I'm a bit confused by the website. Maybe i'm just overlooking something really obvious but can I sign up somehow without getting any of the rental packages?
oUkTuRkEyIII to mdpmdpmdpmdp
1 Jul 16#5
If i remember correctly you have to activate the rental package so you can just sign up and purchase without activating the rental side of it.
1 Jul 16#3
That's a good question, I'm trying to remember what I did as my account is classed as "Purchase Only" so I see what you are saying. I'll just check possibly someone else will beat me to it.
1 Jul 16#4
just search for the game either in xbox one or ps4. you can the buy it without signing up
timetosurf to timetosurf
1 Jul 16#7
i will rephrase this. if you want to just buy you need to click the buy tab at the top of the page (as rent is normally selected). once you have done that search for the game and then you can just buy the ex rental without signing up. hope this help for future purchases.
Opening post
I was looking for PS4 however they have this for Xbox One at the same price should you want to shave a couple of pound of the recent Argos deal.
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