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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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16 Jul 16
I currently get Internet with Virgin and TV with Sky.

I received a call from Virgin yesterday offering the "Big Kahuna Bundle Sports + Cinema" offer. All in HD.

This offer is subject to a 12 months contract and is just £38 per month.

This includes:

- Sky Sports
- BT Sport
- Movie channels
- All Asian channels
- 200MB fiber optic Internet
- All kids channels
- National Geopgraphic / History channels etc
- Line rental is INCLUDED in the price

I double and triple checked all details with the rep on the phone as it sounded too good to be true. Then I called them again today to verify the deal and was told it is indeed £38 per month.
All comments (130)
16 Jul 16 #1
your an existing virgin customer can a new customer get this deal? also is it cheaper not to have the asian channels?
16 Jul 16 #2
Guess this is to prize you away from sky tv, im on the big kahuna and pay £60 a month. Thats even after the £6 loytal customer discount. I doubt anyone exisiting is entitled to this offer and even new customers.
16 Jul 16 #3
I hope your right, when you consider line rental is generally £18 a month alone then, broad band, standard is £5 if your lucky, bt sport anything between free and £20 depending if your with bt, sky sport, least £20 , then you've got your other channels, then HD, I find this very hard to believe. Good luck to you
16 Jul 16 #4
Great Price :smiley:

appears they normally charge £49 a month
for 9 months then £79.50 a month in a 12 month contract
So great price if you can get it :smiley:
16 Jul 16 2 #5
Most company's have the line in the terms and conditions,

"Existing Customers can go and take their head for a Sh*it........."
16 Jul 16 1 #6
yes it is a good price we just need to confirm it..
16 Jul 16 1 #7
I asked if this deal can be claimed by anyone and was told it can. I was an existing broadband customer but my TV was with Sky. I'm not sure if this deal is available for existing TV customers.

The person I spoke to today told me it's the first time he has come across this and that I'm the first customer that he has seen have it on their account.
Boz to Magpie2121
16 Jul 16 #10
Did They Mention This (Bottom OF The Page I've Linked Above

The legal stuff

Prices may change at any time during the contract.
Service availability: SERVICES AVAILABLE IN VIRGIN MEDIA CABLED STREETS ONLY. Subject to survey, capacity and credit check, minimum term contract applies, check basket for details. If you cancel during the minimum contract period you will incur an early disconnection fee.
Installation: Installation charges apply (starting from £40 for standard install).
Activation Fee: There is an activation fee of £9.99.
Payment: For those joining Virgin Media, if you pay by any other means than Direct Debit, you’ll be charged a payment handling fee of 45p per month, made payable to Virgin Media Payments Ltd. If you would like paper bills, the fee is £1.75 a month for cable and £1.50 a month for mobile. Further terms and conditions apply. See sections below for more Legal Stuff.
New Customers Only: Prices may change at any time during the contract.

**Please note standard charges apply, please check with your network operator for rates.
***For details about how much it costs to call our team from a Virgin Media home phone, visit Call costs from other networks and mobiles vary.
16 Jul 16 2 #8
I got a similar call but unfortunately had just signed up with Amstrad, on the plus side I have a spanking new video phone and a fax machine....result !
16 Jul 16 #9
It'll probably stay at this price for 12 months then increase dramatically so make sure you're not agreeing to a longer contract or liable for penalties if you leave before the end. Also check the small print to ensure this price is fixed. I've read some of their t&cs and they often state that they can change the price at any time.
16 Jul 16 1 #11
Apologies I forgot to mention that there is a £9.99 activation fee. There are definitely no further fees
16 Jul 16 #12
Well technically speaking, I'm an existing customer too. I just didn't have the TV service with them, only broadband
16 Jul 16 2 #13
Superhot deal if anyone else can get this!
16 Jul 16 2 #14
This is an incredible deal. I was paying £150 a month for top everything and when I rang to renew was offered nothing close to this and duly cancelled. The TiVo box's are total snail pace crap. Cancelled and putting up a freebie aeriel. I have had missed calls from them so maybe I should try again but just cannot stand the TiVo box's.
16 Jul 16 2 #15
This is an incredible deal. I was paying £150 a month for top everything and when I rang to renew was offered nothing close to this and duly cancelled. The TiVo box's are total snail pace crap. Cancelled and putting up a freebie aeriel. I have had missed calls from them so maybe I should try again but just cannot stand the TiVo box's.
Magpie2121 to Gravesy166
16 Jul 16 #20
​I was a TV customer years ago and remember their boxes being crap in terms of speed and response. It's probably the only thing I'm not looking forward to with this deal!
16 Jul 16 #16
Virgin Media are owned by Liberty Global now. They have begun outsourcing a lot of the internal IT staff to India. In time the reduced service will filter down to customers. If people losing their jobs in the name of profit/greed bothers you then I would look elsewhere. Source = I work(ed) for Virgin Media.
Magpie2121 to janaggg
16 Jul 16 #18
​It was indeed an Indian sounding chap that offered this to me yesterday
16 Jul 16 #17
Well, as mentioned, it's called the Big Kahuna Bundle Sports + Cinema offer. If somebody else can ring them to confirm this deal them happy days
16 Jul 16 #19
£72 pound for me for first 9 months then goes up. I also just have Internet with them at present.
16 Jul 16 #21
​Did you just try calling them now?
16 Jul 16 2 #22
Why should it bother me? It's call 'Capitalism'.- if you want everyone to have a fair share of rice move to N.Korea.........
16 Jul 16 1 #23
I pay 68 pounds a month for phone line 150mb bb 2 boxes on the xl package. was thinking of leaving. but it seems it works out cheaper
16 Jul 16 1 #24
​For 2 boxes with XL package, that isn't bad. And it's 150 Mb net.

I pay £30 for 1 crappy box with no channels & 50mb net. Phone is XL cos Mrs yaps all day...all night...all day...all night...all day ZZZzzzzz :neutral_face:
16 Jul 16 #25
Do you guys think its worth ringing them as I have the XL package, but no sports or movies. Will the price vary for each customer?
16 Jul 16 #26
Just ring them and see
16 Jul 16 1 #27
Considering I pay about £26 a month for phone line and broadband I'd be pretty keen on this if open to everyone.
16 Jul 16 #28
I just rang but offer wasn't there. it helps if the person answering your call knows what they're doing. might try again
16 Jul 16 #29
Got Virgin line and broadband giz the number and I'll try my luck if anyone answers
16 Jul 16 #30
Just rang....£39 extra a month for movies and thanks. He hadnt heard of it. Ah well. I can live without it.
16 Jul 16 #31
You sure that's not the EXTRA cost on top of your existing contract?
GQ Man
16 Jul 16 #32
Im on standard phone/TV plus 60mb broadband and currently pay £47 which i know is to much all with the old crap Superhub 1 how do i get this deal with the Superhub 3 ?
16 Jul 16 #33
if you ​pay for line rental up front for the next 12 months it's 180.00 which saves about 36.00
16 Jul 16 1 #34
​It's definitely not an extra cost on top of what I'm already paying.

Like I said, I thought it was too good to be true who it was offered to me yesterday.
You all know what it's like when you contact these companies. You get told different things from different people - hence the reason I called them back today to confirm.

When you call them, make sure you specifically mention the Big Kahuna Bundle Sports + Cinema offer. This is what the guy I spoke with today told me it's called.
16 Jul 16 #35
I had the same call, but that's not the right price, you need to add the phone on, mine came to around £73pm for everything with unlimited mobile calls on my landline, the sky movies is for 6 months and you don't get sky sports it was bt sports and espn sports. Still good deal, but it's not the price you listed. - post proof if it is pls.
16 Jul 16 #36
​I was thinking of doing this because I paid line rental up front on my existing broadband deal. But then I thought it's a very very good deal already and I don't want to make any alterations in case it throws a spanner in the works
16 Jul 16 #37
​The phone package I'm getting with this deal is the absolute basic one with only free weekend calls I believe.

I asked them repeatedly yesterday and today if £38 is All I have to pay each month for 12 months on a 12 month contract and whether it includes line rental to which I was told yes. £9.99 is the only additional one off fee I have to pay for activation.

I'm not sure how I can post proof as yet. Perhaps when my first bill comes through.

Because my current Sky TV contract ends in the middle of September, they've pushed my installation date to the middle of August. Come close to this date and I'll ring them again to delay installation for another few weeks but August was all they could delay it until when I spoke with them yesterday.
16 Jul 16 1 #38
you wish it was 200MB

unfortunately its 200Mb
16 Jul 16 #39
​Thanks for correction. 200Mb will have to do then!
16 Jul 16 #40
Seems like this has been a "customer specific" deal that the advisor has got wrong, NOBODY will get this deal offered calling for it, it negates the need for line saver up front , cold soz.
16 Jul 16 1 #41
Commenting so I can check back, can't see this being a legit offer for everyone. Amazing if it is as I'm paying £22.99 just for broadband.

Think you got lucky op :smile:
16 Jul 16 1 #42
​Well that's why I called them again today in case the advisor got it wrong. Having had 2 different people on 2 different days tell me it's correct has made me believe it's correct.

However, I might call them again tomorrow to check yet again
16 Jul 16 #43
I agree I have been shocked how unresponsive the Tivo box is wish I had stayed with V+ box.
16 Jul 16 #44
16 Jul 16 #45
Damn. Literally just upgraded my contract with them last week as my current contract had finished. I'm paying £45 for M+ tv package and 100mb broadband. The £45 includes the line rental charge.
16 Jul 16 #46
I never understand why companies do this, just makes people quit the service as they are paying double triple the amount for less services. Because when they phone up they got offered a minimal deal in comparison to what others get..
16 Jul 16 2 #47
They tried this with me a year ago & others I know. Offered deal over phone then it turned out to be something else more expensive. They said no way could the deal exist at that price & would have to be for 18 months going up after the initial 12 months. Virgin Media customer service is the worst & can not take any offers as real unless in writing. Please be careful with them. However if you have been conned you can complain as I did & get out of the contract. Ask them for it all in writing before committing.
16 Jul 16 #48
sky had a similar offer a month ago £35 for full tv bundle (sport+movies+hd) including multiroom and sky go extra and their broadband as well but obv it's not better than virgin media speed lol
16 Jul 16 #49
If you could be bothered to read it should bother you as the quality of service will reduce over time. Faults will take longer to fix, average wait time to get through to an agent will increase etc.
Don't complain when they increase prices and the service is reduced, it's capitalism after all.
16 Jul 16 #50
I'm expecting my 100mb to be installed on Thursday, I wonder if they would let me upgrade to this instead.
16 Jul 16 1 #51
I was sold at "Asian Channels".
16 Jul 16 #52
they called me last week to offer me sky sports and movies for £19 a month for 3 months
16 Jul 16 1 #53
Has anyone rang up and got this?
16 Jul 16 #54
possibly can get you an additional £100 off, if referred and use a voucher, PM if you like xD
16 Jul 16 #55
Shame I can't get cable here
16 Jul 16 1 #56
I currently have full TV package with Sky (Was paying £35 for complete package & 2 multi screens) but is increasing to £104 so I have cancelled. I currently have 150Mb & Landline with Virgin for £33, so will definitely be phoning up about this
16 Jul 16 #57
The Superhub 3 is free if you request it but you get charged a one-off £10 fee for it
16 Jul 16 1 #58
can we please voting hot as nobody except the op has been able to get this deal yet, including me as i've been on the phone already
16 Jul 16 #59
Not free then
16 Jul 16 #60
crap retention deals - £5 monthly loyalty credit....
16 Jul 16 #61
i took out virgin contract at £5 for 50meg and £16.99 a month and also used the £50 credit which should make it way lower that £22 a month. this month they tool out £25. their amount is always random. wont even let me log into my online statement to see whey. and I thought talktalk were bad. eek
17 Jul 16 1 #62
Those that have been ringing Virgin Media up, can you please confirm whether or not you've specifically mentioned the "Big Kahuna Bundle Sports + Cinema" offer to them?
17 Jul 16 #63
i ddint but ill tr again. tbh lady i spoke too didnt know much and that was my fear when i called. She had an Indian accent so it doesnt help when people answering are simply readins stuff off their monitors without knowing anything about them.
17 Jul 16 #64
Maybe its an 'Activation Fee'. I don't know.
17 Jul 16 #65
Maybe postage fee
Saint Nick
17 Jul 16 #66
I would ask to get put through to retentions that way they will offer a better deal than the call centre can offer. I called to cancel sports and movies before I went on holiday and they offered 3 months sports and movies free straight off but told the I would call back when I got back and see what they could come up with.
17 Jul 16 #67
Think you been tricked or something.
17 Jul 16 2 #68
​Perhaps you just weren't good enough at your job and they let you go hence the bitterness.It's a tough would survival of the fittest and all that.
17 Jul 16 #69
​I don't even know how you got it that cheap. You can't now.
17 Jul 16 #70
I left VM this month after 12 years because every year they offered me a great retention deal and every year they increased their prices mid term and were constantly charging me for calls I never made to non UK numbers. I never have the landline plugged in, I used to spend hours on the phone to customer services and in the end it just wasn't worth it. I've now moved to sse on their 76mb fibre broadband with phone and anytime calls 18months £21 all in.
17 Jul 16 1 #71
Let's see if you actually get this when your first bill comes in

VM have a habit of promising everything on the phone but when the bill comes in its totally different

Good luck and well done if it's correctly billed
17 Jul 16 #72
This deal is likely to only be available from a specific department in VM so calling them to get it may not work. You'll probably need to get the same department that called the OP. Good luck
17 Jul 16 #73
Seems very, very cheap for Virgin even it is a
I said exactly that on the phone and the guy knew nothing about it. If it is customer specific, that's ridiculously cheap for Virgin.....
17 Jul 16 #74
Think this may be customer specific as I just called them and got the usual tripe they offer on the website, £49/month then goes up after 9 months. Mentioned the 'Big Kahuna Bundle Sports + Cinema offer" and they didn't have a clue. Saying that, it was an outsourced call centre...are all of Virgin's new customer departments outsourced to the Philippines?
17 Jul 16 #75
Well just as I suspected, no one else had a hope in hell of getting it. lol :smiley:
17 Jul 16 #76
How is the SSE Broadband? So far I've read bad reviews.
17 Jul 16 1 #77
Hey buddy, can you not pop the phone number down that you've been ringing? will call up myself and then post back to say whether you've been lucky or not ;-)
17 Jul 16 1 #78
As mentioned elsewhere watch out for hike after 12 months.

I was on the previous £33/month deal for similar package (found on here brilliant deal) and it jumped to £84/month on month 13!
17 Jul 16 #79
Hi everyone, I am going to give this a go, I could not see the number I need to call, rather than ring the wrong place/department, OP, do you have the number, I will mention about the specific package when I call.
17 Jul 16 #80
I received a call 2 days ago for a similar (albeit slightly dearer) deal.
Again was a call from a lady (possibly) from the Phillipines call centre.

I was offered all the above except for the Asian channels (good thing too or the wife would be watching tv all day) for £55 for 6 months. It was a 6 month deal only.
She was pushing hard for it too, but I declined as I only end up mainly watching the freeview channels anyway (currently paying £53pm for big bang bundle, which is ending next month)
17 Jul 16 #81 found this online and additional info on prices.
17 Jul 16 #82
Good if you can get it. ive moved three times in different areas and Virgin is not available,I also know a lot of people that cannot get cable either...not a big problem as I only wanted their fast internet anyway but Virgin need to step up their competition a bit. I live in a modern street that could probably access cable easily.
17 Jul 16 #83
im sure this is a great deal but i cannot imagine getting anywhere near that much worth out of the tv package
17 Jul 16 #84
It's a shame I can't share the Mates rates deals on here. Only via my Facebook or email...
17 Jul 16 1 #85
To get through to the UK call centre that have coherent English speaking staff you need to call Mon-Fri jump through the phone menus to get to the retention team.
If your name was for example Graham Smith, and the Indian call centre advisor you speak to insists on calling you "Mr Graham" through the entire call, whilst constantly agreeing with everything "uh huh, uh huh" but then NOT offering you the deal your wanting and NOT having a clue about the offers being advertised and promoted in mainland UK then hang up and redial.
17 Jul 16 #86
They called me initially to offer the deal.

I then contacted them on the usual 150 number to verify the deal
17 Jul 16 #87
magpie do you have a direct line so we can possibly call them to take up offer or do you have the dept that offers this deal details
17 Jul 16 #88
I'm on chat with them now and it doesn't look like i'm entitled to it as a new customer :disappointed:
17 Jul 16 #89
I pay £22 with 100 MB and weekend calls. Contract is due next month might give it a try.
17 Jul 16 #90
Any offer made over the phone is a contract. Use a phone with speaker phone capabilities and use a mobile voice recording to capture whole call. When and if you get stung you have proof of what you signed up to. Best case they honor it. Worst case you have grounds for termination of contract. I've done it loads over the years after companies have said later there's no notes on the system or evidence of the recorded call. Well surprise surprise. I have the call would you like to hear it?....
17 Jul 16 #91
i have just called virgin media there is a bundle but not at this price magpie 2121 is very luck
17 Jul 16 #92
Sky or Virgin?

I got that price for Sky via Friends & Family (inc 2 half price multi screen). I got that price with Virgin by ringing up ages ago, also got my father in law on the same deal just by ringing the Retentions number, no questions asked. This was for 100Mb then got the free upgrade.
17 Jul 16 #93
Just spoke to VM who advised yes they can offer £38 a month deal but line rental and call package not included. Therefore without proof I'd suggest this post is incorrect
17 Jul 16 #94
Just called up and went through 3 different departments (upgrade, new sales and customer relation/services), and none of them heard of the offer :disappointed:
17 Jul 16 1 #95
I think OP is incorrect. It's the movies/sports without line rental and call package, and internet as they said to me £38 was the best they could do for me to have the movies and sports package which would take mine well over £100 a month!
17 Jul 16 #96
Magpie have you called them again today to triple check?
17 Jul 16 #97
I have tried both Webchat and Phone and none of those departments can offer this deal , from the information I have gathered it is a special deal that may have come up for an existing customer, and perhaps he/she was misinformed by the advisor but this deal is definitely not available to people who want to sign up now.
17 Jul 16 #98
I spoke on chat and this is what they said;

Yes, this deal is a fluke, it is not actually available

Sorry, I'm afraid this is an inaccurate quote for a deal that we don't do for new customers, and I'm not sure it is common among existing customers
17 Jul 16 #99
Ii'm paying £38.62 for 50mb and Talk Weekend (M), which is a joke. Am I entitled to this deal?
17 Jul 16 #100
Beats my staff deal....Great if you can get it!
17 Jul 16 #101
Advice please being a new customer we are having virgins big kahuna package fitted in a few days but the rep offered the package for £59.99 per month and additional £3.99 for movies this was signed up about 2-3 weeks ago does anyone know what I can or if I can do anything to get this deal matched as surely the 14 days is now passed thanks in advance.
GQ Man
17 Jul 16 #102
How do i go about getting this if im paying £47 for 60meg broadband and standard phone/TV ?
17 Jul 16 1 #103
So....even though people have phoned up and been told it doesn't exist...people are still asking how to get the deal.... :neutral_face: Hows it's got so much heat I don't know!
17 Jul 16 #104
Having been with virgin for many years, I ordered a new package from BT due to a series of price hikes. Eventually, Virgin Media offered me Broadband and Landline for £17 a month on a 12 month contract and a £50 credit on my account as a gesture of goodwill. It pays to actually order a package from a competitor rather than just threaten to leave.
17 Jul 16 #105
I called up and they wouldn't give me any other deal that was listed on there website...

17 Jul 16 #106
I'm on this bundle, £36 (honestly) a month for 12 months. Been a VM customer for 9 years, every year I threaten to leave and they pull out a deal like this. Shows it's always possible.
17 Jul 16 #107
I just called up and was quoted £99.99 per month lol.

Cold for me!
17 Jul 16 #108
customer specific deal = cold & expired
17 Jul 16 #109
Spoke to an agent and someone online and neither had heard of it.
17 Jul 16 1 #110
Op took us all for a ride! :laughing:
17 Jul 16 1 #111
​Take a look at the post above by scomav. He / she has the same dealer at a cheaper price. So no I'm not taking you for a ride!
17 Jul 16 2 #112
I feel like a big kahuna for believing you!
17 Jul 16 #113
Just phoned them and typical that my 6 month discount has finished with another 6 months left for bb and talk anytime, currently on Sky and for everything including HD and one multiroom was £90.80 for 6 months i tried to persuade the Indian man, but he was having none of it, Will try again this week and see what they say.
17 Jul 16 #114
Nice deal. Am currently paying £40 a month just for the 200mb internet. Ditched the phone and TV a month ago with them as it was always close to £70 a month after line rental.

Couldn't get any deals out of them recently, hence cutting everything but internet. Good deal for those that can charm them I guess.
17 Jul 16 #115
I pay £73 per month for big kahuna sports package sky and bt sports only bt is HD I get 200mb internet that's wired from router,Note you get lower speed on wifi, I pay the line rental yearly which I recollect is about £160 pa ,I get a £10 per mth loyalty bonus it was a 12mth deal I had to keep phoning to get that price, those that want cheaper prices keep phoning depends on who you speak to have some prices of sky etc to haggle with you should get a price match in the end
17 Jul 16 1 #116
200mb really is beautiful. I think it's a minimum as well. Currently getting 210 on a wireless ac connection!

I no longer feel the TV is worth it for me as a NOWTV membership for 3 months a year covers my watching needs, along with Amazon Prime.
18 Jul 16 #117
I called the new customer line and the lady after a lot of talking finally offered me this

I did tell her I was getting £250 cashback from TCB and was she going to offer better and this is what I got.

200 Mbps line
Big Kahuna all Sports and Movies
Extra box free for another room.

All above for £37/month for first 9 months and £60/month for last 3 months
Line rental extra

37*9 + 60*3 = £513
Line Rental Saver = £180 I plan to pay off in one go.

£693/12 = £57.75/month.
18 Jul 16 #118
Good deal!!!
18 Jul 16 #119
Lucky you, all the offered us these evening was a deal that worked out dearer than a new customer!

Time to ditch the broadband & phone (tv was with sky and 31 days notice ends 14th Aug) with the notice period & then book in a different name for the cashback. Amazing how much of a charade you have to do when all they need to do is offer a decent deal...
19 Jul 16 #120
that's a good deal presume 12 mths , point for future after your deal finishes, the line rental in advance is not refundable if you move to another provider in 18mths say so that's something to watch. I am pleased with the broadband
19 Jul 16 1 #121
yup 12 months contract, not 18 months, seems they have this deal but they only give it if you sweet talk to it. At one point I told her bye and she told me to hold while she double checks and then came back with this 12 months offer.
19 Jul 16 #122
just signed into my account (I have 200mb broadband only). it says;
upgrade to a big bundle and enjoy a 12 months introductory discount*.. I wonder what they will offer.
19 Jul 16 #123
well, introductory offer my ***.
£107.98 which they can discount for the 1st 3 months by £15..
19 Jul 16 #124
also may be of interest I get mobile phone deal included they do the £12 monthly package ESSENTIAL PLAN 1gb data /texts MINS etc for £5 per month just say you are a media customer
20 Jul 16 #125
spoke to a very nice guy from the virgin tv and he is willing to apply the same package but needs details of where this has been applied to. Would anyone or OP who has got this deal kindly share the details - name or account number so I can benefit from this package
20 Jul 16 #126
I'm about to call Virgin and try and negotiate the same deal so any details would be very useful.
20 Jul 16 #127
No details really, they want an example account where this deal has been applied and they will happily apply the same. The question to OP is whether he can supply enough details for Virgin to identify his account
20 Jul 16 #128
I've cancelled and installed a freeview aeriel and bought two BT Youview DTR T-2100 boxes off eBay cheap. A joy to use after using the snail pace crappy TiVo box's. Will just use TV Now for when I want to watch anything on Sky Sports and also noted cheap Sky Sports passes also on eBay ( Or the Kodi box when necessary
21 Jul 16 #129
Did either of you guys get this? Looking for the same myself.
25 Jul 16 #130
What was the outcome OP? was it a mistake?
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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