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SIM Only Plusnet 2000 Minutes, Unlimited Texts and 2Gb Data £7.50 pm via uSwitch
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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6 Jan 17
Been after a cheap SIM only that can be capped, this looks great. You won't find the deal on the Plusnet site, it is only via uSwitch.

2000 minutes, not the 1000 that has been previously posted

Great for the kids, can't see many using over this amount of minutes

30 Day rolling contract, so you can cancel anytime.
All comments (86)
6 Jan 17 #1
Cool, voted hot...
6 Jan 17 2 #2
earlier post

word of warning, I took one of the sims out and it arrived to late to activate before my current supplier new month came started, delayed in the post, no fault of theirs. However, as it was delayed I tried to speak to them, 40 minutes on hold to be told on webchat to speak to someone to be told I needed the sim to cancel but to chat back when it arrived and they could cancel no problem. when it did arrive, 30 minutes on webchat to be told you can only do it over the phone, then 45 minutes on hold to customer service to be told, needed to put me through to another department, again 45 minutes on hold. The guy then offered me credit for the month I would have paid with the other company but by then I was all held out. Difference between plusnet and life as it used to be is amazing, you got through to them no issues at all with Life.
6 Jan 17 #3
Have to agree there that the customer service with Life was miles better, however the Webchat with Plusnet seems quite responsive.
6 Jan 17 2 #4
We've got three completely separate mobile accounts with them and have had no problems whatsoever, new sims arrive next day and CS have been quick and efficient. Jump on chat if lines are busy and if it's a must speak in person issue ask them to call you.
6 Jan 17 #5
customer service are indeed rubbish. Needed 3 different sims just to change plan. And other number plan being changed is heading that way too.

Shame, as they have some good deals, and are on ee.
6 Jan 17 #6
hope this is still going in March when my 12 month EE deal is up !


6 Jan 17 1 #7
wifi calling?
Answered - Not supported by plusnet.
mistermoneysaver to GDawes
7 Jan 17 #33
I use an EE signal box and wi-fi calling works fine. I'm on the mates rates 4gb data doubled up to 8 GB unlimited text s and mins. £10 a month.
6 Jan 17 1 #8
Just started the £5 pm Sim yesterday calls, Text works fine but no data, live chat with plusnet didn't help even after resetting APN settings, now sending me replacement Sim!
A few recent Plusnet forum threads stating the same problem on different phones:

The last thread link stated their problem ended up being due to a faulty sim so if your replacement sim doesn't fix it, then the problem is elsewhere.
6 Jan 17 #9
This is 2000 minutes, not 1000 :-)
6 Jan 17 #10
Must be a new uswitch deal! The 1gb £5 one is directly on their website! I still got the £1going into 8 months now only need 500 mins but that one is 2000 bargain lol
jco83 to Anon32
6 Jan 17 #13
1gb £5 is on Plusnet website?
6 Jan 17 #11
The worry is will the price go up
Anyone had the price change on a monthly rolling sim
ijw0161 to aabarcellos
6 Jan 17 #12
Can't see that in the near future tbh. If they do just find a better deal, as its only a 30 day contract
6 Jan 17 #14
This deal is only available through uSwitch on this link

Link to deal on uSwitch
6 Jan 17 #15
I can see that. I was enquiring about the 1gb £5 tariff mentioned. I found it anyway, it is on the Plusnet website
6 Jan 17 #16
Has anyone on the lower 1000 minutes had any joy getting them to up the minutes to this deal as an existing customer?
Thar to BigYoSpeck
6 Jan 17 #21
That was one of the great things about Life. They allowed existing customers to upgrade to new customer deals. I doubt it will be the same on Plusnet.
6 Jan 17 #17
Who's infrastructure do these use?
BigYoSpeck to Marek
6 Jan 17 1 #18
6 Jan 17 #19
ee 4g
6 Jan 17 #20
good deal
6 Jan 17 #22
I went for the unlimited mins texts and 4gb 4g data today! Spoke to retentions to get it tho. The only thing that scares me with PLUSNET IS the RPI plans go up every year in cost. LIFE DIDN'T DO THIS
6 Jan 17 1 #23
​They sent me the settings on email and now working fine. Very helpful.
Just Wondering
6 Jan 17 #24
Which network does the sim use? Voda, o2 etc?
faddy54 to Just Wondering
6 Jan 17 #26
EE. (EE and Plusnet are both owned by BT)
Fatboy40 to Just Wondering
6 Jan 17 #28
EE... Plusnet are a BT Group company.
6 Jan 17 #25
​same issue with me. I got my SIM yesterday. no data. I was told that because I initiated number porting, the issue could be due to that. now waiting for number porting to finish, to see the issue goes away.
6 Jan 17 #27

Appalling customer service since the BT Group moved them from being Life Mobile and run directly by EE to being a Plusnet branded product.

I'm still waiting for a port to complete that started on 21/12/2016, and I've been calling them regularly and been told utter bulls**t by them.

The moment the port completes I'm moving the number away from them.
6 Jan 17 #29
Can existing Life customers now get 4G from Plusnet? If so does that involve getting a replacement SIM?
6 Jan 17 #30
does anyone know how you switch voicemail off on this network any help appreciated thanks
Just Wondering to royy
7 Jan 17 #39
Ty, do they have a android app for WiFi calls and SMS?
6 Jan 17 #31
Has anyone tried using their sim in ee locked handset? Wondering if it would work.
6 Jan 17 #32
They where great as Life Mobile. unfortunately Plusnet have **** them up. service has droped twice twice this month and after signing to this deal i cannot login. i have checked by dialing 500 and all of a sudden i have less allowance than what i had before signing up. the have messed up.
7 Jan 17 1 #34
Just to inform you, the customer service provided is still Life mobile. It is just Plusnet branded now.
7 Jan 17 1 #35
I should add that the calls are routed to same support agents that dealt with life mobile before.
7 Jan 17 1 #36
Can you share data with other devices via a WiFi hotspot? Giffgaff won't let me do that! This is cheaper and I'm minded to change.
7 Jan 17 #37
From looking at their site there are no additional charges to tether. So I would assume that is okay.
7 Jan 17 #38
For those who want to contact the mobile support team the contact details are as follows;
Call 500 from your Plusnet Mobile or 0800 079 1133 from any phone.. This will save you waiting for broadband and landline technical support and will route you through to the existing support for mobile.
7 Jan 17 #40
Is that the same Life Mobile customer support team? :smile:
7 Jan 17 1 #41
Yes it would work
7 Jan 17 1 #42
Currently yes. The only change is the name, from Life to Plusnet mobile. :man:
7 Jan 17 1 #43
Can you call 500 and ask?
7 Jan 17 #44
​It doesn't apply to the 30 day contracts.
7 Jan 17 #45
Can one port after the contract has started and, if so, is there any time limit?
7 Jan 17 #46
​giffgaff allows hotspot
7 Jan 17 #47
Yes, it is, however something has definitely changed.

Maybe they've reduced the size of the Plusnet 'team' in the corner of their office, masses of them were off ill over Christmas or on holiday, but their customer service quality has dropped off a cliff.
7 Jan 17 #48
I've just called them up and upgraded to this from my current 1000 mins 2gb £7.50 tariff no problem. Takes effect at next billing date. Thanks OP.
7 Jan 17 #49
I just got off the phone with them AGAIN, God they don't have a clue do they.

No idea when the port I requested on 28/12/2016 will complete, said I'll receive 'compensation' but when pressed on what this will be they could not answer me, and in general whenever I gave a difficult question to the customer service operative they they hesitated and could not give me a straight answer.

I asked to speak to a supervisor / manager, was told that they would call me back but I said I'd rather be placed on hold and wait. Twice I waited but was told they're busy and will have to call me back, so the manager couldn't even be bothered to take a few minutes of their time to help a customer.
7 Jan 17 #50
Great deal.

I bought two life mobile sims a few months ago and find they are great if you dont mind the glitches here and there. Second sim was faulty but they sent out new one which was fine. Sim sometimes loses signal and phone has to be switched on and off to reset the signal.

Not used them for data so cant comment on data reliability. Tried the data when i first got the sim and seemed as fast as my EE sim but not used data since.

I would buy this if you are after something that is good value and dont mind the odd glitches here and there. I would buy this as a secondary sim.
7 Jan 17 #51
​I had the same , but a reboot of the phone sorted it.
7 Jan 17 #52
​I had called their helpline the night before but waited 35 minutes then gave up. called again today and to be fair they answered pretty well right away, you have to contact them to switch voicemail off which they have done.
7 Jan 17 #53
​​I had called their helpline the night before but waited 35 minutes then gave up. called again today and to be fair they answered pretty well right away, you have to contact them to switch voicemail off which they have done.
7 Jan 17 1 #54
I used an old Orange locked iPhone 4s with my new PlusNet SIM and that works fine, so EE should definitely work
7 Jan 17 #55
Really, I didn't know that. Have you got a link?
7 Jan 17 1 #56
​Quote (note the proviso that it applies if you have a phone supplied by them)...

About our charges
If we provide a mobile phone with your plan your new monthly plan price will increase every year in March by the annual percentage increase in the Retail Price Index (RPI), published in the preceding January (see our RPI Guide for more information).
7 Jan 17 #57
I phoned up the other day querying this, after I paid my 6th payment. Was told I can have 4G but need to move to the new tariffs.
7 Jan 17 #58
Thanks. I'm SIM only on a 30 day contract, so should be ok.
7 Jan 17 #59
Just find a better deal in a year then? Or alternatively the better minutes , text & data bundle that you posted...
8 Jan 17 #60
just rang them for this deal ( am on ee 512mb 1000 mins unlimited txts £10/ month payg) Now got 4gb data, unlimited txts, unlimited mins, for £10 /month. So got 3 sims for me, mrs, and sprog. Very happy. Thanks OP. HEAT
8 Jan 17 #61
If this is 30 days contract, does it means that after 30 days the price may change and for example data allowance or minutes etc?
9 Jan 17 #62
No. It just means that you aren't tied into a contract and are free to leave whenever you wish.
9 Jan 17 #63
​Thanks. cool.
9 Jan 17 #64
Plusnets having huge data issues with the new batch of sims they're sending out ... Calls and text work , no data .. They've sent out 3 different sims and same thing , no data .. Check the plusnet forum lots of customers complaining
9 Jan 17 1 #65
I was about to bite until I read about the problems on their forum. Until they sort it out I really can't see any point in joining their network.
9 Jan 17 #66
You just have to give 30 days notice.
9 Jan 17 #67
Comment hopefully they fix this problem soon..
The deal is a really good deal for running on EE. I have another Sim that I purchased about five weeks ago.. And that one is running perfect. 4g data speeds are amazing
9 Jan 17 #68
Highly recommend this! HOT HOT HOT!!
9 Jan 17 #69
Im only getting 1000mins on my tariff, same price, can i ring them about this deal an get the extra 1000 mins?
9 Jan 17 #70
Ring them and tell them you've seen the deal on USwitch and they'll upgrade you. Not sure if the new mins will kick in from your next billing period as you're moving tariffs essentially.
10 Jan 17 #71
Has anyone successfully done this since they changed to Plusnet? I know Life would upgrade you at no extra cost?
10 Jan 17 1 #72
I was on the phone to Plusnet to cancel yesterday, and the person I spoke to said they would match to any deal they're doing on USwitch.

I was trying to get the Mates Rates 8GB for 4GB deal PlusNet broadband users get, but it was a no go. But was told if the deal had been on USwitch, the guy even browsed there to have a look, he could do it.
13 Jan 17 #73
Did not know this.... any idea when the rules changed?
13 Jan 17 #74
​Yep. Did it the other day. No problems at all, the allowances just change at the next billing date.
13 Jan 17 #75
​ no idea. I am with them a little bit more than a year, and always doing hotspot.
13 Jan 17 #76
"​Tethering is authorised on all our goodybags and gigabags with a limited data allowance, and when using airtime credit. On our £20 Always On goodybag tethering is allowed for the first 6GB of data, after that tethering will not be available. "
16 Jan 17 #77
im thinkin gof moving my daughters away from tesco, there on £7.00 pay monthly sims which gonly give 500mb but finalyl got my pac code from tesco and they said that it wont last and that plusnet will pull the plug on it, they will say that wont they. but i have three of these tesco sims which i'd like to kick away becaue of the bigger data bundles but concerned now about the problems with the data.
17 Jan 17 1 #78
The data problems appear to be fixed. I received two sims the other day and they both connected straight away. 4g service has been excellent with good connections all over the place, it was very rare for me to ever get a 4g connection with the Three pre-paid data sim I was using previously. So for us it's all good so far, I just hope that they don't start rationing service quality as user numbers grow.
18 Jan 17 #79
Ok that sounds positive, i was quite disappointed with Tesco tbh they just said it cant be matched and do you think plusnet will be around in 6months time still offering these deals.
18 Jan 17 1 #80
Plusnet Mobile had screwed up the provisioning of their services from their network provider, EE, and once resolved this sorted out the data issues. However their customer service is still poor, with at times blatant lies, and I'll be moving two numbers away from them later this month admittedly paying more for the contracts but I'd rather have good customer service and pay the extra for it.

Funny that Tesco asked if Plusnet will be around in 6 months time, they're the BT Groups bargain basement consumer focused communications provider, they'll be around for years to come (unlike Tesco's online video streaming service and low end tablets).
19 Jan 17 #81
FYI, I went for this deal last week. Sim arrived 2 days later. Number was ported 2 days later. No problems at all, and generally very easy to do. They keep you in the loop the whole time via email which I thought was good customer service.
20 Jan 17 #82
how is it going guys after first few weeks?
21 Jan 17 1 #83
I had an old orange locked handset and it worked, so ee should be fine, as it is effectively Orange
21 Jan 17 #84
Had excellent customer service so far and everything they have promised has been delivered so no issues here! On the 19th jan i quoted i had pre registered for the new deal which ended 13th january unltd mins/texts 4bg data £10 and they still honoured it so worth a try!
21 Jan 17 #85
How do you pre-register?
21 Jan 17 #86
It was sometime in December before launch, they dont check so you could say you pre registered and wanted to take up the offer obviously all depends who answers the call wether they give it! they did say it was expired but put it through anyway.
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