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Opening post
3 Aug 16
Just signed up to Plusnet standard ADSL (unlimited) broadband.
Its Free for 12 months on a 12 month contract with £75 cash back (from Plus Net).
Quidco are offering £135 for Standalone ADSL packages on top of this.

You just pay line rental (£16.99/ mo) but i went for the line rental saver @ £185.88 up front.

So you get £210 cash back in total for your package which only costs £185.88 + £6.99 router P&P charge.

So... i have the equivalent of free line rental, free broadband, free router and £17.13 in my back pocket :smiley:

Seems like a no-brainer!

------ UPDATE ------
Quidco Cashback has tracked @ £135.

------ UPDATE 2 ------
Get an extra £5.58 if you have a Santander 1-2-3 account and opt to pay the line rental saver by DD! - thanks ahotukdeal

*** 13.11 - Quidco Cashback - DECLINED ***
- Bradford904

Quidco Cashback Declined :disappointed:
- JC1997
Top comments
anonimousse to snowflake75
3 Aug 16 26 #16
3 Aug 16 17 #9
Currently enjoying a 0.62mbps download speed from them.. 72hours until they look into it
3 Aug 16 9 #3
Interesting definition of no-brainer. You signed-up for the Plusnet 12m contract offering £75 Plusnet cashback, yet the Quidco deal is "Get free ADSL for 18 months on an 18 month contract when you take out line rental". So no Quidco cashback for your 12m contract purchase.
adamck to The5tig
3 Aug 16 8 #7
To be fair, I'm a software developer and often work from home and my standard ADSL has been fine.
I get a good speed for ADSL (14-17mb) and its enough to stream TV and HD films etc...
Fibre is nice if you download a lot, but i don't download much, i stream...
All comments (339)
3 Aug 16 3 #1
I don't think you'll get the plusnet cashback and the quidco. I did an offer with plusnet when they had £50 plusnet cashback and £30 quidco, the quidco cashback was rejected after a few months.
lukeo44 to Dipbill
3 Aug 16 5 #13
I got both last year, £130 Quidco that paid fine and a £50 cheque from Plusnet
frakker to Dipbill
3 Aug 16 #44
This is true. However, I didn't know this at the time and queried where my cashback from Plusnet was a few weeks after I joined them. If you pretend to act naive and tell them you went to the site via Google and not Quidco or whatever, they may still send you a cheque in the post. They did for me.
rossygnol to Dipbill
3 Aug 16 #87
​I had a different experience, I had £75 amazon voucher from plusnet and about £85 from quid on or tcb, can't remember. About 2 years ago
bluel123 to Dipbill
4 Aug 16 #257
My quidco was also declined!
3 Aug 16 2 #2
I disagree, on the Quidco page for PlusNet there are reviewers saying they have had both!

Quite a few people saying they got both cashbacks OK.
3 Aug 16 9 #3
Interesting definition of no-brainer. You signed-up for the Plusnet 12m contract offering £75 Plusnet cashback, yet the Quidco deal is "Get free ADSL for 18 months on an 18 month contract when you take out line rental". So no Quidco cashback for your 12m contract purchase.
3 Aug 16 7 #4
The left hand side of Quidco states the cashback is for standalone ADSL orders (has no specifics).
The right hand side of the page is to show current offers on ADSL from PlusNet (which is out of date).

The cashback is still applicable even with the different offer from Plusnet.
3 Aug 16 4 #5
Worst case scenario is that you would not get the Quidco and it works out at £9.82pm for your broadband and line rental which has to be the cheapest offer around anyway?

I will update with any tracking info i get from Quidco, Quidco cash back offer ends in 4 days... so maybe worth a shot for others anyway!
3 Aug 16 6 #6
It's free but up to 17mb download speed ... No thanks
adamck to The5tig
3 Aug 16 8 #7
To be fair, I'm a software developer and often work from home and my standard ADSL has been fine.
I get a good speed for ADSL (14-17mb) and its enough to stream TV and HD films etc...
Fibre is nice if you download a lot, but i don't download much, i stream...
118luke to The5tig
3 Aug 16 2 #11
Or if you live on my street - 1.5Mbps. Yack!!!!

Welcome back to 2004!
mastin to The5tig
3 Aug 16 2 #40
Try living on an EO line, that was capable of 4mb's. Then via Openreach incompetence after a line fault has seen me moved to a congested DSLAM, line switched & now I can get 2.8mb/s. Of which DLM kicks me down to 2.3mb's every couple of weeks & I need to contact the ISP to get the profile reset. A 17 meg connection to millions of people in the UK would be a godsend if they could get it.
Khairul to The5tig
4 Aug 16 #119
It doesn't get much faster than that on ADSL.
Know anything cheaper?
monkey1999 to The5tig
4 Aug 16 #134
17 omg cheers for heads up I ain't going back to 2005
3 Aug 16 #8
Your OP states that you purchased 12m line rental coincident with 12m broadband, yet the offer you quote "is for standalone ADSL orders". You have not placed a "standalone ADSL order", you have placed an ADSL combined with landline order.
I wish you well, but it may be worth a clarification query to QC and/or PN, although that in itself may trigger declined cashback.
3 Aug 16 17 #9
Currently enjoying a 0.62mbps download speed from them.. 72hours until they look into it
MrPuddington to keiran5517
3 Aug 16 2 #38
To be honest, this is a problem with OpenReach and their absolutely terrible database for line speeds. It is a standard issue, and every ADSL customer can suffer from it, no matter who your "provider" is.
F4STFORW4RD to keiran5517
4 Aug 16 1 #123
Yes, I never really understand why their adverts say that they win awards for great customer service. I always found their customer service to be appalling. Fortunately their ADSL didn't break very often.
cbrpaul to keiran5517
4 Aug 16 #162
took them 4 days to even begin to look at a issue with my Bb, 24hrs to return calls !!!

Glad I left !!
The Crew Designs to keiran5517
4 Aug 16 1 #180
I went from Sky to PlusNet and it was the best move I have made.

Sky were so unreliable and always loosing my connection (inc landline) from day one. PlusNet I have had NO PROBLEMS at all with a brilliant fast connection to. I live in a small village and get 37 MEG download
3 Aug 16 3 #10
You can't buy standalone ADSL broadband without a line via PlusNet (or anyone else for that matter).

I don't have a package with my order... just the line + ADSL.
I used the page that the Quidco link took me to in order to order the item, so that must be the correct page.

As i have said, ill keep people updated on my order, i can always cancel within 14 days if it doesn't track OR just accept that ill be paying <£10/mo for my phone and broadband, which is cheaper than most people pay for line rental alone.

Still a good deal.
3 Aug 16 4 #12
Plusnet openly promote its "Broadband Only" product with no requirement to have a Plusnet line: "You'll need to pay line rental to Plusnet or another BT based landline provider to get our broadband. If you opt to switch your phone service to Plusnet, we'll reduce your monthly broadband price by £2.50...
3 Aug 16 #14
what's adsl
anonimousse to snowflake75
3 Aug 16 26 #16
redduck to snowflake75
3 Aug 16 #41
Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line it broadband internet as we know it.
dereklogan7 to snowflake75
4 Aug 16 #136
Getting your internet through a landline. :smiley:
PAULTRD to snowflake75
4 Aug 16 #175
Let me google that for you
3 Aug 16 1 #15
The tracking link takes you to the quidco / plusnet page, there is no £75 cashback here, although on the Plusnet site i can see the £75 cashback. How can you switch from tracking site to main site and it all go through and track on quidco?
3 Aug 16 2 #17
It's tracked already :sunglasses:
3 Aug 16 #18
Great Deal

Was with plusnet 2 years ago with similar cashback and got both from Quidco and Plusnet cheque
3 Aug 16 #19
Great deal.

I would miss my 8MB a second download with fibre, but would swap paying £25 a month for nothing.

The only time my broadband stretches it's legs is on Steam, which is really the only place you need it since games are getting to become over 50gb in size.
craigrathbone to TwentyTwo
3 Aug 16 #100
Who are you paying £25p/m for 8Mbps fibre, that is shocking.
I am currently on £10 Sky Fibre an that reaches 40Mbps
3 Aug 16 2 #20
​your momma
3 Aug 16 #21
Great deal, I need something like this come March time, currently in a BT ADSL contract until then (which cost me £68 for the year inc. AMC/BT Sport)...

Was with PlusNet before... customer service isn't great (when you need it) but the service itself was fine, good speeds. Got that for £92 so to get this free with money back is brilliant! Best broadband deal I've seen in a while.

Like most I have ADSL, 17-19Mbps generally... more than sufficient for 2 of us on our devices, streaming TV and my work VPN all at the same time. No need for fibre!
soldierboy001 to DanB89
4 Aug 16 1 #201
Before I moved to Spain I had Plusnet and my lady friend ( still in UK ) has Plusnet and we have both never had a problem with CS and I would go so far as to say they have one of the best CS services in the country. And I found Plusnet to be the only quality supplier I had ever had. But I know this is always subject to your line quality.
3 Aug 16 #22
Do you get free bt wifi hotspots with this ?
DanB89 to ukmonkey
3 Aug 16 #24
I don't believe so - you didn't last year and I can't see anything to suggest you do now.
3 Aug 16 2 #23
Witty comeback, let's see how this plays out.
3 Aug 16 1 #25
Thanks for posting. I'm going to look into this.
speor1947superritocom to ms_night_ryder
4 Aug 16 #118 need to contact the ISP to get the profile reset. A 17 meg connection to millions of people in the UK would be a godsend if they could get it.
3 Aug 16 1 #26
I got TCB + PlusNet £75 cashback from an old MSE offer which i'm on currently, this is crazy good :smiley:
Laura Palmer
3 Aug 16 2 #27
Just don't go for the up to 38mb Fibre and expect the download speed to be anything other than 2mb. Flipping disgusting. Just switched to them and they said that's all you get now. Pile of poo. Looking to cancel as they just put prices up without notifying me.
ollie87 to Laura Palmer
3 Aug 16 1 #28
I'm sure there's actually more to this story.

What do you get with ?
julieallen to Laura Palmer
3 Aug 16 #65
I was getting 52mb on the 38mb package up until yesterday.
They actually told you you only get 2mb on fibre? think you need to speak to second line support as first is pretty rubbish.
When did you switch to them as the price increase has been known about for a while now, over a month at least.
zxzx to Laura Palmer
3 Aug 16 #74
I'm on the same service and it slows down to around 5-10mbit/sec in the evening. All other times its fine.
3 Aug 16 #29
speed 3-8MB i dont know what's that mean, but it's half of speed of my current broadband(my current speed cant watch 1080p without lag)
dreamt12 to JC1997
3 Aug 16 1 #36
​u actually only need 2/3mb to watch 1080p, it just needs to be stable. if you've got peaks and troughs u can't watch it. what you streaming on? if your getting 6 to 16mb u should easily watch 1080. think you need to look into your set up imo
3 Aug 16 2 #30
this must be the reason the service is getting so bad. too many people signing up these days.
3 Aug 16 1 #31
Good deal, but have to get fibre in my village for any decent speed
3 Aug 16 #32
I get 4.5mbit on mine and it's enough to stream 720p content with only minor issues occasionally. 1080p is a no no though.
3 Aug 16 #33
thanks. I just make switch from sky.
3 Aug 16 #34
Ive been on plusnet for a few years, I get about 22mb-24mb connection, stream about 500gb per month.
You don't get WiFi hotspots
3 Aug 16 3 #35
If it's free then worth it but plusnet are rubbish!
3 Aug 16 #37
just ordered. thanks OP!! :smiley:
3 Aug 16 #39
Can't get it in my area for free.
3 Aug 16 #42
Yeah probably you right, my maxium download speed on steam can only reach 1mb/s also my wifi signal getting really weak these few years, i used to able to use it out side my house, but now i need 3 wifi booster to be able use the wifi in my house:(
3 Aug 16 #43
The £75 Plusnet cashback seems to have been pulled now. Still a damn good deal though!
adamck to in.focus
3 Aug 16 #46
Still showing for me!
3 Aug 16 1 #45
If you are with talktalk they will match the offer of free simply broadband for 12 moths too. obviously there isn't any cash back, but it might be useful for those that don't like switching.
3 Aug 16 #47
Strange - I went through on my laptop!
3 Aug 16 #48
Mine only comes up with the anytime calls option at £6/month. Any idea how to get the line only option?
3 Aug 16 #49
Any clue why its showing "Installation charge £49.99."
bramr001 to sanjaykeswani
3 Aug 16 #54
Same for me :/
tinca to sanjaykeswani
3 Aug 16 #55
​Because they are a bunch of rip off merchants!
AzeemB to sanjaykeswani
3 Aug 16 #71
Are you getting a new phone line?,
i'm totally guessing but maybe try putting in your telephone line number in at the beginning or check your address.

I'm paying £50 because I don't have a phone line.
3 Aug 16 #50
Does anyone know when this offer ends? Moving house soon and this would be perfect.
3 Aug 16 #51
Offer ends in 4 days for quidco.
3 Aug 16 2 #52
PLEASE avoid Plusnet if you can afford too. The worst broadband in Britain IMO, they say they will not slow your BB. Blatant liars, if you use your BB too much (although unlimited) they slow the speed down and it takes pages a lot longer to load. If you use Youtube a lot they'll slow it down so much it just keeps on freezing, I talk through experience here so please try to avoid.
julieallen to kalvinlions
3 Aug 16 #64
I was with them for about 15 months, and downloaded around 100-150gb a month, never got slowed down once. You must do a lot of downloading if you were getting limited speeds due to that.
moneysavingkitten to kalvinlions
4 Aug 16 #114
I suspect it's not just that. When I was with them I had strong suspicions they gave very low priority to web page traffic, thinking people wouldn't notice. I've never seen ADSL so slow to load pages.
3 Aug 16 1 #53
keep in mind your 14 days cancellation period starts from the day your order so you wont get an opportunity to cancel.
tinca to humadoon
3 Aug 16 3 #57
​They'll "do you proud" - like a trussed up Turkey. How they associate themselves with Yorkshire when they are really BT. They make me ashamed to be a Yorkshireman.
kowalski to humadoon
3 Aug 16 1 #62
Yep, seems very shady. Sign up and earliest BT Openreach appointment is over 2 weeks away. Effectively you cannot cancel if you are unhappy.

Plusnet customer services are shockingly bad. They are lovely, polite and pleasant to talk to (and call centre in England) but you end up going round in circles and nothing gets done. Sometimes you have to wait 45mins plus to get through to someone. Good luck if there's a problem on your line or fault with the service. Shambles.

The problem is the other providers are probably just as bad (Sky, Virgin, Talk Talk etc), so I can't recommend an alternative.
3 Aug 16 2 #56
I've signed up for Virgin Media, I've had had enough of slow Broadband with Sky.
fireman1 to djh1975
4 Aug 16 #151
Get ready for another set of equally annoying issues and problems! Lol
wild_quinine to djh1975
4 Aug 16 #163
When they're good, they're very very good. But I pay for their fastest cable broadband package, and last night I was polling 0.5Mbps with a ping of 350-400.
3 Aug 16 #58
Voted hot - great find OP !
3 Aug 16 #59
That's a fascinating business model. Don't know how long that will work for.... Hot!
3 Aug 16 #60
Yorkshire is part of Britain, along with the rest of the north unfortunately :wink:
3 Aug 16 1 #61
All this fibre rubbish with the phone lines it's always going to be a slower speed. Bt may upgrade the outside lines but not the one coming from the phone pole or whatever it's called unless your having a brand new line installed its going to be rubbish. We have had ours for 20years plus , I very much doubt I would get high speed internet via the phone lines.
TeamTed to addyshan
3 Aug 16 1 #78
3 Aug 16 1 #63
Ta signed up and tracked straight away
have heard some horror stories about them
but very little choice these days and my speed is rubbish any way

at least you get free voicemail
3 Aug 16 1 #66
Sorry to be a pain folks. Anyone got any idea how to get line only without a £2.50 charge? Cheers!
3 Aug 16 #67
Do plusnet do ftth yet?
3 Aug 16 #68
My plusnet is sometimes cripplingly slow compared to my old BT adsl.... need to work out if its the router/wifi/exchange+plusnet
3 Aug 16 #69
Cashback is never guaranteed. But a top deal if you do.
3 Aug 16 #70
I'm seeing a lot of negative comments on here but isn't that just the bt line, same with any provider? I've just ordered bt for £10 a month all in, will this be worse quality? I could even do the £5 extra a month for the plus package where they prioritise your traffic
3 Aug 16 #72
Anyone know how long this offer is going to last as my sky contract finishes next month September 19 and I will give them 30 day notice in 12 August can I take this offer after that.

I was on half price £8.70 a month with £100.00 credit which was posted on this site last year. What shall I do thanks??
3 Aug 16 1 #73
There's a £50 charge if you're switching over from TalkTalk or Sky because they're LLU lines. No charge if you're with BT or many other ISPs
3 Aug 16 1 #75
cold because service is very slow, I believe theyreduce speed when usage in the area is high.....
3 Aug 16 #76
Been with plusnet for the past 2 years, very fast internet and never had a problem with them.
3 Aug 16 2 #77
Not true, I signed up from sky and no charge.
It did say due to me being with sky there a £25 setup fee but it also said its waived and free as I'm a new customer.
3 Aug 16 #79
great deal op

for me tho would it be worth it??
Minimum guaranteed speed: 0.9Mb
Download Speed: 1.2Mb to 3.3Mb
3 Aug 16 #80
whats the speeds?
3 Aug 16 #81
cold because service is slow, they reduce the speed when usage in my area is high.....
3 Aug 16 #82
My 12 months contract on Sky broadband is finishing on 21st August so this is great timing.
Just wondering if it is slightly too early but probably worth taking the hit if there is one
JC1997 to CrazyBob
3 Aug 16 1 #84
my sky broadband end this month 16th, i want switch as fast as possible, sky keep change their price, they start over charge me money about 3 months ago, £3 for macfee £5 for broadband. they charge me £23 a months for 3 months now, next month will be £25...
3 Aug 16 1 #83
Hi I went to virgin after my plusnet finished & was charged £40+ for what they said is to switch it of cause i wasnt going to switch to a company that uses the same line like bt,talk talk etc.... Be careful, plus my virgin line is 10 times stronger for only £3 more, we are all streaming HD in 3 rooms at the same time perfectly. I could not say the same for plusnet.
jordanc93 to philireland1
4 Aug 16 #121
It's £30 and it's the standard charge that plusnet as well as any other company using the openreach network recieve when you chose to move to provider who isn't using the Openreach network. All plusnet are doing is what every other provider using the Openreach network do if you move to a cable line.
3 Aug 16 1 #85
Slow Broadband..... No thanks...
3 Aug 16 #86
Hope everyone gets on ok with Plusnet who have gone for this deal. I've recently switched and my broadband has not been right since day one. Apparently they are having major issues with my SNR ratio! Makes me laugh as i've been with talktalk, sky, bt and they have never had an issue with line stability. Live in a new build with brand new copper to the cable and we live right round the corner from the exchange! And looking at the absolutely terrible reviews now for Plusnet I wish I hadnt bothered! I got £116 cashback via quidco but its cost me more in anger and stress and having to talk to them on a regular basis! (I also had to buy my own router as theirs is simply trash!!!)
3 Aug 16 #88
Signed up with Plusnet earlier this year, moved from BT fibre. First problem was landline phone and internet not working at all, took a few days to fix. Then immediate drop in speed compared to BT, and well below estimate. Had ticket going for about 2 weeks and complained but was told I couldn't cancel due to 14 cancelation period. They did allow cancelation after they failed to resolve the speed issue, but it took a fair few calls from me as they were slow to update the ticket. Back to BT now and previous speed has returned. Others may have a better experience though.
3 Aug 16 2 #89

if you like being on hold for minimum of 40 mins for tech support go ahead
3 Aug 16 #90
Interesting bit from the "legal bit" at the bottom:

"Unlimited Broadband free for the first 12 months then from £9.99 a month with a £50 cashback cheque when you take line rental – 12 month contract"

Have they just neglected to update the Ts & Cs from last time they ran a similar offer or something?
3 Aug 16 1 #91
Plusnet has been having problems with fibre (I realise this deal isn't for fibre) but shows their customer service isn't what is used to be:
3 Aug 16 #92
I've got unlimited fibre broadband and line rental package with BT right now (no issues from day 1) but was thinking about getting this deal for the cost savings. Does anyone stream Netflix on the Plusnet ADSL broadband pack offered here and does it buffer at all as that would be enough to put me off? Thanks in advance!
3 Aug 16 #93
i think it says £75 in another paragraph further down
3 Aug 16 #94
If you renew after 12 months of contract you'll be charged for a new router if your one fails. I was asked pay £45 squid for a router because my one stopped working a few months after my renewal.
3 Aug 16 #95
Look online & do some tests about what speeds are available on your line. The thought of returning to slow broadband haunts me. 5mbs with Sky, Tesco & Plusnet but switching to fibre to cabinet with BT gave us 35mbps. Now with Virgin 50 Mbps but looking to change after promo contract ends.
3 Aug 16 #96
I have no intention of going with plusnet, but i will use this deal when negotiating with bt and sky this weekend!
3 Aug 16 2 #97
truly hot. how can someone who is already on the plusnet take advantage if such deal?
3 Aug 16 #98
Joined & cashback tracked @£135 ... where are the terms regarding the £75 cashback please?
ukstevie1 to Bradford904
3 Aug 16 #101
is yours a 12 month contract or 18? i couldnt see one for free broadband for 12 months with £135 quidco
3 Aug 16 #99
its been changed or somethings not adding up... when i go to quidco its £2.50 per month for a 12 month contract and £135 cash back. its 18 month contract to get the free BB. also no cash back on plus nets end.
3 Aug 16 2 #102
He doesn't get 8Mbps. He gets 8MBps, ergo he gets ~64Mbps fibre for £25 p/m.
3 Aug 16 1 #103
I signed up to a similar deal a few months ago. I never got the cashback from quidco who said plus net never paid them.

Everytime I tried calling plus net I had to wait around 30-45mins to speak to an actual advisor.

They also changed my number when I requested to keep the sale number. They also messed up my connection date and left me with no internet for around two weeks.

Despite what their adverts say I would say plus net provide the worst customer service of all the broadband supplies. I would say they are even worse than TalkTalk!
3 Aug 16 #104
What this man said. I'd get a second line in if I didn't have to splash the £50 on installation.
4 Aug 16 #105
I've just been notified by plusnet that my monthly payment is going up from £16.99 a month to £17.99 a month.

They say I can cancel my contract within 30 days if I don't like the increase.

Could I cancel then take up this offer?

Any ideas?
4 Aug 16 #106
Will quidco still be valid if I add a call bundle to the order? Thanks :smiley:
4 Aug 16 #107
Heat added. Quidco tracked quickly in about couple of hours. A big Thank you OP.
4 Aug 16 #108
Which model of ADSL router comes with this offer? Can anyone check, please? (Technicolor TG582N) , (Sagemcom 2704N) , (Sagemcom Plusnet Hub One) , or anything else? Thanks OP.
kick_u_in_the_nuts to Xih
4 Aug 16 1 #132
i was with them last year and got the sagecom router which they forgot to charge me for.

they- plusnet increased their price now ive gone to talk talk who actually answer their phone within a couple of minutes and connect you on the date that they say they will.
4 Aug 16 #109
Plusnet service is shockingly bad - I spent a year trying to get a reliable service from them - I told them I was writing to their CEO and only then did they assign someone to my case - it turns out that the three routers they sent were faulty - I gave up and jumped ship - they charged me a fee to leave them (I think it was 40 quid) - but I've not looked back since
4 Aug 16 #110
The download speed wasn't the problem for me. It was the piteous upload speed.

Mind you, Plusnet fibre isn't much better, unless you go for the top package.
4 Aug 16 #111
And probably lose your Quidco in the process, because Quidco are now not your refer. Genius.
4 Aug 16 #112
I signed up with Plusnet 18 months ago and received £50 cashback from them and £90 cashback from Quidco. It was all easy and no problems at all.
4 Aug 16 #113
might be good for some but adsl is only 230kb/s near me, 2mbits or thereabouts. I get 52mb/s with plusnet but can pay for more on fibre. I'm sure some will be in the same position.

I assume these deals are in place to relieve some pressure from the fibre networking for those who still get good speeds on copper.
4 Aug 16 #115
What about installation fee?
4 Aug 16 #116
I'm on a rolling contract with talk talk it's finally come to an end and now I don't know what to do. I love my fiber....
4 Aug 16 #117
Charging me £50 for the installation.!
So comes upto £5 per month after all offers.!
4 Aug 16 1 #120
wife switched 2 weeks ago to plusnet, paid 1st month + router charge and supposed to be active today,
rang yesterday as to the whereabouts of the router, they've forgot to order the switch from bt.
offered 1 month free but will now get hammered on next months full bt charge instead of the discounted we've been paying.
getting cancelled later today, awful service
4 Aug 16 #122
get what you pay for ...rather pay for virgin and know I'm gettin 100mb constant with next day fix if anything goes wrong or they will check as soon as you ask for a fault check
4 Aug 16 #124
My contractdue to end soon, been on a retention offer with talktalk. Half price call plan and £10 for fibre large. Everytime they have increased their prices i've rung up and manage to get £5/£10 credit and thats negated any price rise. Looking at my past bills, all this hooha about line rental increasing all the time, i've only effectively paid £12/£13 when taking into account the credits.
4 Aug 16 4 #125
I think you are chancing your arm getting both cashback (especially when this deal gets heat and Plusnet see it...)

This morning i see two offers on quidco.
-Get ADSL for £2.50 per month on a 12 month contract when you take out line rental
-Get free ADSL for 18 months on an 18 month contract when you take out line rental

Suggests to me there isn't a cashback over 12 months where plusnet intend you to get fre line rental.

I assume we aren't following any of the quidco offers and just clicking 'visit retailer'.

Im jumping in anyway as i'm leaving sky after last years cheap offer . but im being realistic about the chances of getting 135 quidco cashback.

I've never been paid to take broadband, but there was once a sky offer which could be stacked which got me free sky for a year, after using a dicount code, cashback, a m&s voucher and ultimately selling the SKY HD box on ebay after a year i ended up making about £50 after having (the basic) sky hd package for a year. and (as my house has no tv aerial) they installed a satellite dish for free that i'm still using to this day for freesat. my best hot deal to date.
4 Aug 16 #126
Installation charge £49.99?
AndyRoyd to panrix
4 Aug 16 #128
Excluding any applicable discounts / incentives:
New line provide: £49.99
Start of a stopped BT line: Free
Start of a stopped LLU line: £49.99
BT transfer: Free
LLU transfer: Free
Transfer out: Free
House move: Depends on type of move - please contact Customer Support for prices
Cable transfer: £49.99
Re-number: £36.63
4 Aug 16 #127
Is it true they slow your broadband down at peak times ?
AndyRoyd to micpwelsh
4 Aug 16 1 #130
Traffic prioritisation: "Your service remains unlimited and we don’t limit your line speed, usage or downloads because of prioritisation."
dereklogan7 to micpwelsh
4 Aug 16 #141
Don't be silly, they can't make it any slower than it is. :laughing:
4 Aug 16 #129
Worst ISP bar none

I can cite you numerous instances of horrific cases, some of which I have been involved - some of which were eventually taken to court ( & won btw).
Steer clear folks, it's dirt cheap for a reason
Yorkshire don't grow tea, and yorkshire isp's are a fantasy . . .
4 Aug 16 #131
Appalling customer service and huge drops in speed.Stay clear of this
4 Aug 16 #133
i just took bt line which activation date is can i cancel bt line and take this one..thanks
dereklogan7 to amirashu
4 Aug 16 1 #137
If you ordered online you would have 2 weeks to cancel. :smiley:
4 Aug 16 #135
Just finished my free sky offer which was posted on here a year ago wish I had held out for this freebie but already signed up to bt
4 Aug 16 #138
I think it depends on your type of line, I'm getting charged £50 with the following message:

You don't have a compatible phone service. To use our broadband you'll need to take one of our Home Phone packages - we'll give you free activation worth £25.

You can keep your current phone number and your existing service should carry on working until you're switched over.

An engineer needs to install your new phone service. Once installed, your broadband should activate on the same day.
4 Aug 16 #139
Just finished a deal with plusnet and opted to sign up for another on fibre this time. I've never had a problem, customer service has been good I've always been connected instantly have I wanted to speak to someone.

Anyway this is the deal I got. Probs not the best ever as I'm not a new customer but I've been happy with the service.

18 months fibre broadband- £7.50 a month

Call package, free for 6 months then 6.50

And opted for the line rental saver which was around £180,

Seemed a better deal than most of the ones I saw coming up on u switch, obviously won't get no quidco though.
4 Aug 16 #140
It's not so free when they send you a bill for so called "Internet calls".
kowalski to genk
4 Aug 16 #243
care to explain?
4 Aug 16 1 #142
A service so bad they have to pay you to take it. I suppose you have no excuse to complain no matter how bad it is if it's free.
4 Aug 16 #143
How does plusnet compare to bt ? It will cost me £40 a year more for bt with quidco and various offers taken into consideration.
4 Aug 16 #144
I am currently on contract with TalkTalk and still have 10 months to go, what will happen if I switch to this deal (e.g punishment fee, etc).

How easy it is to switch to other providers ?? What process involved ??

dereklogan7 to pantaiema
4 Aug 16 1 #145
You have to pay the full contract unless if they are like Virgin you get the option to leave if they increase the price mid contract.
4 Aug 16 #146
Hi just a wee past experience note. You probably won't get the £75 cash back promised from plusnet. As I had the same kind of deal (but with TCB) and have just received an email saying I wasn't entitled To the plusnet cash back as I had received the cash back through TCB.
adamck to miaie
4 Aug 16 #149
Still would work out at £4.82 a month without the £75 cash back. Cant see anything cheaper than that elsewhere for Line rental and broadband.
4 Aug 16 1 #147
There's a lot of rubbish on this deal. Let me give you the facts:
- ADSL VS FIBER OPTIC BROADBAND. You can have a 2mb connection or a 200mb connection. BOTH are perfectly fine with streaming gaming etc. The connection needs to be STABLE.

I have a 200mb virgin line and an switching because the Virgin line is unreliable.

CASHBACK - try it. You have 14 days to cancel if you don't like it.

The Offer - probably one of the best ever seen!
julieallen to prash_2k
4 Aug 16 1 #155
The Sky MSE offers were better :wink:
4 Aug 16 #148
I don't see this particular broadband offer on Quidco...
Good luck to those who have gone for it but there's a lot of wiggle room for Plusnet to reject it once you've entered into your contract.
4 Aug 16 #150
my experience last yr with plusnet: 1. quidco will fail if plusnet offers its own cashback deal. they argued you cannot combine two offers. 2. they charge a exit fee to leave plusnet even if out of contract.
adamck to redmouse2
4 Aug 16 #152
1. As previously mentioned, there are people on this thread who have received both on previous offers, also people on Quidco giving reviews having had both. Cash back is never guaranteed... but it has worked out for some.

2. Its against the law to charge people and exit fee out of contract as theres no legal contractual agreement for you to be charged a fee for leaving... hence why it can't be enforced! I very much doubt its true as how would anyone ever leave PlusNet??
julieallen to redmouse2
4 Aug 16 #154
1. I got both last year, as did others. It isn't guaranteed though.
2. I just left plusnet on Monday, I had no exit fee.
cliosport65 to redmouse2
4 Aug 16 #227
​very true it's not an exit fee but it is a concession fee which is charged if you leave and go to another provider that's not supported by BT wholesale :wink: most people would not know they have been charged because they don't pay attention :wink:
4 Aug 16 #153
It's funny that Inposted a similar deal for BT 52mb fibre which works out at about £6 per month (which is a better deal than this) yet it went cold.
dereklogan7 to Madchester
4 Aug 16 #185
Where is the £6 coming from? Thought it was £12.50 + line rental? :confused:
4 Aug 16 #156
How did you figure that one out?!? The sky offer COST £480 per year for tv and broadband AND had expired!

With this deal you get paid £10+
4 Aug 16 2 #157
-'d, it's cheap for a reason, it's crap!
Mr C
4 Aug 16 #158
I am looking for fast internet, basic TV, so I can record, and a phone unlimited. I am with BT just now, when I cancel if they offer me a good deal I could stay, but I need to have the information first.
4 Aug 16 4 #159
PlusNET, "Good honest Broadband" - On 30 January 2007, Plusnet was acquired by BT. Nothing honest about them.
4 Aug 16 #160
Well no quidco tracking as yet. If I get it it will be another free year (free sky for last year)

If not it's less than £10 a month which is cheaper than anywhere else.

There doesn't seem to be any t&cs for the £75 cash back so if they don't pay that out I'll just do a charge back with my credit card for the transaction (£192.87) and they can take it up with Mr Visa!
4 Aug 16 1 #161
I can confirm I took the offer last month £196 for 12m phone and broadband, quidco paid out £80 and also got the plusnet cheque for £50 paid out as per t&cs

A cheque from coutts bank no less
4 Aug 16 1 #164
I took the offer last time £110 quidco and £50 Plusnet cashback. I have received £50 cheque but quidco rejected.
4 Aug 16 1 #165
Tried this before with TCB. Plus net do not give you cashback if you have received cashback from a third party.
4 Aug 16 #167
can existing customers benefit from this deal?
cliosport65 to ssc1
4 Aug 16 #223
​no it will be a new customer deal unfortunately :disappointed:
4 Aug 16 #168
​downloading at 8mb a second which is an 80mb fibre service
4 Aug 16 #169
Higher ranked than BT, Sky and TalkTalk. Basically if anything is wrong they are all pretty rubbish!
4 Aug 16 #170
From Sept 1st, the rental increases to £17.99. But still a great deal
4 Aug 16 #171
The whole point is to pay 12 months upfront so it's £15.49. :smiley:
4 Aug 16 #172
So you suggestion is remove all the range extender?
4 Aug 16 #173
I was a new customer with sky unlimited broadband in June, it's free for a year, free connection etc only thing I had to pay is £6.95 for the hub and my £17.40 monthly for the line rental. my daughter is permanently on the Internet on vidzone or you tube and that's when others are online also and it's fine for us. also I had never had a phone line connected and didn't have to pay for that either.
4 Aug 16 #174
and they sent me a £50 cheque in the post 2 weeks after getting connected.
4 Aug 16 #176
I was with plusnet, now with sky. the router plus net provided was terrible. so factor in having to buy a new one. sky router is 100 times better.
Daywalker04 to mat_smart
4 Aug 16 #177
I'm currently with Sky, can I re-use that router (after some reconfiguration) and avoid paying 6.95 postage for the Plusnet Router (especially since it's terrible)?
4 Aug 16 #178
No the one that was £5 for the whole year last year, and a lot got the £70+ cashback too so made it £-65 or so for the year.
4 Aug 16 #179
If it free I have to consider it as a secondary backup line. Free is free. Why don't try it?
4 Aug 16 #181
do you get the new plus net hub one with this deal ?
4 Aug 16 #182
Souds like you have gone from ADSL to Fiber with those speeds
4 Aug 16 #183
Have been on plusnet 17 mb for four years

Play bf4 every night

YouTube the lot never had a problem

Would recommend
4 Aug 16 #184
I really am not surprised to read this
4 Aug 16 #186

Under FAQs : Its clearly mentioned only one cashback is allowed, Normally the last one.
Looks like it will be only £75 in this case

Sometimes we might make different Plusnet Rewards available via different channels (for example a different Plusnet Reward might be offered if you sign-up via one of our partners than if you sign up with us directly). If you attempt to sign-up for multiple Plusnet Rewards you'll only be entitled to one reward (normally the last one that's selected) and we reserve the right to refuse to provide any Plusnet Rewards if we think you're deliberately trying to obtain to multiple Plusnet Rewards.

If you are lucky to get both, Then it will be a spectacular deal ....
4 Aug 16 #187
Damn Sky always making things loose, its about time they went around and tightened up everyones internet connections :man:
4 Aug 16 1 #188
Thats the gamble!
If you only get the £75 then its working out < £10 / month which is cheap
If you get the £135 Quidco its < £5 / month which is very cheap
If you get both, its -£17 which is crazy :smiley:

More of a win/win situation really.
4 Aug 16 #189
Thats referring to Plusnet rewards, Quidco cashback is an affiliate cashback scheme, not a 'Plusnet Reward'.
As i keep pointing out, some people have had both in the past and some haven't... just luck of the draw!
4 Aug 16 #190
£12.50 includes line rental and the sim contract is worth £7 per month, ant you get a you view box with free BT sports
4 Aug 16 3 #191
Get an extra £5.58 if you have a Santander 1-2-3 account and opt to pay the line rental saver by DD!
4 Aug 16 #192
Admittedly it was about 6 years ago but last time I was with PlusNet they kept restricting my connection for downloading too much and then they made it really difficult for me to leave without paying additional charges.
4 Aug 16 1 #193
A little tempted however gave sky a call and they have set my broadband free for 12months so im paying just for the line rental at £17.40. Granted i dont get the cashback but i dont mind sticking with Sky as they have been ok for me over the last 6 years.
4 Aug 16 #194
hurry up gigaclear, hyperoptic! fiber to the premises please :smile:
Edit: carefull when re-newing line rental saver, if you decide to leave you will not get money back for the remaining months
4 Aug 16 #195
What's your incoming bandwidth?

Example >

20Mb > Router > 20Mb > Range Extender > 10mb > Range Extender > 5Mb > Range Extender > 2.5Mb

Can't make it any more obvious than that.
4 Aug 16 #196
Quick question, I already have Broadband with Plusnet at my own property which I bought through Quidco last time an offer was on. However I want to get my Dad this deal for his home. Will the cashback still track if he was to purchase it using my Quidco account but using his own payment details?
4 Aug 16 1 #197
Avoid Plusnet.
I have had nothing but trouble from day one of being connected.
I was "estimated" between 10MB - 12MB before signing up to their contract and my actual download speed once installed was less than 0.5MB.
Very unhelpful customer service, offered no resolution to my problem, upon asking to terminate my contact due to not being provided with a service that I signed up for they said wait 10 days and get back to us with my download speeds.
This then took me past the 14 day cooling off period(I'd spent 5 days on the phone trying to troubleshoot my issue) and when I called them back and gave them download speeds, which had now dropped to 0.1MB, they then said they were unable to terminate my contract and I would have to buy my self out of contract.
As the saying goes, it sounds too good to be true. PLEASE AVOID and look elsewhere.
4 Aug 16 #198
Not too bad of a company but prices are far too high in offnet areas like mine (every other company is the same expensive rip off)
4 Aug 16 #199
horse, course, and all that cacanana. Standard 'broadband' here is 1.1mb, "give or take 1mb" fibre can be over 50 package dependant, & 3g mobile fluctuates betwwen 3 & 10. I used the oneplan for years as my main broadband until the Fibre got sorted!!
4 Aug 16 #200
Will playing xbox one and watching movies online be ok with this speed?
guitaristanime to dustyfox1
4 Aug 16 #213
No, not if you are in anyway used to any modern internet connection.
4 Aug 16 2 #202
4 Aug 16 #203
Nice one. Don't think it was as clear on your deal. Maybe it was misunderstood to go cold. :smiley:
4 Aug 16 #204
this is never going to be 103 MB like my Virgin Media connection.
cliosport65 to SPLE22
4 Aug 16 #215
​why do you need it that fast ? :wink:
4 Aug 16 1 #205
You know streaming is the same as downloading, right? It's just the data isn't kept on your device, and because it's transmitted via UDP, is actually much more prone to failure if latency and/or speed aren't good enough?

I'm a network security engineer working from home, even with 200mbps Virgin there can be problems. Just remember, you get what you pay for.
4 Aug 16 #206
Err that was on Virgin fibre broadband I was getting 1mbps, down a phone line you were lucky to be getting 128kbps
4 Aug 16 #207
Streaming and downloading is the same thing? :confused:
Haha ok mate.

When downloading a file, the stream of data doesn't have to be very stable as it doesn't really affect the user as its a generally a background task, it can fluctuate all it likes...

When streaming a video, if the bitrate drops and the stream isn't stable, it will either kick you out or become laggy / freeze or reduce the quality of the viewing experience.

If i get reasonably usable internet for free, in fact actually making money out of it... then I'm happy.
Im only home some evenings and weekends anyway, and I've been with many different ISP's in the past and never had any issues with ADSL.
Im happy to take a punt at this deal thanks :smiley:
4 Aug 16 #208
I opted for Plusnet for my mum's broadband, new phone line etc.

They told me the estimated speed would be 1.5-6mbps. She cannot get over 0.8mbps. I've complained only to be told (after 2 months, and 3 BT engineer visits) that's the maximum the line would achieve. Maybe not Plusnet's fault on the constraint of the line, but definitely in terms of their advertising. I've pursued it with Ofcom, and am now considering my next step.

I thought a lot better of Plusnet before this....Avoid.
adamck to jase252002
4 Aug 16 #210
Thats like saying the fuel you put in your Kia was crap and caused the car to break down... so your never going to buy a Kia again!?!?!

The line is BT's and most of the infrastructure too, if BT tell you thats all the line will achieve on ADSL, then moving to another provider won't help.
My partners ADSL was less than 1mb with TalkTalk and it was no different when we got out and changed to someone else... now she's on Fibre and its fine.
Its BT you should be annoyed at as theres clearly an issue with the line / cabinet / exchange.
4 Aug 16 #209
***Update*** My tracked Quidco cashback of £135 has just been Declined! Thought it was too good to be true! This may do even more damage to Plus Net reputation ... back to Sky I go then lol
adamck to Bradford904
4 Aug 16 1 #212
Just noticed mine has declined too, Hmm...
4 Aug 16 #211
What? Streaming and downloading are essentially the same thing, infact streaming relies even more heavily on a stable throughput and HD files themselves need a bandwidth of 3.5-10Mbps depending on the source, audio track and actual quality. Whilst it may seem like you are watching HD content, I would imagine that it is being dropped to a lower resolution to cope with the fact your connection is problably throughputting around 2.1Mbps. I don't see how that's anywhere near enough to stream HD content even at 720p.

I'm guessing that the applications you develop dont need a great deal of pushing involved, as that ADSL connection's upload is going to be less than 10% of the download you stated.
4 Aug 16 #214
My original post was stating that the ADSL connection i receive at home is more than capable of HD content streamed regularly.
I regularly do watch 720p and 1080p content over my standard ADSL without any issues.
4 Aug 16 #216
And I'm saying it doesn't add up. Maybe so, either you're getting a higher throughput that possible for that sync speed or your speed test is wrong.
4 Aug 16 #217
just remember the line rental goes up in September to £17.99 :wink:
4 Aug 16 #218
Mine's declined too.... Trying to decide if the deal minus the Quido cashback is worthwhile. Still better than anything else on the market as far as I can see (I'm on BT at the moment so can't go for the BT cashback deal).

Is anyone going to bother raising a claim on Quidco? I'm guessing it'll be rejected seeing how quickly they've declined it initially!
4 Aug 16 #219
Which magazine - broadband review - customer scores. 1st Zen internet 83%. 2nd Utility Warehouse 80%. 3rd Plusnet 65%.
4 Aug 16 #220
​not everyone can afford to pay upfront :smirk:
4 Aug 16 #221
Because this. Plusnet recently (3 weeks ago) sent us an email regarding the £1 line rental increase. Bottom of email says, "as this is a detrimental change, you can end your contract early with no charges within 30 days of this email"
So i got hold of them, said i need to end contract early as i can without charge, explaining what i wanted, either a new contract or switch provider, i did not mind which i just wanted to save money. They let me start a new contract with a whole new savings!
Sorry i went on a bit - just apply that to this deal, simples.
Plusnet speeds for me. Since november last year (80-20 fibre speed deal) i have had one outage for an hour or 2 when someone vandalised the green thing outside, and get speeds of 78d 19u all day long on a wire (50d wireless).
4 Aug 16 #222
Ive submitted a claim to Quidco... lets see what happens.
Still not a bad deal, just not quite a nice as originally thought.
Working out £9.82/mo for line and ADSL.
4 Aug 16 #224
Mine is also declined. Suppose I was in dreamland thinking I would ever get paid for using a paid-for service!
Shame, a £135 quidco cashback would be better than the £75 plusnet one.

Wondering if I should cancel my order too now.
4 Aug 16 #225
An old deal with O2 broadband got me paid for having ADSL years ago... it was due to 2 offers clashing and worked.
4 Aug 16 #226
But you should still get the £75 via a cheque right?
As previously mentioned, there doesn't seem to be the Free ADSL 12m offer that you got anymore, if you click the "visit retailer and get cashback" link you are taken to a bundle with 12 months free ADSL with Anytime calls @ £6 extra per month.
If you want just basic line rental it is £2.50 per month for the ADSL. Still if you get £75 back then it aint to bad, but it's basically gonna be £20ish per month all in using direct debit (£14 or thereabouts per month if you get the £75 back), which is fairly standard.

But you do get free calls to other Plusnet customers I think, and they can get 0.75p off their monthly bill for referring you.

They are a bit smoke and mirrors these Quidco and Pay upfront "line rental saver" deals, it always seems to come to £20-£35 per month no matter who I have been with or even if I have payed upfront for the line rental.
4 Aug 16 #228
This is clearly a good value deal, but beware Plusnet's service is very poor. I'm a Plusnet customer and had a new line installed (no existing line to the property). It look two months and constant pressure to have Plusnet sort out the issues (many of which were the fault of Plusnet's subcontractor (BT Openreach)). It lt took a letter to the CE to make things happen (whereupon action was very swift, and left me wondering why I had to endure weeks of poor service and lame excuses).

Now it is working the service seems okay (at only 1.6 Mb/s, which is no fault of Plusnet's but entirely due to BT's lack of investment).

so, still a hot deal, but expect slow service if anything goes wrong.
4 Aug 16 #229
Do you know or have a link to what this 'concession' fee is?
4 Aug 16 #230
​Actually adamck what nick88 said it true but it will depend on your region they seem to vary some people get charged and some don't or don't pay attention to it :wink:
4 Aug 16 #231
​remember it well from leaving them 9 months ago it is in there small print, I will see if I can find you the link when I get home :smiley:
4 Aug 16 #232
Heat added.
Just signed up.
First time using quidco
As its essentially free, I havent bothered cancelling my Virgin account till I know it works for me.
4 Aug 16 #233

My cashbck from quidco was tracked at £75 + £75 cashback from Plusnet (Dec 15). Plusnet refused the quidco cashback on the basis that you are eligible for only one cashback.
4 Aug 16 #234
Cheers bud! :smiley:

At the mo, the TCB offer may be slightly better for others, 18 months £186 (12 months upfront) - £116 (cashback) = £70 for first 12 months. Although you have to pay line rental for the following 6 months afterwards.
4 Aug 16 #235
Gutted quidco declined.The signed up 1hr ago oh well 12month contract and £75 cashback. Maybe the 18month contract with £135 quidco would of been better. Still works out as under a tenner a month tho.
4 Aug 16 #236
Hi guys,
It’s great to see that you’re so excited about this amazing deal from Plusnet. Just to let you know, you wouldn’t be able to get both the Quidco and Plusnet cashback when you purchase. So choose wisely deal hunters!
Quidco Support
moonpie to QuidcoCompanyRep
4 Aug 16 #237
Thanks, it's worth reminding everyone that no cashback is guaranteed. My Quidco cashback from Sky has been sitting at "sent to retailer" since September 2015 - Quidco's response "Once it's sent to the retailer we can't do anything".
Daywalker04 to QuidcoCompanyRep
4 Aug 16 1 #241
Can we choose to get the £135 from Quidco rather than the £75 from Plusnet?
4 Aug 16 #238
My £135 cashback from Quidco has also been declined.

I guess I'll cancel now, as I can easily get a similar deal for a tenner from my current supplier (Sky) at renewal, or other suppliers without having to go through the farce of claiming the £75 cashback from Plusnet manually (via email). The last time I was with Plusnet, it took them a good 3-4 months to send the cheque, and that too after posting on their forum to chase it up. It certainly isn't an automatic process.

Also, their supplied router is dire, and the connection is very unreliable in my experience. It's only worth putting up with them, if they offer it for free! :smiley:
soldierboy001 to zen135
4 Aug 16 #251
I can't understand why people don't have their own decent router instead of relying on one supplied by their provider. Decent routers are available at very good prices from anywhere.
evo97 to zen135
4 Aug 16 #266
What deal did Sky offer as I spoke to them today and they could only offer me free broadband and full price line rental for me to stay another year.
4 Aug 16 #239
View Plusnet site on Quidco and read it carefully:
1. Terms and conditions (middle of page) "Quidco cashback will not be paid in conjunction with any cashback direct from Plusnet"
2. View expired Plusnet voucher codes & offers
There is "Enjoy free ADSL for 12 months on a 12 month contract plus unlimited broadband when taken out with line rental (Terms and conditions)
Start date: 15 Jun 2016 Expired: 21 Jun 2016"
3. Current, most relevant to offer cashback is:
"Get free ADSL for 18 months on an 18 month contract when you take out line rental"
Just to remind - Plusnet deal is for 12 months.

Taking into account all above points, I assume that Quidco cashback will be declined at later stage - only 75 pounds cashback from Plusnet will be received. Any purchase will be initially tracked, but declined later.
Anyway, even with only 75 pounds cashback from Plusnet it remains still a good deal.
4 Aug 16 #240
what speeds will everyone get with plusnet?
preecey to warlock09
4 Aug 16 1 #244
That's a strange question to ask. Everyone's speeds will be different depending on the distance they are from the exchange and the amount of subscribers connected to any one exchange, as well as congestion on the network.
4 Aug 16 4 #242
Quidco offers unclear again. It happens far too often. Its either incomptency or deliberate, but its extremely frustrating. Yes one can query through the contact form, but often by the time a response is received, offers have changed, cashback rates have changed etc

So right now clicking the visit retailer and get cashback button from quidco takes one through to a page clearly headed up in partnership with Quidco. The offer listed is 12 month unlimited broadband and anytime calls for £6 per month, with an offer of cashback of £75 direct from plusnet. However its not clear whether there is any cashback from Quidco too. As the quidco site plusnet page states the £135 cashback is only available for standalone asdl, this would suggest that the package which appears when the visit retailer button is clicked does not qualify, as it does include calls and therefore is not a standalone asdl package. Equally, there is another reason to suggest the £135 cashback does not apply. That is the £75 cashback offer from plusnet. Quidco site states cashback will not be paid where the retailer is offering cashback directly unless the direct cashback offer is also listed on quidco page. As the £75 plusnet cashback is not mentioned on the quidco page, this suggests the £135 will not be paid, only £75 will. With all that said then, if it is indeed the case that quidco will not be paying any cashback for the package which appears upon clicking the visit retailer button, then one has to question what the hell quidco are doing having a button that clicks through to an offer on the plusnet site clearly labelled as in partnership with quidco, if the offer does not in any way qualify for quidco cashback. The whole point of clicking through from quidco is to get quidco cashback and get and offer from plusnet which is more advantageous than going directly to the plusnet site. In this instance there is nothing advantageous, despite the plusnet page being headed up in partnership with quidco. The same offer and cashback can be obtained by going directly to plusnet site pages which are not associated with quidco. On can simply go to plusnet, select the 12 month free asdl broadband option with £75 plusnet cashback (cashback direct from plusnet) and add anytime calls for £6. This is exactly the same cashback and package and price as the 'in partnership with quidco' page offer.
thewongwing101 to maano001
4 Aug 16 #256
Thank you for that
paragraphs next time eh?
veedubjai to maano001
4 Aug 16 1 #267
Couldn't say it any better myself. Beats me sometimes why do these ISP's or other retailers would spend their resources & bothered with these 3rd party affiliate cashback companies when it would be far much cost effective just to offer direct promotions in the first place.

Cashback is never guaranteed so cut out the middle-man as they say. Still think some sort of regulation is needed with these 3rd party affiliate cashback companies since there is not a lot of transparancy. It's not that Plusnet don't spend on advertising & marketing as they do already in the first place + who hasn't heard of Plusnet by now. Loads of info online like comparisons sites offering available ISP's in your area.

I'll say forget Quidco with their ambiguous T&C's & cut off their revenue stream & just go straight to Plusnet if that's what you want.
4 Aug 16 #245
Yep agreed with the quidco link, it would be nice if Quidco + Plusnet together instead of completely declining the entire £135 cashback, offer some form of reduced cashback instead for the customers who signed up to this deal.
4 Aug 16 1 #246
Hi there. Can someone please confirm for me that if I were to sign up, I'd get £75 Cashback from Plusnet alongside £135 from QuidCo? Many thanks to whoever can give me a legitimate response :smiley:
4 Aug 16 2 #247
No you won't get the Quidco cashback unless they somehow make a mistake. My Quidco cashback has been declined. But you should get the £75 cashback from Plusnet
4 Aug 16 1 #248
Might be a good idea for the OP to remove the Quidco cashback from the title - is a bit misleading at the moment
4 Aug 16 #249
Oh okay. No point then really. I'll stick with my Virgin 50MB :stuck_out_tongue:
4 Aug 16 #250
treat the quidco as a bonus, its likely to decline, but it may pay out, it did for me, £66 for a years phone and bb
well happy, my sky package hit £52 so i cancelled and took a plusnet (BT) offer last month
4 Aug 16 #252
I see, guess i need purchase a better router then

4 Aug 16 #253
If you were to read the thread you would know your question is unanswerable.
4 Aug 16 1 #254
My experience..

I signed up with plusnet some months ago, expecting £50 cheque from plus net and £110 cashback from quidco

Got the £50, and the £110 tracked and was then declined after a few weeks

No end of arguing with both parties changed the decision, although quidco offered £20 later as a goodwill gesture, from their own monies, they pointed out
4 Aug 16 #255
Wonder can you open a claim on qudico to get the £135?
4 Aug 16 #258
I read through the main post and through all of the comments on the first page. I got confused & asked.
4 Aug 16 #259
For new customers only of course (I double-checked with Plusnet). I took a similar deal out with them via MSE this time last year, with my contract coming to an end in a week (paying approx. £9.80 after cashback, including linesaver rental - from memory). The best they could offer me was £185.88 line saver, then £2.50 a month for broadband (and no cashback). That’s £15.70 a month. I’ll sit and wait for someone like Sky to do something around the £10 mark.
zen135 to WhiteGoose
4 Aug 16 #260
BT's current offering is around the eqv. of £7.91 per month, after the £115 Quidco cashback and £75 Mastercard, assuming the line rental is paid in advance.
4 Aug 16 #261
Thanks for the heads up. I may well take that up.
4 Aug 16 2 #262
4 Aug 16 3 #263
4 Aug 16 1 #264
*AutoCorrect(ing) based upon network load :man:
4 Aug 16 #265
bigdeal66 to valentine681
4 Aug 16 #268
4 Aug 16 2 #269
Hi All

There are several threads on Plusnet Community Forum relating to Quidco declines, none relating to TCB declines -

I have linked the two most recent ones, I was O/P - Cooldude50- Same problem at the time Quidco link stated "ADSL Sales", Plusnet bundled Quidco link with Anytime calls package, those who removed Anytime calls package had the then 110.00 Quidco cashback for 12 Month contract declined replaced with 50.00 Plusnet on site Cashback.

I refused to claim Plusnet 50.00 Cashback after complaining to CISAS Plusnet agreed to pay 110.00 instead of 50.00
4 Aug 16 #270
I so mis-read this the first time. My first reaction was :confused::confused::confused:! Second was :neutral_face:
4 Aug 16 #271
Just appeared on my bill. They didn't say what caused it. Stop using whatsapp and Facebook calls to make sure. Now its virgin and no issues.
5 Aug 16 #272
anyone got declined...just checking my quidco account £135 cashback declined...i have ordered from outside that the reason
5 Aug 16 #273
Will I still get the £135 quidco if I go through them and take out the 12 month for £2.50 broadband + line rental without any plusnet bonus?
5 Aug 16 #274
Not sure why expired. My cashback tracked within an hour yesterday and just checked and isn't declined.
bazjf to ahotukdeal
5 Aug 16 #275
​Is that just for the quidco? I'd have to pay £50 for line installation so if there's a possibility it gets declined I'd be better off staying with virgin media
julieallen to ahotukdeal
5 Aug 16 #276
Quidco have even posted and said you won't get quidco if you take the plusnet cashback

The deal was misleading from the start, before quidco started declining claims the OP admitted it was a gamble, and even when his was declined hasn't bothered updating the OP.
It wouldn't have got anywhere close to 1370 degrees if quidco hadn't been included in the headline.
5 Aug 16 #277
I haven't mislead, i responded to say it was declined but i had submitted a claim.
The results of the claim haven't been settled yet, so its still unsure if its permanently declined...

Every deal with Quidco or TCB is a gamble and never guaranteed.
The deal is genuinely the best offer for ADSL at the moment, even without Quidco its <£10 a mo for everything.
Quidco was a big sweetener for the deal to make it 'crazy'.
5 Aug 16 #278
Ordered a couple of days ago after reading the OP, Quidco didn't track, checked back on thread here and saw the 'Quidco declined' posts, so cancelled order. :disappointed:

If Quidco are going to work with suppliers like Plusnet they should work together to provide a deal which works and if that means taking Quidco click-thrus to a special offer page different from the suppliers own direct offers so be it.
5 Aug 16 #279
Out of interest... has anyone found a better deal?
<£10 / mo for ADSL and broadband + router
5 Aug 16 #280
Yet you never mentioned anything like that in the OP?
Quidco have posted in the thread to say they won't pay if you take the chequeback from plusnet, so I would say your claim is extremely unlikely to succeed, and judging from Quidco's speed in resolving claims, you will have had it for at least 6 months before you find out :disappointed:
How is it a better deal than the BT one for £9.14 a month after cashback?
Not saying it isn't a good deal but its not as good as you make out in the OP, and it was pointed out very early you probably wouldn't get both cashbacks.
5 Aug 16 #281
The BT one is slightly cheaper, or if you aren't desperate to change, you could wait a bit and see if Sky do the MSE offer again, they've done it once this year, last year they did it again in about September I think, works out about a fiver a month.
5 Aug 16 #282
First point is you can't not take the cash back from plusnet as they send it to you.

Second the BT deal is only slightly cheaper of you get the cash back. If you don't it's nearly twice the price.

As has been said Quidco link is misleading. It either shouldn't take you to a page that includes offers not available or should have said on the click through (excludes £75 cashbacks offers) but in fact says "for standalone ADSL sales" which is what I have ordered.
5 Aug 16 #283
When I click on the quidco link it gives a pop up clearly stating it won't be paid if you take any cashback from plusnet, and then the landing page doesn't mention the cashback from plusnet. The deal link ideally should have gone to quidco not plusnet :disappointed:

Are others not getting the same as me?
5 Aug 16 #284
I didn't use Mbps, I used MB, as in 8 megabytes a second.

76Mbps network speed. The £25pm also includes line rental so it's pretty good.
5 Aug 16 4 #285
In answer to earlier post - Plusnet on site cashback has to be claimed, they send a email with a redemption form to fill in, Plusnet relies on people claiming its cashback and giving up on Quidco cashback, not progressing a complaint/CISAS not accepting a complaint

If anyone decides to stick it out for Quidco cashback I am happy to pass on the submission that I put forward to CISAS in order for other to gain maximum reward for minimal effort, after all it was reviews/forum threads posted by others citing rejected cashback that helped me mount my concern/complaint of cashback misselling by Plusnet

As can be seen here Plusnet have a list of reasons for rejecting Quidco cashback in favour of its lower value cashback

Here is an example of Plusnet paying Quidco cashback when it was lower than its on site cashback offer

24 February 2016
Plusnet cashback offer

"I registered for ADSL Broadband and phone line 2 days ago. Plusnet advertise £50 cashback on their website so I expected to get this together with £30 from Quidco. I've been told by Plusnet that I cannot get their cashback amount because I did not go to them directly. I am £20 worse off as a result of using Quidco. I notice that you are now advertising £65 cashback instead of £30 that I will get from you. I am upset! Plusnet say I can cancel but then cannot reorder for at least 2 days. This will cause me more problems as I have already made the initial payment, received the new router and my current suppliers have been informed that I am changing"

To those who say cashback is not guaranteed this was Ofcoms take on it -

"Thank you for contacting Ofcom on 28 June 2016. I was sorry to read of the problems you have had with the cashback offered by Plusnet.

From your correspondence it appears that you are unhappy Plusnet have refused a cashback payment despite you signing up for the service which would have triggered the concerned payment.

A customer having problems obtaining a cashback payment agreed at the point of sale can be a form of mis-selling. This is something Ofcom is committed to tackling. In order to ensure consumers are protected, we have regulations which providers must follow when selling their services.

Although we cannot get involved in individual complaints, we formally record all cases of mis-selling and if we see evidence that a provider is breaching our regulations, we can investigate them.

As you feel that Plusnet should honour the cashback agreed, I would recommend following their Code of Practice which you can find at:

If you are unable to resolve your dispute with Plusnet, it can be submitted to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. I can see that you have already approached CISAS, if they are unable to consider your dispute, or you are unhappy with their ruling, you can consider legal action.

I hope the information provided will assist you in resolving your dispute"
5 Aug 16 1 #286
Plusnet have previously admitted to "erronous landing page" albeit not on the dates that people highlight/complain about the error later admitted to be an error if that makes sense.

Error landing page in May appears to have been Quidco/Plusnet link bundled with anytime calls package - Post 242
5 Aug 16 #287
Think this was mentioned earlier: "standalone ADSL sales" ordered at the same time as a Plusnet telephone line is no longer "standalone" as it is two products: ADSL + telephone service. If you went through Quidco to order Plusnet's "broadband only" product (to use with an exisitng compatible line) then this should reasonably be deemed to qualify as "standalone ADSL sales."
Plusnet's "broadband only" page can be found here:
5 Aug 16 #288
I went through the Android app which doesn't have the pop up. It also took me to the main page not the page you posted.
Well I'll put in a claim and I'll either get it or I won't. :smiley:
5 Aug 16 #289
That very misleading if that is the case considering all the shown offers below state "when you take out line rental" with £135 above them.
5 Aug 16 1 #290
If I were you I would get someone to video you going through the process to prove there is no pop up and the link takes you to the £75 cashback landing page too. Quidco have a history of lying about what was actually stated on the page so I would get the evidence now before it changes and they pretend thats how its been from the start.

I've got chat logs where a supervisor told the live chat girl at quidco to tell me something different to what she had already said, which meant the claim would be in their favour rather than the other way round.
6 Aug 16 #291
has the offer expired now.
6 Aug 16 1 #292
Think the poster may have included line rental (I know I do as I don't plug a phone in - it is purely used for BB) & also 8MB/s is 64Mbps (1MB being 8Mb; bytes versus bits - I think it is about time we had a new measure, say MB/min - your 40Mbps would be come 300MB/min, 2Mbps would become 15MB/min - would mean more to the man in the street).
6 Aug 16 2 #293
plusnet/quidco tried this on with me and I so i took plusnet/bt and quidco to court

they paid in full the cashback offer at the time as it would have cost them more in the long run to defend the cased
6 Aug 16 #294
Good on you. Always love hearing cases like this against big business who take the micky against honest consumers with their bait & switch miss-selling promotions. If anyone here decides to take this offer to make sure to take every evidence that you can to ensure you have not been fobbed off. I can't imagine what the legal bill would be to settle if a lot of customers have decided to take them on legal with a strong case.
7 Aug 16 #295
In general not specific to this example it is disappointing that a defendant settles purely to avoid disproportionate defence costs. I imagine this situation could equally be abused by cases brought by companies against consumers.
8 Aug 16 2 #296
Quidco cancelled cashback. Just called PlusNet & cancelled my order.
8 Aug 16 #297
Well done my little hero. That's the way to show them.
8 Aug 16 #298
STOP using them!

I followed this thread and subscribed their services via quidco, it was tracked without problem but today it was declined.

Fortunately it was declined quickly. I will cancel their rubbish order and stay with the curret ISP
9 Aug 16 1 #299
Yep mine also got declined. I'm going to stick with them as there's the £75 cashback. No point staying with my current ISP as there not offering nothing special to stay.
9 Aug 16 2 #300
DO NOT USE this company!!!

I was considering even quidco declibed the cashback, shall I still use it or not as the process begins.

I called their customer service, being holding online for more than 25 mins (9am in the morning), finally I was transferred to a very rude customer service agent called Ben. He was so rude in the call.

As I have already paid 23.96 GBP for my first month line rental, I asked how much is the yearly saver, he said 185.88 GBP, and I said if I pay one year line rental, my first month line rental should be refunded. And He said NO. You will be on 1 13 months contract.

Well, this makes me feel very bad. If I sign a one year contract with you, why should I pay 13 months line rental? And he refused to offering a refund.

The only thing I could do is just cancel this and let this company die.
9 Aug 16 #301
When I had this problem I had to go all the way to the top to complain and get compensation for their poor handling. You really have to fight them.
9 Aug 16 1 #302
I've got to say I've had quite a different experience with them - when I signed up for the deal the activation date wouldn't quite go far enough into the future for the end of my current BT contract. So I went ahead anyway, figuring that I can always just cancel if it wasn't possible to get the activation date moved back a week.

I got in touch over their live chat and asked if they could move my activation date back a week so that I didn't end my BT contract a few days early (which would have cost me a ridiculous £55 as a cost to cover the router). The guy I spoke to was more than happy to do this right away, and it was sorted out.

I also mentioned that I'd ordered a router too, but after reading the reviews of their new router decided that I no longer wanted it - he instantly refunded the postage and packaging fee for the router without any hesitation!

I think it ultimately depends who you get through to - there are jobsworths in every company, and it's unlucky if you manage to encounter one! But generally speaking I've been fairly happy with the customer service so far(lets hope I don't need to get in touch with them again!).

I was disappointed when the Quidco cashback declined, but at the moment I can't see any better deals out there for a broadband contract, it works out at less than £10 a month all in if you go the line saver route (after plusnet cashback is taken into account). My BT contract worked out cheaper than that last year, I was very lucky and managed to end up paying about £25 for the entire year! But I've not seen anything that good this time around, and as my contract expires mid September this seems the best deal around at the moment.
9 Aug 16 #303
Well you have a 14 day right to cancel, so there you go. Use your rights to cancellation and take a long hard think about if it's worth using them or go with a reputable company that are easier to deal with.

I've found SKY to be easier to deal with, you can request a call back from their app on a smart phone so no waiting in queues and the speed is generally as advertised although not perfect when it comes to arguing the toss about why it's slower than it should be. Just my pennies worth.
9 Aug 16 #304
Sky EE O2 all used before with no problem

Taltalk gave me lots of headache.
9 Aug 16 #305
Brilliant response.
10 Aug 16 #306
Every little helps.
13 Aug 16 #307
I've just cancelled my order as quidco tracked and was then cancelled :disappointed:
13 Aug 16 #308
it also too me 59 mins to cancel. I know it's Saturday morning but plus need more staff
13 Aug 16 #309
Boy am I glad I procrastinate sometimes and didn't take this offer.
13 Aug 16 #310
I'm also going to stick with them as can't find a cheaper deal even without the quidco. Then hopefully find another free deal next year.
14 Aug 16 #311
Hi, just wondering if anybody has recieved an email about the £75 cashback yet. I haven't. Should we expect it within ten days of signing up or within ten days of line activation?
15 Aug 16 #312
same wondering, my broadband active at 16th
17 Aug 16 #313
In the end cancelled this deal due to Sky offering a deal to stay
17 Aug 16 #314
What's the deal sky is offering you?
17 Aug 16 #315
Free unlimited Broadband
£7.50 discount on line rental so £10 a month and I also managed to get £20 credit. Was a little cheesed of this offer wasn't communicated last week before I started the ball rolling with Plusnet.
17 Aug 16 #316
I guess Sky are offering you this for 12 months?
17 Aug 16 #317
Yep 12 Months
17 Aug 16 #318
I would not choice ever again, they was offer me simler last year, but they change they price so often, 3 month later they start chargeing me McAfee Internet Security Suite £3/month +
Sky Talk Evenings and Weekends Extra £4/month and
1571 - Voicemail £1.25/month (i never use these and ask to add these) all those turns out i need pay about £15 a month for 9 months!!! :confused:
17 Aug 16 #319
Probably because you don't make much sense. Learning English might help.
17 Aug 16 1 #320
can you teach me english be like this?:
''This is a good looking quality product that at this price must be a better bet than a cardboard model. Not in to these myself but must be a good buy for around £20. Priced in $ on site so variable as to when purchased.''
18 Aug 16 #321
Did you negotiate through the chat option or did you have to call them for this offer?
18 Aug 16 #322
Through online chat mate. I had to ask for the £20 credit tho.

This deal wasn't offered to me until I had already signed over to another ISP tho
18 Aug 16 #323
Thank you. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.
19 Aug 16 #324
I just switched over from sky to, I'm quite glad I did...

With sky I had 2mb down, 0.5mb up, on a very slightly noisy line.
Now I'm getting 6mb down, 1mb up and the line sounds crystal clear. All without an engineer visit. :smiley:
19 Aug 16 #325
Well mine has been up and running about 24hrs now. Mine is slower than Sky at about 3.8 rather than the solid 5 I was getting with Sky which I think was maxing out the line.

Now just to try and get some cash back! :laughing:
24 Aug 16 #326
anyone receive the £75 cashback email?
24 Aug 16 #327
i had my service installed on the 18th and received my cashback registration email today.


welcome to the Plusnet family! We hope you’re enjoying your Plusnet service. If you do want to make any alterations to your account, view bills and usage or just have some general questions then please go to the Member Centre.We’re pleased to tell you that your services have gone live and you can now claim your Plusnet cashback on us. After completing a simple form we will send your cheque to the address that you provided when you signed up. Whilst we will make every effort to get your cashback to you as soon as possible please allow up to 30 days to receive your cheque.Please remember you need to make sure you’ve made your claim within 2 months. If you have any questions relating to cashback then please find our FAQ’s on cashback here. clickhere to fill out your form and redeem your cashback.We really do hope you enjoy using your Plusnet broadband and phone services and enjoy your cashback on us.
24 Aug 16 #328
Had mine about a week ago
getting 1.3mb as opposed to 1.7 with sky
24 Aug 16 #329
Glad I didn't take this offer,get 14MB/S with EE :man:
26 Aug 16 1 #330
I received mines too. Hoping to receive a cheque between 30-60 days.
26 Aug 16 #331
Yeah applied for mine as well
speeds seem to vary a lot early doors I guess
31 Aug 16 #332
Does anyone have a screenshot from the Quidco offer ?
6 Sep 16 #333
Same here (switched from sky), didn't measure speeds but definitely feels slower. How's that even possible, don't they all use the same lines/wires? Should I try to use their previous Sky router (with a bit of reprogramming) instead of the one provided by Plusnet?
7 Sep 16 #334
£75 cashback cheque received today making the deal worthwhile imo. Thanks op, glad I switched.
10 Sep 16 #335
In fact mine seems to be faster suspect it maybe be the rubbish router and will get a more unstable line
prefer it that way tbh

no sign of mine yet did wait a week or so before confirming mind
14 Oct 16 #336
quidco declined as i claimed cashback from the retailer, shame as i effectively done myself out of 60 quid..
15 Oct 16 #337
Mine has come back declined saying I have claimed Plusnet cashback. This is not true as I have not claimed it yet.
I'll see if I get a reply next week before I give up and claim the Plusnet £75.
19 Oct 16 #338
Also had quidco declined, they didn't say why but I have claimed the Plusnet cashback so I guess it could be that. Didn't realise that would make me ineligible at the time.
11 Nov 16 #339
I moved to Plusnet in June when they were offering £50 cashback and there was £110 cashback from Quidco. I got the £50, but the Quidco was declined and my claim failed. Today I got an email from Quidco out of the blue saying that it was their error and they're going to pay the £110 cashback after all, so there's still a chance that you'll get paid if you find yourself in the same situation.
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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