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3 Oct 16
Great deal considering £30k list price and DSG variant.

Initial monthly rental - £2400
23 monthly rentals of £108.93
Admin fee - £239.99
Total payable - £5145.38 based on 5k miles pa.
Average £214 per month.

Excess mileage now 13.2p per mile.
Top comments
karlie88 to simmobb2
3 Oct 16 64 #2
Just to let you know, the car doesn't stop working if you go over 5k pa.

7.2p per mile is a very reasonable excess mileage charge. So if you want an extra 10,000 miles over 2 years, then you pay an extra £720 over the term (equivalent to an extra £30 per month).

Also VWFS may lower the cost to 3.6p if you phone partly through your agreement (they have in the past and continue to do so).
3 Oct 16 49 #122
I have no interest in actually taking up one of these car deals but i just come for the comments. Within minutes of this deal being posted, there's talk about reporting someone for defamation, HMRC, tax avoidance, personal attacks, accusations that another poster is Donald Trump....really, these lease deal comments are better than Eastenders for drama, entertainment and slap fighting.
3 Oct 16 43 #59
I don't pay vat, or paye, or rent, or ni

Don't buy fuel either or my weekly shop

...... this is the same price I paid for my mates brand new 2018 p1 mclaren that he got off Alan Sugar who had a word with the Queen that granted me immunity from ever paying for anything I didn't want you pay for
3 Oct 16 33 #17
So you're comparing your lease exc VAT vs. a personal lease inc VAT? Hardly comparable.
Latest comments (455)
29 Oct 16 #455
Wish I got this
11 Oct 16 #454
Still waiting for my tracking number but been accepted at dealer apparently.
They deliver it to you.
10 Oct 16 #453
Seems to be going through ok, shows as at the factory on the tracker, anyone know where you pick the car up from?
9 Oct 16 1 #452
If it depreciates, rent it. If it appreciates, buy it!
8 Oct 16 #451
I don't get the obsession with owning something that decreases in value. It's all about the ownership costs over the period you plan to keep it.
8 Oct 16 1 #450
Not sure what you mean. I saved up for 3 years before i bought my AMG and paid cash. I had to wait 3 years to buy it. If the lease is cheaper than buying and then selling on, dont see why you would buy, unless you were keeping the car until end of its life.
8 Oct 16 1 #449
​unfortunatly there is no such thing as a HOT Skoda!!
7 Oct 16 #448
Same here.Very pleased so far
7 Oct 16 #447
anyone got a delivery date yet? I got a tracking number this afternoon allowing 72 hrs to appear.
7 Oct 16 #446
I would like to know this as well
6 Oct 16 #445
Lower to 3.6p??? How do I go about trying to get that? Do I just give them a ring and say "hey, please can you lower the excess mileage?"
Currently on a VWFS lease.
5 Oct 16 #444
There's nothing in that statement that changes my mind regarding the broker's earnings. All as I got is that you rent a BMW, and presumably don't pay an awful lot for it.
5 Oct 16 #443
Bullcrap jargon that us as the client, don't care.

Basically it appears that it was a subsidised offer a bit like the Tiguans, but it was pulled early and the distribution channels were not informed and therefore still selling the deal, but can't fulfil those orders.

5 Oct 16 #442
Yep. I replied and 'Kelly' came back with some shizzle and a jpeg from someone else complete with jargon. Here is the reply, can someone translate? The attachment was even worse.
'The funder removed the campaign code from the system with no prior communication regarding the reasons why. As the offer was Limited, we were led to believe that it was whilst they reconciled the approvals in the system, however they communicated this earlier today and added the new code in the system shortly after 4pm today to enable us to run new quotations/proposals:-'
5 Oct 16 #441
​me too... £132 per month for 5000 with £2400 down from Simon for manual. Not the sub £100 it was advertised at!
5 Oct 16 #440
Simon I presume? I just got the same email.
5 Oct 16 #439
Bunch of cowboys. Finally received an email with a quote for the non DSG £2400 + £239.99 admin then £132.72 x 23 (it was £90.73 inc vat) with no mention of the advertised offer.
5 Oct 16 #438
/Sarcasm mode?
5 Oct 16 #437
I think it must of been a mis-price because VW pulled the deal on GTI's after 1 day
5 Oct 16 #436
With all the changes this deal isn't any where near as attractive as it was
5 Oct 16 #435
VW have confirmed that as of yesterday (4/10/16) they changed their excess mileage charges. A Golf GTI on a personal lease would now be charged at 10.8p per mile over the agreed limit. Something to be wary of.
5 Oct 16 #434
Anyone ordered through Select Car Leasing? They have added this to the quotes for the GTI

• Excess mileage charge will rise by up to 50% after exceeding 10% of the total contract mileage.
5 Oct 16 #433
What garage was that? Guildford won't price match. My colleague wants to get one. They would not price match the Tiguan I ordered too.
5 Oct 16 #432
On hold till they bump the price that's been taken care off expect it to come off hold soon.

£144 for 5k now with smaller increments for 8k and 10k at £153.
5 Oct 16 2 #431
You don't get to keep the car after 2 years after paying only £5k? Well I am shocked. Absolutely shocked.
5 Oct 16 #430
Cold, don't get to keep car.
5 Oct 16 1 #429
I am not saying that you should expect the full VIP treatment ,clearly for what your business is worth to the leasing company and the demand you are not going to get that

but my experience of dealing with brokers is that levels of service can differ

Sure if you want the car delivering in 5 months and they are saying that the cars will be ready to deliver in a month they are not going to have a car sitting around doing nothing for 4 months . But even then you should be prepared to walk because there are plenty of other brokers out there who will be able to provide a car on a better timetable for you .
5 Oct 16 #428
Call SInclair VW Cardiff and ask for fleet or lease sales people
5 Oct 16 #427
Will all VW dealers price match? What dealer did you use?
5 Oct 16 #426
Well done - Thats what I did after recommendation when I got my A4 - you also get certainty that you have got the deal really quickly as well - When I was using the lease co's the lack of comms and doubt over if I had got the car or not did not fill me with confidence.
5 Oct 16 1 #425
It's a complicated model but I can assure you that the leasing company gets more than just your fee. When I got my last car (a BMW) through NVS, I dealt with an Audi dealer in the North East, the finance came from Arval and the actual car came from a BMW dealer ion Bristol.
5 Oct 16 1 #424
Almost certainly not at that monthly figure. You are thinking of more regular finance, with a highish interest rate.
5 Oct 16 #423
Plus of course a non-disclosed commission from the finance company.
5 Oct 16 2 #422
I just popped into my local VW garage yesterday, they matched this deal and saved me the £240 admin fee.
5 Oct 16 2 #421
Sorry to sound a little negative, but as someone who works in the industry, don't look at these situations with this kind of attitude, if you want the best help, advice and service.

The broker in this case would appear to be earning the £239 admin fee, naturally the actual 'salesperson', just a portion of that. You really aren't spending a lot of money with them, so be grateful for them helping you to nab a bargain, rather than expecting the full VIP treatment.
4 Oct 16 #420
start looking for a replacement and aproaching lease companies in good time before the end of your current lease . if you know that the car is going to be a popular one with limited quantities then start shopping 4,5 maybe even 6 months in advance to ensure you get a delivery date close to your current lease end date

plan the transition for when you have a few days off work

Specify with the new lease company a delivery date to ensure that you are not without a car for too long

Tbh any salesperson in a decent leasing providor should be more than used to dealing with repeat lease customers

ultimately if they are not willing to do anything to accomodate you be prepared to walk .you are the customer who is planning on spending large sums of money with then . there are plenty of decent outfits out there .
4 Oct 16 #419
Thanks for all the advice, just got this for £4.99 a month, mind I did have to speak with the fleet sales department as Tracey on reception couldn't authorise the deal.
4 Oct 16 #418
​I've missed out on a couple of cracking deals in the past few weeks and that's with the luxury of being able to hand my company car back at any time.

I'm quickly learning that personal leases are not straight forward.
4 Oct 16 #417
its not that mu h of a problem issue is getting a car ordered if build times are long
4 Oct 16 #416
you can on some but i think peugeot were a firm no to extending
4 Oct 16 #415
​Gthis is one of the things putting me off. I think I may just stay with a company car. May cost more but zero hassle.
4 Oct 16 #414
They are also often open to extending your old lease by a month or two that is what I am going to do.
4 Oct 16 #413
Just to add to the vat discussion, the best deals are not always open to personal customers. For instance look at the business v the personal prices on this one:
4 Oct 16 #412
done this recently have a peugeot 208 gti from a deal on hukd just hone for a bmw m140i ordered last week and told them i need delivery 1 march as current car ends feb 18tg 2017
4 Oct 16 #411
The excess mileage charge now seems to be 11p per additional mile above 5000!
4 Oct 16 #410
Cheers Evil and Pete - will be my first lease and have no idea where to spot a good lease. WiIll take a look at both sites

Thanks again
4 Oct 16 #409
Can someone with experience of leasing please help...

I'm considering leasing my next car. If i do, it would mean me selling my current car once the lease car is available (easy).

However, how do you seamlessly transfer from one lease car to another? For example, i can see this lease isn't likely to be delivered until early January 2017. What happens two years after that in January 2019 when i want to lease another car, how do you ensure you easily move from one lease to another without either being without a car for a period of time between leases or with two cars whilst leases overlap?

4 Oct 16 #408
4 Oct 16 #407
Keep an eye on the "best lease deals" thread on PistonHeads.
4 Oct 16 #406
Damn I missed out - Just to see how people spot good deals like this for leasing? Is there a website that regularly shows where the good deals are (Other than HUKD! Like a comparison site for leasing etc)
4 Oct 16 #404
Yeah that was my accountants advice aswell. Thanks for advice
4 Oct 16 #403
4 Oct 16 #402
I choose not to have it
4 Oct 16 #401
Thanks very much
4 Oct 16 #389
Just ordered one. £195 a month. 1200 down.. 24 months.. 8k miles a year. Well happy. Order confirmed
ronaldmacdonald to clarence47a
4 Oct 16 #400
What about servicing? Is that included?
4 Oct 16 #399
****, I got a quote last night with the intention of calling them today. Think this deal was about 54 at the time. Looks like I've missed probably missed out. Why couldn't it stay below 100 like every other lease deal does!?
4 Oct 16 #398
Fiesta and nah, ended up buying outright as I want to take it to Peron - bring on 280bhp :smile:
Deals do come up for both regularly though, keep an eye on the lease thread on pistonheads.
3 Oct 16 13 #1
Not for me, can't see the point of having a great car you can't drive anywhere. 5K miles per annum is the deal breaker.
karlie88 to simmobb2
3 Oct 16 64 #2
Just to let you know, the car doesn't stop working if you go over 5k pa.

7.2p per mile is a very reasonable excess mileage charge. So if you want an extra 10,000 miles over 2 years, then you pay an extra £720 over the term (equivalent to an extra £30 per month).

Also VWFS may lower the cost to 3.6p if you phone partly through your agreement (they have in the past and continue to do so).
fazzy-bhoy to simmobb2
4 Oct 16 #227
Agreed wholeheartedly. You want a car to drive, not to toodle to the supermarket every 2nd week. 2.4k downpayment too, and the car is never yours. Not for me.
n3m3s1s to simmobb2
4 Oct 16 #397
Appeals to a better clientele of doggers ? :man:
4 Oct 16 #395
Reading your comments with interest. Doesn't your company have to be vat registered for that?
4 Oct 16 #394
Can i ask where you saw the equipment listed that you specified in the title ? Thanks
4 Oct 16 #393
Drove a Passat R-Line with DSG the other day, while its DSG gearbox was horrible (I'm told the ones Golf GTI/GTD are far better), it certainly did creep.
4 Oct 16 #392
Order confirmed here processed by Kelly.
Roll on next year.
Thanks again
4 Oct 16 #391
I've tried getting a quote through NVS and they seem to be **** about. (Not for this car)

On Thursday, I submitted a personal request. On Monday I rang up, "nope, we didn't receive." So I submitted a normal quote, which they did receive and takes 6 hours to respond... 30 hours later and nothing. Anyone else had an issues with them? I can't go anywhere else as they're the cheapest by far.
4 Oct 16 #390
Ignore the comments it's not true this is not a VAT exempt vehicle and it's subject to BIK you're much better off paying the VAT. I opted out of company car scheme and took the allowance instead and even though the allowance is subject to tax it still worked out cheaper.
4 Oct 16 #388
I'm a self employed plumber/heating engineer, not limited company, just a sole trader so dont know if that makes a difference. My accountant also told me to buy a van outright as it works out cheaper than leasing one. Been reading the comments with interest, think i might just ditch the van and lease a golf r with a trailer;-)
4 Oct 16 #387
Aside from dodging tax and VAT, defamation claims, exploding DSG boxes and voting Donald Trump...

Has anyone been able to get answer on the phone from these fe#kers?
4 Oct 16 2 #386
Wait in the rain and get a stinking old bus to town and back instead.
It will only cost you about, hmm a fiver. Carry on crying.
4 Oct 16 #385
Mechatronic gearbox basically two manual gearboxes with actuators, great in a straight line but awful to manoeuvre as there is no creep it's jerky to park. I had lots of problems with my Audi so I'd stick with the manual.
4 Oct 16 #384
thanks jaffa
4 Oct 16 #383
thanks for all the people who told me , by the time i wrote it again my post must have taken a bit to come on so i asked again , i googled it any way , but again thanks to all the people who answered my wuestion
4 Oct 16 #382
i asked you all what DSG meant , i just googled it and now i know thanks for any help
4 Oct 16 #346
Questions about this:

1 - Is Insurance expensive?
2 - Do you need Gap insurance?
3 - What happens if the car gets damaged/ scratched/ worn during the 2 years? do you have to pay to repair it?

Thanks :smiley:
karlie88 to ken-doh
4 Oct 16 1 #352
1. Depends. For a 50 year old woman who lives in a small village in the Outer Hebrides with 30 years no claims, then no it's not expensive. For a 17 year old 'Jack the lad' living in Birmingham, then it'll be the same cost as the lease - doubled.

2. Advisable, but not necessary.

3. Acceptable wear and tear is allowed. Anything outside the BVRLA parameters will be charged when you hand the car back. Unless you book one of ezzer's fairies.
trivster to ken-doh
4 Oct 16 #381
1. Insurance is completely free and part of the lease agreement

2. Gap insurance is not necessary on expensive cars

3. Scratch it as much as you like, put big slobbery dogs in the back and just generally treat it like crap - the finance company won't charge you anything at all because that's how they like their property treated.

Hope that helps.
4 Oct 16 #303
What is with this leasing trend. Buy something when you can afford it. Cold, £5k wasted.
revster to heavleemetal
4 Oct 16 #308
should have gone to school instead of hanging around the **** covered alleyway m8
dbobs to heavleemetal
4 Oct 16 1 #380
Totally agree. You're paying over £5k to drive 10,000 miles - ie, paying over 50p per mile, not including insurance and petrol etc. It only becomes cheaper if you deliberately go into excessive mileage. I'd be in tears knowing that a 10 mile return trip to town had effectively cost me a fiver.

If I buy a car for £5k or £10K, I'd expect to get well over 10,000 miles or 20,000 out of it respectively and still have a large proportion of that left over as trade in value.
4 Oct 16 #379
Thanks for your comment, we are in a similar position to you, I got my Alfa on a PCP deal, didn't go through the business, but have insured for business use, so will claim some mileage back, its a tax saving ....which is good.
4 Oct 16 1 #378
​i was like this, but decided I wanted to buy a house, so I borrowed loads of money from the bank (they called it a mortgage ??).
I hear that you can also buy a car using a loan, and don't have to pay in cash, but that sounds a bit crazy to me...
4 Oct 16 #377
Apologies you're right. Nice one
4 Oct 16 1 #376
No, it is his R, he has a special deal with the leasing company. He 'consults' for them and they allow him to keep the car at the end of the lease. His other 'consult' clients give him free fuel, free fleet insurance, free servicing and don't forgot the free lunch. Yes you heard it here first - there is such a thing as a free lunch but only if you 'consult'.
3 Oct 16 43 #59
I don't pay vat, or paye, or rent, or ni

Don't buy fuel either or my weekly shop

...... this is the same price I paid for my mates brand new 2018 p1 mclaren that he got off Alan Sugar who had a word with the Queen that granted me immunity from ever paying for anything I didn't want you pay for
dandywarhol1 to t3hfunk3r
4 Oct 16 #375
good deel m8
4 Oct 16 1 #374
Consulting is a trade. So you don't need to register for VAT but you can reclaim the VAT. You are just talking nonsense. You are clearly just a troll ... probably unemployed keyboard warrior.
4 Oct 16 1 #373
Just checked their website and they have added this:
Excess Mileage 11p+vat per mile...
3 Oct 16 5 #4
The only "deal breaker" was that this is the same price that what I got my R for...
shubyz to m5rcc
3 Oct 16 1 #7
Wow really? That's very cheap
karlie88 to m5rcc
3 Oct 16 5 #8
Inc VAT? If so, what was was the monthly rentals and inital rental?

Because the cheapest Golf R hatchback on a personal lease has been £6.5k over the term - and that was without nav, no winter pack and no DSG. The R estates have been around £6.3k. No where near £5k...
666bandit666 to m5rcc
3 Oct 16 1 #38
You didn't get an 7R at this price, best deals were still over 6k on term.
royals to m5rcc
3 Oct 16 #91
Absolute rubbish. I posted the cheapest deal at £180+Vat +deposit of £1800

Also if you get it via your company and don't pay VAT, that saving will be eaten up by BIK, personal Tax and NI, probably employers NI, company setup costs, an accountant. You may not have to pay all but if you aren't paying any, then I am sure the HMRC would like to know why.
muz379 to m5rcc
4 Oct 16 #355
Somewhat of a moot point given that the deal in this thread would be 20% less if your ltd company took this lease out for "business" use only
mossy3 to m5rcc
4 Oct 16 2 #372
Remember it's not your 'R' it's their 'R' because you have to give it back...
4 Oct 16 #371
Winter pack's standard on the GTI.
4 Oct 16 #361
what does DSG mean
jeffacake5 to mickey_brock
4 Oct 16 #362
Its an automatic gearbox
karlie88 to mickey_brock
4 Oct 16 2 #370

Direkt Schalt Getriebe.
4 Oct 16 #369
You've been told the answer twice already m8, DSG = dual clutch automatic gearbox
4 Oct 16 #368
Are the heated front seats not part of the Winter pack which is an optional extra?
3 Oct 16 #52
Excellent deal especially with dsg
mickey_brock to Dave_c
4 Oct 16 #367
what does the dsg mean
4 Oct 16 #366
Heated front seats are standard on the GTI as per title.
3 Oct 16 3 #5
I reckon the Skoda Fabia's are better value.
M_z to mcormack
3 Oct 16 5 #6
A Fabia is Polo sized though, I think, so not a direct alternative to a Golf.
oddballjamie to mcormack
3 Oct 16 1 #9
Does Skoda still make a hot Fabia?
arthurplank to mcormack
3 Oct 16 #157
They don't do the VRS anymore, which is a Fab Fabia. Others are... meh...
gordon999 to mcormack
4 Oct 16 #365
Prefer the Smart car myself.
4 Oct 16 #360
does it come with the cloth seats not sure who thought they look good in a car :wink:
jeffacake5 to davver99
4 Oct 16 #363
Yeah it seems like it comes with the Cloth Tartan seats as standard.
The heated seats would be an optional extra I think
karlie88 to davver99
4 Oct 16 1 #364
Also comes with a free Scottish tartan kilt - found under the spare wheel.
4 Oct 16 #359
Thanks :smiley: so if some asshat keys your car or dents it or steals it, you are buggered. Best avoid lease for me then
4 Oct 16 #358
What ST did you get was it a fiesta or the focus also did you get it on lease like this deal and if so how much per month if you dont mind me asking
4 Oct 16 1 #357
According to this accountants website, your car attracts a BIK however you do it. It might be worth your while saving up a lot of money to pay HMRC.
4 Oct 16 #354
Voted hot.
I have a Fiesta ST on lease and i'm sure its around this cost over the two years. The Fiesta is worth £10k less than this new. Fair enough its for 8K miles but still a great price.

For me, i'm going to wait until the R deals come back. Looking at £6k over the two years at the best price. £6k over two years for a car worth £33k with the DSG and does 0-60 in less than 5 seconds, amazing lease deals.
Will never buy a car again i dont think and will stick to leases after i lost £15k in two years on my AMG.
Taz1529 to formsm2000comp
4 Oct 16 #356
If someone can't afford to buy a car, of course they're going to say they'll "never buy a car again". Everyone wants something NOW, they aren't prepared to wait. But alas, you've convinced yourself that's O.K.
4 Oct 16 1 #353
VWFS terms for this have been consistent up until today - excess mileage between 1-999,999 have been charged at 7.2p per mile. Other finance companies will differ of course.

Apparently, they'll be introducing different excess mileage charges based on engine size - although this isn't 100% confimed yet on all cars financed through VWFS.
4 Oct 16 1 #351
You don't have to turnover any particular figure to be VAT regd
4 Oct 16 1 #350
I have a lease through National Vehicle Solutions and my finance agreement is with Citroen. Important to double check the terms and condition though cause mine stated the following:

"The proportion of the excess mileage charge relating to services is the same as the proportion of the total rental relating to the services selected by the hirer in the services schedule.

If the total mileage exceeds the agreed basic mileage by 30.00%, the rate for each excess mile thereafter will be doubled."
4 Oct 16 2 #349
Yes, sadly you would. It's a scam really, because if you bought the car, the car repair fairies pay for damage etc.
4 Oct 16 #345
Where abouts on the webpage does it state everything it comes with (keyess entry ect) or is that just the models standard spec?
EvilGazebo to AdaamP
4 Oct 16 #348
Standard spec. VW added Winter Pack, Keyless and Nav to standard GTi spec a while back. You can see everything it comes with if you run through the configurator on the VW website.
4 Oct 16 #347
Is it easy to create £80k plus in turnover to become VAT registered?
4 Oct 16 #344
HA HA......darn
4 Oct 16 #177
I have a Mk7 Golf GTI DSG and cannot think of a better all round car. 37mpg overall, tremendously quick, brilliant build quality and not even an interior squeak after 12 months of ownership. The best part is that it isn't a BMW, Audi or Mercedes which are far too common to be taken seriously.
Taz1529 to Tunner
4 Oct 16 #343
4 Oct 16 #342
Cracking deal! Just to compare I got myself a Golf GTD last November, 10k miles per annum, 3 years contract, £2,400 upfront with £192 per month... this is hot even compared to that!

Shame this deal is on hold now!
4 Oct 16 #334
Do I get to keep the car at the end of it though?
Dave_c to trivster
4 Oct 16 1 #335
mrew42 to trivster
4 Oct 16 #339
Total payable - £5145.38
Yeah, go on then, we'll let you off the other £20k+
hukdbargain to trivster
4 Oct 16 #340
​Yes of course you do. What makes you think otherwise?
ollie87 to trivster
4 Oct 16 1 #341
4 Oct 16 #338
4 Oct 16 #337
I decided to slum it in a 1.6TDi Match edition. Found the 300PS R a bit much for my partner to tootle around town in - the 25mpg started to grate after a while. I put £50 down and pay £214 a month on a 3 year 6k p.a. deal. Cheap fixed cost motoring in a brand new car. It has all the bells and whistles the R had, but with added sat nav and heated seats. Oh and the ability to connect to the internet which is just a novelty, for now, IMO. Oh and only 1/3 of the power. But DSG not manual -loving the DSG box - wouldn't buy a car with it, but fine with leased ones.

The biggest upside of the drop in power (aside from much lower fuel bills) is that when I get back into my AMG it feels like a PLANE!!!!!!
4 Oct 16 #336
I just got an email from them saying "Offer has now ended and may come back on in the next 48 hours"
So I'll keep you guys informed.
Got my application in so hopefully they are still processing.
Really fancy this one
4 Oct 16 #333
Most Golfs do apart from base spec ones
4 Oct 16 #332

4 Oct 16 #330
It's a 2.0 TSI - worth adding to the title/description
thecoolguy to nav31
4 Oct 16 #331
Its a gti which is a 2.0 tsi, however not all 2.0 tsi are gti's.
4 Oct 16 #329
Does this deal come with adaptive cruise?!
4 Oct 16 2 #281
This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but m5rcc could really be from HMRC tricking people in revealing their tax dodging ways. M5RCC moved around could spell like 5MRCC. HMRC (extra C for a word i don't like saying)
cokezone1112 to DarkTower
4 Oct 16 1 #282
haha, love it

Heat added, lovely car :smiley:
m5rcc to DarkTower
4 Oct 16 #283
I would never, EVER be a civil servant!
Rys_Ochodzki to DarkTower
4 Oct 16 1 #328
No he just could not pass a very easy morse code exam, otherwise he would be known aas M0RCC.
4 Oct 16 #327
Buying, as leasing doesn't take the government grant into account so you kinda get swindled.
Got mine through - total of £7,100 off RRP (inc. the £2,500 government grant), so was happy with that. Makes it about £1k more than a 1 year old one on AutoTrader...
4 Oct 16 #318
Is anyone going to talk about the car or are we going to have another 8 pages of handbag swinging?

Crackin' car and a good deal. Have some heat.
EvilGazebo to AndiTails
4 Oct 16 #326
You think there will only be 8 more pages of it? :smiley:

Are you buying or leasing GTE? Always quite fancied one of them but numbers never really added up.
4 Oct 16 #325
What's your latest lease deal barbie?
4 Oct 16 #324
If you're prepared over 20 weeks for delivery, then this is a good deal.
4 Oct 16 #191
Since so many tax experts on...what are the options on this for a Vat registered sole trader if being used for both business and personal use. Also does any leased vehicle need to be under a separate insurance or can it be under a business policy that covers Cars in possession
tyflux to gogboy
4 Oct 16 1 #323
it's not worth the hassle unless you're a big company. BIK, Class 1A add a fair bit of a pain to it.

We are Directors of a small company and sure you could claim the tax on expenses for the lease but the Class 1A NI wiped this out for us.

You have to way up as a whole whether being VAT registered or flat rate VAT registered is worth it to you. If you're flat rate VAT for instance (which offers lots of benefits) - you can't claim for anything under £2000. So it's holistic.

We don't bother with any of the business side and just claim 45ppm agains travel - when using your own car (which may be a personal lease.)

If it's a company car the rate is less than half of that depending on engine size.

You have to way up everything.

Just make sure your insurance covers business and you tell them you are not the legal owner.
4 Oct 16 1 #322
Or a thief can just pull the handle and enter you car with the key transponder range booster in his pocket, and the 'key' safely in your jeans on the nightstand in your bedroom.
Then plug in a OBD-II device to tell the car to start and be off with your car in 30 seconds.

I'll stick to a traditional key, thanks.
4 Oct 16 #321
Afraid not, I'm the Arsene Wenger of the leasing world...
4 Oct 16 #314
I thought VW had production problems with the Golf? Wouldn't be surprised if you have to wait 6 months for one.....
AndiTails to justanotherpunter
4 Oct 16 1 #320
Lead times are 13-16 weeks at the moment, so only a bit above the normal 8-12 weeks.
Depends on spec. The DSG delays build (the stock is limited) and certain interior colours.

I've got a GTE on order, and it's on track to be ready at the dealership at 13 weeks, so I'm happy with that (4 weeks to go!)
4 Oct 16 1 #319
But nobody else is interested in your non-relevant situation or backstory.
4 Oct 16 2 #317
Plus pull handle & door opens with key in pocket. Lock car by pushing buttons on handle with key in pocket. Got it on family car. Love it.
4 Oct 16 #316
They certainly do - most end up as unreliable junk.
4 Oct 16 #313
Hasn't every car in the past 20 years had "keyless entry"?
Ok deal if its for you, personally I prefer the Cupra.
ezzer72 to thefunkygibbon
4 Oct 16 #315
I think it means an engine start button etc., not just remote locking.
4 Oct 16 #312
I see people complaining about the 5k miles however I only do about 2.5k miles per year... are there ever deals with that kind of mileage that could be had even cheaper!?
4 Oct 16 1 #311
Voting hot - although I don't even know how long I spent reading every, single, page of this thread for the banter...
4 Oct 16 #310
Just get mileage correction man to sort it at 5k everyone else does lol
4 Oct 16 #309
​Let me guess, you watch crappy tv shows as well?
4 Oct 16 #307
4 Oct 16 #306
Coming from the man who's stalking other users twitter accounts because he's losing an argument lol
4 Oct 16 #305
​Haha, do you always get wound up so easily? You need to get out a bit more.
4 Oct 16 #304
I currently own outright and run a 2012 530d tourer but would love to move try a Golf R estate, unfortunately I do c25k pa so I'm still looking for a good overall deal if anyone knows of one.

Heat for this btw.
4 Oct 16 #302
I know it's deal/car specific but does anyone have any experience of personal lease who could tell me how long roughly till you take delivery of the car?
4 Oct 16 1 #301
Jesus this site loves a pedant. You've added nothing beneficial, you don't know what you're talking about and you're embarrassing yourself.
4 Oct 16 #300
Well good luck with it. I am very jealous!
4 Oct 16 #299
​And your addition to this thread has been very beneficial. You must be proud of yourself. You can sleep better tonight.
4 Oct 16 2 #298
Get a life mate, you're clogging up the thread with this bs.
4 Oct 16 3 #297
Nothing to get over. I'm just enjoying your wildly inconsistent debating positions while I wait for confirmation of my new car. That I can drive to the shops without having to pretend that I was "consulting" with Tesco Express in order to save myself a couple of extra quid. Honestly.
4 Oct 16 #296
You are right, the Golf is a much better deal and the A4s go for smaller money but leasing is a great way to drive a new car and after years of driving cars into the ground it's a good feeling to have a new toy every couple of years. I find the best way is to buy to a budget and be flexible on what car you will take as some of the offers are very good (like this one). Even on the A5, the OTR cost is £33k so 25% over 2 years seems ok to me. Even the best cars have retained values of less than 60% after 3 years.
4 Oct 16 #295

4 Oct 16 4 #294
​I do apologise for calling you a civil servant. Clearly I was mistaken. Looking at your twitter account, a self proclaimed wheeler-dealer and a genius, with a lot of free time watching crappy tv shows and commenting on them while running successful (assumed) business working around tax laws lawfully you cant really be some one from HMRC. I admit, my conspiracy theory was not well researched.
4 Oct 16 3 #293
Keyless entry... :smiley:
4 Oct 16 #292
Again - you're assuming I've broken a law. I haven't. Get over it...
4 Oct 16 6 #287
m5rcc, we all get how great you are at bending tax laws. Some people are able to do this without publicising it on one of the busiest UK websites.

Not telling the world must have been eating away at you. Can't think of any other reason why you would make such an irrelevant comparison on the price of your car vs this deal.

You're chocolate mate, go eat yourself.
EvilGazebo to scotia2
4 Oct 16 3 #291
What I particularly enjoy is that one minute he's all indignant and righteous and about to call the imaginary defamation police that only exist in his head. And the next he's all nudge nudge wink wink I'm a little bit dodgy but you can't prove nuffink mate.
4 Oct 16 1 #290
Get a Honda Civic or Mazda3, much better than these 2nd rate VW's. I have the misfortune of having to drive a fleet Golf regularly, even the Focus is nicer.
4 Oct 16 #289
That looks nice - but it doesnt seem much of a "deal" I pre-ordered the new a4 sport earlier in the year 1.4 sport new model - had to wait a while but the deals was something like £900 initial and I pay £163.74 with maintenance - 2 year and 10k - I totally appreciate the a5 is a much more desirable and better looking car and its got a bigger lump but £8300 plus is a lot for a lease.
4 Oct 16 #288
Irrelevant to you. If you can pay the same for a superior car, then its completely relevant.
4 Oct 16 1 #286
I love this way of driving a new car, as John Paul Getty said "if an asset depreciates lease it".

Only issue is the cost of fixing the alloys etc before you give it back and of course finding the next deposit but on my new one I have reduced the deposit to 3 months. I am getting this car

Not as good a deal but it hasn't even appeared yet.
4 Oct 16 2 #276
4871 for the manual! Arguably more fun!
EvilGazebo to Resonate
4 Oct 16 #285
Thought about it for that reason. But adaptive cruise makes much more sense with DSG. And I spend more time in traffic than on twisty rural B roads unfortunately.
4 Oct 16 #284
I don't suppose you've ever handed your car back early before the term ends (like a coupe of months) have you? I've seen a deal on another car through VWFS and the lease company tell me that if you've ordered another car through them then they waiver the early return fee (52% of outstanding balance left) on your existing lease?
4 Oct 16 #280 - If you have questions about DSG - this video (although old) made the decision for me when I got a scirocco DSG a few years back
4 Oct 16 #279
I bought my Touran at the end of a lease from VAG 3 years ago, I had to get my father in law to buy it as they wouldn't sell it direct to the lease holder for tax reasons (I am a sole trader and leased it through my company). The price was fair, not an amazing bargain but cheaper than most forecourts and with a known driving history it worked for me.
4 Oct 16 #278
I've had 3 VWFS leases (should this be via VWFS). All on BCH or PCH. On each occasion they have offered the chance to buy it at end of term, much to my surprise. You call them to request the figure. Then usually chuckle and get another lease. That's my experience.
4 Oct 16 #266
what is the best gap insurance 10k limit what company is best
Bikerdanny to davver99
4 Oct 16 #277
ALA, go through honestjohn for a small discount - ALA is also the most recommeneded one around :smiley:
3 Oct 16 #64
Smoking....... Especially as this is DSG which normally adds about £20/month.
mikerr to thomasbooth
4 Oct 16 #275
You can actually get the manual for £97
4 Oct 16 1 #274
Amazing amazing deal. Just chopped my R in for a new Golf else would have been all over this..
4 Oct 16 1 #273
Dont have to be near Vat threshold to register for VaT iirc
4 Oct 16 #272
Anyone rang their local dealer to see if they can match or get close price wise ? I've just given mine a bell and waiting a qoute now.
Dennis The Menac
4 Oct 16 #271
Heat added. If I was in the market for a new VW, I would be there in a shot.
4 Oct 16 #270
wow look at the heat :smiley:
4 Oct 16 #269
So if you need to register for VAT which would mean having a turnover about the VAT threshold, it's a bit more complicated than just setting up a limited company to expense it through that.
4 Oct 16 #268
Keyword missing: "I"
4 Oct 16 #267
4 Oct 16 #265
They're not second-hand dealers :wink:
4 Oct 16 #264
I think you took his comment as a criticism - read it again
4 Oct 16 #263
And that's what I mean about haggling a good purchase price. No-one ever pays list, so you can't use this as your base for devaluation. So you get a 20% discount on the car and pay £24K for a £30K car. 20% devaluation is £4800.
In my case I lost £6,500 over 2.5 years, which would have been the equivalent of £5,200 over 2 years. But the car was an Evoque not a Golf so it was a higher list price. It also meant I could actually use the car and not pay an excess mileage charge which you'll have to do with the Golf.
Obviously this only works on a sought after car with good residuals.
4 Oct 16 1 #262
Do these businesses that you offer consultation to tend to close down soon afterwards? Just wondered :smiley:
4 Oct 16 #261
Initial monthly rental - £2400 + 23 monthly rentals of £108.93 + Admin fee - £239.99 = Total payable - £5145.38 based on 5k miles pa.

5145.38 / 24 months = £214.39 per month/net
4 Oct 16 #259
I like how you worked out the average of £214 a month. Has anyone tried negotiating just paying this figure instead of paying deposits and admin fees etc? To me that would be way more simple.
Stan to mchlpeel
4 Oct 16 #260
You might be able to avoid the admin fee if you go direct to a dealer - I did and didnt have to pay that. Not sure about the deposit but there are options to reduce the deposit down to 3 months I think on this deal with the broker. That said I had to drive from Devon to Oxford to pick the car up - it worked out fine as was flying into gatwick on pick up day. Not all garages will match the deal - the bigger ones are more likely to
4 Oct 16 #258
I guess sarcasm was lost in translation...

Speak for yourself...

A deluded fantasist? Given the paragraph above I think you covet that role!
4 Oct 16 1 #257
Seems hot, I'm buying mine rolling finance deal. Get a new car every 2/3 years, pay over the odds probably but it's nice! Always covered, always serviced, scratches and wear 'disappear' with each new car - it's about this price, obviously I either lose everything I've ever spent one day, or have a large sum to cough up, but it all seems much of a muchness if leasing/HP. I'm one of the suckers that decides in the 'chair of doom' in the showroom :laughing:
4 Oct 16 #256
Did I say that I wasn't?
4 Oct 16 #255
Thanks, applied. heat
4 Oct 16 3 #254

I don't have to prove anything, this is an internet forum not bleeding LA Law. And it's not even HMRC who have to prove it. It's you who has to prove to them that every trip including the Nürburgring was for business, if they ever do come calling.

You can do perfectly well out of a LtdCo without taking the mickey. But there are always some that do.

Plus this all of course assumes that you aren't a deluded fantasist alternating between responding to this thread and watching Homes Under The Hammer in your bedsit. And based on some of your other responses, this is starting to look more likely.
4 Oct 16 #253
I dont know for sure - my pack states that if i want to purchase then I can contact them towards the end of the 2 years - Someone who got the car at the same time as me was told to ring in 6 months before the end of the lease. if you want to purchase at the end of the term a PCP might be better for you although it is difficult to compare the total cost unless you know the final payment on the lease. This isnt fact but in my opinion most "great" lease deals are for cars that they are having difficulty selling or its a new model that they want to get on the roads and when they sell the car in 2 years time on the forecourt they lose very little as they have had the rental from you and the price of two year old car on a main dealer forecourt can sometimes be just as expensive as the deal you can secure for a new car (sometimes more).
4 Oct 16 1 #252
Yes, to claim VAT back you need to register for VAT. You can only claim back VAT if you're VAT registered yourself.

I'm smelling bs.

So explain how you claim VAT back without submitting a VAT return, which you can't do because you're not VAT registered?
4 Oct 16 #251
Who said I was registered for VAT and/or non-trading?

Please refer to post #87

Again - who said it was a non-business asset?

4 Oct 16 #250
great price
4 Oct 16 1 #249
It's not a PCP. It's a PCH. You simply walk away.
4 Oct 16 3 #248
If you have a non-trading VAT registered company, that is against the rules.

Besides, on a lease car you can only claim back 50% of the VAT anyway, which on this deal would work out at £24 a month. Plus, the rules state that if an asset is not used for business in any way, you can't reclaim VAT back at all. So unless the car is used in your non-trading company (which will be reflected in your tax/vat returns), claiming it back wouldn't be tax avoidance, it would be tax evasion - deliberately reclaiming vat on a non-business asset - which, whether you choose to believe it or not, is illegal.

So if you face a tax inspection, chances are you'll get caught out (negative returns always catch HMRC's eye). You'd be facing a fine of 100% of the amount claimed (in addition to paying back the original), plus you could face charges for "conspiracy to cheat the public revenue" if caught, which carries a maximum sentence of 7 years.

Hardly seems worth it for £20 a month.
4 Oct 16 #247
A question if I may Stan (I have no knowledge of car leasing): would the cost to purchase at the end of the contract be agreed at the start, or would the lease company assess the car and set a value at the end of the rental period?
4 Oct 16 #246
Can you prove that? Didn't think so...

Ethics? :smile:
3 Oct 16 #106
Oh a GTi lease deal? The Mk7 GTi is more exclusive than the Mk7 R thanks to all the cheap lease deals.

Anyone want to buy an 03 330ci for £2400?!
m5rcc to anlygi
3 Oct 16 2 #109
chisypasta is your man!
TelicVet to anlygi
4 Oct 16 #245
​Thats exactly my car, and what I was thinking... :smile:
4 Oct 16 #244
Just the way I like it.
3 Oct 16 10 #40
Yawn - lets keep this relevant to the actual deal...
ktm666 to m5rcc
3 Oct 16 5 #44
Fair point, but your comment that this is the same price as your Golf R is a bit pointless. You got the Golf R cheaper given you don't pay VAT, but I assume if you got this you'd get it cheaper than the posted price given you'd not pay VAT on this. Either way, both with, or both without VAT, this is cheaper. Although it's not as good as the Golf R. Different models, different prices.
mdhalstead to m5rcc
4 Oct 16 2 #243
Well keep it on track then... to be honest I don't care about you business nor is it relevant.
4 Oct 16 #242
No - inferior coffee.
4 Oct 16 #241
Which questions have I ignored? Do tell...
4 Oct 16 2 #240
Sir ! Sir ! thearbiter65 is doing that mean thing again...take him off to prison please for asking me a question.... hahahahahahaha
4 Oct 16 #239
Erm. Don't technically need to register for VAT and I don't need to prove I trade either. I "consult" and have invoices that prove as much.
4 Oct 16 1 #238
Maybe. But what you do (by your own admission in this thread) is dodge BIK by pretending you don't have any personal use when you do. So you might want to get off your high horse.

Agreed, the chances of you actually getting investigated by HMRC is low. But if I was a tax inspector (or algorithm) scanning through 1 man band Ltd accounts for targets, one with a "pool" lease car but no BIK would be an interesting search criteria. Not worth it for the little you save IMHO, aside from the dubious ethics of it.
4 Oct 16 #237
Rude? No - you just spouted out incorrect facts and had to be corrected.

Remember you do not have the right not to be offended.
4 Oct 16 #236
One cannot be blamed if HMRC are inept at collecting taxes. Besides, tax avoidance is completely legal.
4 Oct 16 #235
Jealous much? Jeez....

I can prove it's solely for business use and have done since 2011. If you have a problem with it, I suggest you take it up with HMRC personally.
4 Oct 16 1 #200
Drove a 2.5 Golf Estate S thing with a DSG while in the states this summer, found it horrible. Sometimes it takes ages to change gear, coming off the brakes to pull away there is a second or so of lag before anything happens and it felt far too tuned toward economy, it just sat at 1900rpm and had no power until you floored it. It's worth researching how this system works to see if you like the sound of it before committing IMO.
thecoolguy to thel33ter
4 Oct 16 1 #234
The golf 2.5 doesnt come with DSG it comes with tiptronic. Very different to the gearbox found in the UK golf gti's and R's.

Also the 2.5 is not available in the UK market.
4 Oct 16 #233
Wrong - I don't dodge VAT. I just don't need to pay it. There's a big difference and you have failed to grasp it.
4 Oct 16 2 #172
m5rcc to muds1970
4 Oct 16 #232
What's the Financial Ombudsman Service got to with it?
4 Oct 16 #231
Of course I do. Hence why I do what I do.
4 Oct 16 #230
For new proposals issued today onwards, VWFS have apparently increased the excess mileage charges (not entirely clear to what but at least 10.8ppm and possibly extra tiered bands at even higher rates). So if you think you will do >5K/yr this deal just stopped being quite so great.
4 Oct 16 #229
Other disadvnatages of leasing.

You need to have GAP insurance or on write off you will be stung with a HUGE bill.
Insurance claims that take longer/go over the end of term can also leave open to costs.

Not really huge risks but when they happen, both are ultra unpleasant :P
4 Oct 16 1 #228
you don't do much apparently
4 Oct 16 #226
Wow! Have some heat :smiley:
4 Oct 16 #225
I do approx 85 miles a day which is approx 22100 annually

Wondering if it worth it.. Usually I just get a cheap car and just run it down till it dies but would be nice to have a nice car!
4 Oct 16 #221
Stan to KopCity
4 Oct 16 2 #222
No car tax to pay as paid by the lease company (or part of your payment quoted)
The cost over 2 years in the case is likely to be less than depreciation of buying a car new
You get to have a new car every 2/3 years.
If you go over miles set there is a penalty - although this is a disadvantage its normally better to go for less miles and save a bit each month towards the end of the contract penalty as this will likely to be lower than opting for higher miles at the start and not using them.
You can have a maintenance contract alongside so you have worry free motoring.
If you are funding this instead of a company car there is no need to pay BIK
Depending on your insurance company the insurance might be slightly higher (its not on mine) - but you have to factor in new cars are lower insurance
You have to change the car in 2 years time - will a good deal be available?
Any damage over certain limits set by the lease company have to be repaired.
The cost to buy the car at the end of the 2 years if this is an option may not be competitive.
If you have the maintenance option then there is usually a higher penalty per mile
Some people dont understand the benefits of lease cars and post loads of rubbish on hot uk deals which you need to read through if you are seriously considering a lease car

I am on my first lease deal - I got the A4 sport deal earlier in the year:)

Thats not everything but hope that helps a little
qyestionmark to KopCity
4 Oct 16 1 #224
It allows you to always drive a nearly new car, usually at much less cost than buying.

In this case the main advantage is the cost. This car is nearly £30k new and after 2 years the residual value is around £16k, so £14k depreciation off list. If you were buying it you could reduce that by negotiating the purchase price down but you are probably still looking at £10k+ in depreciation. Add in the cost of capital - either a borrowing cost or a loss of opportunity cost (if you already have £26k-ish in savings which you could be getting a return on) and it would realistically cost you £13k+ to purchase this car and sell it after 2 years. This lease deal costs £5k-£6.5k, depending on your mileage, which is around half that price. Note that this is only the cost for "borrowing" the car; you still have to pay for insurance, fuel, servicing, etc, and you will pay for any excessive damage beyond fair wear and tear. All of which is the same as if you bought the car. Note that any major failures should be covered under warranty with either approach.

The bottom line is that £3k-ish a year (plus running costs) is VERY cheap to drive a reasonably expensive/classy new car.
3 Oct 16 2 #10
£97 for the manual
pascal03 to mcormack
4 Oct 16 1 #223
You save money and get the Limited Edition Man version of the car.
4 Oct 16 #217
Mind if I ask your driving conditions. Trying to decide GTi versus GTD.

djbenny1 to Gambler
4 Oct 16 #220
Just seen this - I've got the GTD which replaced my Mini Cooper S.

Not comparable in any way I'm sure and I've not driven a GTI, but I really miss a petrol engine and I'll definitely be reverting once my GTD lease is up next Sept. Still a fantastic car though (but don't expect much more than 45MPG).
4 Oct 16 #219
Do you own Starbucks?
4 Oct 16 #218
unbelievable deal - better value than my GTD :'(
4 Oct 16 1 #216
4 Oct 16 2 #215
I did and so did several others in my R Estate deal thread.
4 Oct 16 #214
5000miles - useless. What's the point of a lease car when you have to keep it in the garage for half the year
3 Oct 16 #127
m5rcc, what line of work are you in? You sound like you have the expenses and VAT sorted, though I dont see how it saves you a massive amoubt of money. The cleverest use of Ltd co I have come across enabled Co Car use without BIK for employees.
markymark34 to swoosh007
4 Oct 16 1 #213
From just this thread I would guess the sort of business he is in is one that is in his head. Has posted a load of crap and when asked any probing questions chooses to ignore them probably as he doesn't know answer.
3 Oct 16 49 #122
I have no interest in actually taking up one of these car deals but i just come for the comments. Within minutes of this deal being posted, there's talk about reporting someone for defamation, HMRC, tax avoidance, personal attacks, accusations that another poster is Donald Trump....really, these lease deal comments are better than Eastenders for drama, entertainment and slap fighting.
m5rcc to davidbrent
3 Oct 16 #126
seanmorris100 to davidbrent
4 Oct 16 #212
I think they should all trott off to a car forum... same bunch everytime. They also all drive porches so why the **** they on this site?
4 Oct 16 #209
Heat..... just a shame the deposit is a grand too much for me. Stretch to a grand deposit but just principle for me on a two year lease. Great deal for anyone who has some small savings to let go.
Southwell to blanka
4 Oct 16 #211
You can change it to less.
4 Oct 16 1 #210
Calm down dear; it was said in jest. I'm sure HMRC don't really go on HUKD.
4 Oct 16 #208
Just spotted, the reduced price is because it is a Manual not the Auto.... Sorry!
4 Oct 16 #207
Mmmmm, click on the Simon reccomends link on the NVS website for the Golf GTI Business Deal and the price reduces accordingly. Then click back on the 'Personal' Option to the right of "Term Length" (to take it back it Personal option from Business) and the price changes to £97.03 inc vat. Everything else looks to be the same. Hopefully link below shows this price
4 Oct 16 1 #206
Seems a fantastic deal, I do wonder if the are any hidden charges when returning the car at the end of the lease.
4 Oct 16 #205
Great deal. Would've gone for this if I hadn't already a Golf R on order.
4 Oct 16 #204
​I think the point here is that small businesses get a real tough time from HMRC whereas when it comes to folk like Starbucks, Vodafone, Amazon et al they walk away.

The idea that ANY tax dispute is resolved by the head of HMRC meeting the taxpayer in person is a joke, but that's exactly what happened with Vodafone.
4 Oct 16 #203
decent deal. cant help but to think it is aiming for impulse buyer who is attracted by the low monthly payment and have some savings. the initial lump is quite large though, almost 12 months worth of payment. decent nonetheless
4 Oct 16 #179
except that would go against the terms of the contract signed, so your talking rubbish
10111010101011 to swoosh007
4 Oct 16 1 #202
If this is aimed at me then I suggest you read the small print of your lease contract if you have one. I have never had a car which has had the excess charge advertised solely on the website stand for anything more that 115% of the contracted mileage. my current VAG has a charge of 26.7ppm if over 110% of the contracted.
4 Oct 16 1 #201
Very tempted. Considering this or a second hand purchase of an older vehicle. This would fit the bill nicely with 5-door and DSG for the missus and little one. I am more interested in GTI badge.
4 Oct 16 #199

If you go to you can maybe find better deals. I think these guys collate all of the leasing companies offers.

Good find though OP!
4 Oct 16 #198
4 Oct 16 #197
​Oh it's £30 for an extra 10k, not total 10k?
4 Oct 16 #196
​I see, thanks.
4 Oct 16 #195
not a bmw audi or merc cold
4 Oct 16 #194
Bargin! Especially with DSG. Any want to buy my 16 plate RS3? Heat
4 Oct 16 #193
...but you have to register for VAT $$$$ and produce your accounts showing you actually are trading rather than just buying assets which all costs $$$$$
4 Oct 16 #192
I don't really believe in 37mpg if running around town, more like 27 or even less..
4 Oct 16 1 #190
​No need to be so rude. Most people are going to drive between work and home thereby negating that. In this scenario you are going to need another form of transportation to get to work. So possibly running a second vehicle, which is hardly an example of great value. Also as a director of my own company we had to pay Class 1A too.
4 Oct 16 2 #189
The 'rest of us' would only reap the benefits if the taxman wasn't comfortable in bed with half of the corporations they're supposed to aggressively chase up for the billions they owe, instead they parade about when the low hanging fruit are cut and convicted severely. When will the rich and powerful stop getting away with a mere slap on their wrists? Probably the day when the people employed to investigate them aren't getting their own pockets lined by the said rich and corporations
4 Oct 16 2 #188
Rather get a Ford Fiesta 1.1L;)
4 Oct 16 1 #187
HMRC deserve everything they get? It's not the HMRC that suffers from tax avoidance/evasion. It's the rest of us.
4 Oct 16 1 #186
Agree with you on HMRC, they're a joke when it comes to actual tax evasion
4 Oct 16 3 #185
Shouldn't you be chasing up and shaming HMRC for letting Vodafone, Amazon, Google, Apple, Starbucks etc get away with billions? Why are you getting at the heels of someone off forum saving a couple quid from a lease deal? HMRC deserve all they get for their favouritism, especially after the Vodafone case.
3 Oct 16 #168
don't forget your gap insurance folks....just in case you run into my **** motor
jamesakabob to SpoonyBoy
4 Oct 16 #184
Aye, important stuff, and cheap as chips since the gap insurers got regulated to hell.

From memory my ST was around £150 for 3 years, nothing compared to the depreciation, fuel, insurance etc. and soooo worth having.
4 Oct 16 #181
Does anybody know if you can pay extra for metallic paint or any other options?
moh89 to killasystems
4 Oct 16 #183
I don't see why you'd want to pay extra, just pay the normal price.
4 Oct 16 2 #182
Putting a car in a limited company makes no sense at all. The cost of insurance is massively higher and easily outweighs any savings made, let alone the hassle of 'running' a limited company solely to lease a car. Nonsense.
4 Oct 16 1 #180
​Yeah but let's not pretend that anything he says is based on truth. Remember you can tell HMRC anything you want. Proving something when inspected is completely different.

Having said that HMRC allowed Vodafone to walk away from a £6bn tax bill so they deserve everything they get.
4 Oct 16 #178

These contracts 99.9% of the time the excess mileage charge only applies for around 10-15% over the contracted mileage and they can then charge whatever they want after that.
4 Oct 16 #176
He has said it's a company vehicle for work use only. He collects it from work and returns it to work at the end if the day. It just is very convenient that he works from home. If his traders policy covers him when he does actually use it for personal use is another matter.
4 Oct 16 2 #175
​It's not defamation. He's quoting what you said. For anyone reading this, being a Ltd Co and being able to recover VAT are two different things. It's nonsense to suggest you can 'expense it' and not pay the VAT.
4 Oct 16 #174
For most no as you would be driving without insurance. If it's a business vehicle solely for business use you would only have business insurance not personal insurance with business use.

The other option is to personally buy/lease the vehicle (with interest free loan from your company) pay the VAT and BIK and then pay yourself business mileage for when you use it for business mileage. Then use this money to pay the loan.
4 Oct 16 1 #173
​Easy to set up a Ltd Co yes. However, you can't just register for VAT and reclaim the VAT. I'm assuming that you know the regulations around recovering VAT on leased vehicles with any element of personal use?
4 Oct 16 1 #171
I saw a new civic type r and laughed. hideous and looks like its come from the 1990s or crashed into halfords
4 Oct 16 #170
I know that, I am replying to 999 message and using his theoretical example to show even at their best offer of negotiating and only being hit by 20% at a marginal rate, it is still higher than this lease deal.
3 Oct 16 #169
and the biggest culprits are a lot of those that set the rules....the MPs
3 Oct 16 #167
Not being funny, but using your example has the lease deal being cheaper.

20% of a 30K car = 6k
Lease is only £5,145.

Though If it depreciates then lease it point of view is not always correct, it is hard to imagine getting a better deal on this model by buying outright with the current issues at VAG.
3 Oct 16 #166
Great deal.
3 Oct 16 1 #165
I've done it before; as has zermatt.
3 Oct 16 #164
You can negotiate any deal, but to suggest the above is farcical.
3 Oct 16 #141
I would love to know how people use the annual miles? How do people rack up only 10k pa, never mind 8 or 5? I feel I use my car no more than the average user, I've had it a month so far and I'm half an annual 5k. These miles have me beat.
Apocc to devientenigma
3 Oct 16 #143
People don't. With any VAG group car is it nearly always cheaper to set the mileage at the minimum and then pay for excess mileage at the end at 7.2P per mile that set a higher amount to start with
m5rcc to devientenigma
3 Oct 16 #144
Some people can do 33 miles a day, no?
royals to devientenigma
3 Oct 16 1 #163
A lot of people work near where they live, work from home, aren't stupid?
3 Oct 16 2 #162
You can.
3 Oct 16 1 #21
Good deal but worth asking your local dealer to match
No fee and possibly lower monthly
Got my R from Corkills of Wigan (superb)
Plus with the added bonus you can go pick it up
Important : MUST ASK FOR FLEET DEPT normal sales dept don't even go there...
muffboy to zermattbusby
3 Oct 16 #161
"Good morning may I speak with fleet sales"

"May I ask who is speaking?"

"Joe Public"

LMAO at the suggestion you can negotiate a deal on a single car with the fleet sales team!
3 Oct 16 #160
You only need to claim and declare VAT over a certain level of turnover, currently £83K
3 Oct 16 4 #159
all the people on here trying to save 5p on a punnett of grapes yet pretending they are going to buy a £28k motor lol
3 Oct 16 #125
There's much cheaper VAG out there than this.
m5rcc to Cameron92
3 Oct 16 #136
davidbrent to Cameron92
3 Oct 16 3 #147
In the end, which ever way you look at it, a man always ends up paying a lot for VAG.
muffboy to Cameron92
3 Oct 16 #158
Exactly, try Bedworth for starters, plenty of cheap VAG knocking around town!
3 Oct 16 1 #156
3 Oct 16 #155
Hmmmmmm that's pretty cheap especially on a 3+23 and 10k miles. Just sent a screenshot to my local dealer to see if they can match or beat it!
3 Oct 16 1 #154
You just need to pick the right car and haggle well on the purchase price. Bought my last car new and kept it for 2.5 years. Sold it for 20% less than I paid - way cheaper than leasing.
3 Oct 16 1 #153
I make sure that my "clients" pay for it by charging them appropriately, but yes, pedantry...

No real difference. One can argue it's immoral, etc but the tax laws in this country allow it to happen. Besides, the UK is nothing more than tax avoidance racket (which they invented).
3 Oct 16 #152
yes, your business pays for it, so you save yourself whatever %age your personal tax rate is​ on that cost. its a discount, it doesnt make it free. And yes, I am a pedant! If you have found a way to save yourself cash, well done, I am all for people doing that if it can be fit around the rules. I dont like it so much when large Co's do it, but quite like it when small Co's and individuals are able to.
3 Oct 16 #151
Sure but that is also expensed...
3 Oct 16 2 #150
And whilst you dont pay for fuel/insurance as your business does, as you as essentially running as self employed, any money your business spends you are essentially spending. So if you drove a small diesel, you furl cost would be less and you would have more profit left to draw upon. And your insurance is paid for via work in lieu, so again you do pay for it, just not wih cash.
3 Oct 16 1 #149
The residual of this car after two years, albeit with 20,000 miles is £15,375. Given the list price is £29,730, you are looking at a £14.3k hit on ownership.

If that is a "pile of horse manure" then I'm Monty Don.
3 Oct 16 #148
p.s. Dealers won't withhold the information you mention (when discussing a PCP) as it is FAR EASIER to sell a car on PCP when customers understand that they may not have to pay excess miles, rather than allowing them to presume that they definitely do.

Think about it...
3 Oct 16 #146
​you paid an initial rental and also an amount every month for the lease though?
3 Oct 16 #145
It wasn't helpful at all unfortunately, it was 'dangerously' misleading.

This isn't a PCP, it's a PCH, and you will DEFINITELY be charged excess miles as the car must be handed back at the end of the term, no option to trade it in.
3 Oct 16 #142
The only thing I need to pay for is the servicing. I don't pay for the insurance nor the fuel (as I claim that as a business expense).
3 Oct 16 #140
your still paying for your motoring though. I would expect it to be possible to buy ​a VAT qualifying car, claim back the vat, use for a few months and then sell on with minimal loss. Set up Ltd company as a car rental company to enable the VAT reclaim and bill yourself a reasonable monthly charge (£100+vat) to cover the minimal depreciation (which could be offset too).
3 Oct 16 #139
​haha what as pile of horse manure....
3 Oct 16 2 #138
Could be worse. Could be a Screwfix obsessive...
3 Oct 16 #137
Thread pretty squarely ruined by the wannabe fantasist. Heat for the deal.
3 Oct 16 #135
Cos I'm full of "hot air" and a disseminator of misinformation!
3 Oct 16 #124
What is the best deal for the Golf R at the moment?
royals to rye225123
3 Oct 16 #134
you missed the select contracts deal at £180/month plus £1800 deposit that was on 2 months ago. Also the S3 deal for £210/month plus £2400 deposit on last month
3 Oct 16 1 #133
In order to have the privilege of driving this lovely vehicle it works out it will cost you

£5,145 / 10000 ~ 51.45p for every mile excluding fuel and insurance. Too expensive for my liking.
3 Oct 16 #132
Everything with moderation. There's always a business reason to drive to the Nürburgring, no?
3 Oct 16 5 #131
Money laundering
3 Oct 16 #130
I know, I couldn't bothered to list everything. I guess as yours is a company pool car then its exempt. Could be too much temptation to drive for non business though, lol
3 Oct 16 #129
Does it? Factually incorrect, but who cares about facts these days, eh?
3 Oct 16 1 #128
Ha sorry the opening line was more a statement then a question....

Unfortunately don't have the option of fleet insurance, will have to read up more on understanding on insurance works to take full "legal" advantage. Thanks for the info....shame people don't get the simple fact that a ltd company can claim back the VAT (as it can on many things so why people think cars are exempt i'm not sure)
3 Oct 16 6 #104
Most if not all of what M5rcc says on here is a load of hot air and rubbish. Claims to be an expert on everything and needs to be centre of attention on every thread he posts in. You're best just ignoring him. He's a very good troll though I'll give him that.
satty83 to JohnOFarrell
3 Oct 16 3 #123
that makes more sense. :smile:
3 Oct 16 #121
I'm no longer FCA-registered. Can't give advice. :laughing: (Yes - it's a car for the business)

I do some "work" for a private garage and I am on their fleet insurance in lieu of payment.

Thank you!!
3 Oct 16 #120
Not quite sure I understand your comments.

Any income whether it be salary, wages, dividends from shares, dividends from your company is considered as income and considered as part of the amount your have to pay as BIK

eg if you earned salary of £7000 and claimed £33000 dividends your BIK tax payable would still be based on the combined income of £40000 and not £7000. Otherwise every IT and Telecoms contractor in the UK would get a company car
3 Oct 16 #119
Arrrghhh just leased the Polo GTI!! I would have defiantly gone for this offer otherwise. Heat added
3 Oct 16 #118
Cos it's legal and others can benefit from it?

By whom? HMRC? :smile:
3 Oct 16 #115
So all you pay is the monthly fee right ? Is there not a lump sum to pay at the end ?
gooners to DCFC79
3 Oct 16 1 #117
Correct (plus deposit)

Though have to return the car in good condition or you'll be charged for any damage. There's guidelines on the
3 Oct 16 #116
m5rcc - Genuine question, was thinking of getting a car through my ltd company. There's 2 directors, so can show it as a pool car (though obviously with 1 person can be done).

What sort of insurance do you get? Business or personal car insurance?

p.s 100% of VAT can be claimed back if the car is for the sole use of the business. How most pool car schemes at companies work
3 Oct 16 #114
i got my vw 1.6 manual thru cardiff Sinclair vw . Try them directly .. I got thru same website but they charge 300 for processing and u cant select much color.
3 Oct 16 1 #113
No worries - see my comments. I run my own company too.
3 Oct 16 1 #112
Course you can, you utilise the dividend tax credit to reduce your tax to nil up to the higher rate threshold (obviously this has stopped now we have lost the dividend tax credits, but you get the idea).
3 Oct 16 #111
​ok that comment sound highly suspicious. but seriously why on earth would you mention that on a open forum. I'm sure you will at some point have your self assessment and books looked at especially as a limited company i fail to see how you pay no tax at all. who are you donald trump
3 Oct 16 #110
Kindly elaborate.
3 Oct 16 1 #108
The logic is fairly simply, pay yourself a small salary + dividends therefore no tax to pay. Claim there is no private use and therefore claim back the VAT although there are a few problems. The car is probably available for private use, doesn't matter if it actually is or isn't just that it is available and secondly having to charge VAT.
3 Oct 16 #107
You are assuming that I pass all my investments through the limited company. I don't. I use it as a medium to pass my business expenses.
3 Oct 16 2 #105
So, if you don't pay no BIK, VAT, tax or ni that means you earn less than £671.66 a month and get no dividends.

Please enlighten us how you made this car deal work. I could do with a cheap nice car
3 Oct 16 #103
"Everyone knows", eh? I see...

I don't have an "accounting firm" - I said I do my own books.

Good for you...
3 Oct 16 #102
​Fair enough, I've seen a spate of people I know leasing cars recently and wondered if there was any other reason, obviously not. Cheers.
3 Oct 16 #101
3 Oct 16 1 #100
​look everyone on here knows you don't use it purely for business use. but in all fairness do feel free to tell us your accounting firm. i think i need to be moving to the guys that are sorting you out. my accounts aleays making out its hardly worth the effort to lease a car throigh business as i can expense my owned car and its better value for money.
3 Oct 16 1 #92
Why would anyone pay £5k for a car for two years? Surely you can buy one for half the price, keep it for twice as long and sell it for a few hundred quid when you're done?
m5rcc to chisypasta
3 Oct 16 5 #94
Only post #94? I'm disappointed...
hihihehe to chisypasta
3 Oct 16 1 #99
Some people have an interest in cars, and like driving new, nice and fast ones. Simple
3 Oct 16 #98
If an asset appreciates, buy it. If it depreciates, lease it.
3 Oct 16 #97
I don't need to ensure that it isn't and HMRC have never queried it (yet) probably down to my mileage is lowish.
3 Oct 16 #96
It was a genuine question but ok thanks for your feedback.​
3 Oct 16 #95
And how do you ensure it is "not available" for private use :smiley:
3 Oct 16 1 #93
There is no BIK to pay for a second time: the car is not used for private use.

I do not pay income tax as my investments made through the company are tax-emempt.

I do not pay NI as it is under the profit threshold.

Company set up costs - £100

I do my own books - no accountant.

HMRC are the most inefficient government department and everything is legal.

But thank you for your concerns! :wink:
3 Oct 16 #90
Keep up please...

No BIK. No NI (as I make sure I'm under the threshold). No PAYE as I'm self-employed.
3 Oct 16 #89
Yep agreed. I posted the cheapest at £180+Vat +deposit of £1800
3 Oct 16 #88
But you'll have to pay BIK and personal tax/NI?
3 Oct 16 #87
And there I was earlier being called a troll! Can't please anyone!
3 Oct 16 #85
Great that's really helpful thanks.....
Other than sayinh I don't pay any vat and it's easy to use up a ltd company you haven't explained anything.
3 Oct 16 #84
That's what freezers are for.

Officially I don't.
3 Oct 16 1 #82
Magic and when it's snowing and you need a pint of milk of course your taking your bike and will never ever use that car for any private use whatsoever.

Same as vat qualifying cars. Business use only but HMRC don't follow you and fit them with trackers
3 Oct 16 #81
Such as? Civic looks too boy-racer like and the next-gen Civic looks truly awful
3 Oct 16 #80
You wouldn't understand...
3 Oct 16 #79
Nope. Out of my price range although had a non-performance Golf previously. Lots of reviews online though but as ever when your spending this sort of money you do need to drive them but definitely worth also popping along to your local Honda dealership as well as VW. I'm sure there will be many that prefer the Golf over the Honda and vice versa they look fairly closely reviewed. Generally though the Honda seems to tick more boxes than the VW overall.
3 Oct 16 #78
Brilliant logic... :confused:
3 Oct 16 #77
Does anyone have any experience with trying to extend a lease (like this one) by 6 to 12 months if you're not ready to change to another car? I've reserved a Tesla Model 3 and was planning on keeping my (owned from new) BMW until the Tesla arrives but I'm not sure it will last before I have to pay out some major bills. Obviously I'm not exactly sure when the Model 3 will be available in the UK but I suspect it will be mid-2019 based on past form. This Golf would suit me fine for a while!
3 Oct 16 6 #75
Why did I just read all those comments!?!? haha jeeeeeez.
m5rcc to ukscoob1
3 Oct 16 1 #76
To educate yourself?
3 Oct 16 2 #71
There are reports that demand for British built cars is slowing on continent, yet you are still buying this overpriced c**p, have some dignity folks..
m5rcc to pablomalin
3 Oct 16 #73
No-one is buying anything. You are paying for a lease.
oddballjamie to pablomalin
3 Oct 16 1 #74
No one's buying it, it's a lease. Rag it for two years and send it back the Fatherland.

As for British built cars, you're taking Jaguar Land Rover which are not this price, not British owned and sales are supposedly damaged due to Brexit.
3 Oct 16 1 #72
I'd expect a 1992 Golf to be a bit unreliable.

As for the Honda CTR if you find one for this price you should post it.
3 Oct 16 1 #70
Have you driven either?
3 Oct 16 3 #68

Who exactly are you going to 'report' the arbiter65 to for defamation?
KingNav360 to leyloleylo
3 Oct 16 1 #69
3 Oct 16 3 #67
Poor reliability and huge repair costs probably makes leasing a wise choice especially as the reliability rating is across all models and the more complicated models like this will be less reliable.

Still very poor dealers though, almost bottom.

Seems like an overpriced car with a lot of potential stress with faults and possible breakdowns. Still for a hot hatch there aren't a huge number of alternatives at this performance level. Honda Type R comes to mind which is reliable, British made and very good dealer network overall.

Also the Honda seems the more exciting car without the bland styling of the golf.

Don't know how they compare for lease costs but if your not a badge snob definitely worth considering the Honda.
3 Oct 16 #66
Price goes up £27 a month from 5k to 8k miles, not £18. But your calc is right at 7.2p per mile excess charge. How on earth do the lease company come up with these figures?
3 Oct 16 #65
Is this worth paying the excess mileage for 20,000 miles?
3 Oct 16 #63
I don't "commute".
3 Oct 16 #62
And commuting? Fair play and 100% legit if you do. Probably not worth setting up a VAT registered business just to save a few quid on a car lease though but I suspect you haven't.
3 Oct 16 #61
I prefer manuals, but the current DSG issues that VAG have encountered are now be fixed with the new seven-speed wet clutch transverse DSG/s-tronic capable of handling more torque than the old six-speed DSG/s-tronic. The big problem with the dry clutch DSG was that the synthetic fluid it was originally filled with became conductive and wreaked havoc with the multitronics box.
3 Oct 16 #60
Nobody gives a toot about what you got for how much cause youre a geeza and a bit of a del boy
3 Oct 16 1 #58
BIK is only payable if a company car is also used for private use.
3 Oct 16 #57
I have a motorbike for private use.
3 Oct 16 5 #56
Is that you, Del Boy? Luvly Jubbly!
3 Oct 16 1 #55
Would BIK not be payable? P11D value of this this GTI is £28,330 - percentage charge for 2016/2017 is 24%, rising by 2% each tax year. 20% tax payer would pay an additional ~£1,400 per year in tax. 40% tax payer would be double that. Far more than the ~£514 you'd pay per year in VAT.
3 Oct 16 6 #54
So you have private use on mobile and utilities but not on a 35k car. I assume from this you work from home then. How do you get anywhere else ? Public transport.
3 Oct 16 #53
Want some more? This isn't even a real car. DSG sucks. Even Porsche have reverted back to manual.
3 Oct 16 #50
Imagine financing a VW, hahahaha!

Your badge means nothing anymore. This is just a skoda, and the skoda would be better.
m5rcc to Taz1529
3 Oct 16 1 #51
Thank you for your informative comment!
3 Oct 16 1 #49
​Nope :disappointed:
3 Oct 16 4 #48
Not sure whether to comment on the good deal or about someones life story about a different car/deal
3 Oct 16 1 #47
I'm staggered no-one has (yet) mentioned they can buy a six year old BMW for the same price (and of course get to keep it...)
3 Oct 16 1 #46
No - I claim the full 20% of the VAT paid. The car is not for "private use".

The only thing that I do not claim the full 20% is on mobile calls and utilities.
3 Oct 16 #20
5k not enough otherwise good
qyestionmark to trickytree1984
3 Oct 16 8 #45
Or you could do the maths on the excess mileage, and make a judgement call on the comment about how that rate could be negotiated down, and then make an informed comment which would help others......

It irritates the hell out of me when people post deals which present all the information everyone needs to make a judgement relevant to their personal circumstance and people make zero effort to understand it and still think their opinions matter.

Given this is a VAT inclusive price and the excess mileage is hardly a rip off (with the potential to be a bargain) the whole deal seems great value for quite a classy car. Thanks OP for posting. You deserve better.
3 Oct 16 #43
​You can only claim half the vat back so you do pay vat
3 Oct 16 1 #42
In all seriousness this actually looks like a pretty decent deal. I would probably need around 8,000 miles which wouldn't cost me much more. Thanks for posting :-).
3 Oct 16 5 #41
3 Oct 16 #39
Again - unless you want to be reported for defamation, please tell me how I am dodging VAT?
3 Oct 16 #37
Who says I "dodge VAT". I expense the vehicle for business purposes as I do with all expenses. Nothing illegal.
3 Oct 16 7 #36
Setting up a company just to dodge VAT not illegal? Does this imply you are not a small time crook? Does that make you a 'big time Charlie' then? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
3 Oct 16 #35
HMRC are too busy chasing small time crooks. Nothing illegal.
3 Oct 16 4 #34
Hope HMRC are on this forum :-)
3 Oct 16 3 #33
Fairly sure it's illegal to set up a limited company just to dodge VAT. Setting up a company is easy and cheap, but that doesn't sound very legal to me.
3 Oct 16 16 #32
Tax avoidance.
3 Oct 16 #31
Any chance you would like to elaborate on this?
3 Oct 16 #30
Has anyone ordered one yet am on the fence
3 Oct 16 #27
m5rcc to krakpot
3 Oct 16 #29
In the sense that it has no clutch pedal, yes. But not a true automatic.
3 Oct 16 #28
Normal? If you want to pay more tax than you need to, please do go ahead...
3 Oct 16 1 #26
normal people do
3 Oct 16 #25
No as I don't make it available for "private use" and the car is not a perk.
3 Oct 16 #24
Is that the case. My vw Tiguan runs out April and I will if gone maybe 6/7k miles over. What do I do and say? This could save me hundreds!!!
3 Oct 16 4 #23
Would you not have to pay BIK if you do it through limited company which would increase the costs?
3 Oct 16 1 #22
Can you tell me some more about how to get a reduction in the excess miles. I got my Audi A4 in may through Vw fs. I am well below miles but I will be increasing as I have just started a new job
3 Oct 16 4 #19
Ta for that.
3 Oct 16 1 #18
Re-read what I wrote: this is the same price that what I got my R for... You decided to compare it.

Very easy to set up a limited company and expense it through that.
3 Oct 16 33 #17
So you're comparing your lease exc VAT vs. a personal lease inc VAT? Hardly comparable.
3 Oct 16 #16
You mean a vRS?
3 Oct 16 #15
Absolutely this! It's often cheaper to take a 5k lease than a 10k lease for this reason, and also gives you more flexibility.

Cracking deal OP, would be all over it if I hadn't just bought an ST.
3 Oct 16 #14
I don't pay VAT.
3 Oct 16 #13

So excluding VAT.
3 Oct 16 #12
I took this deal out and negotiated the terms. Didn't need sat nav or winter pack. Manual hatch.
3 Oct 16 1 #11
All Fabs are hot! No longer an R version
3 Oct 16 9 #3
I have to agree, 5k miles is a deal breaker....if this had been 10k miles then it would be scorching, but as is, luke warm at best!
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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