I have the 27" 144hz version of this. It. Just. Rocks. Very good screen for FPS gaming.
spannerzone to synasla
22 Dec 161#11
Yeah my AOC 24" monitor rocks too, side to side if I move the desk :smile:
This looks like a pretty decent deal, have some heat my fine fellow.
22 Dec 16#4
freesync range on this is 48 to 75 hz,
good if you don't want to spend a big bucks on a Gfx card.
below info is from a review of a monitor with a similar freesync range.
"While a faster monitor may spoil you, this one will still have no trouble keeping play above 40 FPS unless you have an older graphics board. Our Radeon R9 285 is getting a little long in the tooth, but it still provides an excellent experience at this resolution. Far Cry 4 on Ultra detail maintained rates over 50 FPS and occasionally hit 75. Tomb Raider was also very playable on Ultimate detail and kept speeds solidly above 60 FPS even during the most intense moments."
i had noticed that one, but i will be using the monitor for gaming as well and have an rx470 in the pipeline with few other bits so can make use of the freesync it has too. It seems like a decent enough price but finding reviews is proving a little difficult for it. Best I could find was a reddit post
22 Dec 16#12
thank you sir
22 Dec 16#13
I've been using this monitor for close to a year. It's perfect as a low cost freesync screen. My R9 290 handles most games quite well so the 48 frames minimum for freesync is fine. It has been cheaper in the past so I can't vote this hot, but it still represents good value if you have a 290/390/fury/470/480.
Opening post
This looks like a pretty decent deal, have some heat my fine fellow.
good if you don't want to spend a big bucks on a Gfx card.
below info is from a review of a monitor with a similar freesync range.
"While a faster monitor may spoil you, this one will still have no trouble keeping play above 40 FPS unless you have an older graphics board. Our Radeon R9 285 is getting a little long in the tooth, but it still provides an excellent experience at this resolution. Far Cry 4 on Ultra detail maintained rates over 50 FPS and occasionally hit 75. Tomb Raider was also very playable on Ultimate detail and kept speeds solidly above 60 FPS even during the most intense moments."