How do you know the waist size of the trousers, I can only see an option to order by chest size on the jacket? Appreciate any help.
Waldolf to gbpsk0
10 Jun 164#2
Waist is typically 6" smaller than chest. So if you are "normal" you're OK with these.
10 Jun 16#3
Thanks OP, been looking desperately for some good suits that didn't break the bank, never tries Moss bros before, hopefully they are decent quality suits? :smiley:
11 Jun 16#4
Has this offer expired and would it be available Instore?
12 Jun 163#5
Two suits at primark. Only 50 quid
tafkas to sam_of_london
12 Jun 1611#6
Great but I don't have a court case coming up any time soon.
12 Jun 16#7
Your link redirects to offers which does not mention 2 suits for 150. You mention moss bros but there is only a tuxedo and dinner jacket on sale. Expired I guess.
These ones are all synthetic too. I think if you want wool, you have to get the Moss 1851 line.
12 Jun 16#11
duplicate already posted yesterday.
12 Jun 16#12
They're going to be annoyed when John Prescott turns up. Two suits Sir? Look at all the fabric we need to use!
12 Jun 16#13
These are great suits as I've ordered a few before but check the sizing. They are often quite small across the waste and chest and have had them delivered with really short arms or very long and had to return them.
12 Jun 16#14
Is this deal still on?
13 Jun 16#15
Is this offer still on? Can't see it on the offer list.
Opening post
It's at 2pm in Wimbledon crown court, don't forget to take your summons papers with you!