This is the best most configurable app out there for non-verbal communication and it's half price for Autism Acceptance Day.
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2 Apr 1611#1
Before anyone votes this cold, compared with general apps this is well expensive, but if you're child couldn't speak or even communicate, how much time would you want a company to spend developing an app and how much would you think it was worth. I read obout a 16 year old boy who had NEVER communicated, he was given an adapted ipad with Steven Hawking type iris recognition software and camera and was able to say "hello mum" and start to communicate. That kit cost £12,000 but what would it be worth to you in their shoes. Thanks OP
Marmite32 to andysfast
2 Apr 164#4
Quite. I have a non-verbal nine year old. We've tried free apps with varying success but one of the issues with those is the standard voice. This allows the child to choose their voice which I feel is important.
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2 Apr 1611#1
Before anyone votes this cold, compared with general apps this is well expensive, but if you're child couldn't speak or even communicate, how much time would you want a company to spend developing an app and how much would you think it was worth. I read obout a 16 year old boy who had NEVER communicated, he was given an adapted ipad with Steven Hawking type iris recognition software and camera and was able to say "hello mum" and start to communicate. That kit cost £12,000 but what would it be worth to you in their shoes. Thanks OP
Marmite32 to andysfast
2 Apr 164#4
Quite. I have a non-verbal nine year old. We've tried free apps with varying success but one of the issues with those is the standard voice. This allows the child to choose their voice which I feel is important.
lugsy3 to andysfast
2 Apr 16#18
That will be the Tobi eyegaze, amazing piece of kit, we have one where I work helping disabled people use computers. The price is crazy but it's specialist and funding is available for some people.
no use to me but priceless for some, good find and heat from me!
2 Apr 162#5
Very good price. PECS is usually so expensive, and being able to use this on an ipad for non-verbal people is such a useful tool.
Today is World Autism Awareness Day, let's spread awareness, but also acceptance! <3
2 Apr 16#6
Might be worth looking if a grant is available to pay for iPad and/or the app.
2 Apr 161#7
£95 is an obscene amount to charge for something like this. It will essentially make it out of reach for some parents. It should be free. As if life isn't hard enough with an autistic child. COLD
mp2611 to aibon
2 Apr 16#8
Whilst I disagree that it should be free (developers gotta eat) I do think that the price tag would make it out of reach for some people. Should cost considerably less.
sig1169 to aibon
2 Apr 161#9
but there are grants available to buy things like this. It should not be free.
andysfast to aibon
2 Apr 162#15
So YOU would be happy to work for months on an app and pay other people to help you and NOT get paid for it. I don't think so. Its a stupid comment. If you have an Autistic child you should get benefits and they are to help you to pay for things like this app. This app will not sell millions even if it was £1 so they have to make their money back and pay peoples wages some how. life is hard enough with an autistic child, so you should be thankful that someone has been kind enough to devote their time and money on this app and not just made another game. Thanks OP for letting us know its out there and thanks Proloquo2go for making it. Buy perhaps I'm wrong.
2 Apr 161#10
We bought this last year when it was half price. It's great but takes a while to set up. You can take your own pics of items and people :smiley: I recommend Family Fund for a grant for an iPad if you have a child with additional needs.
2 Apr 16#11
wow didn't know this existed, can you trial it?
andysfast to yubious
2 Apr 16#16
Might be worth contacting the developer and asking. Sometimes you can get apps free for an honest review.
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Today is World Autism Awareness Day, let's spread awareness, but also acceptance! <3