each time. OP was just lucky.
17 Jan 17 #27
I have the same as you but m+ tv was £27.40p but went up to £30 a month at the last price rise.They did give me a £3 a month credit for 6 months though.So actually went down to £27.that includesline rental.
17 Jan 17 #28
Just renewed all I got was anew hub 3.Wish I had known/waited for new box ...sounds like just what I need :disappointed:
17 Jan 17 1 #29
I currently receive 200mb Broadband and unlimited anytime phone package. Pay £40 a month all in. Have always had fantastic deals regarding virgins BB and phone. Got rid of virgin's TV services a long time ago ( boxes look and proform poorly ) I have tended to use Sky as my reason for leaving as they offer upto 76mb in my area, slower maybe but also free/cheap if you get a good deal. Virgin have always been able to match/beat prices I've quoted.
17 Jan 17 1 #30
This sounds like my situation. I'm on 70meg BB, and don't really use the phone except for saying no to PPI callers, and I'm paying about £37.
If they offer me closer to £20 I'll stay..
17 Jan 17 1 #31
After haggling last year managed to get line rental, weekend and evening calls, 100Mb unlimited broadband and the large TV package ( limited HD and no Sport or Movies ) for £42 per month. They are ringing today with a retention offer as the contact expires next month.
17 Jan 17 2 #32
Personally I dont think retention deals should be allowed to be posted. usually zero proof and just frustrates other people into believing they got a worse deal that the OP. Not voting cold but not proven.
RoosterNo1 to usetheforceluke
17 Jan 17 1 #33
Be prepared to phone them EVERY month when you are billed "incorrectly"...
17 Jan 17 1 #34
spoke to virgin 2 weeks ago the girl on the line offered me 200mb xl tv all channels other then sky movies basic phone line hub 3 activation cost reimbursed as credit for £35 all in rang next day to activate hub they changed there mind said it was wrong after numerous phonecalls they eventually honored it but it's a joke of a company not worth the hassle after year if I don't get similar deal ile leave virgin
17 Jan 17 1 #35
Great offer. I on the other hand am paying £41 for a much lower service with vermin media and when I phoned up to take it to the most basic package I was told it would cost me more. Horrible company can't wait to leave. Good deal tho so heat added.
BristolBillyBob to gillhoose1888
17 Jan 17 1 #37
You were going to BT? You completely dodged a bullet there. :wink:
scorpio iscariot
17 Jan 17 1 #36
Fibre is quite good with Virgin.Just hate the interface on the tv box
17 Jan 17 1 #38
i have the unlimited phone calls and 50mb broadband which will go to 70mb this month.

I don't want toe phone. in fact it is a nuisance with the amount of calls i receive from ppi, etc.

So i just want broadband. currently paying £40

What is best deal and what should i be paying. \

Also have 2 mobile sims from virgin £8 for 1gb data and 1000mins

Any other offers around as i'm willing to move now.
17 Jan 17 1 #39
We finally got rid of the TiVo boxes after months of hassle with them! They are so slow and clunky, and the way they mix on-demand content with recordings was really annoying! Also - when watching content from another box, the quality was appalling!

We switched the TV to sky, so we have a virgin phone (not that we need it), 200mbps broadband with virgin, and sky q silver, for £3 a month less than we were paying having the lot with virgin - and I don't think I could go back to TiVo - the sky boxes are out of this world in comparison (ever tried iplayer on the TiVo?), and there's so much more on demand content on sky!

Think we pay £80 combined including sky q silver with an extra box, and the sports and movie channels. And we got a £100 Tesco voucher from sky too.
R_branson to bma1445
17 Jan 17 #40
You morons asking for retentions deals are the reason for the price increases in the first place. If you're going to leave then just leave. Your bluff will be called. Bleeding us dry!
17 Jan 17 #41
This is so excellent and a good reminder for me to try and haggle. I keep putting it off. VM have hiked my bill up to 46 pound a month and I only have broadband and telephone! I don't even need the telephone! I have been with them years and I am worried about what to say to them on the phone. I can live without the tv box thing but I'm sure there must be a better deal like with sky or something. Anyone got any ideas of what I can say or quote? Thankyou x
17 Jan 17 1 #42
I do really like VM broadband but think the price hikes are ridiculous
17 Jan 17 1 #43
Do some Google research on what competitors offer (talk talk, plus net and Sky even etc).

Then you'll be armed with evidence of cheaper deals.

Start the conversation with you're thinking of leaving as it's costing too much and better deals elsewhere. ....

Bear in mind the person you initially speak to can't offer you a great deal. ....

The best deals come when they call you back to try and get you to stay after you cancel.

Worst case scenario - threaten to cancel and if not a good deal offered, make sure they note up on the system what you've been offered then give your 30 days cancellation notice.

You should get a call back within a couple weeks.

If not you can call to 'cancel' the cancellation, and take the deal they offered. .....

Good luck...
17 Jan 17 1 #44
I actually signed over to BT and requested my home number be transferred. I also gave Virgin 30 days notice. Virgin must have got a request from BT to transfer it over. Then I got a call from virgin retentions which ended in them offering me phone line paid for a year, 50mb broadband and xl tv with £2 discount and I now pay £50 a month, which I think is good. Trick is give them 30 days notice and make sure you have something in place, oh an transfer your phone number. That way they no you mean business.
17 Jan 17 1 #45
Find the best Sky deal and keep note of it, give them 30 days notice via new order with a phone number transfer to new provider, they will call...outgoing retentions is who you want to haggle with, my mate just got £15 off one of their new 12 month bundles that started a few months ago, bargain at £40 - its on promo at £55, 200MB Full House bundle (240+ channels, 50 in HD) with new V6 box including current Tivo going to bedroom
17 Jan 17 1 #46
Ask to move to the Fun bundle
£49/12 months

Ask for a discount since you been with them so long

Fun Bundle: Dial up the fun with kids’ channels, documentaries and Sky favourites
Catch Up including Sky On Demand – plus Netflix on TV (if you subscribe)
500GB TiVo box – pause, rewind and record live TV
VIVID 100 – up to 100Mbps with unlimited downloads
Inclusive unlimited weekend calls to UK landlines and Virgin Mobile numbers, plus weekend calls to 0870 numbersϪ
190+ channels
Upgrade available to the Virgin TV V6 box, powered by TiVo® – our smallest, smartest, fastest box yet
17 Jan 17 2 #47
Yup - put in a transfer number request, then Virgin know you mean business and outgoing retentions get down to business :wink:
17 Jan 17 1 #48
Thank you I will try this tomorrow x
18 Jan 17 1 #49
​yep definitely need to put in the transfer request and be prepared to leave. they know most people say they're going to leave but are just bluffing. There's always an £8 loyal customer discount which they can give anyone easily.
18 Jan 17 1 #50
My initial 12 months Vivid 200mb deal has ended this month and I just called them to see what can I negotiate. Selected option to leave on the telephone options, spoken to the guy saying that my initial fixed term is now ended and I was reviewing the market to see what it can offer me, they guy checked his system and said that they can reduce my bill from £45 to £40 if I want to stay on the same package but then said he can offer me a packaged deal of 'Full House XL' tv package, plus vivid 200 plus phone with free weekends for £35, 12 months contract. I said 'hell, ya!' he then transferred myself to sales who continued to take my order, there was activation of £14.99 and install charge £40 added but I negotiated to levy at least install charge. She wanted to add also sky sports bundle for free for the next 3 months but I don't watch sports so refused. At the end she confirmed the deal and also added that this offer is valid for two years but my contract is only for 12 months, in case I would want to extend for another 12m I can stay on the same deal.
18 Jan 17 1 #51
​Wish it was that easy for me, tried several times and they couldn't go lower than £55
18 Jan 17 #52
I called and asked for this offer, the cancellation department couldn't offer me this but knew of the deal, she said I might get a call back from retentions but couldnt guarantee it. I went through with the cancellation anyway and currently waiting for the call where I will do my best to get this great deal
18 Jan 17 #53
​Thats reassuring. We have been on the biggest package available since day 1 so have been heavy payers for years, it's about time I started to get some "loyalty" from them. Thanks for convincing me to give them a call :smiley:
18 Jan 17 #54
​Thanks, I've decided enough is enough. Paying far too much for far too long. Even if they don't contact me back within a week following unsuccessful negotiations I am not the type that would call them back with the tail between my legs. I would rather find an alternative provider. I've already looked at BT but would have to suffer much less BB speeds,
18 Jan 17 #55
I just put my package down to basic phone basic TV and basic BB and I'm paying £50 a month. Where as prior to that I had xl TV talk weekends and 100 mb BB. Biggest con artists going vermin media. No wonder Branson is so rich.
18 Jan 17 #56
​So how much was you paying before you downgraded your package?
18 Jan 17 #57
hi called virgin asked for this offer they were not having it. offered it for £35 with £14.99 activation.
I said I seen it on hukd they did not care.
Stonehaven how can you we prove to virgin media you have this offer?
have they send a email that you could upload
if no proff, nobody else can get it!!!
18 Jan 17 #58
​I've put the photo of my contract as the post image. I guess you've just got to prove that you're willing to take up a better deal with someone else and hope they'll match it or beat
19 Jan 17 #59
After seeing this, I phoned them to tell them I was considering cancelling my subscription and they offered me the same package they give new customers for £5 more a month (and only for 100mb broadband, not the 200mb offered to newbies) and a £115 activation/installation fee for the V6 box... no haggle in them whatsoever! To quote: "I can only offer you what's on my screen".
19 Jan 17 #60
Got a Call today from Virgin ( My contact finishes in 30 days). Offered 200Mb BB, New V6 Box, line rental, weekend and evening calls and the Full house Bundle ( Lots of HD channels + BT Sports). £47 for 6 months and £57 for 6 months ie £52pm - any thoughts?
21 Jan 17 #61
finally got round to calling them up. issued 30 days notice. They offered to drop the price, I said no thanks. They asked who I was leaving for, I said no one at the moment so time to sit back and await the phone call
23 Jan 17 #62
I am in the same position, I told them I would probably go to BT. So far they have not been in contact...
23 Jan 17 #63
My deal from last year just ran out and was going up to £40 a month for broadband and phone, I did online help to see if they could off a discount, they said no - I was on the cheapest package they could offer (full standard price)! So don't bother trying that.
I rang up to cancel and was offered £5 a month discount, so said no and they put cancellation through.
First call from retention's a few days later offering £10 a month discount at the best they could do, I said no and continue cancellation (they called a couple of times the same day till i answered) - Note I said Sky was £17.50/m.
They rang again a few days later, I said I was given an offer rejected it and why were they calling again, the guy offered me pretty much the same deal, i said no and to not call me again and he said i would be taken off the list.
So another call this morning (a few days later) i didn't answer then another call just now, this guy offered me 70Mb broadband only (no phone line) for £18.50 a month for 18 months on a 12 month contract with 1 month free so I said yes (mentioned Sky again).
Now wondering if I could have got better!
23 Jan 17 #64
​likewise, they have made no contact thus far...
23 Jan 17 #65
Called just now as at end of 18 month contract. Was offered £64 for 6 months then £67 for 6 months. Pointed out that new customers get same package for £55 but they said I'd have to wait until 3 months after I'd left before they would consider me a new customer. Have cancelled anyway.
24 Jan 17 #66
Wowzers that is a great deal you got.

I am on £47 plus line rental for TV XL and 200mb BB. which I think is a rubbish deal.
24 Jan 17 #67
Trying to force the issue a bit by tweeting them, I'll let you know how I get on.
26 Jan 17 #68
So I finally got a call back, and tried to get the deal mentioned above. They weren't having it, and said the deal expired last month - unknown if true.

However, I managed to get my bill down to £50 for Full House for 12 months, with two TiVo boxes. Not as good as the above, but it will save me £240. Better than a kick in the teeth!
26 Jan 17 #69
its strange how customers get different prices for the same deal!!!!
26 Jan 17 #70
I just called them to cancel my broadband on the 50mg £24 deal i was on. I said i wanted to move to Plusnet as it was cheaper... but after a bit of back and forth i stayed with them and got the 4k Tivo Box, 200mg broadband and XL TV package for £35 a month. Certainly not as good as this guy posted but im happy with it (less happy since seeing this!)
26 Jan 17 #71
​Is that including line rental?
26 Jan 17 #72
I just got Full House for £50 too but only with one Tivo. I reluctantly accepted - it is £27/month less than current. They want me to send the old Tivo back - let's see if they actually send me a box to return it in!

I just checked Quidco. If I were a new customer I'd get £55/month but £220 cashback which nets out to less than £37/month. Sheesh. oh well.
28 Jan 17 #73
Got the same deal for £16. Thanks OP!
28 Jan 17 #74
well done spacevsgravity

​​how did you get the full house tv ,200mb bb and phone line with weekend calls for just £16 a month?
how did u manage that?
do you any pics?
28 Jan 17 #75
​Hi inti. I've read OP's post again and there are a tiny bit differences.
I've got full house bundle with 200mb broadband and weekend calls. The TV box isn't the V6 like what OP got. It's the normal 500gb one but I'm getting the Hub 3 as I mentioned connection issues(currently on hub 2). The main issue is, upgrade will take place in march as all the slots had been booked.
As for myself, we've been with virgin for around 2.5 years and have always paid line rental upfront. Currently paying £17.5 for 100mb and weekend calls so this is a bargain!
I got this by calling upgrade team and advised how my online upgrade offers are more expensive then what's on main website. She said she could offer me this for £35 excluding like rental. I said it's too much, she says to speak to retention, transferred my call there. Told guy I need TV, he was like there is an offer going around, put my call on hold to see if it was available or not then says it is.
My line rental had been paid till august and contract was finishing in April so I'm surprised I got it! I haven't received any confirmation email from them so can't post anything. Will call them tomorrow about it.
28 Jan 17 #76
Main bit from my essay. Customer rep adviced this offer is running from start to end of this month so everyone have a try! it might work for you.
My contract will go back to £77 hence I'll be skipping paying line rental upfront again incase they don't apply the discount.
28 Jan 17 #77
£35 total cost - £19 line rental = £16
29 Jan 17 #78
thx for the explanation
30 Jan 17 #79
iv managed to get unlimited calls anytime, 50mb BB and Tivo on the basic package for £20pm
30 Jan 17 #80
I got the same retention deal yesterday by ringing up saying i would cancel. £35 for 200mb broadband, phone and Full House TV package but was only offered the Tivo box, they wanted an extra £50 for the v6 box. I did get the SuperHub 3 thrown in as mentioned connection issues with the SuperHub 2. Might still ring up and try to haggle the v6 box as well...
30 Jan 17 #81
same thing yo! I tried but it didn't work. He did hint that they could offer me free installation from second room when I'm up and running. btw when is your installation date.
31 Jan 17 #82
sorry two different hukd accounts. installation date is Thurs but they're just sending out the equipment and setting up myself.
Spacevsgravity to chrismaguire4
31 Jan 17 #84
I mean so soon
31 Jan 17 #83
​woah. how did it you get it so cheap
1 Feb 17 #85
had the new v6 box a couple of weeks now and am definitely pleased with it, so much better than the old tivo. I player and youtube load instantly with no buffering where as I player wasn't even watchable on my tivo. all the menus seem to work faster and smoother and although I've never needed to record 6 things at once I often had annoying clashes where programs overlapped on the old system especially with the suggestion recordings, so that's no longer an issue. I'd definitely recommend everyone to push for the new v6 even if you have to pay installation fee it's worth it!
1 Feb 17 1 #86
​can't say the same for the new hub 3 though. never get anywhere near the supposed 200mb, not even 100! barely any improvement in wifi signal either, certainly wouldn't recommend anyone pay extra for the 200mbp without some sort of guarantee.
1 Feb 17 #87
Totally agree.

Love my V6.

Bizarrely upstairs V6 is not plugged into ethernet cable (on wifi), yet can watch recordings etc on downstairs V6....

Result! !
1 Feb 17 #88
​well I just got a call back from them but hung up on her in a rage ! Hugely offended and insulted by their offer. a lot of back and forth, being put on hold so she can "talk to her manager" but ultimately offered Full house TV, weekend calls and kept on 154mb broadband for £60.50 with offer to replace my faulty TiVo box and £14.99 installation fee for the hub 3 which I was to do myself. WTF ?!! I asked about replacing the faulty TiVo box with the V6 and again put on hold. She came back with new customers only and I had to pay £140 with a £70 credit back to my account.
It was at that point I pointed out their Full house bundle included V6, 200mb fibre and the same calls I was offered for £55 and £14.99 install. She was given both barrels and hung up on.
I don't understand how someone who has been with them less time and paying less can be offered a cracking deal yet they offer me worse than a new customer.
1 Feb 17 #89
Just got called also.
About a week ago I was offered New Tivo Box, Line rent (E+W), Full House Tv for £52pm (all in)
First Bill had Line rental also, so equalled about £67pm.
So rung up and cancelled.
Previously was paying paying £42pm for line rental(weekends and evening)/100M BB/ Basic Tv.
They rang today ( Loyalty team?)r ang today and offered 70Mb BB, Line rental (E+W calls) Full house pack - £61pm
Still in cancellation period.
Got flyer through the door - Sky - come back to us
Sky Original bundle, Unlimited Fibre, Line rental - £40.99pm for 18 months.
1 Feb 17 #90
have you signed up with another isp yet? best deals seem to come once virgin have had a request from another provider to change your line over, otherwise they call your bluff and assume you're not really going to cancel. a lot of people cancel and then uncancel with no intention of ever leaving and virgin are well aware of it. also be prepared, make sure you know exactly what you'd be getting from another provider including bb speed, download limit and channels. know the price exactly including cashback, reward card and any installation fee. ultimately be prepared to leave, if you're not willing to leave then you're not going to get the better deals. of course not for that comes with a guarantee, so if needs be try someone else for a year, you can always rejoin next year on a new customer deal + cashback.
1 Feb 17 #91
not signed with anyone yet. weighing up options between BT and Sky but also received a letter from Sky offering same as Gordo 1964; Sky Q 2TB, original bundle with sky fibre max + line rental for £40.99p/m for 18 months which I'm seriously tempted by with the one downside being broadband speed would be less than 1/3rd what I get currently. Maybe time to get signed up and see if VM will pull out all the stops to keep me... let's wait and see
dead4red69 to GrumpyJo
1 Feb 17 #92
It's the first of the month, I'm guessing Virgin staff have monthly sales targets?
1 Feb 17 #93
​good point, well made. The longer this drags on it maybe is time to switch and like you say, get a better deal as a new customer seen as that's all they seem to care about
1 Feb 17 #94
​sky often have great offers and they're sky q box is excellent I understand. but although they advertised fibre broadband where I live when I checked I was only able to get about 2mbs! so BT was my only realistic alternative. virgin have a lot of people over the barrel in regard to their broadband speed.
1 Feb 17 #95
​unfortunately they don't appreciate customer loyalty :disappointed:
1 Feb 17 #96
​the guy who gave me my deal was going to the canary islands a week later ( told me all about it) I wonder if that had anything to do with his targets?
beanzzzz to stonedave
1 Feb 17 #97
went to cancel with bt, offered me a p%%£ poor package, apart from virgin what others are good at the mo
1 Feb 17 #98
Been to Currys an offering Unlimited Fibre, Box Set Bundle, Sky - pay as u talk, for £45pm and £35 upfront. Add £4 for weekend and Evening calls. Says I should get 40Mb BB.
liltitch1997 to gordo1964
1 Feb 17 #99
Whats the best way to start this. My mum is currently paying £50 for 70mb, M+ tv and talk weekends. Would it be worth her cancelling and i try to sign up as a new customer or something?
1 Feb 17 #100
​basically I cancelled and signed up for BT which worked out about £23 a month after cashback and rewards card. I was prepared to leave and go to BT and kept saying I wasn't interested in what they offered but was willing to listen. eventually after the cancellation went through and BT had contacted them I got a call back offering full house xl tv package and new v6 box with 200mbs broadband and new hub for £20.50. I was expecting to go with BT but couldn't turn down that offer. you have to know exactly what you're getting and be prepared to leave. my dad did the same as me but didn't get a call back so he's going with BT, but he's happy with that. however if she doesn't want to go through that hassle, can always just ring and say she's wants to cancel as she's unhappy with price rises. retentions team can only give an £8 months loyalty discount and give about £50 - £100 account credit. good option if she doesn't really want to leave.
2 Feb 17 #101
well I'm calling up sky TV today. Regardless of the outcome I'm happy to give sky a go for a year and a half
2 Feb 17 #102
​make sure to sign up via up to £155 cash back equates to about £10 a month of your bill
GrumpyJo to stonedave
2 Feb 17 #103
I'll have a look on there and see what they have to offer. Thanks
2 Feb 17 #104
So it looks like VM retentions team are afraid of dealing with me after giving the poor girl both barrels yesterday then slamming the phone down on her. My wife was in town and they tried calling her mobile but she didn't hear it ringing in her bag. Interesting to see what they come up with.
2 Feb 17 #105
You are lucky if you get this deal from my experience, we have been using the service since the old cable wireless days and once started off with a good package but each year it has been a fiasco to get a reduction in cost. Often at the expense of loosing a service like anytime calls, tv channels or broadband speed.
Now on the lowest of packages with basic tv (tivo), 50mb (hub 2) and line rental at a cost that is going up to just over £40 (inc a £5 Loyalty discount). New customers are only paying £29 and will be able to possibly gain cashback.
Have rung up several times but never get anywhere with them, first time was an offer of a £1.48 reduction when it went up by £2.48 at the end of last year, asked about the V6 box and told it would cost me £67 plus line rental, having a laugh I am thinking to myself.
Another call was a little better but still no cheaper than a new customer, that worked out £36.67 for the basic package plus 60 extra channels (probably useless like the customer service offers). Again this is including a £5 loyalty discount.
Said you are offering me no better prices or services than a new customer and want to give my 30 day notice, was asked if I want to keep my number "Yes, of course", he said "your new provider needs to contact us before we can activate the 30 day notice". I am sure this is not correct and it was just done to delay the inevitable but think I will have to ring back again to confirm the cancellation.

Has anyone else had problems with transferring there current telephone number? we have had it since even before cable and wireless, was once with BT.
2 Feb 17 #106
I gave them my 30 days cancellation notice and was asked if I wanted to keep my number which I said yes. Essentially you will only be cancelling your TV and broadband as you are asking to keep the line open in order for your next provider to contact them so it can be switched over. You will still be charged for the phone line until the switchover takes place. We received emails from virgin to reflect this
2 Feb 17 #107
you can give your 30 day notice at any time once your contract is up, they don't have to wait for your new provider to contact them for that. the only thing they have to wait for is if you want to keep the same phone number, then they will keep your line active until they have been contacted. what if you just wanted to cancel altogether and just wanted to go mobile?
2 Feb 17 #108
Also it has been pointed out that the retentions team don't offer the really good deals to keep you until another provider has made contact with them which hopefully I will find out shortly :smile:
2 Feb 17 #109
Thank you for the quick replies and clarifications. Landline number is used for business and registration purposes, think it helps look more professional rather than just a mobile.
Maybe next year we will shift everything over to just mobiles with the ever increasing line rental costs.
GrumpyJo to metou
17 Jan 17 2 #9
Not really a 'deal' as such as it's specific only to you, but a much better price than you were paying so I'll give you some heat.
I've been with virgin since they were Telewest. currently paying £146p/m and less than impressed with the WiFi on the superhub 1, so it's pretty concerning to hear that the hub 3 isn't an improvement ?
We have sky sports/movies which bumps up the cost plus TiVo multi room which is another £10p/m. Honestly, a waste of money. Haven't watched any sports for months nor the movies which repeat over and over. would love to be paying as little as you.
Makes me think is your offer purely based off of leaving for BT ? If I handed in 30 days notice and not leaving for another provider would they try to retain me with a cracking price after being a customer for 12+ years or just say 'ok, thanks anyway, bye bye'
Spacevsgravity to metou
3 Feb 17 #113
Thanks for replying, will I'll see how it goes. Also, lady quoted me £115 for tivo! :neutral_face:
2 Feb 17 #110
You are right. Landline and mobile number will always get my business over just a mobile number. I've had a few bad experiences with just mobile numbers who simply will not answer your call when they know you ain't happy you work carried out.

That aside I've just signed up with sky. install on the 14th so VM will need to get their finger out. If not, no big deal. I'll be happy to pay half of what I was and have sky for 18 months
2 Feb 17 #111
Right lads, received my contract and low and behold there is an activation charge of £40. Lucky for me I had a chat log saves where I clarified there was no charge involved. If they say it's to stay on I'll want to for V6.
stonedave to Spacevsgravity
2 Feb 17 #112
bloke on the phone told me that the activation fee would show on my contract but i'd be credited on my next bill. so I checked and it was on the contract so wondered whether i'd get the credit or not, but got the bill a few days ago and it was all there and all credited, actually only paid 7.50 for this month in the end as I changed contract part way through last month!
3 Feb 17 #114
they are plucking crazy prices out the air as they said I had to pay £140 for the V6 but would be credited £70 back. That was the part that boiled my blood and made me snap. kinda feel a little guilty now
3 Feb 17 #115
Finally got THE Call from Virgin. Lovely person on the line. 150Mb BB, Phone weekend and Evening, Line Rental and Full house TV package + new Tivo box. £47pm - Happy days for 12 months.
3 Feb 17 #116
if you have full house, then it's just £50 for upgrade and then £15 installation.
3 Feb 17 #117
​new TiVo box as in the TiVo V6 box ?
5 Feb 17 #118
7yrs with them, my service cuts off on Wednesday, spoke several times with retension who not offering anything worthwhile, I'm better off signing up as new customer.
5 Feb 17 #119
Whatever works for you man. They don't deserve your money. Go with whoever offers you the most.
6 Feb 17 #120
​Im kinda in the same boat. Been with them over a decade and the last call was pointless. Only really looked at reducing the phone package, offered the hub 3 as WiFi shocking on my hub 1 and replace my dead TiVo like for like. When I asked for the TiVo V6 they wanted me to pay £140 with a £70 credit on my account. They called a few times since I slammed the phone down but the phone only rang 3 times then stopped so never had a chance to answer and speak to them again.
Their loss. My Sky Q 2TB is on its way and due to be installed on 14th of this month
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