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Plusnet unlimited 38mb fibre broadband £5.00 a month - 18mth contract
3.5 stars +233

Plusnet unlimited 38mb fibre broadband £5.00 a month - 18mth contract

£5 Plusnet5 Sep 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
27 Aug 16
Line rental is £16.99 a month but going up to £17.99 soon so would be worth getting the line rental saver.

18 month contract.

Go through TCB for £77 cash back. Has now been reduced to £10.50.

Quidco offering £40.

£374 after cash back for 18 months or £20.77 a month

** ignore link. you need to go through Quidco or TCB to see the deal **
Top comments
27 Aug 16 24 #3
Why have you put £5 per month when you must take the 16.99 line rental.

Did teacher never tell you to show your equations / working out...?
27 Aug 16 3 #6
offer like this and best they can do me with currently the same stuff is 29 quid a month,time to start looking elsewhere.
these companies just don't get it still eh,match the price or lose customers!
Latest comments (83)
19 Sep 16 #83
Just done it 29.98 came off on the first month pay screen then on dd screen it crashed now having to wait 48 he's before refund. Apparently due to cashback sites. If this is the problem as a new customer god only knows whats its like after a month. Cold from me
14 Sep 16 #82
Not had a reply yet - but will cancel in the final day if I don't. It's looking unlikely/scam atm.....
13 Sep 16 #81
I've just stuck a claim in anyhow......
13 Sep 16 #80
Are they looking at the claim? when you raise a claim it states:

"If you raise a cashback claim the Quidco support team will hold this for 35 days from the purchase date. The reason for this is that Plusnet will only accept claims after this time has completed"
13 Sep 16 #79
I was able to raise a claim.
13 Sep 16 #78
How are you going to sort the cashback? when raising a claim it states you can't until the service is active, by that time the 14 day cancellation period will be over.
13 Sep 16 #77
I posted this in the sky deal: Sky offered me skq q 2tb no multiroom with box set bundle FREE + line rental £11.41+ fibre max £15. No installation cost.
It might not be so easy for someone else to get it so am willing to share some details if you wish.
13 Sep 16 #76
I'll stay if I can sort cashback but WILL cancel if it's looking like I can't.
12 Sep 16 #75
Left after about 3 months, mid-term but after agreeing no penalties etc.. Not so much traffic management, I think, as just a basic lack of capacity. Nice people to deal with, to be fair, and decent customer service (infinitely better than BT) but just a tad too slow in the evenings. Probably down to around 8mbps, or even lower sometimes. OK in the daytime - and very cheap. BT will be cheaper - but only for a year, and only because of the deals for new customers + cashback. Good luck with the move. :smiley:
12 Sep 16 #74
Few months with SSE? I'm sorry to hear that :smirk: Did you leave mid term or complete? Is the traffic management as bad as everyone suggests?
12 Sep 16 #73
No, BT's a perfectly good idea with the right new customer deal. Solid connections, decent DL and UL and customer service you rarely if ever need. Have to move after a year of course to avoid being ripped off but that's the same with all of them. Just moving back myself after a few months with SSE.
12 Sep 16 #72
Honestly, no idea. BT have a fair share of CS problems but I hear the speeds are consistent at least and the contract is 12 months. I might be missing something but perhaps BT is a bad idea and a better provider is available?
12 Sep 16 #71
Almost as if BT have been intent on damaging Plusnet to the point that nobody wants to use it since they acquired it isn't it? Now why would they want to do that? :wink:
12 Sep 16 #70
Just escaped these people luckily! Research the traffic management first and watch out for packet loss due to them switching onto a different network at the moment. I'm going with BT but waiting for a similar deal to what was available last week.
12 Sep 16 #69
Are you cancelling the plusnet contract or trying to sort out the cashback after the fact?
I've still got 7 days to decide but it's not ideal.
If there was a better deal on offer I'd cancel just to make sure.
10 Sep 16 #68
10 Sep 16 #67
I have just joined plusnet but the service was son BAD I cancelled it;.
They send 1st router. Then they said I did not need it as I could use Sky one. I sent the plus net one bACK
They then said I did need it after all. They never sent one.
I complained. They send another and it arrived 3 days after my service was actived. The broadband stil does not work.
Terrible Service
6 Sep 16 #66
Got unlimited sky fibre & phone line £20pm on 12m contract. If anyone gets a better deal,pls post. Got 30 day cooling of period. Tia x
6 Sep 16 1 #65
​very impressed so far. No problems since day one, speeds as promised, no signs of traffic shaping/management, and the router's features are just amazing. can't comment on costumer support because I haven't used it yet.
6 Sep 16 #64
Here you go:
6 Sep 16 #63
​They can all be pretty crap so its best to move every 12 months and get cash back and vouchers. Loyalty gets you absolutely nowhere with these companies.
6 Sep 16 #62
Moved house and stuck with Plusnet to save hassle even though better deals were available. They made an utter pigs ear of it and took 6 weeks to activate the phone and broadband despite there being no technical problems with the line at all. Just down to their internal processes being terrible. They're now doing their best to ignore my complaint and not honour promises made during the problem period.

Can't recommend a BB company, I've yet to find a good one.
6 Sep 16 1 #61
Be aware if you go for the line rental saver you are pre-paying for 12 months. The broadband contract is 18 months so you get left in a cycle where if you do the line rental saver again in 12 months you are stuck with Plusnet when your BB contract runs out after 6 further months.

If you have problems with getting connected, or find your line speeds are nowhere near what you were promised, if you have pre-paid your line rental you are stuck and will find it difficult to leave.

Plusnet offer 14-day cancellation policy but their engineers will probably take longer than 14 days before they can arrange the appointment.

Plusnet go on about their great English customer service but it is shockingly poor. Sometimes you have to wait 45mins+ to speak to somone on their (freephone) number, and to get any results you have to go around the houses for weeks.

I speak from experience. Would not recommend. However, I don't know of a decent alternative: you'll probably find people have similar moans about BT, Virgin, Sky and TalkTalk.

edit: on the plus side - Quidco (or might have been TCB) tracked for both of my orders and paid out.
Plusnet customer services offered compensation for my troubles, although I'll never get the time back I spent on the phone chasing them over several months.
5 Sep 16 #60
I didn't get a screenshot. Can you post yours here for all to use?
5 Sep 16 1 #59
They asked for it - yes. But that was it. I suspect all they were going to do was dump it.
5 Sep 16 #58

"Please note

Please be aware that your broadband needs to be active before continuing.

In most cases cashback is not paid on VAT and other charges such as delivery and credit card. Please check the retailer's terms on the retailer page.

If you raise a cashback claim the Quidco support team will hold this for 35 days from the purchase date. The reason for this is that Plusnet will only accept claims after this time has completed."

So by the time my BB is active and I can raise a case for the correct cashback amount, it will be too late to cancel plusnet if the claim is rejected, marvellous.
5 Sep 16 #57
Same here, I took a screenshot at £84 but it's tracked at £10, I'll take a trip down the support route.
5 Sep 16 #56
I used to be with PlusNet (moving back Sept 13/14) they seemed not to bother with shaping! On a 38meg line FTTC I got a stable 3-6mb down 700 up BT are great no shaping that I noticed a 76 meg line (48 meg connection!) FTTC I got a stable 4-8mb down 1.2mb up. Since I left PN they crippled the upload which effectively kills Download speeds will report back.
5 Sep 16 #55
I bought this...

Cashback has only come in as £10 (was deffo £85 when I ordered) and is now only showing on QuidCo as £40 cashback. I believe I'm being done up like a kipper... may have to use a 30-day cancel .. hassle...
5 Sep 16 #54
Are you on this? What's it like? Speed, service etc?
5 Sep 16 #53
Just had a look for this . EE don't seem to be offering anything without a line rental charge but Vodaphone looks good. Can anyone using this give some feedback?
5 Sep 16 #52
As someone else mentioned, do be aware that the upload on their low package is capped at 2Mbps. That's not a lot.

That said, I happily signed the parents up to Plusnet fibre - despite being a BT subsidiary and supplying the same kit, the actual broadband seems much more reliable. Not getting the previously-common problem with pages randomly refusing to load.
5 Sep 16 #51
BT generally ask for their kit back these days.
5 Sep 16 #50
you only get that price if you're already vodafone client. new costumers get £25. No cashback through TCB, didnt check quidco. Still, great deal considering what you get.
5 Sep 16 #49
always worth a try, unfortunately I tried 3 times for skys £10 deal, and they just slung me to the kerb and wouldn't budge no matter how much I mentioned other deals, so it's not always possible to stick, however I can't currently recommend PN as I've just entered my 4th week without internet since switching to them.
so my advice would be if you are lucky enough to be offered the sky deal then stick.
5 Sep 16 #48
well that's not the total cost is it ? when it changes shortly to include the line rental there will be an easier price comparison as line rental isn't the same cost with them all.
5 Sep 16 #47
no, phone them and say. when does my contract finish because vodafone are offering me £22 a month all in AND half price for first six months on an 18 month contract. Thats about £18 all in a month.over 18 months. say vodafone is your mobile supplier and they rang you.

they will then offer you a deal for line rental of £10 and fibre £10 so you stay plus about £15 rebate on your current months bill. sky negotiate as they want to keep you.
5 Sep 16 #46
£10.10 tcb not £77
5 Sep 16 #45
be careful with plusnet and cashback... they can be very tricky and will make it hard for you to claim it
5 Sep 16 1 #44
Maybe if you need a new line installed. I think it's free if you're transferring existing.
5 Sep 16 2 #43
18 month contracts on BB should be a thing of the past now. Even BT (owner of this outfit BTW) now offer 12 month contracts...
4 Sep 16 #42
And Installation charge £49.99 ?????
4 Sep 16 #41
the link from quidco takes me to another offer free for 18 months doesnt seem to be fibre :confused:
2 Sep 16 #40
I agree it sucks I've been switching between Plus and BT nothing to change. Fibre (FTTC) they seem to think we are idiots and won't move. Just get the best deal when you credit runs low and you see a good deal. I got the amazing deal 13 months ago (Plusnet early termination without fee = 12 months into an 18m contract) to a BT 12 month contract >£400 CB each time! CB looks thin on the ground now.. Other folk may be able to get out due to poor service (Virgin / SSE BB is really bad so you can bail)

One thing to remember is not to buy the associated deals (Mobile SIMs from BT or Vrigin) as it makes it more complex to leave. Best to stick with separate providers to allow you to switch. I'm leaving BT and will be the Free Wifi which is superb at work and when out and about for mobile data. Shame!

There might be better cashback on quidco for Plusnet, not sure which deal though might only be the 76 meg product
1 Sep 16 #36
If you search for Plusnet on Quidco, this deal is listed under the vouchers and offers section with £85 cashback
randomandy to lmuk2k
1 Sep 16 #38

But it takes you to ADSL broadband (17Mbps) landing page instead of fiber page, looks like either £5 per month OR £85 cashback...can't see a way to get both
Murts to lmuk2k
1 Sep 16 #39
Brilliant spot, thanks a lot.

Just done this. £22.99 a month for 38mb unlimited fibre (inc line rental) + £84 cash back.
£22.99 x 18 = £413.82 - £84 / 18 = £18.32 a month - that will do me.
1 Sep 16 #37
Apparently BT Homehubs work with Plusnet, if anyone leaving BT wants to save getting yet another router sent out to them ...
30 Aug 16 #35
I just realised you have the line already. There do not seem to be any companies who will just give you broadband at the price of broadband on its own.
30 Aug 16 #34
I just signed up to Sky but only standard speed broadband, not fibre. You can get £66 cashback on TCB and a £75 prepaid Mastercard from Sky so it works out as £5.65 a month, including line rental.
30 Aug 16 1 #33
Still have 9 months line rental saver :disappointed:

Anyone know of a provider that offers competitive broadband that isn't bundled with line rental?
Such a fcuking anticompetitive con, I can't believe ofcom hasn't taken action against it. Utterly useless regulator.
30 Aug 16 #32
I know this has already been said but it's not £5 a month if you have to pay for line rental is it?
30 Aug 16 #31
kind of ruins the deal without the cash back. I was tempted with the non-fibre deal. the cash back on both was about the same so thought for the extra £5 a month I'd rather have fibre.
30 Aug 16 1 #30
I was ready to do this deal but the cashback has dropped to £10.60 on TCB. That's effectively £5.50 a month gone. Any better deals for unlimited 38mb fibre?
30 Aug 16 #29
I just saw this on MSE. Is it a better deal?
~I'm just after a new line rental and BB package. Can anyone advise? I'm a moderate user, i.e. TV streaming, downloads and gaming. Probably don't need fibre, although I don't need a landline - as I use my mobile.

Until Wed 31 Aug, new Plusnet customers, or those who've not been with it in the last month can get an 12-mth contract with BT-owned Plusnet* which includes line rental, unlimited downloads with up-to-17Mb speed broadband.
Broadband and line rent £186 over 12mths, get £75 back*If line rent paid upfront. (Paid monthly it's £323)

Available to: 90% of the UK
Speed: Up to 17Mb
Download limit: Unlimited
Traffic shaping? Yes

Contract length: 12 months
Deal requires line rental? Yes
Inclusive calls? No
New line installation: £49.99 << maybe a deal breaker hidden here?
29 Aug 16 #28
​Vodafone & Virgin not requires telephone line rental.
27 Aug 16 #27
I presume you mean two bit?
27 Aug 16 #26
keep in mind that if you decide to cancel your contact they won't refund the line rental and they count 14 days cancellation period from the day you place an order and usually enable the connection after 14days and if you need help their waiting time is 40 mins to 1 hour plus.
27 Aug 16 2 #25
Shat it Ben with your too bit raspberry pi deals. Keep your 2 cent to yourself
27 Aug 16 2 #24
Both of you are talking utter rubbish I'm afraid.
27 Aug 16 1 #23
just got off the phone to sky as was due to renew my fibre and line rental and have been offered line rental at £10 a month and fibre unlimited also £10 a month so £20 total a month pretty happy with that
27 Aug 16 1 #22
Good price for the download but only 2Mbps upload which isn't enough for many. Not voted either way.
27 Aug 16 #21
Talk talk fibre broadband £22.70 pm including line rental :smiley:

Been with talk talk 6years never had any problems was on basic package paying £17.70 pm gave me fibre broadband for £5 a month for 18 months (duration of contract)
Free router delivery
Plus no fibre connection set up fee
27 Aug 16 #20
I had no problems with Sky broadband but plusnet I heard bad reviews
27 Aug 16 #19
Brilliant. My contract with plusnet is over in two months or less an they wouldn't give me 5 quid for 18 months but they did do it for £7
27 Aug 16 #18
No you don't!!! Vodafone do broadband without a line and so do EE

It's not £5 per month at all. It's £5+£16.99 so £21.99 soon to go up to £22.99. Rubbish deal considering you can get tv phone and faster broadband for cheaper!
27 Aug 16 #16
My Sky Broadband is finishing on October 5th. I was on 12 month Free Broadband and half price line rental of £8.70 a month

I called them today and they offered to me for £27.40. I'll break it down for you it's £10.00 broadband and £17.40 line rental total is £27.40 a month during 12 months contract

I said I want to cancel and they came back with £10.00 a month for free broadband and line rental during 12 months contract if I decide to stay on.

What shall I do stay with them or cancel and get better elsewhere.
alg to argosextra
27 Aug 16 #17
My broadband and tv offer ends with Sky on October 1st - I'm still shopping around and thinking about going with Plusnet. Chances of beating sky down to about half of what I'm currently paying? (Cos getting top level of fibre with Plusnet with almost all their TV packs is still £25 cheaper than sky's last offer)
27 Aug 16 #15
Thanks for the reply. Thought as much. I have an old phone line connection below my VM phone line. Issue is even if it is connected it isn't in the best position for my router to be in and having a fully wired Ethernet connection will be impossible unless they reroute the line to my living room which will probably cost a lot of money. Looks like I am sticking with Virgin then.
27 Aug 16 #13
I currently have Virgin optical fibre. To get something similar from Plusnet etc do I need a new connection installed? I am guessing as this is fiber it is underground vs over your phone line. It's difficult to find this information.
alg to wetbandit
27 Aug 16 1 #14
You need a phone line, as it comes through the phone socket into the house.
27 Aug 16 #12
Thank you
27 Aug 16 #11
How are plusnet for traffic shaping? Currently about to cancel sky fibre as deal has just run out.
27 Aug 16 2 #10
​I just shop around for the new deals each time my old one expires. does get annoying though.
27 Aug 16 3 #6
offer like this and best they can do me with currently the same stuff is 29 quid a month,time to start looking elsewhere.
these companies just don't get it still eh,match the price or lose customers!
backinstock to chasolo
27 Aug 16 #9
I agree.
They also put up the line rental mid-contract and allow you to leave without penalty (although you may have to 'guide' them) and lose customers. Then offer cheap deals to attract new customers to replace the exiting ones, but at a lower cost.
It must make sense somewhere? (scratches head)
27 Aug 16 #8
​no it isn't . i don't have line rental . i have broadband only with virgin and ex wife uses relish . total cost is 21 quid coming to 22. still a good price but not five pounds
27 Aug 16 24 #3
Why have you put £5 per month when you must take the 16.99 line rental.

Did teacher never tell you to show your equations / working out...?
t3rm3y to prash_2k
27 Aug 16 #7
​you need a line anyway for the broadband. so the internet service is £5 a month. thats the deal.
27 Aug 16 #5
Take a screenshot as that's what it says.
As the line rental increase starts in a few days, I'd work your calculation out using £17.99 p/m as no-one will be able to get the £16.99 line rental.
I've just actually left Plusnet and I know others think they are the 'bees knees', I found them extremely 'uncomfortable' with my changeover. Took ages to actually contact them over misleading emails, several misleading emails!
I'm glad to see the back of them!
27 Aug 16 #4
Same price as Vodafone BROADBAND 38mbps which is a flat £22 a month. Not sure if Cashback is available? :stuck_out_tongue:
27 Aug 16 1 #1
£5 a month is only for the first 6 months or am I missing something?
Fien to Tinvincible
27 Aug 16 #2
​link must have changed. if you go through TCB or broadband choices it will take you to the proper link where it's £5 a month over 18 months
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Double LEGO VIP Points

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