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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
6 Mar 16

LG Nexus 5X 16GB Black/Blue/White

Original Deal:
250 mins, 5000 texts, 500MB data
Free Phone, £8.50pm
[Total cost over contract =£204]

They're offering one of these as 'exclusive deals' for those who ordered:
250 mins, 5000 texts, 500MB data
£70 Upfront, £8.50pm
[Total cost over contract =£274]


1000 mins, 5000 texts, 2GB data
£20 Upfront, £12.50 pm
[Total cost over contract =£320]


1000 mins, 5000 texts, 2GB data
Free Phone, £15.00 pm
[Total cost over contract =£360]
Top comments
6 Mar 16 31 #21
I don't need it, but I bought it anyway! I so need to take a break from this site. :confused:
Rebelrebel to snagzie
6 Mar 16 19 #6
Were you wearing protection?
DARKSABER to pacobabe
7 Mar 16 5 #262
Fear not as i just rang them to confirm that my order had gone through as i had not received a confirmation email too and she said as i placed my order on Sunday you wont of got one yet.
Anyway she also said it mite take up to 48hrs for the credit check to go through so just be patient. I also asked if the sale price was valid and she checked it out and said it was ok so some people should be eating their own words about now.
saltyzip to ficosaneil
6 Mar 16 4 #144
​What reviews, this is one of the best bang for your buck phones you can buy? In addition you get monthly security updates and Android N when it's released, this is a strong buy in my books.
All comments (576)
6 Mar 16 1 #1
Cannot reproduce the deal on the site...
speric07 to snagzie
6 Mar 16 #2
Neither can I
Rebelrebel to snagzie
6 Mar 16 19 #6
Were you wearing protection?
6 Mar 16 #3
Upfront £166.99 COLD Link???
6 Mar 16 1 #4
It's under the Sale menu, and appears to valid on blue & white colours only.
gadgetcake to mcsalty
6 Mar 16 #8
Definitely the black one on my end
6 Mar 16 1 #5
The link should take you straight there? If not try this link. It's the last deal at the bottom of this page.
6 Mar 16 1 #7

its in sale, either way I think its a mistake. Probably end up with a Moto E
6 Mar 16 #9
That's a cracking deal, not sure why it's started off so cold. (Awaits the but it's only 16gb comments!)
6 Mar 16 #10
That's the one
6 Mar 16 #11
Just shame they did not do a 64gb model or expandable storage (I've got a 16gb Galaxy S5 and am still running out of storage on my phone even though I have a 64gb SD card with all my music, videos and podcasts etc and have tried moving as many apps as possible to the card).

This deal should be ok for people that don't mind using the cloud though so still hot as a good phone.
6 Mar 16 #12
Is this dual sim by any chance? Guessing not.
6 Mar 16 #13
I just checked coverage, and they don't have 3G in my area (Kent) let alone 4G.

But worth ordering and throwing the SIM away !
nublets2k to markcd
6 Mar 16 #18
They use Vodafone so you get the same 2g/3g coverage, but they don't do 4g.
6 Mar 16 #14
Can't say fairer than this. Give the sim to your nan or whatever. Great spot.
6 Mar 16 1 #15
Trouble is that there is only 500mb data so you will be limited to using wi-fi for the cloud unless you want to run up a huge bill.
6 Mar 16 1 #16
You don't actually use the contract. The deal here is that the phone is £250 sim free so this works out cheaper. Give the sim to your nan.
6 Mar 16 2 #17
Spot on! Cheaper AND you don't have to fork out the money up front!
6 Mar 16 #19
Simply electronics has the phone in white for £200, no contract required.
neroman83 to Infiltrator
6 Mar 16 #41

I brought a phone from them a while back, it wasn't EU covered so I couldn't use the warranty
Deal_HUNT3R to Infiltrator
6 Mar 16 #87
lol good luck with that reatailer
TehJumpingJawa to Infiltrator
6 Mar 16 1 #95
Technically this is cheaper then, as you buy yourself out of the contract and save the 20% VAT.
6 Mar 16 #20
Are these phones locked? Because you can get a decent pay monthly sim for about £6-8 a month
6 Mar 16 31 #21
I don't need it, but I bought it anyway! I so need to take a break from this site. :confused:
judgezub15 to heathergreen1
6 Mar 16 #148
​it's a good choice I feel the same right now as I also did not need the phone but bought it as you should look ahead and you will see it was worth it don't worry mate past yourself on the back and move on its not end if the world
6 Mar 16 1 #22
Are these locked? If so how easy are they to unlock?

PS £31 Topcashback for a new contract with these guys too...
gadgetcake to TheCreepster
6 Mar 16 1 #23
I have purchased on the assumption that all Nexus 5x's are unlocked! Guess I'll find out.

Great shout on the topcashback! Kicking myself for forgetting that!
6 Mar 16 #24
yes, I just realised that. It defaults to showing you 2G coverage but there is a button at the top that changes it to 3G. thanks
6 Mar 16 #25
Cannot reproduce, maybe because I'm on the mobile site?
gadgetcake to bigtam1
6 Mar 16 1 #28
Click on menu, then sale and scroll to the bottom. If you click buy now it takes you to the black one or click on blue or white if that's what you're after
6 Mar 16 #26
Just read first few reviews, all said battery life was terrible. combined with 16gb non expandable memory I'm out.
6 Mar 16 #27
Just read first few reviews, all said battery life was terrible. combined with 16gb non expandable memory I'm out.
saltyzip to ficosaneil
6 Mar 16 4 #144
​What reviews, this is one of the best bang for your buck phones you can buy? In addition you get monthly security updates and Android N when it's released, this is a strong buy in my books.
6 Mar 16 1 #29
Just bought and cashbook too.
6 Mar 16 #30
Thanks, ordered the white one, have Lg G4 but for this price I would like to try the 5x
6 Mar 16 3 #31
I am tempted because my mother in law needs a SIMO but I have 3 phones and a S7 on pre order so the wife might well kill me.
gadgetcake to mynameisthehulk
6 Mar 16 1 #34
Well another way of looking at it is a free SIMO for the mother in law? Surely you can sell the 5x for more than this on ebay!?
6 Mar 16 1 #32
No topcashback as per bottom of sale page "These offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions including cashback sites such as Quidco or Topcashback"
6 Mar 16 #33
It will probably track but not pay out, however it can't hurt to try.
6 Mar 16 3 #35
Problem is ill keep it because I love having different phones! I'm going to show self restraint on this one.
6 Mar 16 1 #36
Go on... you know you want it! :wink:
6 Mar 16 2 #37
You're bad! "Jen I got it because I was talking to a girl on the Internet and she said I should. Ouch. Ouch"
6 Mar 16 1 #38
I'm only trying to tempt you to make myself feel better. It's always more comforting when somebody joins you on the rickety road to ruination! :wink:
6 Mar 16 2 #39
Stop winking at me! I'm easily led.
6 Mar 16 1 #40
6 Mar 16 2 #42
Get a room! :wink:

Really dont need this but I'm very tempted
6 Mar 16 #43
Well you have to be in it to win it but I doubt very much anyone will get this deal but no harm in trying. Quidco through mobilephonesdirect are offering, (using a voucher code) the following contract "Enjoy 500 minutes, 5000 texts, and 1GB of data on Talk Mobile for just £10 a month with a free Moto G 3rd generation handset when you use this code" so £8.50 for a Nexus 5x, well lets see what happens.
gadgetcake to caverncity
6 Mar 16 #45
Not sure what contractual status would be, as I've placed and theyve confirmed my order, are they even allowed to pull it now?
Ed Winchester
6 Mar 16 #44
What do i need to do to transfer my number to the new phone?, i'm on a 30 day sim only rolling contract with virgin, had the same number for about ten year and don't want to lose it.
gadgetcake to Ed Winchester
6 Mar 16 1 #47
6 Mar 16 1 #46
Seriously stop it! I have a Galaxy Alpha, Moto G and MX4 Pro already. S7 is on pre order. If you want to buy one off me so I can get this deal then we can talk business :wink:
6 Mar 16 1 #48

Ask Virgin for your PAC and provide it to Talk Mobile
6 Mar 16 1 #49
Have to say, the LG G3 for £12.50 a month is a blinkin good deal as well. 500 mins and 1gb data.
6 Mar 16 1 #50
Haha well...500 mins is more like something the Mother in law would use but, I have already owned and sold a G3 so not so bothered about your attempts at being a temptress this time :wink:
6 Mar 16 1 #51
Cast aside because I couldn't tempt you with a new model. Hey ho. Story of my life.
6 Mar 16 #52
If you can find me the N5 on that deal, I could be very tempted...
6 Mar 16 #53
You had your chance! :wink:
6 Mar 16 #54
i got the 32gb version and glad i did. with no expandable memory you will hit the max on this fast!
6 Mar 16 #55
Does anybody really think they are going to get this deal?!
mynameisthehulk to A1RN
6 Mar 16 #56
Why not?
heathergreen1 to A1RN
6 Mar 16 1 #57
Got to be in it to win it dude. :wink:
gadgetcake to A1RN
6 Mar 16 2 #61
If a load of us buy it and they don't fulfill maybe we can raise a class action against them!

I'll report back later in the week and confirm if they kept their end of the bargain! As caverncity said "you have to be in it to win it"
6 Mar 16 #58
possible quidco cash back @£30 so even cheaper potentially
6 Mar 16 3 #59
You move on pretty quicky! :wink::neutral_face:
6 Mar 16 #60
So many service providers, so little time. :wink:
6 Mar 16 1 #62
unbelievable deal. hot . (ordered hopefully will pass their checks!!)
6 Mar 16 #63
I'm a fairly light user, so this contract is interesting for me. Can someone tell me which network this operator is based on? I would also like to know what happens after you reach the limit? Do you start getting charged or is it just capped?
getknk to CallMeCrazy
6 Mar 16 1 #66
hi mate, what I would do is order it first as this is not going to wait for another 1 hour. I feel, if you are a light user, this deal would be more perfect than UK outside EU. this is run on top of Vodafone, and so fairly good coverage all over UK.
gadgetcake to CallMeCrazy
6 Mar 16 1 #67
They're on Voda. Don't believe you can set a low cap on Talk Mobile, so you'll be charged when over allowances
6 Mar 16 #64
Its about quality rather than quantity, or at least that is what I am led to believe...
6 Mar 16 #65
If it has been mispriced, they do not have to honor the deal. In this case though I think its a genuine deal so should be fine.
6 Mar 16 #68
btw topcashback of £31.50 and if everything goes good, convert to Tesco clubard points and in effect you can double it later to have around £64 worth of vouchers

Edit: Sorry, it seems they won't honour topcashback this time.
gadgetcake to getknk
6 Mar 16 #71
Added to the main description, cashback specifically excluded on these deals
6 Mar 16 #69
Thanks! :smiley:
6 Mar 16 1 #70
This deal going to go cold if we carry on like this... People are throwing up all over their £99 Alienware laptops as we speak.
6 Mar 16 #72
​Given that class action lawsuits don't exist in this country and the equivalent English and Welsh only law has been used less than have a dozen times in almost two decades, I think that's unlikely.
6 Mar 16 #73
There is £99 Alienware laptops?
6 Mar 16 1 #74
See. I knew you'd come running eventually! <3
6 Mar 16 1 #75
There is not much I won't do for that level of bargain!...
6 Mar 16 #76
6 Mar 16 #78
a review from one of us (not an american reviewer)
6 Mar 16 #79
​Find me one example where a clearly mispriced phone contract has actually been honoured. The reason mispricings usually work (and I've had more than my share pay off) is because they usually come from huge online companies with automated ordering systems, where errors can't be picked up by humans. I very much doubt phone contracts are a fully automated process, given the extra checks that go on. If this doesn't come off you've added another hard credit search on your record for nothing.
6 Mar 16 #80
Certainly are a glass half empty kinda guy aren't you!
6 Mar 16 #81
I already said the equivalent exists....

​Class action lawsuit for a misprice, are you actually being serious or just trolling?
6 Mar 16 #82
I was obviously not being serious! You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about this being a misprice, with no evidence whatsoever. Only one person trolling here.
6 Mar 16 #83
Anybody else having problems with entering info on their payment screen?, time at current/previous address has 4 boxes for dates etc but little drop down menus don't work and whatever i enter numbers or letters for dates just vanish and i can't go onto the next page.
gadgetcake to nobbyal
6 Mar 16 #85
You have to click the dates, found you couldn't just cursor down in those boxes
kashta to nobbyal
6 Mar 16 #94
See my previous comment
6 Mar 16 1 #84
I don't think it is a misprice. It's on their sale page and advertised as ending soon.
6 Mar 16 #86
cheers - ordered the white 5x
6 Mar 16 #88
​Realist. Assuming the US is the cheapest market, alongside the grey market, the cheapest "real price" seems to be ~£210 BEFORE sales tax. Companies are not in the habit of handing people two year contracts and VAT for nothing. There is no way they're taking a ~£100 hit on every customer that takes this deal, they'd be snookered. If this deal pays off I'd gladly admit to being wrong but I'd be utterly, utterly astonished.
6 Mar 16 #89
Will update either way during next week
6 Mar 16 1 #90
There are plenty of examples of contracts where they have just covered the cost of the device and the allowances have been essentially free. There are quite a few posted on the site as we speak. This is not a misprice.

This one - for example - is actually less than the cost of the device when you take into account cashback

Dont forget to vote hot while you are there :wink:
6 Mar 16 #91
Only a suggestion - I've an elephone p7000.
6 Mar 16 #92
​If it was higher capacity I would have just thrown the SIM away and used my unlimited Three SIM that I have.
6 Mar 16 #93
Had same issue, type month and year on second column, you get to confirm on the next page
6 Mar 16 #96
​and pay it over 24 months...
6 Mar 16 #97
ordered. any advice on unlocking this?
heathergreen1 to jsingh
6 Mar 16 #98
There's a very good chance that it'll turn up unlocked just because it's a Google handset.
6 Mar 16 #99
Great find op , heat added.
6 Mar 16 #100
Didn't realise you could buy yourself out of contract and save on the VAT.

How and when would this best be done ?
6 Mar 16 #101
Now showing upfront price for the handset.
Albert_Tatlock to Siddas
6 Mar 16 1 #102
Not here . . . click me
0dd8a11 to Siddas
6 Mar 16 #104
click sale / last phone on sale
6 Mar 16 1 #103
6 Mar 16 1 #105
Ok I couldn't resist. I knew I would regret it if I didn't go for it. My nexus 4 could use an upgrade.

I didn't get the confirmation email though... anyone else having this issue?
6 Mar 16 1 #106
Just contact the contract provider and say you want to cancel the contract.
The cancellation fee will exclude VAT. (If it doesn't, they're over charging you and should be challenged)

Though their system might require you to wait until the contract cool off period(14 days?) has passed before they're able to process it as a buy-out cancellation.
6 Mar 16 #107
16GB and no slot for SD card? Rubbish.
6 Mar 16 #108
Honestly looks like a great phone, but they crippled it by not having a microsd slot. Literally so disappointing , would've been an ideal upgrade for my g2 otherwise.
LadyMystica to adamdgregory33
6 Mar 16 #112
​Yes specs otherwise is nothing complain about. It's beyond me why anyone would like to pay £200 for this, when there is so many other brands that has similar specs and SD card, and dual Sim. But lucky we're all different :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #109
well to me this looks like a classic misprice. £170 up front cost if you go to the nexus 5x page.

whereas if you compare the g3 £12.50 deal its showing on the g3 page in a big sale box.

im so very tempted but as it'll do a credit check i'll probably refrain.

if you manage to get the deal, well played!
6 Mar 16 #110
Ordered for the daughter. Thank you
6 Mar 16 #111
Good deal if you get it - Hopefully, no one gets a dreaded cancellation email tomorrow
6 Mar 16 #113
got a confirmation email, and then even spoke to a sales rep with regards to delivery etc. Seems good. Great deal
6 Mar 16 #114
Thanks OP

Ordered a black one :-) Hope I get it :-)
6 Mar 16 1 #115
I'm looking to see if I can upgrade the handset to a 32gb version while keeping the same sim. Good deal OP.
6 Mar 16 #116
Won't validate my address against the numerous cards I've now tried
6 Mar 16 #117
Sad to say this coming from a Nexus lover but this phone isn't worth a £200 price tag. I thought it would be a big step up from the original N5, but personally for me it's a fail.:disappointed:
deanoh11 to Evouk
6 Mar 16 3 #125
Couldn't disagree with u more.
We have a LG made phone with top notch camera, high end Snapdragon 808, fingerprint scanner, pure android with updates for several years for £200!!! Throw in some data/sms/calls and pay over 2 years interest free?
This may not be perfect for you but for the sub £200 ppl out there this is the best offer yet. Amazing
6 Mar 16 #118
I just bought a Nexus 5X, 32GB for £220 (open box) so inc. airtime this is a great deal!
6 Mar 16 2 #119
Same camera as the Nexus 6P

6 Mar 16 1 #120
This is a great fantastic deal ordered one for me and one for the mrs big virtual pat on the bag. Don't forget £30 quidco peeps.
6 Mar 16 #121
tried a few times, always comes back as "Rejected payment method". Not sure why they keep rejecting all my valid cards. Shame i cant buy at such a good price.

EDIT: success after 6 times..
CurleyFurley to socialmammal
6 Mar 16 #124
​Is this where it couldn't validate the address? I've tried about 6 times with each of my cards but it isn't working
6 Mar 16 #122
Aah damn forget quidco/TCB. Is there a way to get it done afterwards?
getknk to SpeedyG
6 Mar 16 #123
don't worry. this deal doesn't have quidco nor TCB as per the link in the OP
6 Mar 16 #126
Has it now ended? Showing £8.50 per month but £166.99 upfront!
heathergreen1 to Rickardo
6 Mar 16 1 #127
Nah. Try this link:

Go to the sale page if you want a different colour. :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #128
Anybody's credit check gone through? any email's?
6 Mar 16 #129
None of the links on this thread worked for me, had to manually go to sale from menu then find it at the bottom of the page, which someone in an early post mentioned. Seems to have gone through...
6 Mar 16 #130
This is one that will go either way. I know others who say coming from a N5 isn't worth it. From a N4 yes.
6 Mar 16 #131
Yes, As I have moved recently, I was using 2 addresses. I think it cannot handle multiple address, so just used one address and it worked perfectly fine.
6 Mar 16 #132
Ordered 1:) do you guys know if there are extra bundles of internet i could buy for a few quid for this contract? My contract with vodafone runs out in summer and I could switch to that if it had at least 1gb data. otherwise ill just not use the sim at all:) also, can i transfer my number later on (i.e. in the summer when vodka contract finishes?)
gadgetcake to Elbandito
6 Mar 16 #133
I suppose you could upgrade to the next tariff up?
6 Mar 16 #134
ordered call helpline they will order it for u
6 Mar 16 1 #135
6 Mar 16 1 #136
Just FYI pressing the two colours white and blue will select those colours.
But if you just press 'buy it now' you'll get the black version :wink:
6 Mar 16 #137
ordered hopefully goes thru
6 Mar 16 2 #138
Been hanging on to my Nexus 4 not feeling the need to upgrade, though with this deal it's a no brainer!
6 Mar 16 #139
As others have said, got to be in it to win it, my contract with Tesco has just come to an end, they are poor for retention deals too
6 Mar 16 #140
Payment failure for me anyone else having the same issue
CurleyFurley to thedon6915
6 Mar 16 #142
​Yes, repeatedly! Have given up.
6 Mar 16 1 #141
Lg g3 seems a good price at 12.50 month
iduno87 to Bri69uk
6 Mar 16 #143
I was torn with that one and this one
Bad Actor to Bri69uk
6 Mar 16 #150
Damn right, thanks for the heads up on that, gone for the LG G3. Currently paying £18 a month to Three on a sim only deal for my severely lagging Note 1. AYCE data but I rarely top 1.8 gb a month so I'm getting a new phone and plan for less money :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #145
Anyone received a dispatch confirmation or anything like that?

My order is still stuck on "awaiting decision from the network" on the Order Tracker; everyone elses the same?
iduno87 to amazinjosh
6 Mar 16 #146
I don't think you will even get a decision until tomorrow
6 Mar 16 #147
You won't get any decision until Monday I bet, from the webpage below.
Q: When will my order be delivered?

A: Orders placed Monday to Saturday before 8pm will be guaranteed next working day delivery. However, this is subject to a successful network credit check (if applicable). Orders placed after 8pm on Saturday or over the weekend will be processed on Monday (unless a bank holiday) and then delivered Tuesday.*
getknk to Jabbypans
6 Mar 16 #149
​the credit check.folks at the company would have 100k individual items to approve. so it's either a blanket approval or reject
6 Mar 16 #151
Aye. I got it 18 month ago and its a great mobile.
6 Mar 16 #152
Amazingly it would appear this deal checks out, given people are getting help ordering from CS. LG/Google must really have overestimated sales if they're offloading stock at this price. I had a N5 which was very disappointing but this phone seems to have decent reviews, only shortcoming IMO is the paltry 10.6 GB available storage. I would be ordering this if it wasn't for the meagre storage. Also sell the phone on eBay or GT and you've got a reasonable phone contract free for two years! Heat added. :sunglasses:
6 Mar 16 #153
Great deal - might even do this the other way round (sell the phone and keep the airtime).

Saying that, an average of 1.6 on TrustPilot does not look good:
6 Mar 16 #154
is this a misprice ? do I need it ?
6 Mar 16 #155
Great deal! Voted hot. Would have bought if I hadnt recently bought the lg G4 £225 deal posted here a few weeks ago.
Elbandito to maano001
6 Mar 16 #163
Im in the same boat... but I did order this:P guess gonna be selling the g4 then:)
6 Mar 16 1 #156
Purchased earlier, but emailed to cancel. This site.... XD
Bad Actor
6 Mar 16 #157
Well I bought my wife an Lg G3 last summer and I was very impressed with it and I paid £230 for it. It was the 3gb version though and this will be the 2gb but gonna rock compared to what I've been used to for the last 4 years on my Note 1.
Dr Zoidberg
6 Mar 16 #158
Wow, that's a real bargain. Very tempted to get a couple for me and the GF.
6 Mar 16 #159
how do you get this at this price - cant find it for free? @ £8.50
gadgetcake to komi
6 Mar 16 3 #169

Per the description: To access the deal click link, then menu -> sale, that takes you to sale page, it's the last item
6 Mar 16 #160
it is showing the £169.99 upfront cost.. for me..
6 Mar 16 1 #161
click the sales tab - scroll to bottom it shows as £8.50 a month and free phone
6 Mar 16 #164
No sd card slot and only 16gig, bit of a bummer as only around 11 gig available
LadyMystica to Bendown
6 Mar 16 #167
​Yep, I'm amazed that so many, not only think it's ok, but also seem to think it's a great deal and price for this phone. Amazing really.
ficosaneil to Bendown
6 Mar 16 1 #183
Yeah, I'm not sure why this is so hot tbh.
Reviews say battery life is very poor too.
6 Mar 16 #165
Got a Dispatch Email !!!!! Hurrayyyyy!!!
toge to alxdenisov
6 Mar 16 #176
​When did u order?!
kashta to alxdenisov
6 Mar 16 #195
What time did you order yours? I've ordered at 10.45am and no dispatch email yet
Deal_HUNT3R to alxdenisov
6 Mar 16 1 #198
Lol no.
6 Mar 16 1 #168
My iPhone is only 16gb, never had a problem with that
6 Mar 16 3 #170
There's this separation between people that need more and people that don't. It's a good deal for half :smile:
6 Mar 16 #171
waiting for network decision.. I think it is because I said I am in the current job for the last 8 months..

i don't generally understand how they decide.. the credit rating parameters are very poor.. i have given the credit card which I own for 6 years and bank account which I am using for the last 12 years.. need to wait for 2 days ..
heathergreen1 to newdealchaser
6 Mar 16 1 #173
I don't think it's anything to worry about. I doubt they're checking on a Sunday. :wink:
6 Mar 16 #172 - Massive thermal throttling
6 Mar 16 1 #174
Thanks .. I dont need the phone.. but anyway I bought it as I am already paying £9 for a SIMO contract for my son. if i get this, I will give this to my son and take the phone and play world of tanks .. lol :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #175
forgot to mention.. i like the spec.. quadcore with 2 gb ram.. is good... voted hot..
6 Mar 16 #177
I think he's talking rubbish as was mentioned earlier on thread in tcs, they do not ship on Sunday's. I'd like to be proven wrong tho!
6 Mar 16 #178
Find many bad reviews on TalkMobile espcially on their Facebook page, still not sure whether worth to take the risk on this deal.
gadgetcake to sunnydurian
6 Mar 16 #179
As mentioned, this is a great deal even if you never want to deal with talk mobile. Just get the phone for use with another sim.

Well 'never' deal with them is a bit of an exaggeration, you'll need to do an online chat in 23 months to cancel the contract.
6 Mar 16 1 #180
Would be perfect for me if it had a memory card slot... or 64gb :disappointed:
6 Mar 16 #181
Yeah the phone is the only best part of the deal. But once you got into the contract with them, you need think about your credit rating. From the FB page, some people have their credit rating damaged due to mishandling from them. Some others can't even get their SIM activated.
6 Mar 16 #182
I've used them before for a cheap and cheerful budget phone and line, and not had any issues, paying in full by direct debit should protect from any issues you'd hope
6 Mar 16 #184
Just been reading about that, so poor battery and little inbuilt memory plus no sd slot. I guess it is because people can buy it for £8.50 a month. I doubt it would be so popular if folks had to pay up front for it?
6 Mar 16 1 #185
I'm not sure where these battery life reviews are supposedly coming from, but its battery is as good as any other smartphone I've owned. However, and this is a BIG however, I find the phone exceptionally laggy. As I mentioned on another deal regarding this phone, I believe there to be something fundamentally wrong with the phone, and I'm not the only one. If you do some research you will find a lot of people complaining of the same issue. When I first had the phone it was lightening quick, but I soon found it 'stalling' for want of a better term. Button presses become non-responsive, and after a while things speed up again. A reboot solves it for a time, but the lag always returns. I have tried factory resets, removing different apps, playing with developer settings, nothing has solved the issue.

Some believe it is encryption combined with low RAM, 2GB. I'm less convinced. Other phones with similar specs don't have the problem, and they even found that the Nexus 5 could perform better. Don't get me wrong, it is still a usable phone, but my old Sony Z3, which my girlfriend now has, rips it apart for responsiveness. I loved my old Nexus 4 back in the day, and bought this expecting the same, great reliable stock android phone. It is not. :disappointed:
6 Mar 16 1 #186
To those who want a pure Android experience the Nexus range is actually very popular. For those people the price is driving it, for others this phone probably doesn't mean much. To each their own
6 Mar 16 #187
does anyone know for certain if the phone comes unlocked?
cigbunt to TheMrDuckstep
6 Mar 16 #194
All nexua phones are unlocked
6 Mar 16 #188
How do you cancel an order? After watching reviews, I've realised the Nexus 5X isn't all its cracked up to be. Guess I shouldn't be so reactive in the future haha.
markcd to KashMoney123
6 Mar 16 #192
I'm pretty sure they will cancel them all tomorrow morning...

The other thing to take into account, is that this isn't a flagship. It's a mid-range phone for £250ish and should be judged on that basis. Of course, you can get much higher spec'd phones for the money from Gearbest or wherever, but some people are happy to pay a premium for stock Android and are willing to compromise on storage, or not having dual sim, or whatever other features may be important to some other people. For £204 all in, it is well worth a punt imho - you could get more than that on eBay if you decide you really can't live with it.
6 Mar 16 2 #189
16GB and its so hot. Good for people who can live with it but if its a phone i would be very careful as it doesn't take many days for applications like Facebook, Messenger, Watsapp and Snapchat to take loads of GBs leaving nothing for anything else. If you have everything on the cloud then also it is a problem, coz it has challenges with storage space for even apps and games. Sorry, the price is HOT but 16GB is nothing in today's age.
In a tablet, it is still ok but for phones not acceptable. :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #190
I googled "5x review" and first link (gsm arena) had battery complaints on 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th user reviews on the first page.

Like you, I miss my Nexus 4. Best phone I've ever owned. Only got rid because the battery gave up.
6 Mar 16 #191
Ordered this but may cancel, anyone know how to? Guessing call in the morning?
6 Mar 16 #193
i have had 16GB iphone.. I was cleaning up for every 4 weeks .. but it was ok.. get what you paid for....
6 Mar 16 #196
After previously slating this device for battery use, I have to say it's actually pretty decent. I had an app that was preventing doze from working, so standby battery was only 8hours - now it's around 48.
Decent phone for the price.
6 Mar 16 1 #197
scorchio !!! many thanks ordered black one 16 gb free phone and only 8.50 a month as doctor who used to say a lot
6 Mar 16 #199
There are many issues I had with the 5x, the battery isn't one of them. It really is the same as every phone I've owned apart from my Sony Z3, which was known for its amazing battery life. Why did I give that to the other half? Battery on that thing was truly immense for a high end smart phone. 2 days out of it, easily!
6 Mar 16 1 #200
Hot hot hot order one
6 Mar 16 1 #201
This is an amazing deal! Just bought one for my dad. Cheers OP!
6 Mar 16 #202
Is the 500mb data 4g?
Neil49 to stonebear
6 Mar 16 1 #210
​No, Talkmobile are still on 3g but keep saying they will move up to 4g fairy soon.
6 Mar 16 1 #203
Jumped on this deal.

Thought I was getting Quidoc as well, never mind, just read the whole comment.

My missus is only a light user so this contract is just about enough.

Can you cap the data and is it possible to cap talk time?
6 Mar 16 #204
battery life ain't bad lasts 6 hours on screen
6 Mar 16 1 #205
Can't believe how well this deal did. Well done OP :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #206
I think its been taken down. It was in my basket, then it went and now I can't find the deal.
gadgetcake to Affixlol
6 Mar 16 #207
Still there when I checked just now
6 Mar 16 #208
yeah my bad. Just realised you have to go to SALE tab on the website.
What are the odds they will honour this?
6 Mar 16 1 #209
Gone for it. I doubt I will pass the credit check but had to try. :smiley:
6 Mar 16 3 #211
I don't know why people are slagging it off, for the price its a cracking deal.
Deal_HUNT3R to Jabbypans
6 Mar 16 1 #236
It sure is
6 Mar 16 1 #212
Thanks OP
6 Mar 16 1 #213
​I don't know but I reckon someone in their offices is in for a rollicking tomorrow morning! :laughing:
6 Mar 16 #214
did anyones Quidco track ?
Bad Actor to mkh93
6 Mar 16 1 #215
You need to read the thread dude, no Quidco on this.
6 Mar 16 1 #216
I may be wrong but I'd be more inclined to think this was a misprice if they didn't have the G3 and A5 up for £12.50 a month with double the allowance.
6 Mar 16 #217
anyone had confirmation of this working yet?
gadgetcake to muttyhc
6 Mar 16 1 #219
In what way? Order placed, order confirmation email received. They say no dispatch until tomorrow for weekend orders, so that's as much confirmation as we'll get today.

Also some people placed their order on the phone, so seems like it'll be fine.
6 Mar 16 #218
Quidco tracked here
6 Mar 16 #220
as in, is this likely to be cancelled?
6 Mar 16 #221
What a deal! Just bought the Motorola X Force...would have got this straight away if I didnt buy the other phone :disappointed: Oh well
6 Mar 16 1 #222
Best deal I've seen on this site. Purchased.
6 Mar 16 #223
no SD card slot?
6 Mar 16 #224
The big question is will they honour the deal? In my opinion it seems like a Mis-price, cause if you search for nexus 5x the £8.50 plan has a £166 initial cost which is missing in the sale link, so it's mostly a data entry guy missing that out in the sale link.
stonebear to socialmammal
6 Mar 16 2 #232
If you go to the "sale" page they all have "Free phone" written on them, so I think (hope) your theory is wrong.
Deal_HUNT3R to socialmammal
6 Mar 16 #234
We'll find out tomorrow
6 Mar 16 #225
Is this a worthwhile upgrade to my trusty LG G2? I'm guessing not looking at specs.
cigbunt to pdid
6 Mar 16 #229
adamdgregory33 to pdid
6 Mar 16 #240
Depends whether you need expandable storage, other than lack of micro SD slot it looks good.
6 Mar 16 1 #226
Just brought it, remember to buy through sale tab, waiting for it to be delivered on tuesday.
6 Mar 16 #227
lg g3
6 Mar 16 1 #228
6 Mar 16 #230
Not accepting payment
6 Mar 16 #231
i wouldn't touch g3 in 2016... just get a g4 can get them about £250
6 Mar 16 #233
Good luck to all who've ordered. I'm tempted but as others have said this must be a mis-price. If you look on their site they are selling it for £294.99 sim free.
heathergreen1 to pauljanet
6 Mar 16 #242
That's actually for the 32gb version so perhaps they're willing to take a hit on the 16gb because it's not selling so well, or something like that?
6 Mar 16 1 #235
It's still working fine I have just ordered and its been confirmed.
Nice find heat added
6 Mar 16 #237
I even spoke to CS to change the colour.... No issues.
6 Mar 16 1 #238
Doubt it's a miss price. The price of the n5x has been massively slashed in the US recently.
6 Mar 16 #239
Can talkmobile contracts be put on cap? Can't find much info on this.
6 Mar 16 1 #241
Just ordered to went through fine hope they honour it, fantastic find just what i needed at the minute
6 Mar 16 #243
Nexus 4 still going strong for me. Was waiting for a good deal on the 6P. Best currently is Carphone Warehouse in-store @ £399 but I could have 2 5X's for that! Had to bite! Thanks OP! Hope this comes through. Really wanted the blue colour too.
arora to Thar
6 Mar 16 #251
Same here. I wanted 6p but this is half price so ordered
6 Mar 16 #244
Any chance it will work? I noticed that the terms and conditions page is all garbage.
Bad Actor
6 Mar 16 1 #245
£12.50 a month with a plan. Whoooosh, and it's over your head.
6 Mar 16 #246
Looks like the deal is dead, when you click on the link it says it's no longer available.
heathergreen1 to erk
6 Mar 16 #247
Yup, it's not on the sale page any more.
6 Mar 16 3 #248
YES, ordered just in time!
6 Mar 16 #249
Too late, £166 upfront cost now :disappointed:
6 Mar 16 2 #250
If you click on the sim free deal (£274.99 for the 16gb) it's no longer available...

Now... we wait...
6 Mar 16 #252
Will this offer be renewed or nah
6 Mar 16 #253
you ever used a g3 compared to g4 Whoooosh
6 Mar 16 #254
Went for this just before they pulled it. I'm 99% sure it was a mis price and they won't honour it, but nothing ventured . .
6 Mar 16 1 #255
"Pending network decision" - I guess that is code for "about to be cancelled".
Bad Actor
6 Mar 16 #256
Dude, past your bedtime :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #257
Went for the LG G3 at £12.50 a month as i was going to take a punt at £185 sim free from Amazon anyway, i already pay £7.50 a month for less minutes and data than this deal gives me for my daughters sim so she can have this sim instead, so in effect paying £120 ( 24 x £5 ) over the 2 years.
nobbyal to nobbyal
7 Mar 16 #333
Passed credit check, well blow me down.
6 Mar 16 #258
Looks like some horrible story on talkmobile recently, anyone know more details on that?
MrPuddington to heydi
7 Mar 16 #261
That must be the trustpilot page :-)
6 Mar 16 1 #259
OP thanks ordered just before it was pulled but like most on the site I do not expect it to be honoured.suspect we will all fail credit checks on mass tomorrow.
7 Mar 16 #260
I ordered last night and got an order number but have received no emails at all from them. I'm not holding out much hope of actually getting this phone.
DARKSABER to pacobabe
7 Mar 16 5 #262
Fear not as i just rang them to confirm that my order had gone through as i had not received a confirmation email too and she said as i placed my order on Sunday you wont of got one yet.
Anyway she also said it mite take up to 48hrs for the credit check to go through so just be patient. I also asked if the sale price was valid and she checked it out and said it was ok so some people should be eating their own words about now.
7 Mar 16 #263
I don't mean to **** on anyone's chips but don't believe the CS. They read from the information they are given. The cancellation emails can be fired off at any moment and it is their CS left to deal with the angry customers.

I am talking from experience. This is part of the Carphone Warehouse group after all who think nothing of **** on customers where errors are concerned.
7 Mar 16 #264
Ordered last night just before it was taken down.
I don't exactly need this phone but hey, for the price, I'm sure I could find some use for it even just as a games device.
I hope the deal is honoured though - if only for the guys and gals who genuinely can make use out of this!
7 Mar 16 #265
Im not keeping mine when it arrives as i already have a LG G4 which unlike this Nexus does not suffer from stilted storage capacity as well having a host of other features that the nexus is missing.So off to Amazon it will go as it will cover the cost of the contract for the next 2 years and the contract is worth at least £180 (£7.50m) compared to gifgaf for example.
7 Mar 16 #266
Just had mine delivered from parcelforce.
rohanonny to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #268
What colour?
JohnnyUtah to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #269
Fair play if CPW deliver for once.
yarkiebrown to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #283
​If it isn't honoured, I'm going to sue them. They entered a contract so are legally bound to supply me a phone
sunnydurian to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #321
So is this the lucky one?
7 Mar 16 #267
Just rang customer service up and they changed the colour to white. Just awaiting approval from network regards despatch.
7 Mar 16 #270
heathergreen1 to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #271

Thanks for letting us know you've got the phone, nice one! Could you tell me if your order status has changed, or is it still saying network approval needed?

Cheers :smiley:
7 Mar 16 #272
When did you order mate? Cheers
7 Mar 16 #273
Ordered friday evening.
7 Mar 16 1 #274
Sim card is in.says emergency calls only says on the box network activation can take up to 24 hours.its on charge,downloading marshmallow.
7 Mar 16 #275
Gutted I missed out on this :disappointed:
7 Mar 16 #276
Has anyone's status changed from "order is awaiting a decision from the network"?
7 Mar 16 #277
Doubt the status will change until the phone is sent.
heathergreen1 to ebayhomepc
7 Mar 16 #278
That's kind of my point. :wink: If it changes then it's a good indicator that we'll actually get the deal.
7 Mar 16 #279
I hope we do get it as its a great deal, but after looking at conparison videos and checking out some forums, im not so sure i want to change my less than a month old lg g4 fir that, mainly due to small storage (i dont usually store much anyway, 2gb of music, only apps no games really, no vidoes either, but am still worried that might not be enough), but vanilla android, fingerprint sensor and really quick upgrades are swaying me over... On the other hand a better screen, micro sd slot, removable back (i have a magnet car holder which i rrally like and i could put the magnet sticker on the back of panel so i dont need a case and works great, for n5x id have to get a case and put the sticker on the inside of it). On top g4 is really annoying sometimes due to its design, i often just want to make a few taps while phone is lying on the desk (change current yt video playing, check emails ir whatever) and the curvy back designe of g4 makes it wobble and go all around the place which is really annoying at times.... Arghhhhhh i hate those decisions:(
antiboost to Elbandito
7 Mar 16 #294
​Apart from stock android and finger print scanner G4 wins
7 Mar 16 #280
Order staus 'sent'
mrjackson90 to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #284
7 Mar 16 #281
Talkmobile pending....
7 Mar 16 #282
Sorry,meant status
7 Mar 16 #285
Deal is live again - just ordered.
jimbobjoe to badger2007
7 Mar 16 #286
Just seen that as well.

Good news for those who missed out.
And those like myself that ordered and thought it would have been cancelled.
7 Mar 16 #287
held off last night, but ordered today. didn't need it but never mind!!!!
7 Mar 16 #288
says 166.66 upfront am i missing something and 8.5 a month
7 Mar 16 #289
Theyve evidently corrected it, theres a £166 upfront charge now!
7 Mar 16 #290
No you need to click on sale and scroll to the bottom.
7 Mar 16 #291
It's alive!

Surely this is the real deal then. We can only hope.
7 Mar 16 1 #292
Anybody having trouble finding the FREE upfront cost N5X, use this page: and scroll to the very bottom of the deals. Select the BUY NOW button for the black model, or use the little coloured boxes to select the blue or white models.
7 Mar 16 1 #293
I had a call to ask why I wanted to cancel and changed my mind as I could send it back within 14 days. So this is being honoured
7 Mar 16 1 #295
no dual-sim
no sd slot

not for me
7 Mar 16 #296
locked or unlocked?
vassy201187 to hukduserr
7 Mar 16 #298
Google phones come unlocked
7 Mar 16 #297
how come this is expired when it still on site
7 Mar 16 #299
There are some posters who believe CPW cocked up with the beautiful Huawei P8 TWICE. One was the 12 month duration 21.50/mth deal with decent allowances incl 1GB data on ID Mobile, making the full package 258 quid whilst they were selling the phone only for 380 quid. Then they reduced the SIM FREE version to 150 quid a month or so ago. It happens...
7 Mar 16 #300
Here's a question for anyone that knows Talkmobile:

If you buy this phone can you then go to them directly and upgrade your plan?

500mb isn't enough for me. On TM's website 2gb data plus calls etc sim-only is £7.50pm. However to get the Nexus 5x on mobilephonesdirect with the 2gb TM plan it's £17.50pm all in.
7 Mar 16 #301
Now a HUKD Pick so presumably its authenticity has been checked out officially?
7 Mar 16 #302
Since this phone only has 16gb, does it have any features that make it easier to manage running out of storage space? Having photos and videos backed up (I know Photos can do this) and automatically removed would possibly make it usable. Also any features for reducing app data could help? Also does anyone know how much storage space is free once you account for android and basic google account data?
ianthegreat to uksparky
7 Mar 16 #303
Google photos has an option to backup all photos and videos to the cloud when linked to Google drive. It's fairly large as it compresses the media
bisoner to uksparky
7 Mar 16 #311
I'm sure you can sync photo's up with Dropbox.
It has around 10.5gb free out of the 16gb. If you are a heavy 3d mobile gamer, this phone probably isn't for you given the lack of space.
Reducing App data - use Wireless whenever you can and don't steam music or movies outside of wireless. 500mb is probably OK for email and occasional mobile web browsing. Set the monthly limit within Android and it will turn off mobile data automatically until your limit gets reset.

It's a very good way (interest free over 24 months) to get the phone but the contract data limit might make it risky. They will hammer you hard if you exceed in terms of excess charges. Same with the minutes.
7 Mar 16 #304
Seems to have sold out now. Managed to get mine in black ordered, but couldnt get my wife one in blue in time.
7 Mar 16 #305
7 Mar 16 #306
Thats the thing, I had nexus 6p previously and and it was fantastic other than the fact it was too big for me, often unwieldy to use and I could not even store it in the usual phone space in my car as it wouldn't fit there. therefore i hunted for the lg g4. But i miss stock android and fingerprint scanner, thats why this might be perfect. not really bothered about extra 0.3 inch of screen or the better resolution on g4, maybe the extra 1GB RAM would make a difference, but I'm not a heavy user, so wouldn't really affect me. Camera should be good on 5x as supposedly its the same as 6p, which I found on par with g4, i mean both are really good and I'm too much of a noob to tell if theres much difference. Battery might be a bit better on g4 also as higher capacity, but I still need to charge it everyday so it doesn't really matter. Arghhh.... if only 5x had microsd slot, it would have been perfect!
7 Mar 16 #307
Deals changed to £17.50 with 1000 minutes, 5000 texts and 2GB data.
7 Mar 16 #308
I have a 32GB for work use. It has no music, apps etc on it, after the phone is set up there is 25GB available. So the os takes up to 7GB of the phones storage.
Bad Actor
7 Mar 16 #309
Just had an email to say my G3 is in warehouse ready for despatch, being delivered tomorrow.
I'll then cancel my £18 a month sim only deal with Three so I'm saving six quid a month and got a new phone :smiley:
nobbyal to Bad Actor
7 Mar 16 #330
Ditto for my G3, i'm happy with that.
7 Mar 16 #310
17.50 now :disappointed: did anyone get their phone??
7 Mar 16 1 #312
That's not how the law works.
7 Mar 16 #313
Just got order cancellation email!
7 Mar 16 #314
I got a cancellation email....
7 Mar 16 #315
7 Mar 16 #316
Cancelled guys, just got email.
7 Mar 16 #317
Thought this would happen :disappointed:
7 Mar 16 1 #318
Sorry! There was a mistake with your order.

Dear Customer,

Over the weekend, on Saturday 5th March & Sunday 6th March we experienced an issue with our website where we incorrectly published a Free Nexus 5X 16GB handset on a Talkmobile £8.50pm plan. We have identified you as a customer effected by this issue.

We regret to inform you that due to the system error we are going to have to cancel your order within our system. Please note that we have not credit checked you and therefore will not leave a credit footprint on your file.

We have worked hard to create a few alternative deals on the LG Nexus 5X that are not available to the general consumer. These deals are only being offered to customers effected by our website issue and offer fantastic value for money in the current marketplace.

To take advantage of one of these unique deals, please follow one the links below and complete a new order.

Mobile Phones Direct would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused you, and thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.

Kind Regards
The Mobile Phones Direct Team
7 Mar 16 1 #319
Looks like it's getting cancelled for those who didn't get in quickly enough :disappointed:
DocRobotnik to nyasham
7 Mar 16 #338
So why haven't people shared the new links :smiley:
7 Mar 16 #320
Bar stewards.....
7 Mar 16 #322
I think s/he made that up
7 Mar 16 #323
Ordered 15:15 yesterday. Cancelled.
7 Mar 16 #324
Did you got the phone OP?
7 Mar 16 #325
Nope, got the same email cancelling the order
7 Mar 16 #326
Mine hasn't been cancelled.

7 Mar 16 #327
Cancelled, Although £12.50 with 2gb of data isn't too £20 upfront
7 Mar 16 1 #328
Cancelled too, but I still might go for the £12.50 offer. Thumbs up to Mobile Phones Direct for throwing us a bone when they really didn't have to.
7 Mar 16 #329
held off last night, but ordered today. didn't need it but never mind!!!!
7 Mar 16 #331
Cancelled. RIP Deal.
7 Mar 16 #332
cancelled also i'll stick with my smart ultra 6.
7 Mar 16 #334
So people who ordered are being offered £12.50pm but for 2gb data?

Wish I'd ordered now, that's the better deal for me :disappointed:
7 Mar 16 #335
I guess Ill stick to g4 then:) worth a shot tho, apparently they did not 'leave a footprint' on the credit file, as some were concerned earlier:)
7 Mar 16 #336
They're offering one of these as 'exclusive deals' for those who ordered:

7 Mar 16 #337
Dear Customer, 

Over the weekend, on Saturday 5th March & Sunday 6th March we experienced an issue with our website where we incorrectly published a Free Nexus 5X 16GB handset on a Talkmobile £8.50pm plan. We have identified you as a customer effected by this issue. 

We regret to inform you that due to the system error we are going to have to cancel your order within our system. Please note that we have not credit checked you and therefore will not leave a credit footprint on your file. 
7 Mar 16 #339
If they offer me the £12 quid 2gb data £20 upfront deal I'll snap it out of their hands!
markcd to heathergreen1
7 Mar 16 #342
If it was 4G, then definitely, but for 3G only...? Not sure......
gadgetcake to heathergreen1
7 Mar 16 1 #344

You'll get the links in the cancellation email if you placed an order for the now dud deal.
7 Mar 16 #340
What new links?
7 Mar 16 #341
​I know, I was joking. I'm just looking forward to seeing all the comments saying similar if it it were to be cancelled
7 Mar 16 #343
People who received the cancellation email received links to three new deals.

What's the betting those links aren't set up as unique to each customer.
7 Mar 16 #345
I'm still waiting on my cancellation email...
7 Mar 16 #346
Just received a cancellation email. How can this be when it has dispatched for others?
gadgetcake to mu1
7 Mar 16 #347
I don't think anyone has had this dispatched. Check the post count for those that have said they have it
7 Mar 16 #348
Email just arrived :disappointed:
7 Mar 16 #349
Ah I see what you mean... I assume you got the email too? I honestly wouldn't consider them deals. They are the normal non-sale price and not worth it in my opinion...

All Talkmobile and all 24 Month Contracts:

£8.50 per month
£70 up-front

250 UK Minutes
5000 UK Texts
500 MB UK Data

£12.50 per month
£20 up-front

1000 UK Minutes
5000 UK Texts
2 GB UK Data

£15 per month
£0.00 up-front

1000 UK Minutes
5000 UK Texts
2 GB UK Data
Ed Winchester
7 Mar 16 #350
They want 70 quid up front for the above deal. On my email anyways.

Balls to it. My iPhone4 is still working fine, I'll run it till it dies or drowns in the toilet/bath.
7 Mar 16 #351
Hmmm - I don't have a cancellation email.

But I do have an APC Consignment email - oops.

Thats my CAMSKILL order!
7 Mar 16 #352
These aren't normal sale prices. They have much higher upfront prices for me, using those links.
7 Mar 16 #353
They have cancel my order
7 Mar 16 1 #354
I ordered this before it was posted on this site. It was referred due to me already having a vodafone account. I then got an email this morning saying I was declined. I rang mobile phones direct who said vodafone declined me and gave me a vodafone reference number. I spent nearly 2 hours with vodafone (after they hung over once) trying to get to the bottom of why.

MobilPhonesDirect have finally been honest with me in the last call I made to them and told me the network hasn't declined me and they just had to pull the deal. Disgusting waste of my time
7 Mar 16 1 #355
Got the offer and took the £12.50/ £20 upfront deal. Very happy with it in fact. The 2gb data and 1000 mins is much more useful than the original deal!
7 Mar 16 #356
who was it that said I will be eating my words. I did say you wouldn't get it but at least there is a decent offering from mpd to ponder over. personally I wouldn't go for any contract with TM but this one if successful, which we now know is a mistake was OK just to get the 5 over 2 years and do whatever with the sim.
7 Mar 16 #357
​I guess they 'corrected' those prices too. Cest lavie
7 Mar 16 1 #358
I am still awaiting approval.
7 Mar 16 2 #359
Have to say the £12.50 deal is BETTER than the original. For the equivalent of an extra £4.83 per month, you're getting an extra 750 minutes and an extra 1.5GB of data. Giffgaff charges £12 per month SIMO for 2GB and half the minutes.

Well done, Mobile Phones Direct.


ohdearohdear to musical
7 Mar 16 #374
You're forgetting the £70 upfront?
7 Mar 16 #360
Is the £12 deal offered 4g?
7 Mar 16 2 #361
Those 'exclusive deal' prices are just the same as the standard (non-sale) web prices were up until about an hour ago. Now they've pushed up the standard prices to make these look more of a deal.

For those just wanting the handset and going to throw the sim away, the £8.50 pm / £70 upfront works out at £274 over 24 months, so you'd be paying about £30 over the odds for the convenience of spreading the cost out over 24 months rather than paying it all up front.

You can get the 32GB model outright for £280(ish), so personally I'd rather go for that and pay up front if I wanted this handset specifically, but obviously spreading the cost may be better for others.

For those actually wanting the contract and thinking the £12.50 contract is a better deal - just remember that Talkmobile don't have a 4G network, so you need to take that into account (and you will be tied in for 24 months).
HottyHotty to Shodney
7 Mar 16 1 #370
I'm not so sure, unless I'm misunderstanding you a free nexus 5x with 2gb contract was 17.50pm right from when this deal started. If people are being offered this for £12.50pm with £20 upfront that strikes me as a very decent deal.
7 Mar 16 1 #362
Guys this is cheating. Why it took them this long to decide that deal wasn't right. They waited for more and more people applying and then offering alternative. They even put same deal back today after taking it off. Was that not deliberate? I think we should complain about company dishonest practices.
joebuckton to arora
7 Mar 16 #366
Try being told you've been declined! I've spent all day figuring out why. MobilePhonesDirect told me I'd been declined but the network.TalkMobile couldn't say anything. MPD told me to contact vodafone. Vodafone were denying declining me. I'm so angry at them. Dishonest is putting it lightly.
7 Mar 16 #363
I noticed the links I've got goes to a black phone mine was the blue one I'd ordered. Anyone got them to change colour on the £12.50/£20 tariff they offered?
mitchb to loaky
7 Mar 16 1 #367
Just beneath the offer on the email there is an option to view other colours, click on this and it takes you to the basket with that colour selected.
7 Mar 16 #364
Was a good deal at 8.50 a month but the upfront cost kills it.
7 Mar 16 #365
For those just after the contract, and can be fussed with cashback redemption deals, then this one will be betters, £0 after cashback redemption, and should be eligible for topcashback too. Chuck in what you could get after selling the phone you could end up getting paid £50 for having this contract over 2 years, of course a big faff with the cashback, so not for me!
7 Mar 16 #368
Ohh dear. I'll never shop with MPD again
hammeredpizza to arora
7 Mar 16 1 #371
Why? They've been really good about it in my opinion.
7 Mar 16 #369
Just had cancellation email :disappointed:
7 Mar 16 2 #372
what a pile of poop
7 Mar 16 #373
are the cancellation emails in waves as not yet had mine and ordered at about 12.30 yesterday. cheers
Sq2012 to muttyhc
7 Mar 16 #387
​check your spam folder
7 Mar 16 1 #375
How. I think this was trap.. They deliberately let lots of people apply and then let them wait for one working day. I guess everyone in company must be talking about contract after receiving huge number if applications. Why did they put back same deal in morning?
7 Mar 16 #376
It's £20 upfront
7 Mar 16 2 #377
Received my cancel email but not really bothered as ordered for £12.50 for Nexus 5x plus 1000 minutes 5000 texts and 2gb data is still a steal in my opinion.

Edit £20 upfront.
weirdwilli to ebayhomepc
7 Mar 16 #378
I actually agree, saves me paying when I go over the 500mb allowance, 2gb is actually pretty good even if it was a SIM only deal, only shame is the 24m length
7 Mar 16 #379
Have they honoured anybody's deal then?
7 Mar 16 #380
Got my royal mail tracking number :-D ordered on saturday. Talkmobile allow you to increase contract, going to try for the £12 2gb or ill tell em im cancelling contract within 14 day cooling off.
7 Mar 16 #381
Well looks like I'll stick with my Nexus 4 for a bit longer then. Fate :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Mar 16 #382
Hm, no cancellation yet. Is that good news?

And indeed, you could faff around with the cash back deal, get the mobile phone contract for free, and use the 200 pounds to just buy a Nexus 5x. But it is more hassle with cash back.
7 Mar 16 #383
Thankyou, I had my brain turned off! :smiley:
7 Mar 16 #384
Why would i make it up?
7 Mar 16 #385
Are people still getting the £12 deal?
7 Mar 16 #386
My cancellation was in my spam
7 Mar 16 #388
Surely i am not the only person to receive the phone?
Deal_HUNT3R to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #395
Have any pics? Cos it would be delivered tomorrow at the earliest
7 Mar 16 #389
The £12.50 deal plus £20 is certainly tempting with the extra allowances, decisions!!
davidh5555 to johnraggett
7 Mar 16 #390
​how do you get this deal?
loaky to johnraggett
7 Mar 16 1 #391
Fits my usage better, so I took it. I'd rather get the deal than ignoring it in protest.
heathergreen1 to johnraggett
7 Mar 16 #393
It's a very good deal. Yeah, it's not the original £8.50 but imho the extra allowance more than makes up for it.
7 Mar 16 #392
I still have not had a email yet. Stating network approval
7 Mar 16 #394
Still no email and MPD have taken 2.50£ from my account. I'm guess that's a credit check.
Thar to Deal_HUNT3R
7 Mar 16 #399
Just checked, £2.50 pending on my credit card too but had the cancellation email this afternoon. Fingers crossed yours slips through.
jimbobjoe to Deal_HUNT3R
7 Mar 16 #402
Just checked my bank and I have the same.

Also still pending on the website and no cancellation (even in my spam folder).

Fingers crossed as I ordered this for my mum who is paying £8/month sim only with an old phone..
7 Mar 16 #396
What are your opinions on the lg g3 for £12.50 a month
500 Minutes
5000 Texts
1GB Data
I thought that was pretty good or am i missing something?
7 Mar 16 #397
where is £12.50/pm+£20 deal guys ?
HottyHotty to rocco35
7 Mar 16 #400
yeah can any link to this or is it locked down for people who had a cancellation?
7 Mar 16 #398
7 Mar 16 1 #401
Because everybody lies and what can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof. That's why!

This was clearly a cheap marketing trick (decoy marketing & loss leader & penetration pricing strategy...). This is no mistake, there is no doubt about it.

Don't let them get away with it today because tomorrow every retailer will try to scam you.
Don't accept the "few alternative deals on the LG Nexus 5X that are not available to the general consumer / unique offer" hogwash, stand your ground and never buy from them again.
Hit them where it hurts - in there bank accounts.

7 Mar 16 #403
Cant upload pic.i have the phone,so sorry,if you dont believe me.
7 Mar 16 #404
@ksh1964 did u order on Friday/Saturday before 4pm?
ksh1964 to socialmammal
7 Mar 16 #409
Cant remember what time i ordered it friday,but i got an order confirmation at 1953 hrs it today as i ordered before 8pm
7 Mar 16 #405
Ordered Sunday afternoon, no cancellation yet..but expecting it to come through shortly. Was worth a punt.
7 Mar 16 #406
There is certainly doubt about their intentions here (what can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof), if it's a marketing exercise it's highly highly questionable for lots of obvious reasons, and arguably the same bottom line could be achieved with a positive campaign.
7 Mar 16 #407
If you haven't had a cancellation email check your spam folder because quite a few of them have ended up in there. In addition, mine turned up in my google mail promotions folder so you might want to check that too.
7 Mar 16 3 #408
Deal_HUNT3R to ksh1964
7 Mar 16 #415

What emails did you get after you ordered?
7 Mar 16 #410
My sim has not been activated ,so i have no idea what happens now..i assume they will block the phone..but then it would be no good to either party.
7 Mar 16 #411
Just turned phone off and on again and sim is sms saying'direct debits have been successful'.
7 Mar 16 #412
I changed my colour of the phone to white this morning on the telephone. I hope this enables me to get the honoured. I might slip through the net of cancellations !
7 Mar 16 #413
Looks that way they reckon talkmobile can't honour that deal
7 Mar 16 #414
The order spike told them they had a hot deal. They've chosen to cancel them to make more money.
7 Mar 16 #416
Just got email: my order is cancelled
7 Mar 16 1 #417
Thank you for contacting Mobile Phones Direct.
Please accept this email as confirmation that we have cancelled your order.

Please note that we have not taken any money from your credit/debit card.

Mobile Phones Direct
7 Mar 16 #418
Mines been cancelled also.
7 Mar 16 #419
I got mine, or am getting it for £8.50

Great news, your order is out for delivery and will be with you soon.

To be honest, I saw this well before it was posted here. I then ummed and aarghhed about it for a day or two before ordering. I find that as soon as someone posts a really good deal on here, it all goes pear shaped.
7 Mar 16 #420
Was just an instinct buy really, got a S7 Edge coming tomorrow so not overly bothered.
8 Mar 16 #421
I, on the other hand, chased to find some decent deal on the 5x and got a black 32gb one on amazon warehouse for 228 that will be perfect as 32gb cant wait:)
8 Mar 16 #422

No alternative offer or explanation.
Bit cheeky..
rohanonny to jh787
8 Mar 16 #423
I got the same thing
Thar to jh787
8 Mar 16 #424
I got the one with "the few alternative deals on the LG Nexus 5X that are not available to the general consumer" email at 15:45 and got this at 22:46 last night.
8 Mar 16 #425
so idiotic of them.. i got the above email as well.. i never contacted them.. dont understand their logic... i am taking thrm to consumer watchdog now
jh787 to socialmammal
8 Mar 16 1 #427
Calm down.. breathe.

You Win some, you lose some. Huffing and puffing isn't going to get you anywhere. :stuck_out_tongue:
ontheqt to socialmammal
8 Mar 16 #432
See my post
8 Mar 16 #426
I also got the same...Thanks for contacting us email...we have now cancelled your order. What a load of bull.....oh well, still have my S6 edge to play with. Think I iwll hang fire and order the LG G5 when it comes out in April.
8 Mar 16 #428
Is there any way to share the deals offered in the cancellation emails?
8 Mar 16 1 #429
From what I can see they've put a deal up as they've picked up some cheap 5x's and/or a cheap airtime deal, then when it's had a lot of interest they've realised they can make more money by cancelling and letting people reorder at a higher price. Underhanded, and not surprising really.
ontheqt to erk
8 Mar 16 #431
See my comment cheers
8 Mar 16 3 #430
What they did is bait and switch which is a criminal offence under the consumer protection from unfair trading regulations 2008. This is a band practice under schedule 1. See point 5 i urge consumers to complain to citizens advice direct and it will be passed to trading standards for investigation.03454 04 05 06
8 Mar 16 1 #433
​Or it was just a mistake, an error due software or a human error message that do happen you know. Take a chill pill and look for a better phone for less money.

It actually does honor them that they do offer a pretty good deal. They're not bound to do that.
8 Mar 16 #434
Got the cancellation last night also for the 12.50 deal, but the cancellation mentions the order number for the old original 8.50 deal, so the 12.50 may still go through. Bit lost as order status online is completely blank..
loaky to weirdwilli
8 Mar 16 #435
Yeah I got a second cancellation email for the first order, I thought it was for the second order till I checked the order number.
8 Mar 16 #436
Just phoned to confirm it, yeah didn't realize the order number in the email. Now have to cancel one.
8 Mar 16 #437
So after I initially received a cancellation email for the £8.50 deal, the email came with 3 other offers and I picked the £12.50 offer, I received another email last night regarding the £12.50 deal saying my order has been sent to the network and is referred and can take up to 48 hours, don't know why as I don't have bad credit and I'm currently in a 24 months contract due to end in 2 months with Vodafone.
loaky to ebayhomepc
8 Mar 16 #439
I just got the same email, I thought it strange that I wasn't automatically approved as by my understanding my credit rating is quite good.
8 Mar 16 #438
Time to leave a review for these clowns for cancelling with no explanation!
8 Mar 16 #440
They just asked me for a passport/ID scan and a bank statement and a bill scan.. Never had this before
8 Mar 16 1 #441
The difference between mistake and bait-and-switch is the intention, and that is hard to judge from our perspective. I don't see any evidence that this was intentional, so I agree that it seems like a mistake. But others may disagree.
8 Mar 16 #442
It did reappear as the £8.50 sale price for a few hours after it was taken down.
You would think that would be a hard mistake to make twice.

But like you say, there is no way to prove whether it was intentional or not.

My £8.50 order has not yet been cancelled so i'm remaining ever hopeful.
8 Mar 16 #443
I had that too, I don't have a driving license and my passport is being renewed, So they cancelled my order,
I'd understand it if I had bad credit and wasn't on the Electorol etc.
8 Mar 16 #444
FYI, if your order status is blank. Call and check with them, they haven't dispatched mine as they were waiting for ID and proof of address. Awesome considering they never asked for this information in the first place.
8 Mar 16 #445
Hmm, I got the id request too - sent it off this morning. Makes you think that they're trying to make it difficult because they don't want too many people taking up the offer. It'll be interesting to see how many of us actually get one of the new offers.
8 Mar 16 #446
Any idea how long the exclusive deals we were offered are valid for? are talk mobile ok?, they get some really terrible reviews. I'm tempted by the £12.50 offer
MrPuddington to pacobabe
8 Mar 16 #449
Well, that depends on you. They are the second most complained about mobile phone provider, after Vodafone.

Personally I switched from EE and BT because of the poor service, and they are around average. It would take something very special (like the original deal) for me to even consider a company with a bad rep.
8 Mar 16 #447
Trying to find a deal to match or out do the new offer from these and I can't find anything.

£320 for a decent phone plus a good contract over 2 years is a winner, I'm in!
8 Mar 16 1 #448
Decided against the £12.50 offer (equiv to £13.33 p/m) as I think that 16Gb storage and a 3G network would be a bit restrictive. But I still think it's a pretty good deal if it suits you.

thanks again to OP - good deal posted in good faith
8 Mar 16 #450
Talk mobile were puchased from car phonewarehouse in 2015 so it is in the vodafone group
8 Mar 16 #451
Ive never met a company as poor as Vodafone. Every time I speak to somebody I get told a completely different contradictory story
8 Mar 16 #452
Anyone know if the phone will be unlocked? I want to sell it as brand new as soon as I receive it and just keep the sim
8 Mar 16 #453
Spoke to customer service this afternoon after payment failure over the weekend. Said the deal was a error all orders to be cancelled so if you got one good luck
8 Mar 16 #454
So are they cancelling the alternative deals they offered now as well. 8.50 with the 70 pound upfront and the 12.50 with more minutes and data and 20 upfront?
8 Mar 16 1 #455
Ordered the. £12. 50pm/£20 upfront deal at about 7pm last night and got a despatch confirmation @ 14:23 so looks like it'll be here tomorrow.
8 Mar 16 #456
My wife is a UK born and trained NHS doctor, more than fifteen years in current owned home, perfect credit history, on electoral register, GMC Register and Land Registry. Gets please send copy of driving and passport email. Sorry, I don't believe it. They must be looking to wriggle out. I have designed these processes for mobile operators and there is no way you would exclude her from a £12.50 per month contract. Skullduggery!
8 Mar 16 1 #457
I've had same request for ID, after taking up £12.50 offer, despite already having another contract currently active with talk mobile, which was also ordered through Mobile Phones Direct. Apparently, "1 in 7 customers gets the ID request, upon making an order" Or 7 in 7 if you are one of the 'lucky few' who jumped on this deal originally. Skullduggery indeed.
8 Mar 16 #458
I was told that because duplicate applications were made from the same address, They ask for id, I think anyone placing a new order for the £12.50 a month will have to do this, Because the £8.50 one got cancelled
heathergreen1 to iduno87
8 Mar 16 #459
Gawd. How blinkin' pedantic is that!
8 Mar 16 #460
It'd almost sound sensible, had they themselves not mass-cancelled the first orders! :disappointed:
8 Mar 16 #461
I only got the cancelled due to pricing error email response from other offers ...zilch..nada..... :disappointed:
roly to Dblue75
8 Mar 16 #462
Have you checked your spam folder ?
9 Mar 16 #463
Yeah check your spam
9 Mar 16 #464
I had to cancelation emails. But still have £2.50 on a pending transaction to them. They said they would leave no footprint. Hope that's the case.
joebuckton to reilly31
9 Mar 16 #466
mine did, but mine got to the application stage. They cancelled it after the credit check and claimed I'd failed, then admitted later I hadn't. I assume if you got the cancellation email not the failed email then there will be no trace.
9 Mar 16 2 #465
Can anyone suggest how and whom to complain about MPD. Some people are jumping with joy over offers they sent via email but it is clear fraud in my opinion. They let most people buy old offer and waited for a day. Then they lied to people ringing cs that their credit check has failed. Then they sent email end of day with sorry and alternate deals. Also they took off deal and put it back in the morning. If it was mistake then why did it take one working day to find out. There was flood of applications so it should have been picked in mins. I am not saying that they should sell at loss but they did not have to tell fake credit fail stories and taken a day. Guys this is not right.
9 Mar 16 #467
Mine arrived this morning, I went with the £12.50 offer, half the price of what I'm paying now, All in all very pleased
gem5094 to iduno87
9 Mar 16 #468
I also went for the £12.50 offer as works better than the original deal for me. Ordered late Monday and just received request for further info. Did you have to jump through any further credit checking hoops? I've been asked for various docs, even though got a squeaky clean record.
9 Mar 16 #469
Nope just sent the stuff they wanted and got the all clear, They said they're asking for docs due to repeat orders (order that was cancelled by them)
9 Mar 16 #470
just phoned to check they received my id email sent yesterday morning which they couldn't find. they said they are going through them right now and to re send now so it will be at the top of the pile.
9 Mar 16 #471
My 32gb 5x came from amazon today. I have compared it to both lg g4 and nexus 6p and its a brilliant device. Had not tested it much but is seems like it's the best of both worlds, pure android with a convenient fingerprint scanner, and a compactish size:) i really like it!

Btw though, I really find amazon grading weird. The one I purchased for 228 was:

Used- Acceptable
Item will come repackaged. Scratches (.6 cm to 1 cm) on screen. Scratches on front of item (less than 3.5 cm. x 3.5 cm.). Small scratches on sides of item (less than 0.6 cm. x 0.6 cm.). Large scratches on the back of item (greater than 8cm x 8cm). All purchases eligible for Amazon customer service and a 30-day return policy.

The phone came in original box, all accessories brand new and unused, I doubt phone was used at all as not a single mark on it, both screen and case are spotless, I am not sure if the phone was even opened as I had to break a seal which sorta looked like manufacturer's seal (yet i can't tell as i haven't seen a 'new' boxed one). All in all, Im really pleased! thanks Amazon!
joebuckton to Elbandito
9 Mar 16 #472
Yeah I bought a replacement part for my car which was a warehouse deal that was "Used - cosmetic wear" .. it was brand new. I think they understate the quality of warehouse deals. I'm a fan.
heathergreen1 to Elbandito
9 Mar 16 #473
I bought a used "very good" Sony TV just before Christmas. It turned up brand new and still sealed. There was a very small scuff on the box. It wasn't even old stock!
9 Mar 16 #474
Yes...absolutely nothing. The email I received back when I complained simply stated all orders cancelled due to pricing error...even though I pointed out others had received their orders and others offered discounted contracts.
9 Mar 16 #475
Well. I have been having fun with MPD. I don't think they've got any intention of fulfilling many of the original offers or one of the new ones. Their customer services are utterly powerless to do anything it seems. Last night the status of my order was that it was being sent over to despatch. That changed this morning to being sent out when stock arrived (in 6 days time apparently) so I rang them up and requested a colour change (the bull**** meter is already on high alert after the last few days). I was assured that the handset would be sent out this evening but the girl I spoke to didn't fill me with confidence. I rang up again about an hour later because my status still hadn't changed from waiting for stock. The guy I spoke to said that he would speak to despatch but in the event couldn't get hold of that person. At the same time I asked him how many were in stock and was told 6. He assured me he'd send an email to despatch to make sure I'd get one of them. A few hours later and my status hadn't changed so I called again. This time I spoke to another guy who was clearly very bad at fobbing customers off. We ended up in a conversation where he claimed that my colour change had to be approved - remember I've already been told twice that it's been done already - and that there's only one person in the entire company who is authorised to do it who is in a meeting. Seriously. Okay, so that will definitely be sent out this evening then? He couldn't guarantee it because the colour change needs to be approved first. What an absolute crock of s***. Despatched within 24 hours my a***.
9 Mar 16 #476
decided to go for £12.50 deal like many have was expecting the run around on the credit check but nothing already sent for despatch must have got lucky. Anyone know if the phone will be unlocked?
9 Mar 16 #477
Well after I accepted the £12.50 deal and then mpd says it was referred to the network and I would have a decision within 48 hours max, it's now gone 48 hours and still nothing.
loaky to ebayhomepc
9 Mar 16 #478
Same here, i'll leave it open but i'm not holding my breath, they're beginning to look like a right shower.
9 Mar 16 #479
Despite Vodafone guaranteeing I would be accepted as I already have an account and they are willing to give me two phones if I wish I was declined.
9 Mar 16 #480
As expected, they haven't sent it out. Don't hold your breath on one of these.
islandofshame to heathergreen1
9 Mar 16 #485
​They are giving me the complete run around also. Phone was being picked and dispatched last night, no tracking number sent. Phoned today and their now saying they don't have stock of the black handsets but can't give me an ETA cause their 'stock guy' was in a meeting. Promised a callback which I never received. Awesome customer services. New orders for 5X are showing 6 days as you said :disappointed:
9 Mar 16 #481
Sent my ID because credit check failed god knows how long it will take for any reply from them
9 Mar 16 #482
Good news for those who have lag on this phone, new update on its way to u to fix "general slow/sluggish performance."
heathergreen1 to deanoh11
9 Mar 16 1 #483
But that we had one to experience the lag! :wink:
9 Mar 16 #484
Don't know what the scepticism is about, I've got mine and for £8.50 :smiley:

Your account details
Account number:
Phone number:
Monthly Line Rental: £8.50
UK Minutes: 250
UK Texts: 5000
UK Data: 512MB
UK Picture Messages: 0
Contract Length: 24 months
Contract End Date: 08 March 2018
10 Mar 16 #486
To be honest, I wish they'd just cancelled the offer outright rather than offering such a half-arsed alternative. It's customer services limbo for us now. I hope you get it sooner rather than later!
10 Mar 16 #487
Same here mate. Re-Ordered on new deal wednesday at 5pm, went through the hassle of their security check shananigans, order has gone from awaiting shipment from warehouse wed morning to awaiting arrival of phone wed afternoon. When I called Wed Afternoon I was told they would arrive later that day and should recieve today. With no update I have called today and been told they will now arrive tomorrow

Said that I could see the blue was in stock so just give me that, but apparently website is wrong and not in stock either. If I dont recieve tomorrow I think I will just cancel as CS appear to be guessing and becoming more hassle than its worth and pac code is slowly running out. Have also emailed them to raise complaint regarding the experience with an auto reply telling me due to high volume it could be 24 hours before I hear back...we shall see
10 Mar 16 #488
For a company that has an enormous amount of "awards" proudly plastered all over their website it's disappointing to say the least. I wonder how many of those awards are based on their ability to actually deal with problems when things go wrong. They've been absolutely appalling in the way they've behaved over this. Oh well, you live and you learn. Another company to put on the "avoid like the plague" list. It's crap about the blue one being out of stock by the way. It's showing as "in stock" as I type this line.
10 Mar 16 1 #489
I was tempted to order another one in my wife's name at the normal price 17.50 or whatever it is. My guess is, it would turn up tomorrow.
10 Mar 16 1 #490
No change in status here, no request for ID or anything yet. They must work with a different concept of time as we've smashed through that 48 hour decision time. And if they're out of stock of blue as stated I can't see me getting anywhere.
ebayhomepc to loaky
10 Mar 16 #491
Still the same for me, no further contact, I also ordered the blue.
10 Mar 16 #492
I think Talkmobile are in the process of moving over to O2 as their airtime provider. This should give 4g to those with coverage. I can't find a specific date though.
loaky to bisoner
10 Mar 16 #495
It gets better, one of the selling points for me was an o2 -> Vodafone switch! Haha
10 Mar 16 #493
How many other people also had the original £8.50 offer honoured out of interest?
iduno87 to Byron78
10 Mar 16 #494
Not me, I got the £12.50 deal and phone arrived yesterday
ksh1964 to Byron78
10 Mar 16 1 #497
Mine was honoured.
10 Mar 16 1 #496
I think it is talk talk who are switching from vodaphone to 02 not talkmobile. I was under the impression that they were two separate operators. I could be wrong but that's my understanding.
10 Mar 16 2 #498
I might be wrong but it's hardly a stampede of happy recipients! :wink:
11 Mar 16 #499
I ordered again and says phone should be sent on the 16th, which I don't mind as current contract runs out end of March
loaky to johnraggett
11 Mar 16 #500
Good luck! My current giffgaff goodybag ends on the 27th, I'm not hopeful about meeting that going on current communication..

EDIT: I take that back, just checked showing being sent to warehouse for despatch! Anyone know if it's shipped today is there a chance for delivery tomorrow or will it be next working day (Monday)?
11 Mar 16 2 #501
To say I'm disappointed with Mobile Phones Direct is an understatement. I've had to chase my application on 3+ occasions this week (whilst spending 15 mins+ each time on hold) and have now been told I have been declined (this despite being a homeowner, having a good credit history and having a previous contract with talk mobile) The service from Mobile Phones Direct has been shocking.
They have hoodwinked innocent customers, gained a portfolio of marketing information (email address's etc) and fulfilled very few orders. They are utter thundercunts. I seldom complain but they have dealt with the situation appallingly.
11 Mar 16 #502
OK looks like the credit check has gone through, my status now says sending to warehouse for delivery.
11 Mar 16 #503
It should be with you tomorrow
11 Mar 16 #504
Status changed to

We are currently awaiting the arrival of your handset

I was expecting this though.
11 Mar 16 #505
I really hope you get it but my order changed from being sent to warehouse for despatch and then changed to waiting for stock. :disappointed:
11 Mar 16 1 #506
Haha so has mine

"We are currently awaiting the arrival of your handset "
11 Mar 16 #507
I am still none the wiser. Have had to resend ID docs again despite receiving confirmation of safe receipt. CS have advised unable to prioritise or phone back. MPD currently make Vodafone look like a shining beacon of customer service excellence. Much more of this BS and I'll cancel order and buy a N5x from Curry's eBay outlet for £200.
11 Mar 16 #508
I think you need a sense of humour for this deal! :wink:

I think strongly suspect that almost everyone who ordered this deal is being forced to jump through more hoops than someone else ordering a different deal. They state that in most cases network approval is instant and that deals are generally despatched the next day. Well it's quite clear to me that hasn't happened for most of the people who ordered. It's sharp practice and it stinks.

I'm currently trying out a little experiment. Given that the blue one is in stock and I've got a good credit history and am on the electoral roll there's no reason why I shouldn't get the new order tomorrow. Who wants to hazard a guess at how likely I am to get it tomorrow? :wink:
11 Mar 16 #509
Ha ha ha. They're claiming that the credit check has been referred and will need to be manually assessed by Talkmobile. I call bull****t!
11 Mar 16 #510
Got the same after cancelling another duplicate order which went through, now this one has been declined by Talk Mobile..
11 Mar 16 #511
Goodness me. What a terrible risk we all are! :wink:
11 Mar 16 2 #512
Just called and questioned why it shows as in stock (blue) when it's not, he says site takes a while to update, he said no date for blue though they have dates for white and black.

I'm thinking of setting up a support group for disheartened mpd customers!
heathergreen1 to loaky
11 Mar 16 #513
More bull***t! I've just been reading through the quidco reviews for MPD. Mixed up among the non-payment reviews are piles of reviews slating customer services. I'd like to say I'm surprised but...
cferrism to loaky
11 Mar 16 #517
Doesnt half take a while since I asked the same thing yesterday when they told me it was out of thats over 24 hours since I noticed it and probably before

I recieved an email from webshop yesterday apologising for my experience so far and still claiming that stock is due in today so I am still hoping for a dispatch :P
11 Mar 16 #514
I just wondered if I could get someone's advice - I was declined this morning for a reason I cannot fathom but I wondered whether my wife could now take advantage of the £12.50 deal or is that specifically linked to the email address I registered with in the first instance?
I.E If I opened the email offer into a new browser my wife registered an account with MPD can she in theory take advantage of it?
heathergreen1 to holmesyhukd
11 Mar 16 1 #515
In theory, yes, but I can almost guarantee you'll get the same crap service you got the first time round.
gem5094 to holmesyhukd
11 Mar 16 1 #516
It's crap, but ​I would cut your losses. If you really want a Nexus 5x and have got a spare £200, check out Curry's eBay outlet and then get a decent sim only contract to suit.
11 Mar 16 #518
....although not sure if its a good or a bad sign that the £70 upfront cost is no longer pending from my bank hoping they just decided to give me it free for the trouble...and not that its actually been cancelled and they havent told me
11 Mar 16 1 #519
That was my thinking, it makes you wonder how closely the systems are linked, as currently it looks like they send stock updates by post to the website team!

I shall keep my fingers crossed, keep yours crossed I actually receive mine sometime!
12 Mar 16 1 #520
was just about to call again but email has come through saying item has been passed to warehouse for shipping again....potential progress!!
heathergreen1 to cferrism
12 Mar 16 #526
Nice. I've just got one as well. It's the first actual email I've received opposed to an online status update. Hopefully, things are looking up! I may even forgive them for their shaky customer service if it turns up. :wink:
12 Mar 16 1 #521
same here - looking good, finally!!
loaky to gem5094
12 Mar 16 #522

They must of found another box of blue ones under someones desk!
12 Mar 16 #523
Do MPD dispatch on Saturday?
loaky to ebayhomepc
12 Mar 16 1 #524
I'd imagine it'd go out today for Monday, might be wrong though. As the site says Monday to Saturday next working day, then again as we know the site doesn't always tell the truth..
12 Mar 16 1 #525
Hopefully we will have the blue on Monday :smiley:
loaky to ebayhomepc
12 Mar 16 1 #527
Yeah, it's going to be a blue Monday either way! :smiley:
12 Mar 16 #528
Lol my previous comment was going to be hope we don't have the blues on Monday :smiley:
12 Mar 16 #529
The OH ordered one the day that the 'new deals' were emailed out...ordered at about 7pm on Monday for next day eventually showed up on Thursday, no need for extra documents or checks, so sounds like she got off lightly. The phone itself is great (blue) and as i went for the original deal also, im considering accepting one of the new deals also.

...Having read some of the issues in this thread though, im on the fence!
12 Mar 16 #530
She sounds very lucky, I think I ordered mine at pretty much the same time. If you can still get the deal go for it, just don't expect next day to happen, that said I'd imagine they're getting to the end of the hukd shaped spike in orders now.
12 Mar 16 #531
It's looking like we will be having the blues on Monday :disappointed: no dispatch email yet.
13 Mar 16 1 #532
Dispatch just been confirmed and Royal Mail tracking ref provided.
13 Mar 16 1 #533
Just received a email saying order is out for delivery.
loaky to ebayhomepc
13 Mar 16 #535
My number isn't tracking yet I assume that'll change when it gets into the system.
13 Mar 16 1 #534
You may be wrong, I read this post yesterday but thought nope i'll keep the faith, tracking number just arrived! :smile:
13 Mar 16 #536
Yeah mines not tracking but probably will later tonight, hopefully receive these monday but probably Tuesday now.
13 Mar 16 1 #537
Hey keep the faith you, it's Monday!

Anyone that has received there's already, do parcelforce give any kind of delivery window or is it just 'between 0800 and 1800'?
13 Mar 16 #538
Tracking is working now :smiley:
13 Mar 16 #539
Looks like mine has gone through smoothly, no checks, just the little delay in phone despatch but well ahead of their original date of 16th March, happy customer so far, although this deal below makes it a little less of a deal here.
13 Mar 16 1 #540
From previous experience with parcel force, no, it's an all day slot :disappointed:
13 Mar 16 #541
Well I've ended up canning it, too late to cancel though so going to try reject delivery. I've followed the advise of someone else posting and purchased a 32gb sim free opened box from Currys PC World outlet. Vodafone are meant to all kinds of crap and I think 2gb might be quite tight for me.
13 Mar 16 1 #542
the phone I got was unlocked if that helps anyone. I put wife's current giff gaff sim in and all works. I will keep the sim it came with for myself as use more data 2gb just enough
13 Mar 16 #543
So what's the story with the upfront £20 as mine was pending but dropped of on Saturday and does not show as taken?
cferrism to ebayhomepc
13 Mar 16 2 #544
Same here and I was 70 quid upfront with the 8.50 contract....Looking like a win at this stage
loaky to ebayhomepc
13 Mar 16 #545
I just assumed it would come out with the first months bill, nothing has come out of my account yet, or showing pending.
13 Mar 16 #546
Don't know then, mine was showing £2.50 pending from the first £8.50 deal and I think that's just a check on the bank card and then £20 showing as pending from the £12.50 deal but both have dropped off and no money taken.
13 Mar 16 #547
Hey, I ordered the £70 8.50 deal on the 7th, then they asked for ID and I just thought buying sim free on ebay or somewhere would be better so ignored stuff, now they've dispatched the phone but the talkmobile sim is still 'pending' but nothing going out of my account - phone for free? Will they have a way of tracking this and asking for money?
johnraggett to TheMrDuckstep
14 Mar 16 #550
I would assume so, although I would imagine you'll be connected to talkmobile and you've slipped through not providing the additional info.
iduno87 to TheMrDuckstep
14 Mar 16 #551
The sim is still pending because it's not been activated yet, Mine said the same.
13 Mar 16 2 #548
I'm starting to think delivery of the phone wont be the end of it....this saga has some legs left yet :P
14 Mar 16 2 #549
Mines just arrived, not tested yet but looks nice :smiley:
14 Mar 16 #552
Reading these comments made me sure I had decided right when I didnt take any of their offers. Its horrendous
johnraggett to ohdearohdear
14 Mar 16 #553
Mine has gone smoothly, delivered ahead of schedule, not had any extra checks not that that really matters.

Very happy I took up their second offer, will be a bonus if the cash payement isn't taken.
14 Mar 16 1 #554
phone just arrived with no sign of the SIM, happy days
14 Mar 16 #555
I see mobile phones direct are now doing 1000 minutes, 5000 texts, 2Gb data for 10.50 p/month after cashback, with a free phone.
(second deal down on page)
14 Mar 16 #556
Got mine at last! After trying to decrypt the location they'd left the parcel at, I had to ring parcelforce in the end as I couldn't read it. Happy with how it'd turned out in the end, thanks OP! :smiley:
14 Mar 16 #557
That's after cashback though
15 Mar 16 #558
[email protected] upfront came off this morning...ah well still a good deal. Happy with eventual outcome :smiley:
15 Mar 16 1 #559
Mine has too. I did think everyone was cheering a bit too early.
15 Mar 16 #560
Lol my upfront also taken from my bank. All in all though I'm happy, great deal still. Thanks op :smiley:
15 Mar 16 #561
Anyone rooted theirs yet? I'm still waiting for a cable to arrive, forgot that!
17 Mar 16 1 #562
They may have fixed it!!! An update released in the last week or reportedly fixed the issues with the 5x. Got it tonight, and it's like I've a new phone. No more lag, even typing this is more responsive.

The camera loads quickly, is responsive and a total opposite of what it was. As things stand I'm so relieved. It's early, only been a 4 or so hours since I did the update, but drastic improvement since applying. As for bat life, too soon to say.
9 Apr 16 #563
I know this deals ended but is there anyone who ordered the £12.50 deal? As my monthly bills are showing as £18.11
loaky to ebayhomepc
9 Apr 16 #564
I think it's because their billing runs from the start of the month so the extra is making up the initial short month if you see what I mean, spooked me too.
9 Apr 16 #565
Thanks, that's what I initially thought but the first bill has been taken now at 18.11 and the bill for may is showing as £18.11? Does your next month's bill show the same?
9 Apr 16 #566
Ah balls, I'll look later when I get in, I know it showed £12.50 as the tariff when I logged in to the account.
9 Apr 16 #567
9 Apr 16 #568
Any feedback about the phone or talkmobile form those who got this deal? (the alternatives I mean)
loaky to ohdearohdear
10 Apr 16 2 #571
Yeah same here, daft they don't send you your account number you have to contact them. I called once for that and once to get my number ported, both times they were really helpful and efficient.
10 Apr 16 1 #569
I think I was looking at the bill wrong and that's the last month's bill price lol.

@ohdearohdear love the phone and no issues with it so far, I don't see any jittery issues as some reviews say so I assume a update fixed that problem, all is smooth.

I needed to contact Talkmobile via online chat to get my account number though as I have not received any letters and needed to make a online account.
10 Apr 16 2 #570
Mine is due to be paid today in fact so I haven't got the second bill showing yet.
10 Apr 16 #572
Yeah I just think I was looking at the bill wrong, don't think it even says how much is needed until the end of the month :smiley:
12 Apr 16 #573

Had another £8.50 a month Nexus 5X turn up this morning!
carpediemjay to CaptainSocks
12 Apr 16 #574
What do you mean?
13 Apr 16 #575
I mean I had another Nexus 5X turn up on the £8.50 a month contract yesterday morning!

Had completely forgotten about it and had assumed it was cancelled.

(Had one go through for myself, but orders for other family members failed. All except this one it seems.)
13 Apr 16 #576
Wow, nice one buddy. Got yourself a hell of a deal haha.
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