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moto g4 16GB Black sim free at £129.99, unlocked, free home delivery @ Carphone warehouse
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
2 Sep 16
I have been looking for this phone and its the cheapest unlocked, sim free from carphone warehouse online and in store. Includes free home delivery.
Excellent phone and cheapest price.!colour=black&capacity=16GB&dealType=sf
Top comments
derp1664 to kennethsross
2 Sep 16 16 #9
4 years on Windows phone? My condolences.
2 Sep 16 13 #1
Voted hot but would pick one up from John Lewis at the same price due to the customer service in CPW being some of the worst i've ever received. They would not refund me for an unopened device bought in store, only give me a credit not to spend within CPW. However, if you order online and pick up in store they will due to online buying legislation... Go figure. Still, this seems to be the normal price for this handset now with Amazon and John Lewis selling at £129.99 also. Mildly hot.
2 Sep 16 4 #6
An exceptional phone for the money - even at the £142 I paid for it. Can't rate this highly enough in terms of value for money. I moved back to android after 4 years on Windows Phone, and I'm so glad I did - looked at various top-end marshmallow phones, but opted to save my money with this. I am in no way disappointed!
2 Sep 16 3 #39
​If you want to argue semantics, despite fact that the terms "shop" and "store" are used interchangeably between British, American and even Australian interpretations... even though there's rarely ever misunderstandings whenever people use either term in a conversation... then sure, you can replace my "store" with your "shop". Whatever keeps you warm at night :smiley:
Latest comments (103)
15 Sep 16 #103
​phone up their customer service and say you want to log official complaint they were helpful to my sister replied within 4 hours
15 Sep 16 #102
CPW are an utter shambles. I got an email and text yesterday saying my phone would be delivered to store and now they tell me nothing until October, this is after saying on their website the phone could be delivered to store on the 6th Sept.

If they ran a brewery you'd come out sober.
14 Sep 16 #101
October first delivery and a £20 compensation I believe it was that my sister has received an email about regarding her complaint to cpw for no delivery after taking payment. original price 129.99
3 Sep 16 #82
Best phone I've ever had, love it after giving up Windows Phone.
nofrills to littld
5 Sep 16 #86
does anyone know of any leather type case for Moto G4?
polg to littld
5 Sep 16 #90
B**lox to that then.. really need am alternative. Cancel my oreder and rethink.. might have to bite the bullet and pay Tesco £150
Thanks for the info.
Steve1205 to littld
10 Sep 16 #100
There is now a software update for this phone.
5 Sep 16 #94
​Thanks for the info, looked for a video comparing the 2 on YouTube but couldn't see any, just wondering which would have the better camera as both 13mp? Think the camera on the ultra 7 is meant to be an improvement over the ultra 6.
cannycoyote to awoo
9 Sep 16 #99
phone is back up to £159 now. glad i bought it last friday still waiting on stock tho! will be in monday apparently?
8 Sep 16 #98
Yes, there is an adaptor included.
8 Sep 16 #97
If i have a nano sim is an adaptor included with phone?
6 Sep 16 1 #96
​No the "explode" feature is only found on the high end models :wink:
5 Sep 16 #95
The website lies. It offers it then the email comes through with back order. None available for home or collection.
5 Sep 16 #93
thank you
5 Sep 16 #92
You can do click and collect. Normally one hour slots? Hope that helps
5 Sep 16 #91
Its available for click and collect in Hull, I dont know other stores though
5 Sep 16 #89
Just called them and no stock until the 12th Sept.
5 Sep 16 #88
I'll second that. Have for home delivery but out of stock.... my handset is broke.. thinkni'll panic buy instead..
4 Sep 16 #85
It beats the Smart Ultra 7 in every review I have seen, Smart ultra 7 is no improvement from the 6 according to most reviews and averaged 3 stars
darrint to MisterFresh1980
5 Sep 16 1 #87
I ordered one. However, there was no home delivery on offer and the website said delivery to store on Monday and this was Saturday. Email came through after ordering and said it's on back order. Not amused.
4 Sep 16 #84
How does this compare to the Vodafone smart ultra 7 as that's a similar price? Is this better?
3 Sep 16 1 #83
3 Sep 16 #81
Plus model ? Do you have a link for this please.

Also John Lewis is more expensive and they don't have it in stock to those mentioned buying for JL
3 Sep 16 #80
No, the plus model comes with the fast charger, this just comes with a standard one.
3 Sep 16 #79
Can anyone confirm please if this comes with a Motorola Turbo Charger power supply ?
3 Sep 16 #78
Also: £5 cashback quidco / 5.25 tcp
3 Sep 16 #77
I got one of these and they're good eBayLink
3 Sep 16 1 #76
This is a good all-rounder by the way. Unlimited texts and minutes, and 4GB of data on Three for £9 a month:
3 Sep 16 #75
What are you looking for with the SIM only? How many minutes and texts do you use? How much data do you need?
3 Sep 16 #74
Can anyone help me my tesco mobile contract just ran out I want to buy the moto g4 outright and then get a deal for 24mths can anyone advise is sim only the cheapest option.
3 Sep 16 #73
This is why A.I. isn't ready for mainstream use
3 Sep 16 1 #72
don't you mean nite?
3 Sep 16 #71
3 Sep 16 #70
just ordered from cpw. its on back order appar so will hopefully have them in soon
3 Sep 16 #69
Samsung S5, cheap now, if you can find one still; not greatest but good enough; will be a dated but removable battery, decent camera, NFC, good hardware, micro sd, fairly quick. if you find a dual sim, bonus!
3 Sep 16 #68
Looks like the offers on this phone are drying up, at least for now.

- John Lewis has returned the price to £159.99, and is still out of stock.

- Amazon has removed their own listing for this phone, and only sell through third parties at over £150. Yesterday they were showing new stock of their own arriving on September 6th, but this has now been removed from the website as well.

- CPW still have stock online, but none in stores, at least not around here.

This is for the black single-sim model. The dual-sim white is still available everywhere at the higher price.

Hope this is a temporary shortage, and not Motorola/Lenovo clearing out stock of the cheaper phone in favour of the premium G4 plus and dual-sim versions. They have the Moto E for budget sales as well. Oh, and the new lower-spec G4 Play, which sells at £129 as well.
3 Sep 16 #67
ok thank you
3 Sep 16 #66
It isn't worth the upgrade.
3 Sep 16 #65
Do you think this would be an upgrade from a Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 guys?
3 Sep 16 #64
Get a Xiaomi redmi note 3 pro. This could is outdate and slow. The 650 on note 3 is nearly twice the speed. Plus u get 3 gb ram and 32gb rom. I've just updated to miui 8 automatically and has alot of features including settings individual app lock. Also it has more battery too. It's the same price or even cheaper cos the note 4 is out
3 Sep 16 #63
Thanks, i did not know that. Anyone know if we able to use adoptable storage option with this phone? This is the deal breaker for me.
3 Sep 16 #62
I have just had the worst experience ever with CPW and a repair that took 3 weeks. There are 30 staff in every store and not one of them seems capable of answering the phone. So you call customer services and after holding for 30 minutes, they tell you they can't speak to the store either. Actually selling my phone now as I couldn't bear dealing with them again.
3 Sep 16 2 #61
and bricks and mortar stores wonder why people shop online. If they had quality customer service in store, people would be willing to shop there. but knowing that you are protected more by buying online than in store, i'll keep on buying online.
3 Sep 16 #60
does this have a additional memory card slot for extra storage?
3 Sep 16 1 #59
It doesn't explode.
3 Sep 16 1 #58
Wrong! All moto G4's have 2GB of Ram

John Lewis price back up to £159 and out of stock
3 Sep 16 #57
This is why I buy almost exclusively from three stores (except food)
• amazon
• apple
Due to their "No Quibble" returns policy
Not been to Costco for a while but they to used to be exceptional too.
Please note Argos most definitely have a "quibble open box policy" (unless your local store is a one off). - or it's an Argos online sale.
I do also use aliexpress for under £15 items
3 Sep 16 #56
Samsung (and LG) have disabled adoptable storage in Marshmallow so you will not be able to use the memory card intermal memory, much to my frustration too
3 Sep 16 1 #55
While I agree that CPW might be a bunch of incapable shop monkeys (apologies to all monkeys that I've just insulted) - the law is that a shop is not obligated to refund you in a case like this just because you changed your mind. It's entirely at the shop's discretion if they offer a no quibble return policy like Argos (mostly) offers.

As a former shop worker it gets very tiresome when people walk back in expecting a full refund because they made an informed buying decision :smile:
3 Sep 16 #54
worth mentioning the duel sim version (if this is important to you) is white only for some strange reason
3 Sep 16 #53
The model that Carphone warehouse sales only has 1GB of Ram so i wouldn't recomend it.
3 Sep 16 #52
Interesting that on amazon it say the device accepts max 32gb microSD card.
Surely wrong my brilliant £29.00 (plus £10 topup) Moto E has a 128GB microSD card.
love these Moto's (iPhone 6 my main phone)
2 Sep 16 #51
Yep I agree. I was only joking :laughing:
2 Sep 16 #50
4 very happy years. No condolences required. Just didn't see the point of re-investing in an OS that is being neglected to death.
2 Sep 16 1 #49
I have the j5 2015. Great phone, snappy to use but let down by 8gb memory and poor camera. Supposed to be getting marshmallow which would help as you can use memory card as internal memory. The j5 2016 is marshmallow with a 5.2 inch screen but is quite a bit more than £129 i believe.
2 Sep 16 1 #48
Denial is also perfectly natural. This is all progress. :man:
2 Sep 16 #47
The problem is you, fella.
2 Sep 16 1 #46
​I would ask where to pick up an unlocked P9 Lite for £130 and then snap up one for me and my gf!
2 Sep 16 1 #45
l think its better l brought a Samsung galaxy j5 2015 l find the screen really irritates my eyes never had this problem before..
2 Sep 16 #44
well l think the Huawei p9lte is better what say you...
2 Sep 16 #43
Bought dual sim for this price a few days ago, currently using it and no problems so far. Impressed with feel, lightweight, pretty fast, the android skin is much better than I thought, but battery a little disappointing.

Any ideas about a cheap/good case and screen protector?
Lord vader
2 Sep 16 1 #42
picked one up on the Amazon deal (typing on it right now).

Great phone. Does all that you want, all the apps on android you need and 16gb internal memory.

like it better than my last phone (iPhone 6)

great deal if you can get it
2 Sep 16 #41
Does anyone know how this compares to the Samsung Galaxy J5? I can't decide between the 2. Thanks in advance.
2 Sep 16 #40
The first step to recovery is admitting there's a problem. Nobody's judging you, this is a safe place.

2 Sep 16 3 #39
​If you want to argue semantics, despite fact that the terms "shop" and "store" are used interchangeably between British, American and even Australian interpretations... even though there's rarely ever misunderstandings whenever people use either term in a conversation... then sure, you can replace my "store" with your "shop". Whatever keeps you warm at night :smiley:
2 Sep 16 #38
I have a Windows phone, have for 3 years. ,No problems. No condolences required. Also a Motorola.
2 Sep 16 #37
Do you mean shops?
2 Sep 16 13 #1
Voted hot but would pick one up from John Lewis at the same price due to the customer service in CPW being some of the worst i've ever received. They would not refund me for an unopened device bought in store, only give me a credit not to spend within CPW. However, if you order online and pick up in store they will due to online buying legislation... Go figure. Still, this seems to be the normal price for this handset now with Amazon and John Lewis selling at £129.99 also. Mildly hot.
jacenj to parasitemol
2 Sep 16 1 #3
Where's amazon link? John Lewis is out of stock for home delivery
Askrulous to parasitemol
2 Sep 16 2 #14
Yes, I don't think I've witnessed such uninterested and untrained staff with such attitude. Had to return a tablet not fit for purpose and my experience taught me to avoid cpw. The tech guy who tried to test it then 15mins later realised his machine only tested phones summed up what I was up against, so knew it simply a matter of time before I got the refund they were refusing to give.
nyasham to parasitemol
2 Sep 16 #28
​This goes double with EE. NEVER get a phone from their brick-and-mortar stores. They won't honour returns or refund the second you sign or give them money... Not even if you're still in the store and the phone is still packaged and in the bag!

This is from personal experience when I upgraded to a 32GB Galaxy S6 without realising it didn't have a micro sd slot. I asked to swap out for something else and they flat refused. Only their online store has a cooling off period.

At least cfw give you store credit. Still not ideal though.

Only use the brick-and-mortar stores for browsing, then order online.
saunderscowie to parasitemol
2 Sep 16 #29
Have you experience with john lewis customer support? Always wondered how they are considering everything comes with 2 year warranty -- seems very good to me
Dude1971 to parasitemol
2 Sep 16 #35
100% agree with you, John Lewis have never let me down, CarPhone WhoreHouse never answer the phone, reply to tweets or emails. AVOID THEM!
Dude1971 to parasitemol
2 Sep 16 1 #36
100% agree with you, John Lewis have never let me down, CarPhone WhoreHouse never answer the phone, reply to tweets or emails. AVOID THEM!

I returned a TV that we decided a week later was too small, they took it with no hassles.
2 Sep 16 1 #30
Finally, Motorola seems to be getting back to delivering value for money. 2GB RAM, 16GB Flash, 4G, decent phone, quick updates, all for a decent price. But unfortunately they have still not made any promises for future upgrades. Will this phone ever see Android N? For me, that would make a big difference.
iainmann to MrPuddington
2 Sep 16 #32
Lenovo says the G4 will get Nougat but hasn't specified a timescale. It's thought it could be pushed out late Dec/early Jan but not confirmed.
cullies to MrPuddington
2 Sep 16 #33

Android 7.0 Nougat update: Motorola

[i]Motorola devices receive Android updates a lot faster than some other devices thanks to the minimal additions Motorola puts over the top of the raw Android software.

The Android Marshmallow update schedule for Moto started in December 2015 so we would expect similar for the newest Moto handsets when it comes to Android Nougat. Aside from Nexus devices, Motorola handsets are likely to be some of the first to receive the 7.0 update.

srennocks to MrPuddington
2 Sep 16 #34
​this phone will 100% see Android N and be one of the first to get it. you should have no worries on this score with Motorola unlike many other manufacturers
2 Sep 16 #31
​I've not had dealings with them for a smartphone but they replaced a faulty TV of mine with no questions asked within their 2 year warranty period a few years back and were all round very good. I've seen a few people on here rave about their customer service roo much like Amazon. Its not so much that I'm plugging either of those companies though more so that I was very unimpressed with CPW and will not be buying from again unless the deal is unmissable and then I'll be ordering online to be picked up in store.
2 Sep 16 #26
I'm still too old fashioned and need a removable battery. My teenage son loves the G4 (plus) which we bought him at the beginning of the holidays. Anyone have any ideas on a new android phone with removable battery that can replace my samsung S4 which is dying? Thanks.
alwatson to debadwolff
2 Sep 16 #27
Not what you asked for but would carrying a small portable charger be an option? There might be a few phones out there with removable battery but you would be ruling out a lot of great phones.

Something like this would get you near enough a full charge on an average phone and you can recharge it without it needing to be in the phone:
2 Sep 16 #25
what case have people gone for this phone?
2 Sep 16 1 #10
I just wish the G4 plus would come down slightly. the G4 is tempting, but the poorer camera is frustrating.
Bikerdanny to DocRobotnik
2 Sep 16 #24
I picked up a £130 Moto g4 and agree that if the g4 plus wasn't a 50% increase in price over the g4 I would have gone for that.
2 Sep 16 4 #6
An exceptional phone for the money - even at the £142 I paid for it. Can't rate this highly enough in terms of value for money. I moved back to android after 4 years on Windows Phone, and I'm so glad I did - looked at various top-end marshmallow phones, but opted to save my money with this. I am in no way disappointed!
derp1664 to kennethsross
2 Sep 16 16 #9
4 years on Windows phone? My condolences.
Bikerdanny to kennethsross
2 Sep 16 1 #23
I was on android since the beginning and then the last year with IOS and now back on android with this, this phone is amazing for the price and will seriously make me consider ever buying flagship phones again. I feel to top the Moto G4 you would have to spend £250+ on a handset to notice any sort of difference if any. I can already predict that during next year's Moto G4 will Inc NFC and compass then their will be no stopping them.
2 Sep 16 1 #22
Except direct from Motorola, they are all dual sim.
2 Sep 16 #21
Has a gyroscope but no NFC or compass?

Bizarre. Usually budget phones (such as the Smart Ultra 6) have NFC and a compass but no gyro.

Heat added anyway, but hardly an upgrade for my SU6.
2 Sep 16 #20
thanks.. good deal
2 Sep 16 1 #2
Dual sim version?
rasdonny to jacenj
2 Sep 16 1 #19
As far as i can find out, with these moto g4 16gb -

white = dual sim
black = single sim

John Lewis does the white for £159.95
2 Sep 16 #18
This or take a chance on the redmi note 3?
2 Sep 16 #17
Good find. Thanks.
2 Sep 16 2 #16
prime now app wont let me screengrab
2 Sep 16 1 #15
This is the same deal I posted 8 days ago:

If you go through quidco you can also get another £5 cashback too
2 Sep 16 1 #13
Is this
2 Sep 16 #12
This was posted over a week ago
2 Sep 16 #5
yup, is on amazon too, even on Prime now if you have it for superfast delivery. Can't link from it as on my phone
jh787 to stevo25
2 Sep 16 1 #11
Can't find on prime now app.
Only the g4 plus.
Must be specific to your area
2 Sep 16 2 #8
Worth getting at John Lewis, as easy to collect and you get 2 years Guarantee included. Ordered one yesterday ready to collect today for a mate going travelling next week. Cannot be beaten on Value for money.
2 Sep 16 1 #7
Car phone warehouse are now saying that phone is out of stock!
2 Sep 16 #4

Just checked and also OOS. Still, this seems to be the price this handset has settled at so I would wait for stock in these more reliable stores unless desperate. Definitely not a cold deal. Just tepid considering the last few weeks has seen the same handset at the same price from 'better' sources.
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

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