They seem OK. I bought three 128GB S510 SSDs four years ago, in a mad flurry, only to find out my main PC didn't support AHCI. I ended up selling two of them and using the third in a Core2Duo notebook. Although I can't remember the benchmark figures, all three of them ran well and all of them are still working today.
8y 41d1#8
Heat for the deal. Newer games like Overwatch, The Division and Battlefield 4 have been well optimised for multiple threads so 6 and 8 core AMD cpus have been perfectly fine performers for systems with single graphics cards. Even so, I'd hold off buying one at this point as the new ones are nearly here.
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Might not be everyone's cup of tea being AMD and Patriot, but worth a look if you're looking to price up a cheap gaming rig!
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