Found in HMV, Llandudno today. Ozzy Osborne - Prince of Darkness. Box set/bookpack. Four c.d.s of hits, b-sides, rarities and oddities. Deluxe packaging includes 58 page colour book with rare photos, memorabillia and notes and reflections written by Ozzy. As a collector of box sets, I think this is a bargain. This set is £34.89 on Amazon.
2 Oct 16#1
Joe Dante
2 Oct 16#2
Thanks OP
OOS online :disappointed:
2 Oct 161#3
£9.99 on amazon, even cheaper used
duncan5112 to mlefa30
2 Oct 16#5
OP thanks for highlighting offer heat added. miefa30 thanks I will purchase from Amazon as got prime and you get digital download too
2 Oct 16#4
Great box set....apart his duet with Kelly Osbourne on Changes!
2 Oct 16#6
As above, thanks to the O/P for the original offer link, ordered off Amazon as I've prime and auto digital download, so thanks to miefa30 too!
Jonnyblock to pgilc1
2 Oct 16#7
Looks like you boys have had all the cheap amazon ones?
2 Oct 16#8
There were no really cheap ones second hard ones marginally less than new but without digital download, still 3 at £9.99 new when I last checked.
2 Oct 16#9
2 left new on amazon just bought one thanks op
2 Oct 16#10
RIP Ozzy :disappointed:
3 Oct 16#11
My bad. He's not dead. I just assume when deals for once mega popular stars go hot, it's cos they've just died and it's just tribute heat. Hey, don't y'all act like you didn't think it too! :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Oct 16#12
Can anybody assist with my question? Does anybody know if the tracks off Blizzard of Ozz are the uncompressed originals of the songs? The only version you can get of that album is the compressed to hell version. Randy Rhoads' guitar is seriously gimped. All the dynamic range has just been removed.
hcc27 to seany1977
3 Oct 16#13
That's my issue with most CDs as well. Compression causes a calamitous loss of dynamic range that makes you want to listen to the LP!
Thanks hcc. I didn't realise you could get this. I have the remastered version which just ruined the original sound. One of the reviewers says he has the record and the original version on the CD is as good as the record. That's good enough for me :smiley: For 5.48 I cannot complain.
Opening post
OOS online :disappointed: