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6 Mar 16
Seems incredibly cheap if you can be bothered with the cashback redemption.

I've had a number of cashback redemption deals with over the years and they've always paid. Very easy process. Received a cheque for my most recent redemption only yesterday after submitting it last week.

Available as Micro or Nano SIM

Cashback redemption process:

Get £16.07 for taking this deal out on Topcashback!
£100 Amazon voucher from EE AND (yes and !) £95.95 Cashback. (179.88 - 195.96 = -£16.07)
See post #98

- sachinwahal

TCB cashback changed from £95.95 to £35.35 as of 7.3.16.(courtesy lyesbkz) Still an effective alternative if redemption not your thing. Though now £135.35 plays £143.88 by redemption.
- sachinwahal
Top comments
6 Mar 16 9 #16
Now that BT have bought EE, I'll be running away as fast possible once my contract expires in a few months.
Wotan to Benjyy
10 Mar 16 6 #375
Mobiles/e2save have a pretty good rep as far as cash back goes so barring them going under I'd say as long as you are on time with Bill uploads the cash back is pretty much guaranteed.

With quidco and TCB it's not. I have personally stopped using top cash back as every time I did cash back was denied. With quidco I've never had a problem. Although I'm sure there will be people with the opposite.

Personally I'd go with the cash back from mobiles/e2save.
backinstock to Anglebox
6 Mar 16 4 #9
£5.10 with imutual.
The cashback is guaranteed there. Far too many declines with topcashback!
Not much to decline, but I'd prefer a couple of guaranteed pints. :smile:
easy tiger
6 Mar 16 4 #11
By the way I have had a cashback deal with this company and it's so simple these days, it's all done online. No posting by recorded delivery etc
Latest comments (730)
26 Feb 17 #730
Yes I did this as contract ends end of next week but Bought the 5.50 deal on Thursday. So have 2 sims running now.
EE will automatically add the new number to your existing contract if you have online account with them.

Go through Quidco as well as paying £15 sim only deal and so could end up £4.25 a month.
21 Feb 17 #729
I quoted the £10 plusnet deal and got offered £10.99 a month for 4gb (after being put through 3 different people each saying, 'sorry thats not possible....actually I know of a person who might be able to do that offer'). I declined it anyway, makes no sense to want to pay more for the same deal and be fixed into a 12month contract vs plusnet's rolling monthly. Might try and ring again tomorrow if I remember
21 Feb 17 #728
£4.99 for 1GB + 1000 mins (i.e. the deal I was on but without the double data promo, normally 14.99)
£7.99 for 2GB + unlimited mins (normally 17.99)
21 Feb 17 #727
Has anyone been offered a decent retention deal? When I requested my PAC the other day, they offered the same package for £9.99 which I refused and went ahead with the PAC request. They then rang me the next day but I'm pretty sure they just offered me the same deal - despite citing better deals such as with 3. The guy did not make much of an effort and simply said we can't match that and wished me well!
19 Feb 17 #726
Well played EliTom, well played! :sunglasses:
19 Feb 17 #725
offered my 30 day notice and when asked why I was leaving quoted the Broadband Choices affiliate deal with Plusnet Mobile for 2gb/1000 mins / u/l texts and the offered my the above - simple ! and I have another half price contract with them also (30gb data only sim)

19 Feb 17 #724
Was told my, that EE allows only two contracts to be taken out at any time. So I presume if you only have one, you should be OK, but you will have to get a new number, but then again you already pointed that you don't want to transfer your current one. However, just to be sure, talk to

Elitom, how in the world you managed that?! The cheapest they offered me, even after threatening to leave, was £12.99!! And I have two contracts with them at the moment, and that price is per contract, not for both together!
19 Feb 17 #723
If you do not want to transfer your number then yes you can

I have 2 contracts running concurrently on EE - so take out the new deal and then cancel the old one as soon as you can (within 30 days of the contract end date.

However - I am also on this old deal and EE have transfered me to the new deal (UL mins UL texts 2GB data plus mins and texts in EU plus 500MB data in EU) for £7.49 per months for a further 12 months - so no cashback cheques to claim :smiley:

19 Feb 17 #722
I don't see why you can't sign up for another contract - I will likely have more than one running too
19 Feb 17 #721
Is it possible to sign up to a new EE SIM-only contract whilst the old one is still running?

I don't intend to transfer my number but I'm currently in the 30 day notice period. I don't want to miss out on the current £5.50 deal either!
15 Feb 17 #720
Nice one. It is a shame though you need to go through all this palava to get back. They should just let you get onto a new deal. It's not like they're not getting paid anyway, so why create more hassle and work (including paperwork) for both the company and it's users.
15 Feb 17 #719
Great timing then :smiley:
15 Feb 17 #718
It wasn't up this morning. Also, they have increased the price of the Vodafone tariffs today (8gb from £8 to £11, 20gb from £11 to £12.50). The old prices are still advertised on the e2save homepage.
15 Feb 17 #717
AsdaMobile ... 24 hours or so once my number arrived and activated, I left it a day then transferred back :smile:.
15 Feb 17 #716
How long were you on Asda, before you switched back? Is there a minimum period of time?

Btw. somebody just posted the new deal now on HUKD ...I haven't seen it before either, even went looking couple weeks ago, so it must be from today then.
15 Feb 17 #715
If you cancel the contract, you give 30 days notice and it ends I. 30 days.

If you request a PAC, that is also giving 30 days notice and the contract ends 30 days from then (in payment terms). If you use your PAC, the number will switch to the new provider within a day or so. The contract will end at SE but you will still pay for the remaining days up to day 30.

I don't recall seeing the mobiles offer mentioned or seeing it when I checked the other day. Also available on e2save. Quidco give £15.08 for e2save sim only, tcb £15.68 for mobiles.
Yes you would have to port out to a different network and then back if you wanted a new EE contract (Asda was useful last time as no need to top up).
15 Feb 17 #714
I'm still a bit confused with the correct procedure for PAC codes. I was just on the phone with EE as my contract ends tomorrow (16th Feb), they told me I can cancel the contract tomorrow, but cannot request PAC code until 15th March. Is that right, or can it be done beforehand?

On another note, I noticed, there is a new SIM only EE deal going on (£4 for 1000min/unlim txt/1GB or £5.50 for unlim min/unlim txt/2gb):

Does anybody know when it started (I had a look through HUKD but cannot see anybody posting it)? I'd really like to get onto that one. While speaking about the new deal, do you still need to go to another provider with your phone number if you just finished a contract with EE? Or can you just take another EE number and then ask them to be swapped for your old number?
13 Feb 17 #713
Up to you but I won't be doing that - I have my PAC and will be using it by the end of my notice period (in month 12). I am not paying them extra on this contract just to avoid their errors.
13 Feb 17 #712
@Anon So maybe it's better to pay for and use month #13 and use the PAC about 3 working days before the next billing date.
12 Feb 17 1 #711
To be honest, they can be a law unto themselves with this. You pay in advance for each month. So if you get your PAC and leave at any point in that month 12 you have already paid up to the end of the month and no early termination fee should be due (you wouldn't get a refund either). Unfortunately their system may still try charging you even if you go beyond month 12. It is not justifiable at any point so long as PAC request/notice has been given 30 days or less from the end of the minimum term date.
Remember your PAC needs using within 28 days of requesting it to give it a few days to process (they don't get processed on weekends) if not used within the 30 days, it expires and your contract continues - if then you request another PAC 30 days notice starts from that point again.
12 Feb 17 1 #710
To clarify the clarification, am I correct to think that one should time the use of the PAC so your EE number transfers to the new provider a couple of days AFTER the 12 month anniversary of your EE contract? So you'd pay the £14.99 for the new month of EE service, but they'll subsequently refund about 28 days' worth of that on your final bill? This will avoid the early termination fee. Seems fair to all if my understanding is correct.

Confirmation of the above would be much appreciated.
8 Feb 17 1 #709
Yes that sounds about right, though I think the final bill may be just about 14 days after termination.
8 Feb 17 #708
So just so I've understood, I can use the PAC code within 30 days, but I need to allow contract to run exactly 12m, or 12m and a couple of days?

That's a nice little rip off. So I'll get pac code tomorrow, wait until 8/3, then transfer number.

Then I presume I'll receive a full bill on 9 March, and a refund bill in 9 April, for around 28-29 days?
8 Feb 17 #707
I can confirm this is still happening. I managed to negotiate a good deal and stayed with EE, however when I requested the PAC at the outset the advisor said I would have to pay a £20 or so fee for the code.
8 Feb 17 #706
Yes they have form for charging an early termination fee going back to T-Mobile days - lots of examples online. Complaining usually works to get it refunded (though on one occasion if I recall it was added but then automatically came off when the final bill was produced). I will be facing this challenge shortly as we had two contracts under this deal last year. I am now starting to look for deals to replace the contract but there don't seem to be any good ones about at the moment.
8 Feb 17 #705
From prior experience with EE and PAC codes, do not do this.

I did similar, and they charged me an early disconnection fee saying that I disconnected before the end of the contract. Now, the logical and customer-friendly thing would be to charge the full length of the contract - but they counted the day of the PAC transfer as my final day, and gave me an early disconnection fee of something like £25-35. I wrote to complain, and got a nonsense letter back. I didn't pursue further at the time, but I really should have. Outrageous. Searching on the internet made it seem like this was quite common.

So, basically, the point is - give yourself room so you can use your PAC after the full contract length has expired, plus some breathing room in case of trouble.
8 Feb 17 #704
You can but you will then be paying until 12/3 as you are required to give 30 days notice (contract will end when you use your PAC but you still pay for the full 30 days cancellation). You may as well call now/go onto the online chat to get your PAC.
8 Feb 17 #703
can i ask if im doing correct?

my last cashback bill is to be printed 9/2/16

online it shows my contract start date as 7/3/16, and end as 7/3/17

so am i correct in thinking ill call them around the 10th Feb and ask for my PAC code, and then leave around the 5th of march, ill go to the 3 mobile 321 payg SIM?
3 Feb 17 #702
Thank you, I didn't realise :-)
3 Feb 17 #701
Perfect, thank you so much :-)
3 Feb 17 1 #700
Is close to end of contract.
Please remember, EE need 30 days (1month) notice.

This mean, if you have end of contract 25.02.2017, is
3 Feb 17 2 #699
cancel as soon as your last bill required for cashback is issued

and yes cancel with EE

download the pdf of your last needed bill then cancel via EE

submit your cashback via

job done

3 Feb 17 #698
Hi, I haven't had one of these cash back deals before, and it's due to end soon, once I send the last Cashback request, do I have to wait for the cheque to arrive and then I can cancel the contract with EE ( I am assuming I cancel with them rather than ) or can I cancel it as soon as my cashback request is approved.
Thank you in advance for your help.
1 Dec 16 1 #697
Yes, received mine about 10 days ago. It took longer than the first two though.
1 Dec 16 #696
has anyone receiver their October cashback yet?

sent via online on 9th October, accepoted a couple of days later, but still no cheque received, received fist two cheques within 6 weeks
28 Aug 16 #695
received my 2nd cashback cheque yesterday so all going to plan. Working out to £3 a month.
25 Aug 16 #694
Hi Guys, got the amazon gift card but not TCB. Has anyone got a screen shot which shows the offer was valid on or during 6th March 2016. Thanks
23 Aug 16 1 #693
Well done 75becky19!

I had 2 X TCB and 2 X Amazon vouchers pay out, so a great result for the year's contract :sunglasses:
23 Aug 16 1 #692
Result at last, nice one :smirk:
23 Aug 16 #691
anyone have any new updates for the £100 amazon vouchers?
i resumd the chased today after being ignored by voucherwindows for 2 of my 3 claims.( one claim got paid and i recieved 3 x topcashback)
Posted on facebook as the new approach. got given a line to web chat. useless!!! couldnt help me !!! gave me 150 number, so back to the start. after going through all the options finally managed to track doiwn a human to talk with.
tried to help but wanted to refer me back voucherwindow. No chance, so after must talking and him trying to say that the offer may have been with drawn etc and me saying ummm no i have a confirmation email stating i should get the offer, legal standings Ofcom if needed, take EE to court etc, he tried digital window which must be the internet sales team, came back and said they were in the same boat that digital window could only get hold of voucher window by email.
He finally came up with the solution of applying £200 credit to my account which i took. £200 is £200 i dont need the gift voucher!
So im happy finally.
11 Aug 16 #690
Same here. I got two cashbacks from in June in under two weeks time.
11 Aug 16 #689
Yes - had 2 lots paid out by cheque within about 2 weeks

10 Aug 16 #688
Has anybody actually received their cashback from for June? It was processed ages ago (21 June) and 8 weeks is a stupid amount of time to have to wait. The August cashback is now already upon us...
10 Aug 16 #687
In this case if you have evidence that you started to chase EE in reasonable time I would contat via the messaging system in your account - they are actually pretty good at sorting stuff out.

My other half got her details wrong and therefore could not recover her password and they sorted it - then she sent her first cashback in - in teh form of a mobiel phine photo of the pdf file I had downloaded and printed - I thought they would never accept that - but they did

If you can show that you did all you could to resolve the problem in a proactive and timely way then they may help and allow the claim - they are not as agressive as many say they are!!!

10 Aug 16 #686
Sorry to hear this - the Cashback is a separate contract with - miss their deadlines and they will reject the claim. EE will do nothing about it as it technically has nothing to do with them (hence so many of us being stung when Phones4u went bust :disappointed:). As you have found it is so important to check as soon as the bill is due and chase like crazy as it is only you (not EE) working against a deadline.
10 Aug 16 #685
I didn't say the site was down. I was unable to download my bill because it said I needed permission from the account holder. As I was the account holder I rang cs to sort I out. I did this 5 times and,each time, they said it would be working in 24 hours. It was only after the final call that it was actually fixed. I also texted them but received no reply. It was 62 days past the statement date but about 45 days past the payment date.

I worked fine with my last contract!
10 Aug 16 #684
so the EE website was down for best part of 60 days

or did you leave it to the last few days to claim?

10 Aug 16 #683
I've had loads of trouble trying to download my bill. I've contacted EE vs several times and been told it's been fixed only to find it still didn't work. The finally fiixed it just in time to get my cashback claim for June rejected because it was couple of days late. Do they do this deliberately??
6 Aug 16 #682
Well done :smiley:. For those who haven't chased up, it does appear two messages may be required - the first gets a standard rejection. Push again and the next seems to let you have it as a gesture of goodwill (not admitting liability/you are in the right so that they could, I suppose, turn some people down, though they cannot really claim they don't know it was advertised)..
5 Aug 16 #681
Emailed them back politely stating that I'd checked with TCB before completing my purchase to check that it was indeed cashback and voucher and I included the screenshot I'd got showing the same.
Hadn't heard back from them, or so I thought and on the off chance that their response was in my spam folder, went for a look and there was indeed a response from them.
No explanation or agreement of anything, it just simply says that "as a kind gesture, we will award you this voucher" and I should receive it in the next 10 days or so. :smiley:
So, all being well, everything should work out ok, shame we've had to chase them for these though!
There was a time when EE and most of the other retailers had no idea what cashback sites were and you never mentioned them if you had to ring as it only confused the issue?
Anyway, big thanks to everyone for your input/help/advice :wink:
2 Aug 16 #680
Yes, that is a standard first response - reply saying that it was clearly advertised on TCB as Cashback plus voucher and include a copy of the screenshot that shows this. It is maybe worth mentioning that you took out the contract on the basis of cashback plus voucher as advertised, remain polite - you coud also suggest you will investigate contacting the regulator, though may want to save that one if it is required later, after pointing out again it was clearly advertised. Good luck.
2 Aug 16 #679
Your messaging the ee affiliates guys right? This is their standard response, send them another message with the pic you posted stating it clearly shows you could have both cashback and voucher, I tokk me a few messages back and forth but just keep at em :smiley:
2 Aug 16 #678
I emailed in about not receiving my voucher and this is the response;

"Hi there,

Thanks for your email.

Sorry about the delay on getting back to you – I have been in touch with EE in regards to your voucher.

It had come to our attention that your transaction was made through Topcashback – It is stated on the terms and conditions of the offer that customers can only claim one reward. In this case, the cashback or the voucher.

In this circumstances we are unable to process a voucher, as your account has already been given/will be given a reward.

Hope this makes sense and let me know if you have any questions.

The EE Voucher Team"

Is this the "standard" response? and who should I complain to, EE or TCB?
1 Aug 16 1 #677
Result :smiley:.

Keep persevering, the approach seems to be that they automatically reject - then complain :wink:. Screenshots on here are really useful evidence - thank you to posters and also to OPs for highlighting the voucher code on TCB in March.
26 Jul 16 #676
Good to hear you have had some success - now for the other two :wink:. I think we should have a stronger case getting the voucher than Cashback (though I have had the Cashback :smiley:) as the voucher was shown on the order, while they could always claim Cashback tracking issues/allocated to another site, which it is always difficult to appeal.
25 Jul 16 #675
Yes i also recieved one lot of £100 gift voucher. but as i am due 3 i havent stopped chasing but they are ignoring me now.
24 Jul 16 #674
Complain - there are enough screenshots on here to show they are wrong and you should be eligible for the cashback. There is no harm in complaining.
24 Jul 16 #673
My cashback claim was rejected by TCB because they said they never offered the £100 Amazon voucher with cashback. Urghhh. I did get my £100 Amazon voucher in the end but TCB customer service is awful - I told them they should keep better records of their voucher offers - most probably fell on deaf ears.

Good luck with the voucher, mine was sent to me within 2 weeks of emailing them :smiley:
24 Jul 16 #672
Thanks, I signed up direct with EE through TCB so am expecting my cashback and the Amazon voucher, that's what I signed up to when I took the contract!
Will find out all the info and email them, see what they say :wink:
24 Jul 16 #670
Just as a matter of interest, who should we be contacting regarding the Amazon voucher?
Is it EE or is there somewhere specific I should try?
21 Jul 16 #669
Excellent news, well done, I need to chase mine up as money from TCB now paid out and in our bank accounts.
21 Jul 16 #668
Excellent news, well done, I need to chase mine up as money from TCB now paid out and in our bank accounts.
21 Jul 16 #667
Hey guys I have received my tcb the other week and have just received the amazon voucher too :smiley:
It has taken a while to get but somehow a bit of perseverance and pestering has paid off, oooooh yesssssss i'm squeeling like a little school girl lol(I am a grown man)
Thanks guys for providing links and pics
20 Jul 16 #666
They have been ignoring me for over a week if that helps...
15 Jul 16 #665
Would be interesting to hear of any updates?
13 Jul 16 3 #664
12 Jul 16 1 #663
Ok window understand my point. so are taking it back to EE. use only the mobile advert!!. will post my emails later after i have received success or total failure.
11 Jul 16 1 #662
So had my first decline from window. Told them i will pursue trading standards, ASA and ofcom if needed. Also the publicity around why EE has declined the higher value gift card to pay the lower cashback amount would be damaging.
Waiting for next response......
9 Jul 16 #661
when people use the images i suggest that the mobile images are used rather than the pc images. clearly states with cashback
9 Jul 16 #660
omg lol not mine !!!!!
9 Jul 16 #659
Loads of porn images popped up :confused:
9 Jul 16 #658
Lol really !!! what sort of interesting images did you find lol.
9 Jul 16 #657
Thank you very much Becky - I went to photobucket with your images and not sure what I pressed :confused: but some "interesting" images invaded my browser.
9 Jul 16 #656
thank you Becky, will reach out to EE now and let you know how it goes.
9 Jul 16 #655
Think they are quite conclusive !!!
9 Jul 16 #654
9 Jul 16 #653
9 Jul 16 #652
9 Jul 16 1 #651
9 Jul 16 1 #650
I think most people on here use a service like or as they are free once you register - you then click on the picture icon to add the photo to your post (as you cannot upload photos directly to HUKD). Hth
8 Jul 16 #649
how do i post pictures i dont have a clue
8 Jul 16 #648
could anyone who has a screenshot post it please, as I would like to contact EE for the Amazon voucher and I need a proof. I already got my cashback from TCB
7 Jul 16 #647
As I said, it doesn't matter what TCB said or didn't say because they have no authority over EE. You can certainly blame TCB, but it doesn't change a thing in respect to what you can expect from EE, whose terms would be in addition to anything said on TCB.

You can argue with both TCB and EE if you like, I'm just pointing out that TCB will not have the authority to tell EE to give out the voucher.
7 Jul 16 #646
TCB are party to this as they were advertising EEs offer and voucher code - they did not state the T&Cs mentioned above therefore how could anyone abide by them? EE/their affiliate network agree the details with TCB what Cashback rates are being offered and what deals can be advertised. If the voucher is not provided, then someone in that chain is responsible.
Without the Cashback and voucher I know I would not have signed up for the contract and I am sure others are the same as the Mobiles deal would have been better..
6 Jul 16 #645
And as mentioned above, cashback is not a bonus, it is effectively a marketing fee paid to TCB which TCB are choosing to pass on.
6 Jul 16 #644
I didn't say they were copied from TCB, that's the whole point. Whatever TCB say or do not say, they have no authority over EE or what their terms were for this deal. People can get annoyed at TCB, but that has no bearing upon EE's obligations here.
6 Jul 16 #643
They are seriously suggesting you would have willingly gone for £36.25 Cashback rather than the £100 Amazon voucher that was advertised on TCB plus the Cashback?
6 Jul 16 #642
My £10 (supposed to be £36.25?) TCB tracked and is payable. The voucher people are refusing to give the voucher as you're not allowed two bonuses...
6 Jul 16 #641
It confirms nothing really - the T&Cs on the other thread were copied from somewhere else, not TCB. TCB advertised the voucher offer including the voucher code and Cashback. Cashback was advertised by TCB for taking out an EE SIM only £14.99 contract, voucher code was included in the order with EE on EEs system. How would any of us know to contact the affiliate network, we have not been in contact with them, only TCB and EE? Has anyone received the voucher without having to chase?

The basis of the Cashback model is the Cashback site is passing on the commission from the retailer, which is in many cases managed through an affiliate network. Any site officially advertising the code (like Uswitch) would be getting a commission for anyone signing up through them. I am still waiting for my Cashback to clear before chasing the voucher.
6 Jul 16 #640
I'm having the same trouble. TCB has tracked at £10 and the voucher people are saying nein - only one offer.

However it did say the code stacked so did anybody get a screenshot?

Quidco and Uswitch were also offering though so still going through an affiliate?

Also have contacted TCB but not reply.
6 Jul 16 #639
The voucher part wasn't with TCB though, so whatever TCB might have said won't have any impact on anyone else.

You can confirm that they were the T&C's and that they're not lying by looking here:
6 Jul 16 #637
I have also had my cashback but voucher window are refusing to send me the amazon voucher. I asked them to email me the terms and conditions as they said that the t&c's stated I was not eligible for both offers. According to them the T&C's were:
· Offer only available to new customers
· Offer only available on £14.99 tariff
· Offer expires on 17th March
· Vouchers will be sent within 3 months of connection
· No other discount codes or cashback can be used in conjunction
· Standard Network Terms & Conditions Apply
Anon to kt001
6 Jul 16 2 #638
Those terms and conditions were not stated on TCB. TCB clearly advertised the offer as voucher and Cashback.
6 Jul 16 #636
Signed up to £14.99 simo offer through EE website via TCB. Have had cashback paid but no amazon vouchers. Emailed voucher window and they claim you are not entitled to 2 incentives as stated in the 'terms and conditions'. Amazon vouchers were showing on order summary email though but apparently this is because the order system did not know at the time that cashback was being tracked. Any ideas how to proceed from here to get these vouchers?
6 Jul 16 #635
True, TCB definitely said both cashback and the voucher for a number of days (for an extended period, not just a few hours as a mistake).
3 Jul 16 #631
Anon Just recieved my cash back. will now start the process of contacting EE for the gift card. I will post screen shots that people have been asking for in due course.
Anon to 75becky19
6 Jul 16 #634
Thank you, that would be helpful I am sure.
4 Jul 16 #632
I too have received my cashback (just waiting for tcb to send via PayPal) so would you say ee are the ones to contact now as I have already been told by the ee affiliate guys due to t&c you only get one or the other
agentm to ndksamb
6 Jul 16 #633
Ask EE to refer you to these terms and conditions. They weren't part of Topcashback's, that's for sure.
1 Jul 16 #630
If your TCB cashback tracked correctly, and you used the voucher code (which appears on your order confirmation email) - wait until your cashback pays out.

TCB states:

Once your cashback pays out, by association, the code must have been approved as otherwise they wouldn't have paid out. And as stted previously, the code was advertised on the TCB site as the £14.99 offer incuding £100 Amazon voucher and cashback. As a result, you have your cashback (which they have confirmed and paid), your EE order clearly shows the voucher included which was therefore legally part of the order - and as the order was placed directly on the EE site I believe it is then EE's responsibility to sort this mess out if the affiliate network will not sort it (our contract is with EE for the SIM, the £100 voucher was part of that deal on their site and we have not been formally told as part of that process that we need to chase a third party for it so hassling them seems to be the starting point from my perspective).

As I said before, I am not chasing this until I receive my cashback as that is then one aspect resolved.
16 Jun 16 #616
i agree with Anon, i clearly have screen shots saying amazon voucher with cashback
defgimp to 75becky19
27 Jun 16 #624
So do I, just wondered if anyone has got the cashback and the voucher already?
How long was it going to be for the voucher, must be in here somewhere, haven't got the time to look :smirk:
twinkle06 to 75becky19
28 Jun 16 #629
Could you kindly post the screenshots please as I need to raise a claim against EE too?

28 Jun 16 #628
guys could someone post a screenshot of the offer here??
I got informed today as well that I can't take both the voucher and the cashback and I am going to make a raise a complaint with EE and the telecommunications ombudsman if they don't honor it.
27 Jun 16 #627
I have not received the voucher or Cashback yet, but my cashback went to Confirmed. I am awaiting payout before chasing the voucher to avoid further complications. The voucher should have been sent around 3 months from sign up.
27 Jun 16 #626
same as hull1270. Received my cheque today for £28.80 17 days after claiming.
Downloaded the bill and sent it to them. Next day got a text confirmation they received it
and 17 days later, a cheque came. My first cashback so Im glad I went for this deal and to
the people who recommended.
27 Jun 16 1 #625
Got my first cashback cheque today, £28.80. It was a doddle to claim and arrived in two weeks. :innocent:
21 Jun 16 #623
Voucher code received today, excellent! Many thanks again OP :smiley:!
21 Jun 16 #622
on my topcashback account

it stated zero cashback

may have been different for yourself but certainly wasn't for me
21 Jun 16 #621
I sent pages 1 & 3 as one pdf file, they don't need my itemised calls, just my details and the SIM contract details.

There is also the option to send pages individually or the whole bill as one file.
20 Jun 16 #620
Yes you can upload as one pdf - there are options for multiple files in case you had to scan your bill to upload.
20 Jun 16 #618
Sent my 4th bill to E2Save, 11 days ago, received confirmation today via text and email it has been successful and cheque on its way, impressed so far, and easy to upload pdf bill to their website.
dharle to benchaud
20 Jun 16 #619
Did you just upload the entire bill as one pdf document? I wasn't clear what to do as there is an option to upload separate pages.
16 Jun 16 #617
i have 2 weeks until my cashback becomes payable and then i will contact the affiliate site for the gift card. it clearly shows in my order so false advertising if not and i will complain to both ee and who ever else i can do
15 Jun 16 #615
Why would you accept them declining Cashback and taking the voucher, when it was advertised as both? Certainly worth pursuing further, I would have thought.
15 Jun 16 #611
Have uploaded June bill for cashback to both accounts I have - mine with and e2save for my son - my cash back was approved quickly but when checking status for my son's it said claim referred. Has anyone had this?
15 Jun 16 #614
Just had my cashback confirmed!
15 Jun 16 #613
I should point out

I had to contact the following

support AT digitalwindow DOT zendesk DOT com

stated its been 3 months, they said talk to TCB

I showed them screenshot of pending cash back at £0.00

Then I was given offer of going through TCB or they'll decline cash back and I can have the Amazon voucher
15 Jun 16 #612
The cashback is £99.75 so pretty much the same amount,
15 Jun 16 #610
Excellent on the voucher front - hopefully i'll not be too far behind!
15 Jun 16 #609
how much was the cashback ??

I just received my 100 pound amazon voucher

at first i was refused it, as they said i used topcashback

then i cleared pointed out to them that no cashback was received

then i was given the option to accept the TCB or have them decline it and give the git card, i chose the giftcard

slight hassle but received the 100 amazon voucher in the end
13 Jun 16 #607
I'm sure this won't help, but as I've mentioned previously my reading of the website was that the voucher code was not definitively stated to be valid with the particular deal, given it wasn't next to the cashback amounts - hence I chose not to try it.
Anon to Ashe
13 Jun 16 #608
"£14.99 SIM Only with 2GB data, 1000 minutes and Unlimited text with £100 Amazon voucher" The website design would not allow it to be next to the cashback amounts.

I was clearly influenced by what they stated. That said, potential hassle as usual!
14 Mar 16 #460
I have checked this on two laptops, two phones and a computer logged in or out and it is there for me - as stated it is for me on the EE Mobile Contract page at the bottom below the prices, on the EE Mobile Sim Only it is only visible on the desktop view on the right hand side when you click All Deals (or whatever the second link is under Cashback). The code is not immediately visible - the advert below (or similar) is:

£14.99 SIM Only with 2GB data, 1000 minutes and Unlimited ...

£1£14.99 SIM Only with 2GB data, 1000 minutes a

EE Mobile SIM Only Contracts

£14.99 SIM Only with 2GB data, 1000 minutes and Unlimited ...
£14.99 SIM Only with 2GB data, 1000 minutes and Unlimited text with £100 Amazon voucher
Get Cashback

Valid 11 Mar - 18 Mar 2016
zeberdys to Anon
15 Mar 16 #463
Would agree does seem to be the possibility of a double clicked on show voucher on topcashback and copied it clicked through to EE from sim only with £95 cash back and used voucher on EE site as supplied on top cash site so followed there rules to only use vouchers provided by site.

Worst case is only £100 of amazon vouchers but have screen printed all steps .
Anon to Anon
13 Jun 16 #606
This was what I noted at the time of the offer that was shown on the TCB pages. I am going to give it a week or so to see how it plays out before contacting them, and await TCB payment (in theory next week or the week after according to the website - average 14 weeks) and then chase up the voucher which was clearly on their website, so using it was within their advertised terms otherwise I would not have signed up and would have gone for the Mobiles offer (false advertising otherwise). The code was used on the EE site during the ordering process and should be showing on your order confirmation, so EE have a role to play in resolving this (once the cashback is sorted!)..
15 Mar 16 #477
Just order nano sim and you will get a multi sim ... All 3 sizes

Cameron92 to elitom
16 Mar 16 #492
Many thanks for the response. Going to order this.
ndksamb to elitom
16 Mar 16 #495
Thanks for reply
violetglobe to elitom
16 Mar 16 #499
​But why 1gb data allowance only for first month.
pfagan10 to elitom
17 Mar 16 #510
I had this too on Monday. Could send texts etc, couldn't receive. Took about 3-4 hours for texts to come through. Perfectly normal.
Anon to elitom
17 Mar 16 #512
This issue with EE/T-Mobile about charging an early termination charge upon requesting a PAC is well documented as it seems to be how their system is set up. When you get your final bill in most cases it then corrects to the right amount overall being charged.
JohnnyUtah to elitom
17 Mar 16 #519
**** ... I knew today was the last day but I was waiting until today when I was paid monthly to start my contract and was going to sign up this evening. Seems "ending today" doesn't mean 12 midnight. :disappointed:
kaku_lala to elitom
21 Mar 16 #539
Looks like

Looks like you work for them :-).

I have dealt with most providers - Three, O2, Virgin Mobile, Tesco, TalkMobile, TalkTalk Mobile, Orange (before merger).

No provider is perfect and things go wrong. But, if you make a complaint or flag up an issue then most providers try to help. I have to say without doubt EE are the worst. They are not interested in what the customer has to say. Also, at EE the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

The latest missing DD and late payment fiasco show just how they deal with the customer.

I have dealt with the likes of Talkmobile and TalkTalk mobile and there have been a few issues, but atleast they have been solved when I pointed out. With EE they just don't listen or care.
ndksamb to elitom
13 Jun 16 #602
But as anon mentioned the voucher code was on the tcb site as an approved voucher so should of had one or the other(not going to lie I was hoping for both) anyway i just received an email from the affiliates team and they have now validated the cashback so should receive that shortly :smiley:
ndksamb to elitom
13 Jun 16 #605
Yes it was, unfortunately I didn't get a screenshot, but I'm sure others have.
13 Jun 16 #604
in that case I stand corrected and I hope you all took a screen shot of the deal on TCB mentioning the voucher - was this the Amazon voucer?

13 Jun 16 #603
If yours is due id send them a quick email to make sure they are aware of your order. They didn't have mine and had to "check" with EE!
13 Jun 16 #601
cashback sites do warn against mix and matching deals .....

getting greedy can have it's pitfalls !

13 Jun 16 #600
Just had an update regarding voucher and that has been declined for going via tcb, :neutral_face: so both are refusing to pay out this is going to be fun..
13 Jun 16 1 #598
Voucher has been confirmed. They will now purchase this and I should receive within 7 working days of Wednesday! I'll post back if/when received! Email said to keep an eye on junk folders just in case it ends up in there - for those whose vouchers are imminent.
ndksamb to pfagan10
13 Jun 16 #599
Ooh nice one, thats good to hear :smiley:
10 Jun 16 1 #597
Most definitely yes, appeal/complain. TCB clearly advertised the code on their website as being available with Cashback so they cannot now say no Cashback due to using a voucher.
10 Jun 16 #595
1. The voucher was clearly displayed in the TCB website as being available with Cashback.

2. The voucher appeared in the order page and in your order email summary so you should have proof it was part of your order.
ndksamb to Anon
10 Jun 16 #596
Hi there,

I can confirm that we have now received an update as regards to this status of this claim. Unfortunately it seems that the merchant has taken the decision to decline this submission, and as such we have not received any cashback to pay over to you or add as a pending indication to your account.

The reason that we have received to support this decision states…

''Voucher code used''

We are sorry that we have not been able to recover anything for you on this occasion.

I hope that any transactions you go on to make in the future go a lot more smoothly for you.

this is the reply on tcb, do you think its worth contacting them to take it further?
10 Jun 16 #594
Was just looking through my tcb and see that they refused the cashback last month as a voucher code was used so hope I don't have an issue with the amazon voucher too
9 Jun 16 2 #589
I have hit 3 months and unfortunately still no sign of the voucher. I have emailed EE affiliates to chase up as this appears to be the standard procedure in this instance. Will report back if I get a response.
pfagan10 to pfagan10
10 Jun 16 #593
Very concerned about this now. I have received a response to say my order has not "tracked" with them and they will check with EE to see that I have indeed connected and once they have this, they will purchase the voucher.....:neutral_face:. No idea of the timescale.....

Good luck folks - I think we might all need it!
10 Jun 16 #592
Just submitted my first cashback and got a confirmation text message. Will take up to 8 weeks
for the cheque to arrive.
9 Jun 16 #590
Since it says "I also confirm that there is no outstanding amount on my network bill" on the screen where you submit your bill, does this mean I need to wait until the direct debit has been taken before I upload the bill?
Anon to lyesbkz
9 Jun 16 #591
No, as that bill shows there isn't anything outstanding (current bill is not outstanding as payment not taken yet).
8 Jun 16 #588
Thanks for the reminder, :-)
8 Jun 16 2 #587
It should be around this time when the first date to send in the bill for redemption (for those who took out the deal at the start). Don't miss it.
8 Jun 16 #586
3 months today. No voucher yet.
6 Jun 16 #584
Anybody had any luck with their amazon voucher/cashback? I still have another 10 days or so til my 3 months is up and nothing yet.
Anon to ndksamb
6 Jun 16 #585
Nothing yet but as you say, it is still not 3 months. Be patient and it should come through.
16 May 16 #583
Hey! I contacted EE directly, and although it was on, it's a deal from EE. Contacted support and said I was missing data as my purchase confirmation showed 2gb. The advisor then added on an extra 1gb as a recurring add-on/bolt-on. It shows as 2gb on my account now.
15 May 16 #578
I'm up and running with the 2Gb of data, phew! Has anyone received their £100 Amazon voucher? Do we know how this will be received, an email from EE?
jamie100 to pfagan10
15 May 16 #582
How did you get the 2gb of data? Ive contacted more times than I can keep track of now, and also contacted EE and got nowhere with them
15 May 16 #580
Voucher code should be sent by email 3 months after sign up (so expecting it in June).
pfagan10 to Anon
15 May 16 #581
Thanks for getting back to me! Fingers crossed it all goes through ok!
15 May 16 #579
Thanks in advance!
11 May 16 #577
Thank you very much for info x
10 May 16 #575
I signed up for this deal for myself through and then again through e2save for my son to try to keep accounts separate. EE have been sending me one bill with both accounts on and just wondering if anyone knows whether and e2save will accept the joint bills for cash back claim? I have spoken to EE who say the only way to split the bill is for my sons to be in his own name.
spondon30 to SCRAPPY DOO
11 May 16 1 #576 and e2save will accept bills with multiple accounts on them. Just send each one a pdf of the entire bill.
3 May 16 #574
Took me 3 attempts on EE livechat to solve it. What worked for me was specifically explaining you bought from for 2gb and that your allowance currently shows X mb of 1gb is used and you want it changed to 2gb as it should be.
24 Apr 16 #572
Anyone else still having issues getting 2GB of data as advertised and promised? Now in the 2nd month of my contract and it still shows as only 1GB on My EE.
jamie100 to Cameron92
3 May 16 #573
Just found this thread again, I am also still having this issue. Been nearly 2 months and I have contacted them 4 times now, each time they just say please contact us in 5 working days we are working on the issue. Surely this is illegal if I have signed a contract saying I am paying for 2GB of data but am only receiving 1?
21 Apr 16 #571
the code we've used was on their website also with similar t&c but not the bit where you had to go via their link, i'm hoping for cashback/voucher (why not) could have been made clearer but gonna give til mid June and enquire then.
21 Apr 16 #570
Thank you - the rules will be similar but not the same as it was advertised on Topcashback so therefore expecting Cashback and the Amazon voucher. When I checked with EE CS at the time they said there were no restrictions on new customers only (just new contract) so that best be true as I bought it in that basis and it was included in my EE order summary. Technically there is no reason why they could not send it out after the 14 day cooling off period as you are tied in for the year then anyway.
21 Apr 16 #569
20 Apr 16 #568
Thanks. Please send it if you can find.
20 Apr 16 #567
I asked on live chat and he sent me a link to a vouchercodes site where there was a link for the deal, in the t&c's it stated codes will be issued after 3 months. If I can find I'll pop link up tomorrow but I'm on phone at min.
20 Apr 16 #566
Thanks for the information. How do you know please? Where does it say that it will be posted after three months?
5 Apr 16 #565
5 Apr 16 #564
Yes the invoice was in the envelope with the aim. I did speak to them and asked when I'll be on their database to which he said I can't give you a date due to the backlog. My 2gb is actually active now though so I'm happy. Will give them another buzz next week to see how they are getting along.
5 Apr 16 #563
mrdude, have you already spoke to them since you got your sims? Did you get an invoice with your sims that has all the numbers on it, namely Invoice No., Transaction No. and Customer Lead No.?

If you haven't contacted them yet, I'd suggest you do so and see where you stand. Don't wait two months. I've spoken to them right after receiving SIMs and mainly to make sure they have me in their database and that there was a conversation made about all this.

Just remember, be polite and firm, at the end of the day customer support are ppl like you and me...and if you get 100 angry people getting at know you won't feel snappy and happy. A nice word can make a world of difference!
5 Apr 16 #562
That was an overreaction from my part to which I apologise.

like DAB_11, I had no joy with the login on their website. My worry was that I'd miss the cask back claim as I didn't have any information as to when sending the bills were due. They've 2 months to sort it out I guess before I descent a fleet of calls and emails upon them. Haha
5 Apr 16 #561
Elitom...So...I got my invoice out, got the original SIM details out, tried every possible combination on the My Account login page on the and each gave me "Your details are invalid".

So following doesn't work for me:
- 8 digit customer lead on the invoice
- email address
- original SIM phone numbers
- ported phone numbers
- 9 digit Invoice number
- 9 digit Transaction number seems to have messed this one up royally. :/

I'll get in touch with them in following days and see if they are anywhere closer to resolving this conundrum.
5 Apr 16 #560
???? I wasn't questioning the validity of your post so am not sure why you took it that way, I was merely explaining their online ordering process from my experience (having ordered, and then returned, two of them). Their system has failed somewhere as you cannot be expected to accept the terms of the offer (having had chance to inspect it under distance selling rules) if you cannot access them and have not been sent them. The fact they were busy is no excuse and is not really the standard of service you should expect from Mobiles or any other retailer.
5 Apr 16 #559
But here's the thing, if there was a human error when ordering, you would have thought that speaking to them few days later and one of those people being their IT support, would resolve the matter on the spot and not saying I need to wait a month or so.

In any case, thanks for the info Elitom, I'll give it a try later on and report back.
5 Apr 16 #557
I got invoice with one SIM, and nothing with the other SIM. They also got to me on the same day via different couriers, even though they were ordered together at the same time over the phone.

None of the numbers on the invoice worked for login, neither did the email or the phone numbers. Even after contacting them and stating all those various numbers on the invoice, they told us, they are not really our account numbers and that they will be set up in the coming month. It is even so bad, even after explicitly asking them for email confirmation, that they said they cannot do that until they set up the account. Go figure?!

We did all the porting through EE. Their accounts were up immediately, and they ported numbers across quickly.

So maybe you were lucky and somebody competent did your order at, and we were unlucky and got people who are not IT literate, or as I said before their IT system is much to be desired...or combination of both. Anyhow, I'll give it another go later with email login and see if I get anywhere. However as I said, it didn't work previously.
elitom to DaB_11
5 Apr 16 #558
sounds more like the process was not completed correctly at mobiles - you did yours by phone so soem human error is possible - I guess you need to keep pushing mobiles to resolve it

the order number most likely starts with an 8 and will be 8 digits long ..... also do you still have the original mobile number of the sim card? if yes then these are the two ifos you need to get the log in link .... if this does not work then mobiles have not created teh account for sure and I guess thsi will now need a manual intervention.

Mine was all done on line

and also as soon as you get your mobiles account set up - log in and go through teh automated process of changinmg their records to your new ported number

5 Apr 16 #555
Elitom, I have to support mrdude on this one. I've taken two SIM cards out, although it was 4.50 ones, and had no issues with 2GB data, or any issues opening account with EE, I still haven't received any email confirmation, even less details about an account at

On the phone they were also mentionig some sort of backlog, which in my opinion, regardless of how much interest any deal has, should not be an issue. Once you purchase something, your details are put on database, and those details should immediately set an account with all the information.

So in that respect it is shameful on the side of that it is taking so long for some of us to get our accounts up and running. I've been talking to them on the phone, and had no issues with their customer support, or EE for that matter. However, it seems that needs to overhaul their IT system, if they can't create accounts as they get new customers.
elitom to DaB_11
5 Apr 16 #556
OK sounds rather odd - maybe also had some kind of system issues

when I got my sim there was an order invoice with it - maybe this has the order number on it

with the order number and the email address you used to order or the mobile number on the sim card (assuming you have not ported another number in) you can then get access to your account

from click in the my account link - top right and you will get a login page like this

Follow the below steps and enter your details to securely login to your My Account.
Order Reference Number
Mobile Number

- OR -
Email Address

fill this in and you will then get a secure link emailed to you


5 Apr 16 #554
so you had no email something like this when you placed the order?

Dear Mr EliTom
Thank you for your order. Your order ID is: 84xxxxxx

This email confirms that we have received your order and will be processing it shortly.

or like this

Dear Mr EliTom

We are pleased to confirm that your order has been successfully processed and will be dispatched shortly from our logistics centre.

Your order details:

Package 1
EE Pay Monthly Nano SIM - FREE EE 4G iPhone £14.99 2GB SIM Only 12m @ £14.99 / month Save over £144 Cashback by redemption - FREE Credited by redemption.
Package 2
Royal Mail 2nd Class Delivery - FREE

Your Unique Order Reference Number is 84xxxxxx

5 Apr 16 #553
​Thank you for your input. Unless you work for the company in question and/or listened to the conversation I had with them, you cannot comment on the validity of my post. I did not receive an email confirmation nor a text message for my order. This sim just showed up the next day after I placed the order. Contacted them regarding the 1gb allowance and the online log in to which they responded 'this deal is quite popular and there's a backlog which need to be processed before online accounts can be set up, as for the 1gb this will change next month to 2gb'.
5 Apr 16 #552
First cashback isn't due until June, month 4 of your contract.
5 Apr 16 #550
My mobile. Co. UK account is still not active. Told me that there's a backlog of them. Can someone share the dates then the bills need to be sent for the cashback? Got my sim in March.
Anon to mrdude
5 Apr 16 #551
That is not correct - the online account set ls up as soon as you place the order. You login with your order number and email address or phone (as it emails or texts you a link which you then click on to go through to the website). When the Sim is posted the deal information then goes live in your account. I don't have this deal so cannot check, but the information should be there as it is a key part of the contract.
25 Mar 16 1 #549
Yeah they said the same thing to me when I made the query a few days ago. The problem was finally resolved after it updated to a 2GB allowance. Just keep an eye out within 14 days from the contract start date to see if it has been adjusted for you. By day 10/11, if it's not there, I would call them up and force the fix.
24 Mar 16 #548
No it was added on mine (it is a 1gb add on and appears as such online). It does seem they have had some systems issues both direct and when buying through Mobiles to get these add ons (1gb/3 months free on the £17.99 plan) added correctly.
24 Mar 16 #547
Even though I ordered the 2gb deal through ee directly, I have only got 1gb at the minute and they said the other 1gb will be added within 14days, is this the same for anyone else?
24 Mar 16 #546
Managed to get mine to track at £99.75 after it only tracked at about £10 last week. fingers crossed for voucher and tcb, as they say you've got to be in it to win it :wink:
21 Mar 16 #544
There was no reference between the £95 TCB on the £14.99 SIM deal to the voucher code listed quite a way below it - any assumptions on the cashback rate when combined would be at the risk of the purchaser. I think EE are a terrible, terrible company, so I would not say that if I didn't think it was true.
Anon to Ashe
23 Mar 16 #545
The way their page is designed there was no way for the voucher code to be displayed next to the actual cashback rate - but the voucher code did clearly say plus Cashback and the only rate displayed at the time I bought was £99.75. We will find out when the voucher arrives (or not - and then a complaint for false advertising would be required, it is too late to return it now :smiley:).

You do still wonder if the 2gb would apply to orders through Mobiles, given the 2gb data offer is on the EE website and says it expires 29/3.
21 Mar 16 #542
I have to second EE being useless. It's worse than that, they're downright obstructive. My conversation with them about the direct debit and the late payment charge was infuriating. Anyone contacted or e2save about the DD issue?

Worse was when I left T-Mobile (i.e. same company as EE) at the end of a contract and they stuck an early disconnection charge on me rather than only charging the 30 days notice that is given when you request a PAC. I complained, and got nowhere, and I wish I'd gone further now.

It was also mentioned about TCB earlier and not tracking at £95, presumably for the Amazon deal - but TCB was never listed at £95 when using the code for the Amazon £100 voucher deal. It's true the code was shown on their website, but that amount was never specifically linked to that code/deal. If it was, I'd have gone for it.
Anon to Ashe
21 Mar 16 #543
TCB listed £95 for the £14.99 SIM only deal (or £99.75 if Premium member) - TCB displayed the voucher code for the £100 Amazon voucher plus cashback - as only one cashback rate was being displayed for the £14.99 SIM only deal, it should be safe to assume that is what was being referred to otherwise it is false advertising.
21 Mar 16 #541
You're lucky you haven't dealt with Vodafone!
21 Mar 16 #540
EE were quick to resolve my data issue, not showing as 2Gb on the app, but does show on my account. What alarmed me was the advisor not having a clue about the Amazon voucher and asking me to contact It's direct from them! A bit concerned I'll wait 3 months, not hear anything and potentially lose out on the main thing that attracted me to the offer in the first place :disappointed:. Hopefully not though. Have many people had the voucher before?
21 Mar 16 1 #538
so who would you recommend for CS then?

Life were very good TBH and are part of EE

I have dealt with EE many times over the last few weeks and they have resolved 2 out of 3 issues very well and saved me money.

This 1GB / 2 GB data issue was a fiasco but has been resolved now - and yes EE were very arsy with me

I think most mobile providers are now teh same - it is a very competetive / cut-throat business now

21 Mar 16 #536
This has not been a simple purchase. I've had to ring EE 4 times to highlight my monthly data allowance is set to 1.5GB instead of 2GB, this has still not been fixed after 4 attempts to work around their system. Their billing system also states my monthly charge will be £17.99??? fortunately my first bill has just gone through and they took the correct amount of £14.99. Finally my cashback has tracked at £35.00 instead of £95.00 so I've had to raise a ticket with Quidco.

Talk about a hassle.
kaku_lala to Hudbox
21 Mar 16 #537
EE is the most useless network as you have found out yourself. Best part it, these clowns don't have an idea abouty how to fix simple issues in most case they don't care what the customer says.
20 Mar 16 #535
is the amazon voucher still on?
20 Mar 16 #534
Mine wasn't setup either, I made a manual payment just in time then setup dd. I won't be happy if I get charged the £3.50 for manual payment.
20 Mar 16 #533
It's not on my online banking, that's how I noticed. The billing day has gone past, I made a manual payment which will cost me £8.50 for a late fee and a payment via CC, and EE claim it's not their issue, and I need to speak to 'Carphone'. And I expect to get a late payment put on my credit file for someone else's incompetence.

EE's CS as shockingly bad as ever.
20 Mar 16 #532
I ordered through ee directly and they have given only 1gb saying there's a technical error that they are working on and hope to put the other 1gb on within 14 days, hope its not a sign if things to come lol
19 Mar 16 #530
Has anyone else not had their DD setup?

I've just signed up and checked my EE account and it says I have a late payment outstanding, but I gave them my details to set up a DD?! I don't want a late payment marker for something that would be their fault :disappointed:
shirlsky to Ashe
20 Mar 16 #531
Do you have online banking? If so, see if EE is showing as a DD payee. It took a few days for EE to show up on my DD payee list.

There should be a date on your first paper bill to say when the first payment is to be taken. If it is not taken then speak to their customer services.
19 Mar 16 1 #529
I asked on EE help and they said it is sent after 3 months.
19 Mar 16 #528

Im order one in last monday and is still not delivered, but emails abouc posting etc is done.

I got second email when is stated "in first month only 1 Giga data from sexond months 2 giga".

This is as usual or anything wrong with this sim?

19 Mar 16 #527
I would like to know this too if possible, I've not seen anything referencing the voucher since I signed up :neutral_face:?
18 Mar 16 #526
So there is defo nothing to fill in on their site for it?
18 Mar 16 #524
How do you get the amazon voucher? Will they just email or post it? When? Thanks.
ndksamb to grom10
18 Mar 16 #525
Should be emailed after 3 months
17 Mar 16 #523
That's what I was thinking. Don't like using CPW associated companies at the best of times so could do without the aggro of signing up on the off chance it's still 2gb.
17 Mar 16 #522
The EE direct website still shows the £14.99 sim with 2gb data, however, given the problems that people have already had getting the correct data applied it is only a slim chance that it would be 2gb (or probably unlikely).
17 Mar 16 #521
Thanks but it says 1GB for £3.00 now, not 2GB.

£4.50 for 2GB (with ultd minutes).
17 Mar 16 #520
Just followed the link in the heading and it still seems to be available.
17 Mar 16 #518
Unfortunately, it's still not working despite several reboots. I'll ring them again in the morning of it's still not fixed by then. Thankfully I don't get many calls. :smiley:
17 Mar 16 #516
Has this now finished? Data is only showing as 1GB
elitom to dani121
17 Mar 16 #517
I guess so - I did read somewhere else it was going to end today

17 Mar 16 #515
Hope it's all up and running now. Oddly I'm sure the last time I ported a number across I could receive but couldn't call or send at first. Strange.
17 Mar 16 #514
maybe bad luck or a mistake by T-Mobile at the time for you

but I have had several Orange / T-Mobile contracts in the past and never paid an early termination fee when either ending after minimum contract lenghth or when leaving during the last month of teh contract - only charges have been to pay until end of minimum term / notice period

and I terminated an EE contract last night one hour after signing up ! only have to pay 30 day notice period

17 Mar 16 #513
It does NOT, that is why most customers are stung by early termination charges when they receive the final bill. Most customer port out to another network soon after the last month of the contract is over, but even then EE charges this illegal termination fee.

There is nothing in EE's T&C which mentions this early termination fee on requesting the PAC code. I have been with most other major networks and always requested my PAC before the completion of the last month and used the PAC soon after the contract is over, but with EE they charge this fee and refuse to waive it.

I had to request a deadlock letter and then wait for arbitration to get the result in my favor. Took around 5-6 months if IIRC. They kept denying all through until the complaint went to arbritation
17 Mar 16 #511
Yep, I rang EE tech supp this morning who told me that porting is a two-stage process. Second stage due to complete today. I'd always thought porting was a near-instantaneous switch.
16 Mar 16 #507
Can anyone use amazon voucher with top cash back for this deal?
TCB has clearly mentioned that the claim will be void if used in conjunction with any voucher..
Anon to violetglobe
17 Mar 16 #509
Read all information before signing up to any deal - they have said using a voucher not on their website will likely invalidate Cashback. The code is clearly stated on their website with Cashback so is valid. That said, the cashback rate has dropped at the moment so is not as good a deal and needs weighing up against the other offers.
17 Mar 16 #508
then you need to read the T&Cs carefully before you sign - if you are not happy then don't sign - simplz.

Everything will be clearly documented in the T&Cs

however AFAIK EE do not charge early cancelation / termination fees - I cancelled a 30 day contract yesteray within 1 hour of signing up - no early termionation fee - only the first 30 days - as per contract.

Do you have real evidence that EE charge said early termination fees in month 12? or is this just speculation?

and BTW Life Mobile (owned by EE) do not charge if you come out within 30 days of taking out sim - nice touch

and also EE are not all bad - I got another line rental deal with EE reduced yesterday and I was not even leaving .

so it's not all doom and gloom!

16 Mar 16 1 #506
Beware, they still charge you an early termination fee and/or 30-day notice charge when you request a PAC within 30 days of the end date of their contract.

For example, if you request the PAC 20 days before the end of contract they their argument is that because you are still in contract (20 days to end) they are charging an early termination fee. Also, in some cases they will try and charge you 30 day notice fee.

Basically, it is a big hassle for the customer and you will not be able to leave without paying one or the other penalty fee or both in some cases. They must be making good money from this scam and refuse to look at any complaints. This happened to me in 2009 with T-Mo and the internet forums are still littered with exactly the same problem (recent ones).

You have been warned!!
16 Mar 16 #504
Does anyone know how long it takes for the cash back to track, stills shows nothing on my account.

Sorry if is been asked too many comments to look through:p - Maybe a way to search comments would be great on the site:)
16 Mar 16 #505
I cleared my cookies before going through tcb and it tracked after about 15 mins
16 Mar 16 #502
I ported into EE today, from TalkMobile.

I can now text and call FROM my EE phone but can't receive either IN (calling my number gets the TalkMobile "this number is unavailable" recording.) It seems porting can take a few hours to complete, so hopefully it'll sort itself out overnight.......
elitom to terriclarkfan
16 Mar 16 #503
can happen - the porting process can take a few hours

16 Mar 16 #501
It appears to be an EE system glitch - the old EE contract with 100 mins had 1GB data but EE have an ongoing offer whereby you get an extra 1GB free for the duration of the contract. It would appear that on somw accounts the extra 1GB was not added

My online account shows 1GB normal data nad a 1GB free add-on that cannot be removed . so 2GB in total.

16 Mar 16 #500
In case anyone is interested in getting this deal I've got an email from E2save as follows:
"With SIM Only contracts, you get more for less. Great for credit score boosting or SIMply to use temporarily until that long awaited phone you’ve been waiting for is released.
The awesome £3 EE offer below ends 17th March, so get your order in quick. When it's gone, it's gone!"
16 Mar 16 #491
only shows up with 35.35 quid cashback from TCB when you go into EE page
Anon to keejoonc
16 Mar 16 #498
Unfortunately it looks like the cashback has reduced since this morning when I posted, as it was showing as £99.75 then (it did say 2 days only when it re-appeared on TCB - perhaps the rate will increase again on Quidco as it seems to be alternating).
16 Mar 16 #496
I ordered this late night and received an order confirmation email this afternoon, stating that my order would be dispatched shortly. However, there is no mention of signing up for MyAccount etc. Does this sort of information come later?
elitom to dharle
16 Mar 16 #497
just follow the instructions that are in this deal link

just browse the site - it is all pretty obvious

16 Mar 16 #494
all customers got that email

if you use your order number and email address you can see you order details in the My Account section of website - including your new EE number. This will also show when your order was shipped.

The sims are delivered by normal Royal Mail so if it was not shipped till yesterday you should get it today / tomorrow. Mine arrived next day but my wife's sim took 2 days.

16 Mar 16 #493
Order this SIM/DEAL on yhe 14th, havnt received the SIM yet but receivd this email today from

Hello, Thank you for your EE SIM only order. The tariff that you ordered includes 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data. We just wanted to let you know that your 2GB data allowance will come into effect on month two of your contract and will stay at 2GB for the duration of your contract. This means that in month one, you will have an allowance of 1GB data. Kind Regards
16 Mar 16 1 #490
you can port direct from Life to EE ..... I have just done the same and it worked in the normal 24 hour timeframe - booked port on Monday morning and it went to EE yesterday afternoon :smiley:

16 Mar 16 #489
1 more question :smiley: currently with life and just requested my pac and down graded package with them, will I be able to give this to ee or do I have to port to another network?
16 Mar 16 #487
Hi could anyone answer whether I can transfer my existing number to this SIM only deal and if so I assume this has to be done once I have signed up and received the SIM card? I am currently on giff gaff but want to do this dea (using the cashback via redemption) and spend the money I'm saving to get spotify premium.
elitom to Cameron92
16 Mar 16 #488
yes very easy

contact giffgaff and get your PAC code

once you get the sim card and get it registered and working just call EE and give tehm the PAC code and the number you want to transfer in and it will all be done next working day

16 Mar 16 #486
thanks a lot, managed to place m order just hope all goes well :smiley:
16 Mar 16 #484
not sure if I am being blind here but how much is the cashback via tcb where you can use the amazon voucher code? I cant see it :disappointed:
Anon to ndksamb
16 Mar 16 1 #485
You are being blind :smile:. £99.75 (if premium member, £95 for basic member?) on the EE Mobile SIM Only Contracts page - voucher is also linked off that page (on website desktop view under All Deals and Vouchers).
16 Mar 16 #481
is it normal to get billed for the first month a day after activating the sim? i also only got 1gb data as well and no help from EE.
Anon to keejoonc
16 Mar 16 1 #483
You pay in advance, so yes you would expect to pay - other companies are different and have a set billing date so the first bill is pro rata - these just get the billing and payment straight away which is actually easier as it keeps it clean for any Cashback claims etc.
16 Mar 16 #480

I've tried to get the £99.75 topcashback along with using the amazon voucher code, the order went through but like shanraja above the cashback only tracked at 10.50, I'm new to tcb but know quidco sometimes tracks at a lower amount then goes up- is this the same with tcb- thinking about cancelling my order. Thanks
Anon to wxxhrt
16 Mar 16 #482
I believe so, yes - possibly to do with how many different offers they have and therefore awaiting confirmation which tariff you bought. The fact it has tracked is positive as it means your sale has been tracked. If in doubt it you want reassurance, submit a missing cashback claim now as there is an option for tracking at the wrong amount - it will then be on record in case it does not uplift (I do this for my own peace of mind as it is very easy to lose track of what cashback amounts you are expecting).
15 Mar 16 #479
hi my cashback only tracked at £10.50 on tcb. is this normal?
15 Mar 16 #478
My first paper bill (EE direct purchase) only shows 1gb data too, so problems not confined to contracts! But have registered it online and this shows 2gb.
15 Mar 16 #475
Is this sim card a multi size type? I have a Samsung S6 which is nano sized
Anon to Reflective
15 Mar 16 #476
Both Nano and Micro available as shown on their website.
15 Mar 16 #474
as mentioned below - log onto your EE account on the EE website and wait for the lets chat box to appear - and ask EE - I am sure they are aware of this by now - they may say bad luck talk to mobiles but it does look like they know about the issue now

worth a try !

15 Mar 16 #473
Hi guys,

I got this plan and when I put in my sim card it only showed up with the 1GB as others have said. From reading here I thought I would have difficulty getting it sorted. I started a chat with EE and explained it. The rep had the extra 1GB added in a minute and everything was fine. He told me 'rest assured, you definitely have 2GB as part of your plan and it will be added every month from now on'

Just thought I'd let you guys know so you don't worry.
14 Mar 16 1 #437
looks like EE updated most accounts now

both mine and wife's accounts now show 2GB data

time to kick of teh Life Mobile to EE number porting.

and well done - even at thsi hectic time they have replies to all portal messages and also via facebook in a timely and professional manner

xxxSimoneBxxx to elitom
14 Mar 16 #438
The same couldn't be said for their phone lines!! Which I'm sure most people would have used as their first method of contact!

Surely establishing what you are offering your customers with the network before offering it to said customers would have been a good idea to!

Great deal to all that stuck in there - just hope the cash back procedure isn't as flawed!! xoxo
xxxSimoneBxxx to elitom
14 Mar 16 #442
Not harsh, just my experience was very different to yours!

7 phone calls (one which reported the longest caller was waiting 57 minutes!) 1 email and a tweet is what it took for me to get some sort of response from

Then a conversation with EE, to be told to go back to mobiles, (which was another 3 calls, 1 email and a cancellation request!) as it was nothing to do with them, the 2G deal didn't exist!

2 days later an email from them saying that I wouldn't be getting what I signed up for, well not in the first month at least!!!

That isn't what I call great customer service at all!!

They may have dealt with your issue professionally, they didn't deal with mine professionally.
xxxSimoneBxxx to elitom
14 Mar 16 #445
I cancelled BECAUSE they didn't deal with my problem or complaint in a timely manner! I cancelled BECAUSE the network I was about to join couldn't give a monkeys about my business, and I cancelled BECAUSE I wasn't getting what they advertised, a contract with 2GB of data not one! That's poor customer service.

You're completely entitled to your opinion of, as am I! I was merely stating that not everyone wants to give them a pat on the back like you do!!
steeev to elitom
15 Mar 16 #469
yes, i have registered my number on the EE website and put the sim in my phone, and also installed the myee app. Both website and app are saying i have a 1gb allowance, my billing period for this month is 13th Mar - 12th Apr 2016. I don't have another EE account, i have ported in my number from Three.
steeev to elitom
15 Mar 16 #472
just got off the phone with after about 45 minutes in total, the solution they offered me was for me to monitor my usage and if i am near the 1gb limit i should order a 1gb bolt on from EE, then contact and get them to refund the charge to me. hassle on top of more hassle, but better than nothing i suppose. yes would be nice to wake up to 2gb, will wait and see.
15 Mar 16 #464
I received my sim this morning however it is not registered and has no service. Is this normal?
shabbird to shabzy
15 Mar 16 #466
mine worked straight away
elitom to shabzy
15 Mar 16 #468
no - best call EE on 07953 966 250

elitom to shabzy
15 Mar 16 #471
just seen a post here saying there has been network issues with EE today

don't know where but seems more than just one person

south wales !

15 Mar 16 #470
that is very odd as your billing period has just started

I would contact via the web portal (account on mobiles website) and ask them what is going on. Yes they did say it would be added in month 2 but I think nearly all here have now got the 2gb in the first month. I was prepared to wait then but then yesterday when I put the sim in my phone the online account and MyEE app both changed to 2gb

I would contact but in writing via the portal - they do reply but it may take 24 hours

then again you might wake up to 2gb tomorrow !

15 Mar 16 #467
I think you will find it is sorted for 95% now

Have you registered your number on EE website and put the sim in a phone yet?

If you can see the info on EE account - how long till your allowances roll over?

Do you have another EE account?

15 Mar 16 #465
Its one week and 2 days since the deal was posted and and ee have still not sorted their damn 1gb instead of 2gb issue out! I ordered the deal a few days ago, and have got the same problem others are listing here, of only having 1gb data allowance showing up. FFS. Contacted EE via webchat and they said they can't do anything, they said to either ring EE Sales on 150 or ring, have been on hold to on the phone for the last 20 minutes or so, what a shambles...
15 Mar 16 #462
14 Mar 16 #461
14 Mar 16 #453
Updated to show 2GB on my account. Was 1GB before.
0racle to meanmoose
14 Mar 16 #459
Did you have to contact anyone for this to update? Or was this done for you automatically?
14 Mar 16 #456
Am I the only person who can see the voucher code on the TCB website on the EE Mobile Contract landing page (app and computer view) and on the EE Mobile SIM page (under All Codes and Deals - desktop view)? For you can see the £14.99 deal with mention of the voucher and click on it, it opens up the EE page in a separate window and the TCB page changes to reveal the code. Remember the Amazon voucher is not available with the Mobiles deal.
Smokestack to Anon
14 Mar 16 #458
This is indeed my question. i think you may be the only one as I can't see these codes anywhere, and the TCB page doesn't change to show them, whatever I do.

I will try with another browser/pc and report back
14 Mar 16 #457
When I go on TCB there are no codes so like I say gl at what u get.
14 Mar 16 #452
TCB specifically state that the use of codes not approved by them could invalidate cash back. On the ee site you can put the code in but it's not approved by TCB. So, you take the chance of one , or the other , or possibly both. GL
Anon to rimkag
14 Mar 16 #455
I really am losing the will to live on here - the voucher code is stated on the TCB page in two places BY THEM so how can it not be approved by them??
14 Mar 16 #454
Got a email from mobiles saying sorry and my additional 1gb will be added next month?
14 Mar 16 #451
Sorry to be a pain, but I'm not seeing the code. The bit bold about the TCB page CHANGING to show the code isn't working for me. I'm not quite sure what's going on. Any advice?
14 Mar 16 #449
Anyone got the voucher through yet?
Anon to kexin
14 Mar 16 #450
I doubt it - other posts suggested 3 months (at least unlikely to send before the 14 day cooling off period has expired to prevent anyone getting the voucher then returning the SIM). It would have been reassuring if any further details had been sent through though as no T&Cs stated for the voucher on TCB.
14 Mar 16 #448
The code is on the link above as stated a few times now - on both the Mobile Contract and Mobile SIM only pages for EE ( shows it for the SIM only page). Clicking on the voucher takes you to EE (and CHANGES the TCB page to reveal the voucher code) - on the EE homepage click on SIM Only Sale then scroll down to the £14.99 plan and press Choose. On that page, fill in your details to complete your order, making sure to enter the voucher code off TCB into the box under "Got a voucher code?" (when you do, it changes your Basket Total to include "Voucher awvoucher100-Limited time only: £100 Amazon voucher with a 12 month £14.99 Sim Only contract"


The cashback rate has incresaed in TCB to £99.95 for 2 days ( - voucher code is on the right hand side, second menu item down under All Codes and Deals) so possible profit to be made now with no cashback guarantee claim required.
14 Mar 16 #447
EE have said to me that customers who sign up for the deal between 11th and 17th March have been noted down for the 'double-data' offer and the extra 1gb will be applied within 14 days.
14 Mar 16 1 #446
all I can say is credit where credit is due ..... in my case.

and BTW all appear to habe the 2GB of data now - not in month 2 - maybe the email was to cover worst case scenario !

I fior one will continue to deal with

the verdict on EE is open in my case :wink:

14 Mar 16 #443
Any idea when this offer is ending? Thanks
elitom to Smokestack
14 Mar 16 #444
when have sold theri pre-allocated contracts that attract a certain commision

14 Mar 16 1 #441
bit harsh TBH

yes there phone lines were very busy - but at least we were told at the start of the call and they did appologise profusely ..... but this deal was / is very popular and something went wrong. IMHO handled it very well under the circumstances

and I am sure they did agree the deal with EE in the first places - maybe the error was on EE's part and it then took some negotiations to resolve.

and yes their cashback process is very easy and straightforward .... almost everyone should be able to manage it !

sometimes in life things do go wrong, and the way a company deals with it is a indicator of their professionalism .... not a reason to blame them !

14 Mar 16 #440
Sorry, am I missing something? couldn't find code anywhere. Checked the first post and also on topcashback, there is no mention of code and when I click on "Get Cashback" button, it opens generic EE webpage!
13 Mar 16 1 #436
aulakh to Anon
14 Mar 16 #439
13 Mar 16 #434
How can we got £100 Amazon voucher from EE? Is there any code we have to enter during checkout? TIA!
Anon to aulakh
13 Mar 16 #435
By putting the code in as stated in the first post after going through Topcashback (not Quidco - as Quidco don't state the code on their site they could reject your Cashback.
13 Mar 16 #433
How can we get £100 amazon voucher via going thorough Quidco? TIA!
13 Mar 16 #432
Unless you buy through Topcashback where they are advertising the voucher and therefore not breaching T&Cs.
13 Mar 16 #431
i dont think we have any chance to gain both cashback..

quidco T&C -- "Cashback will not be paid in conjunction with any other offer, voucher or discount code unless listed on this page, or with any other discounts such as staff or student discounts"
13 Mar 16 #430
It's my first time getting a PAYM contract. Can anyone confirm that it's normal practice for them to charge you a day or 2 after signing up and again via direct debit within a week? They said that this initial charge (one months cost) will be refunded back to me at the last billing cycle.
13 Mar 16 #429
Does anybody who ordered direct through EE going for the £100 voucher know how it's delivered? Email/post? They're also saying it's only 1GB data allowance, has anyone had this changed?
Laura Palmer
13 Mar 16 #422
Sorry to disappoint but the tariff has the word iPhone in it but there is not actually an iPhone handset included. Not good wording in their part but doubt if you will get what they suggest they are offering.
davening to Laura Palmer
13 Mar 16 #428
​Ta & Sigh! :-)
13 Mar 16 #427
Ahh, its tracked at the lower rate, so if it doesn't uplift within the next 10 days, ill cancel the EE contract as its within the 14 days :smiley:
13 Mar 16 #426
Not necessarily - Quidco are not displaying the voucher code on their website so unfortunately there is a chance your Cashback will be rejected.
13 Mar 16 #425
Ohh right okay cool, thanks for that!

Managed to get the £95 Quidco deal and the £100 amazon direct EE so they have paid me to take the contract for 12 months :smiley:
13 Mar 16 #423
Can i also ask, whats the difference between buying direct from EE and then buying from
Anon to Pixam
13 Mar 16 1 #424
Different offers. EE direct you can get the Amazon voucher with the £14.99 SIM (through Topcashback get Cashback too). Mobiles deal relies on you claiming by submitting your bills. The SIM/package is, so far as I am aware, identical (including the £17.99 SIM for £4.50 - but reports suggest you get 3 months half price too direct from EE which brings the effective cost down to £1.80 per month )
13 Mar 16 #421
Hi, I clicked on Get Deal taking me the, scrolled down past the current offer to the next one which sounds the same ie 3pounds per month after redemption but with an iPhone handset free. I can't seem to find out what type of iPhone though.
Sounds like same deal with free iPhone?
Any comments or am I missing something here?
12 Mar 16 #420
Should be £36.75 Cashback from Topcashback plus the £100 Amazon voucher as the voucher is on Topcashback for this SIM.
6 Mar 16 1 #97
Get £16.07 for taking this deal out on Topcashback!
£100 Amazon voucher from EE and (£95.95 as per there SIMO section) Cashback. (179.88 - 195.96 = -£16.07)
'Use these voucher codes and still get cashback for a double saving when you shop online at EE Mobile Contracts unless otherwise stated below in the individual code or deal terms and conditions'
link below (see the section below the 6PAYM deals)
Wotan to sachinwahal
6 Mar 16 #103
It doesn't actually say how much cash back you get when you use the code though just that you'll get double savings and get cash back + the code.

If it's the £90+ they're offering plus the £100 Amazon voucher i'd rather do that than the cash back.

Is 100% confirmed that it means you can use the code and get the £90+ cash back.
junioruzzy to sachinwahal
12 Mar 16 #419
To GET this sim only deal for £3 a month after cash back, you have to buy it with - If your going to buy from EE, your monthly charge is going to be £14.99 and you won't get any cashback, all your going to get is £100 amazon voucher- Believe me! So deal work as £14.99 * 12 = 179.88 So £179.88 - £100 amazon voucher = £79.88 for 12 months! Don't seem worth it! - Hope this helps you mate!
12 Mar 16 #417
How does this work out on TCB?

SIMO 12 Month - £14.99
2GB data, 1000 minutes unlimited texts only £6.65 after cash back!

The cashback you get is only £35.35???
Anon to Pixam
12 Mar 16 #418
They haven't updated that since the weekend when Cashback dropped so it is misleading - there is a voucher code displayed for £100 Amazon which would bring the effective cost lower still (if you use Amazon and will spend it).
12 Mar 16 #416
​makes more sense now. Thanks for your help
12 Mar 16 #415
If anyone is going with the £100 Amazon voucher offer, remember to go through Topcashback for at least another £36 Cashback. The voucher is showing on the EE mobiles page and intermittently on the SIM only page too.
12 Mar 16 #413
hey guys just wanted to check something with u guys .
I purchased this deal through mobiles.CO.UK on 6th March , received confirmation on the 7th March. I installed & setup the sim today touchwood no issues ... account showing 2gb of data ... plus the 1000mins & unlimited txts.
however it shows my first bill payment is due to be taken on the 15th March , then subsequently it charges to 7th April .... & then 7th of every month going forward .
my issue is that shouldn't my first bill date by the 7th of April & not the 15th March?? or I am missing something obvious???

Also which bill is considered the 4th for cashback purposes the one dated between the 7th june- 7th July 2016 ??
ashokraja to chrisom
12 Mar 16 2 #414
7'th of each month is your bill date and 15'th of each month is your payment due date.
Bill dated 7'th of June is your 4'th bill to claim your 1'st cashback.
12 Mar 16 #412
Plus 50% off for first three months - Pay Monthly: £9.00 (£17.99 from month 4)
12 Mar 16 #411
Wow i didnt think you would get the 50% off as well. I thought that was if you just bought through EE.
12 Mar 16 #410
Hi. Thanks for your response. I've went through Uswitch, apologies not The voucher is showing on my order from EE-

Voucher code awvoucher100 Limited time only: £100 Amazon voucher with a 12 month £14.99 Sim

Is this something to chase up with EE? Apologies if I was unclear earlier.
11 Mar 16 1 #399
As a giffgaff user it would help me if someone can go through the steps of switching to this EE sim with me, I wan't the £3/mo sim but I want to keep my number, how do I go about doing this £3/mo thing? Thanks! Also what's the deal about European roaming as well?
ashokraja to AadilF1
12 Mar 16 #409
With EE Extra plans (Unlimited minutes) you get European calling and Double speed 4G -
12 Mar 16 2 #407
You dont get the amazon voucher with That was only if you bought it directly from the EE website.
12 Mar 16 3 #406
It was my understanding that you only receive the Amazon voucher by applying a promo code when purchasing directly through EE?
12 Mar 16 #405
I've signed up through Called EE today to confirm my account should have 2Gb of data and this will be corrected in the next day or so. I did query the Amazon voucher and they said I would need to contact regarding this? Is this correct? I've noted it can take up to 3 months to come through
12 Mar 16 #404
​ You actually pay £15 a month, but claim back the equivalent of £12 a month at various points during the 12 month contract.
12 Mar 16 1 #403
I just got this last night. Seems like a very good deal with the cash back! EE has the fastest data speeds and reception!
11 Mar 16 #394
Hi Derek,

Which plan are you on? £3 or £4.50? Thanks.
Derek_Duval to DaB_11
11 Mar 16 #402
11 Mar 16 #401
How does this £3/mo thing work? Surely it's too good to be true as I'm paying £12/mo for the same thing!
11 Mar 16 #398
Yes, it was indeed you Jono8! :wink:

Thanks for confirming, much appreciated. Well, it is £15 extra, but you also get unlimited calls...sounds like a good deal for me. :smiley:
11 Mar 16 1 #397
Today didn't start well with the EE sim card failing within a minute of activating it :confused:. After a visit to a EE store a new sim card was issued and all appears to be good. Then phoned EE customer services this afternoon to get my number ported and asked him if he was aware of the 1GB vs 2GB issue with to which he replied that he wasn't but as a goodwill gesture he added the additional 1GB to my account. Must admit that even though there's been some teething problems they have been dealt with promptly and efficiently so now fingers crossed that the cashback part and the additional promised data runs smoothly.
11 Mar 16 #392
Somebody replied to my question, saying that £3 deal is also eligible for the EU calls. I have their reply in my email, but it doesn't show up on this thread. Could anybody confirm it? Thanks.
Derek_Duval to DaB_11
11 Mar 16 #393
Doesn't show on my account :disappointed:
jono8 to DaB_11
11 Mar 16 #396
It was me and I was wrong (wrote the wrong thing/misunderstood the question so just deleted my post. The £4.50 plan is a 4g EE extra plan so comes with the roaming included.

I was tempted but for me I will likely only go to Europe once for a holiday this coming year and I never usually use calls or text as you can just use the internet/WhatsApp. Figured I would rather save the £15 for the year :stuck_out_tongue:

If anyone is confused, just look at the EE sim only plans on their websites. are exactly the same, only with the cashback obviously.

However that makes the whole only getting 1gb thing even weirder as the £14.99 plan clearly has 2gb on the EE website as well.
11 Mar 16 3 #395
To all of those like myself who have ported their mobile number over to EE, do not forget to log into your or E2save 'myaccount' and from there go to 'update your number' and update as required by their cashback terms and conditions.

don't give them any opportunity not to pay out!

I also noticed on my EE account my number has been updated to my ported number, so hopefully all future bills will be with the correct number for cashback
11 Mar 16 #391
What the deal with itemised billing is that extra as mention is the redemption does not include does that mean the monthly is more the £3 effective
11 Mar 16 #390
That was the description from my Ee account after I had purchased the 4.50 option from Mobiles,
11 Mar 16 #389
Ordered, thanks :smiley:
11 Mar 16 #388
Thanks kathkin20, I was looking and kept getting only the £3 one. I changed settings and now see £4.50 as well.

Btw. where do you see that description about EU calls on Did you get that from similarily priced plan on EE website? Or do you know will EE honour this?
11 Mar 16 #387
This is what I am getting on the above plan from
Your EE SIM only plan includes 2GB of data, unlimited minutes and texts to UK mobiles & landlines. When in the EU, you can also use your allowance to call & text back to the UK and the EU.
11 Mar 16 #384
Hi guys,

Few mentioned this £4.50 deal, that has EU roaming included. Could somebody please provide a link? I've looked on and and cannot see that deal.

Thanks in advance!
kathkin20 to DaB_11
11 Mar 16 #386
It's this one:
EE 4G Smartphone £17.99 2GB SIM Only 12m
12 Months More info
Unlimited mins
Unlimited texts
2GB data Save over £162 Cashback by redemption More info
Per month
£17.99 before
11 Mar 16 #385
11 Mar 16 #383
Have the got the same issue with 1gb, rang, was told the first month is 1 gb and then from month two it will be 2gb, she said EE would either give an extra gb at later month or reduce the price.
11 Mar 16 #382
Just got email saying accepted. So pleased. Just got to remember those days to send back bills now :smiley:
11 Mar 16 #380
Thanks op signed up via for myself just wondering if there is a limit on this offer thinking of maybe getting contract for my son? Has anyone applied for more than one? Thanks
11 Mar 16 1 #381
I have 2 phone contracts already with ee and have just had one of these sims for a family member so should be ok to get another one I would think.
11 Mar 16 #379
Ok thanks wotan
10 Mar 16 #377
Ok decided to go with the deal thought all was well then got this:
Thank you for your recent order.
We have been unable to process your order today. We are working on this as a high priority and will contact you again to confirm if your order is successful together with full delivery tracking information, so there is no need to contact us.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you again for your co-operation and patience.
Wotan to colin49
11 Mar 16 2 #378
I got that too. It just means they haven't gotten around to processing your order today. They'll do it tomorrow.

You should get an email tomorrow saying great all done on the way or one telling you to call them because they need more details.

But that email is nothing to worry about.
10 Mar 16 #376
mine too
10 Mar 16 #373
What are the majority of people selecting here? TCB -> EE or

Not entirely sure which is the best deal with regards to risk / reward and the effort of redeeming cash back via
shabbird to Benjyy
10 Mar 16 1 #374
I went direct with mobiles. the reviews on getting cashback in the first few pages were great and so
followed that. Not impressed with the 1GB/2Gb business but hopefully its just teething problems they
didn't expect to be this popular.
Wotan to Benjyy
10 Mar 16 6 #375
Mobiles/e2save have a pretty good rep as far as cash back goes so barring them going under I'd say as long as you are on time with Bill uploads the cash back is pretty much guaranteed.

With quidco and TCB it's not. I have personally stopped using top cash back as every time I did cash back was denied. With quidco I've never had a problem. Although I'm sure there will be people with the opposite.

Personally I'd go with the cash back from mobiles/e2save.
10 Mar 16 #372
I want to keep my old number though.

My question is will I have to transfer my number after the contract has been set up and I have the SIM? Or is there a way to do it on ordering the contract/SIM?
10 Mar 16 #371
I always had to pay 10p but always have been on PAYG. Thought it would be free. :disappointed: Learn something new everyday.
10 Mar 16 #366
Also just a heads up. I sent 2 text messages to the BBC sports website (81111) last night but was charged 17p (20p including VAT). So doesn't count in the unlimited text. :-(
Oneday77 to shabbird
10 Mar 16 1 #370
That type of number is never included.
10 Mar 16 #369
What is up with when it refreshes? I got mine yesterday yet my allowance refreshes in 10 days : /
10 Mar 16 #368
Received my sim this afternoon and if the email from is correct then my additional 1gb of data should show tomorrow as this is when the monthly allowance is refreshed.

Fingers crossed :neutral_face:
10 Mar 16 1 #367
OK so spoke with support at and they say it was all sorted at 4.30 this afternoon after much toing and froing between CPW and EE - hence the email

The lady from mobiles also said that is for any reason my account does not get sorted then mobiles will fund the extra !!

I am now going to put this in writing on the portal and get it in writing but to be fair they have reply to my last two posts there

I will now leave this until early next week and see if it gets resolved - hopefully it will. It does look like it is but I still want it in writing :smiley:

10 Mar 16 2 #341
I have just received a message from to say that after some emails between them and EE and the upshot is that all customers from on this contract will have the 2GB data allowance showing on their account within 72 hours .

zeberdys to elitom
10 Mar 16 #342
Nice work well done
lyesbkz to elitom
10 Mar 16 #345
I just checked mine and it's changed to 2GB. I didn't call or speak to either company, it's just sorted itself out.
shabbird to elitom
10 Mar 16 #362
They said that yesterday but today 1gb was added to my account. Both online and on the myEE app.
I have 2GB for this month at least. Not happy with that email as it implies I only have 1GB this month
unless EE change it back.
shabbird to elitom
10 Mar 16 #365
This is my account. Have 1GB and 1GB is added as freebie on addons. This is the same in the online account.
Im guessing they are updating everyone's record. I only checked this afternoon and it was 2GB.
10 Mar 16 #361
“Hello, Thank you for your EE SIM only order. The tariff that you ordered includes 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data. We just wanted to let you know that your 2GB data allowance will come into effect on month two of your contract and will stay at 2GB for the duration of your contract. This means that in month one, you will have an allowance of 1GB data. Kind Regards

thats not fair! we paid for 2GB. will they compensate?
jono8 to kamran007
10 Mar 16 #364
That is what I just got!
10 Mar 16 1 #363
well EE have just told me there is no 2GB - at all - ever ....

now on the phone to ....

to be fair do seem to be trying to resolve it - but EE seem to be not helpful with me at least

will feed back later when I get of the phone with mobiles

10 Mar 16 #360
“Hello, Thank you for your EE SIM only order. The tariff that you ordered includes 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data. We just wanted to let you know that your 2GB data allowance will come into effect on month two of your contract and will stay at 2GB for the duration of your contract. This means that in month one, you will have an allowance of 1GB data. Kind Regards

thats not fair! we paid for 2GB. will they compensate?
10 Mar 16 #357
Spoke to Live chat today and Plan still says 1 GB but Usage is now 2GB. Live chat said 1GB was added as a
freebie just for this month. Received email from Mobiles than month 2 will be 2GB and remaining of the contract and so looks like they have sorted it out. Although after lots of messing about. :disappointed:
elitom to shabbird
10 Mar 16 #359
well I have just had a live chat session and they say it is not true

so who knows !!!

10 Mar 16 #355
Just had this email from

Hello, Thank you for your EE SIM only order. The tariff that you ordered includes 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data. We just wanted to let you know that your 2GB data allowance will come into effect on month two of your contract and will stay at 2GB for the duration of your contract. This means that in month one, you will have an allowance of 1GB data. Kind Regards
Skint1 to tabback
10 Mar 16 #358
just had the same email.
10 Mar 16 #356
My bill says I have to pay manually, no DD setup with my bank yet. I'll give it a few days and see if it sorts itself out.
10 Mar 16 #354
Anyone else just received this email??

“Hello, Thank you for your EE SIM only order. The tariff that you ordered includes 1000 minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data. We just wanted to let you know that your 2GB data allowance will come into effect on month two of your contract and will stay at 2GB for the duration of your contract. This means that in month one, you will have an allowance of 1GB data. Kind Regards

I cancelled yesterday - so seems a bit odd I'm still getting updates! xoxo
10 Mar 16 #352
If you go for this you have to do a number transfer number after the SIM has arrived and the contract has began right?
Daywalker04 to Cameron92
10 Mar 16 #353
No, you can keep the new number that comes with the SIM
10 Mar 16 #351
oh ok just confusing with the topcashback / quidco and amazon offers
10 Mar 16 #349
Sorry very late on this but interested, what deal is still available as cant see amazon voucher and all cashback seems to be reduced, what is my best option or via EE themselves. no longer £3 so how much is it, any help appreciated
elitom to colin49
10 Mar 16 #350
10 Mar 16 #348
My bank is showing as DD set up and i received a bill already (after one day!) so i presume will work OK
10 Mar 16 #346
my EE account now showing 2GB of data, i think it will be the same for everyone over the next few days
Derek_Duval to benchaud
10 Mar 16 #347
And mine, no dd setup though?
10 Mar 16 #344
Thanks to both of you. I'll try that. I've already given them the 30 days notice
10 Mar 16 #343
Mine tracked as £1 value and £0 cashback
10 Mar 16 #340
correct - from EE website


Extra Plan - double speed 4G
2 GB data
Unlimited text messages
Unlimited minutes
12 months plan

Use your minutes and texts in the EU
Now £9.00 then £17.99 after 3 months

9 Mar 16 2 #291
OK folks - to be fair to they have been very helpful

just chatted with them via facebook and also on the phone with customer support

They are now aware there is an issue with this an they are trying to resolve it with EE

I will get an EE as soon as get a response from EE. In fact the guy at the call centre has promised to deal with it personally and call me back and follow up with an email.

Do for now I will hold fire - I have been told on the phone and in message that assuming it can be resolved with EE then the cashback side will be honoured in the normal way

So just hold fire for now - looks like have lots of work to do with EE and they did say this has been a very popular deal !!

One point I was advised - do not open and use the sim card until the situation is resolved


Derek_Duval to elitom
9 Mar 16 #298
Oh dear, just used sim, and have only 1Gb! I'm sure it will get sorted, I've used mobiles & e2save for years and never had a problem. Thanks for your help, I'll wait to see the response you get before contacting them.
Ashe to elitom
9 Mar 16 #301

Same amount of data, minutes etc, but with a £100 Amazon voucher as opposed to the cashback.
adamnewlove to elitom
10 Mar 16 #321
Sorry, not got my SIM with me so unsure of the number to login to EE and do that for you. It doesnt show much anyways as the add on side of EE site was down yesterday. All it showed on the main screen was that its still a 1GB plan but i have 2GB allowance a month now as they've added on 1GB a month. Hope you all get this sorted.
sput2001 to elitom
10 Mar 16 #325
This was by phone. It's not showing up on my account online, though. Guess it might take a while to go through.

I asked about holding the port process until the issue was fixed, but was told once it's been started it can be stopped.

Update: my account now shows 2GB. :smirk:
Pluun to elitom
10 Mar 16 1 #327
Villa are just unlucky.
We are sh*te.
ZigoRich to elitom
10 Mar 16 #339
Ok, thanks.

Presumably the £17.99pm (reduced to £4.50pm with redemption) has these though?
10 Mar 16 #338
Set up EE account yesterday online and arranged port on line data only showed as 1Gb but in add on's on page two showed extra 1Gb. just logged back in and shows 2Gb on front page 1 not had to speak to anyone about it,

Only issue is that network coverage where we live is very poor compared to O2. Rang last night to speak to tech support agreed 2 masts had been taken off line and said if i was on contract could have provided a free WiFi connection box. but not for sim only . NOT sorted this yet see some people have had free box.!
10 Mar 16 #337
This is very strange. I spoke to EE two hours ago, they agreed to give me 2gb data a month without any hassle, and its now appeared on my account page. I suggest anyone who gets a contrary answer phones back and speaks with another operative.
10 Mar 16 #336
Same...Just got off the phone to EE Customer Services, they said to get in touch with and that any change to the allowance needs to come from them...
10 Mar 16 #335
this exactly what I told them ....

teh lady even admited that all EE 1000 min plans come with 2GB data

bt then she said it is on my notes that I have been told to sort this with the company that sold the plan ... i.e. (CPW)

my feeling is they now know about this and there is some issue over this between EE / CPW

we will see

I have messaged - but I want any agreement in writing - not only verbal by phone !

10 Mar 16 #334
it is not double speed and no EU roaming add-on

10 Mar 16 #331
Same...Just got off the phone to EE Customer Services, they said to get in touch with and that any change to the allowance needs to come from them...
elitom to pdtim14
10 Mar 16 #333
maybe EE now are aware of this and are getting defensive

9 Mar 16 #313
To anyone who has received their sim pack, is there any mention of double speed 4g and eu roaming?
ZigoRich to spondon30
10 Mar 16 #332
I'd like to know this as well
10 Mar 16 #330
well I have just called EE and after being on hold for ages have been told this is nothing to do with EE and I have to discuss with Mobiles and maybe teh deal has been miss-sold and basically my EE notes say thsi and not to call EE again !!!!!

10 Mar 16 #329
Re the 1gb/2gb issue, just phoned EE customer services and the very nice lady agreed to add the extra 1gb a month straight away. Good customer service :smile:
10 Mar 16 #328
Spoke to them on the phone as well, now it says 2GB left even for this month.
10 Mar 16 #326
Had the same issue (2Gb showing on Plan Details but only 1Gb allowance). Spoke to very helpful lady at EE, got striaght through and they added the 1Gb.

Had to add this months as a add-on which they will refund and then full 2Gb from next month.

She said that it was because the plan is actually 1Gb with an extra 1Gb free so looks like its not applying the free extra 1Gb.

Just come off the O2 cashback deal from last year with and found the cashback process very easy. Most difficult bit was having to go to the bank to pay the cheque in! So far impressed with EE as well.
10 Mar 16 #324
I would call EE now! the port normally goes through next day - yes they say up to 2 days but normally it happens next day

10 Mar 16 #323
was this by phone or over live chat?

maybe now they are getting it sorted

9 Mar 16 #305
I've got the 1GB/2GB issue too...
sput2001 to sput2001
10 Mar 16 #322
I just spoke to EE and they added another 1GB to my account there and then.
9 Mar 16 1 #315
This is totally stupid!
I ordered 2 sim only deals and ONE was refused due to a dodgy credit check.
How can one pass and the other fail?
Also, my confirmation mentions a smart phone.
If they were a football team, they'd be Newcastle United. :confused:
Derek_Duval to Pluun
9 Mar 16 #316
Some networks only allow you to take out one contract at a time, so the second credit check is automatically refused. Happened to me with vodafone.
elitom to Pluun
10 Mar 16 #320
are you sure that should not be Aston Villa !!!

and the smartphone reference is about the sim - as in intended for smartphone use! ...

.... as in different to iPhone sim :wink: (there is actually no difference)

website described the nano sim as follows

EE 4G Smartphone £14.99 2GB SIM Only 12m
12 Months More info ..

so don't worry - you are not getting a free phone too :stuck_out_tongue:

10 Mar 16 #319
This is what happened to me,i phoned back up and told them there was no way that i could have failed a credit check,so she went through all my details again to make sure that they were right,and done another credit check and i passed this time,i got the sim card delivered yesterday.
10 Mar 16 #318
Got the message from give us a call. Which I did but they told me credit check been refused. What the hell and **** it is ?? My wife owns mortgage and having clean credit record and they refused it just for £ 14.99 ??
What a crap it is ? My wife she is at the moment with T mobile pay as you go. What could be wrong then ? Any ideas ?
9 Mar 16 #317
Thank you.:smiley:
9 Mar 16 #314
I am on EE pay as you go. If I get this deal, will I qualify for the cashback?

Quidco says "Cashback will not be paid on existing customer sales (excluding 2nd line Sim Only sales).". Do I qualify as existing customer if having pay as you go?
9 Mar 16 #312
Texted AL to 150 (which you do to check allowances on EE), got a message saying 1GB of data. It also said I hadn't got a Direct Debit set up, which I am hoping is just because it's not yet completed...
9 Mar 16 #310
Hi guys

I am having the same issue regarding data. EE main page shows 1GB but plan info shows 2Gb

I'll just hold fire for now and see if they update this after all the calls to them

I have registered the sim and alse requested to transfer my current number over from 3

Just wondering where I stand if I want to return the sim. What happens with my number?
elitom to Anontfgkd
9 Mar 16 #311
have you just requested your PAC code from 3 - or have you requested the port process to start from EE side

if you have started the port process I would get onto EE smartish in the morning and try and stop it just in case this does not work out

9 Mar 16 #309
Maybe it is the iPhone premium :smile: - they think we are mugs and will pay more for the same item (as I could see no difference in what was offered and the non-iPhone SIM works fine in an iPhone).
9 Mar 16 #308
They are both nano sims, so why the difference in price when they work with either phone (iphone 5s)
9 Mar 16 #307
Still visible on Topcashback for EE direct (mobiles rather than SIM only page)

£36.75 indicated for the £14.99 SIM on the SIM only page. It tracks at £10.50 so should uplift - it has tracked despite speaking to CS about the order at their request..
9 Mar 16 #302
On why are they charging different prices for a nano sim for a smartphone and a iphone?

Vodafone 4G Smartphone SIM Only Promo £27.20 10GB 12m
12 Months More info
Unlimited mins
Unlimited texts
10GB data Save over £188 Cashback by redemption More info
Per month
£27.20 before

Vodafone 4G iPhone SIM Only Promo £27.20 10GB 12m
12 Months More info
Unlimited mins
Unlimited texts
10GB data Save over £176 Cashback by redemption More info
Per month
£27.20 before
Anon to Reflective
9 Mar 16 #306
They have done that previously too - have always gone for the cheapest. SIM cutters are cheap enough and works fine :wink:
9 Mar 16 2 #304
Just to say I have been called back. Mobiles are fully aware of this issue now, and its being handled in conjunction with EE. To be honest, the customer service has been absolutely excellent. I think I must have been one of the first to call earlier today, as they said they have had a lot of calls about this since I phoned.
9 Mar 16 #303
Used the sim as soon as I got it. Im sure this will be sorted. EE customer service has been great for me and
sorting out the signal booster for free. Just saw the upgrade is due in January 2017.
9 Mar 16 #299
I've just asked over in the thread for the deal from the EE website for the same allowance, as to whether they also are showing 1GB for their SIMs....
elitom to Ashe
9 Mar 16 #300
which thread?

9 Mar 16 #297
Finally got through to the e2save 01509 number this afternoon after 50 minutes!

I spoke regarding the data issue and they are aware of the problem and will be contacting me in a few days time after contacting EE, and he said we will all be getting 2GB data but it may take a few days so don't worry you'll get it eventually

I do get the impression that they are helpful company (when you can eventually speak to them that is) and they will try and sort it out

oh and yes to answer the other person's question my TopCashback via e2save tracked at £0, looks like another thing to do!
9 Mar 16 #285
Did TCB track at £0 for anyone or is it just me?
Derek_Duval to desired.value
9 Mar 16 #296
Me to, I've put a claim in with TCB.
8 Mar 16 #254
I went through e2save (same company as

I registered and logged on to EE, on my account' showing as 1GB, and on 'plan and addon its showing as 2GB.

Personally I'm not worried I'm sure it will be 2gb, if it's not im not bothered, that's more than plenty
Mihir95 to benchaud
9 Mar 16 #295
Same I went with e2save I tried to find deal but it was not there on at that time therefore I found this deal on e2save before that I ordered vodafone but quickly cancelled because this deal is more cheaper and as a student, this is life saver deal :smiley: like your username btw :P
9 Mar 16 #294
No, as above I got my first mobile phone on Vodafone payg when I was 19. At 21 I got a contract with o2 whom I stayed with until I switched to Tesco sim only about three years ago and then to Life mobile a few weeks back.

That's it. My entire mobile history. I've never been with T mobile. Orange or EE in any capacity.
9 Mar 16 #293
exactly - as soon as I gave them my old EE data sim number for my new data deal - not this deal - my order went through. That was today with CPW

and don't forget they are bl00dy busy today - this is a very popular deal :stuck_out_tongue:

9 Mar 16 #289
I don't doubt people will get their cash back. I have a lot of friends who have done cash back deals with no problem at all.

The reason I cancelled was the hassle of setting it up. EE insisting I was a customer when I have never been a customer plus the issues people were having with the data allowance, add that to the 40 minutes wait (we're it not for the numbers added I'd have been charged £5 before they even answered!) and it just seemed more hassle than it was worth to actually set up.
Anon to Wotan
9 Mar 16 #292
Have you ever been with Orange or T-Mobile? If yes it would recognise you as an existing customer (even if not with EE). As I reported last night, both contracts we took out with EE direct required manual intervention which makes you suspect that their online automatic system (which Mobiles/e2save website will link into) is not working as it should. Too many people with clean credit files are getting rejected/asked to clarify details for it to be a coincidence.
9 Mar 16 1 #290
With the influxe of HUKD'S taking on this offer, im not suprised that these company's start back tracking on the cashback! Remember Gala Casino pulling the plug and not paying out on the Topcashback £80 Cashback offer because we all went for it!
9 Mar 16 3 #284
I have cancelled! It's just not worth the hassle, if they are like this now, what are they like when trying to get your cashback! needs to improve their customer service and also they call centre waiting times/prices!

Good luck to anyone that seals the deal and gets the 2GB, something tells me you are going to need it! xoxo
TommehLi to xxxSimoneBxxx
9 Mar 16 #287
Same with me! Couldn't be bothered with the hassle and they didn't exactly give the best first impressions with dealing with so much money. Sticking with LIFE Mobile.
shabbird to xxxSimoneBxxx
9 Mar 16 #288
Not looking good but based on the reviews of actually getting cashback, Im not worried. It should be sorted
between the 2. The credit check failure etc.. is what I was worried the most. Never failed one but
quite afew people are getting rejected here so I was worried.
9 Mar 16 1 #286
I decided to go through e2save instead (although it shouldn't have made much difference since they are both the same company)

Got the credit check email/text a lot of people were receiving asking to ring 08715211434. If you do get this message, ring 01509 618591 (seemed to work for me).

Similar outcome for me as well (apparently I'm already an EE customer so it flagged up, even though I've never been with them). The operator told me to ring EE and sort it out but I was having none of it so I just asked him to cancel there and then.

Not exactly giving the best first impressions, especially when the whole deal involves a lot of trust in the company delivering the cashback to bring the monthly cost down. £14.99/month is a hell of a lot for a student and definitely not something I'm willing to spend for what is being offered.

Going to stay with LIFE Mobile who have been very very cooperative with the whole kerfuffle.

I guess the saying holds true, sometimes things are just too good to be true.

Good luck to anyone who tries this but I've been put off Cashback by Redemption sites for a while now.
9 Mar 16 #282
It says that the contract is for iphones, is there much difference between an iphone contract and a 'normal' one apart from the sim size? Would the sim still work in an android phone, providing the sim fits?
shabbird to kusthemn
9 Mar 16 1 #283
I saw the iphone.. was praying I would get a phone by mistake lol. I have only android phone and it works.
No problems. The sim you get when you chose a micro sim is a full sim and inside is a micro sim.
9 Mar 16 #281
Just had a call back from customer service. Credit check was returned once again.

EE are insisting that I'm an exsisting customer, I'm not now nor have I ever been an EE customer. don't know why he said all he can do is resend it yet again.

Far too much hassle so have asked them to just cancel it.

Great deal for those who got it without having to jump through hoops!
8 Mar 16 1 #241
Right folks - be careful here

as I have an existing EE contract my new Sim Only plan has been added to my existing account so I can see the details already - and my new number shows only 1GB data !

I have clarified this with EE and they say it is definitely only 1GB - and only can change this !!

here is the transdipt from EE

elitom: I have just taken this account out today
elitom: my understanding was that this contract had the following allowances
elitom: 1000 minutes
elitom: unlimited sms
elitom: and 2GB 4G data
elitom: but I only see 1Gb of allowance shown on my account online
Lekhni: I'll be happy to help with that, can I start by taking your full name please?

Lekhni: Thanks.
Lekhni: Did you take the deal with Carphone Warehouse?
elitom: yes
Lekhni: Okay.
elitom: well - part of CPW
Lekhni: Okay, thanks for confirming.
Lekhni: I can see that in your price plan 1GB Data allowance is included.
Lekhni: And, there are no notes or reference about the 2GB data offered to you.
elitom: OK so this is definately only 1GB
Lekhni: As they're the Third party and have offered you 2GB data so you need to get back to the Point of Purchase and they'll check this for you.
elitom: and this is the £14.99 per month 12 month sim only
Lekhni: If you have been promised by them for 2GB data then they'll be able to provide you with that plan.
Lekhni: As we can't validate your conversation with them, so you need to get this added directly by them at the point of purchase.
elitom: please confirm that this is £14.99 per month sim only 12 month contract
Lekhni: Yes, its or £14.99 and a 1year sim only contract.

so check your online EE account and chase up

Ashe to elitom
8 Mar 16 #242
I have seen someone mention about it maybe showing as a 1GB add-on in the EE account, which would make 2GB total?
shabbird to elitom
8 Mar 16 #244
I had the christmas 500mb free sim but for a month you also get 2GB. So technically, I had 2.5gb but it always
showed 2GB and 500mb add on waiting once that 2GB was used. Maybe thats how this will work as well.

Everything on the order status shows as 2GB. I don't have my new sim so cant check it.
shabbird to elitom
8 Mar 16 #246
aah. hope not. Lots of disappointed people if its just 1GB :disappointed:
xxxSimoneBxxx to elitom
9 Mar 16 #259
I've just had the same, spoke to EE who said I have to go back to to get it adjusted! 20 mins on the phone I speak to someone who then transfers me to someone else and placed back on hold!
The contract with EE is only for 1GB of data, not the 2GB I signed up for.
Have instructed mobiles that I want to return the sim once it arrives! All this hassle I'd rather stick with GiffGaff xoxo
shabbird to elitom
9 Mar 16 #280
Thanks EliTom. yes.. that's the main reason I went for this deal. Won't do anything to mess that deal.
Im surprised EE are being stubborn as in their own system they can see 2GB being offered.
9 Mar 16 #278
Got my sim this morning. Liker others. Main page says 1GB while under allowance says 2GB. Sadly,
as far as EE are concerned, its the main page that counts. So something for
to sort out.

Did speak to Customer service and told them about my signal problem of getting 0.02Mbs speed
and they will send me a signal booster tomorrow. Which they don't normally send to Sim only
customers. So I'm happy. Just need to sort the 1GB to 2Gb situation now.

I was offered 8GB for £13.99 but 2GB should be plenty for me. If and when I get it
elitom to shabbird
9 Mar 16 1 #279
whatever you do - do not change the contract even for more data - that will invalidate the cashback

9 Mar 16 1 #276
It's not the credit check. Apparently EE say I'm an existing customer. I'm not. I've never been an EE customer.

My first mobile was with Voda then I got an o2 contract when I was 21. Then moved to Tesco a few years back and life mobile last week. I know Life are owned by EE so can o my assume that was the issue.

But apparently EE thought I was trying to upgrade an existing account!

So now I've got to wait for the credit check.
elitom to Wotan
9 Mar 16 #277
don't worry you will go through very quickly now

I had the same with my 30 day £20 mifi contract today with CPW also on EE

and I am an EE customer but was not asked during order process unlike the order process where they do ask if you are an EE customer

declared my other data sim during order for this deal and no issues - order confirmed

had to call CPW today and confirm my old EE number - 10 mins later email to say approved !

Must be an EE thing !

just got to bottom out this 1gb / 2gb data thing

I have messaged via teh customer portal and also on facebook / twitter

9 Mar 16 #275
I really wish I hadn't bothered either! The sim hasn't arrived yet so very tempted to send it back and cancel the whole thing!!
It does make you wonder whether the cashback will be honoured at all, or the hoops you'll have to jump through to get it! xoxo
9 Mar 16 #274
Still on hold.

I don't have he patience. I'll give it the stated 28 minutes (on 24 minutes now) then just email and tell them to cancel it.

To be honest seeing the issues people are having with the data allowance I'm not sure at this point that I want to go ahead with it anyway.

I may be paying life mobile double this
(£6 a month) but the free phone number is answered instantly and my allowance is what it should be.
9 Mar 16 #271

Called the numbers above and apparently there's a 28 minute wait.
xxxSimoneBxxx to Wotan
9 Mar 16 #273
I had 56 minutes night before last! Gave up after 10 as it was near 8pm. Got through the next morning only to be told they don't know why the check failed it all went through!

Now I have had to call them again because of the 1GB/2GB thing!

I have someone DMing me on Twitter but they aren't very fast in coming forward either!!!

Will keep you posted. xoxo
9 Mar 16 #269
1GB vs 2GB thing

Spoke to EE on chat, plan is definately only 1GB, advised to speak to, they tried to fob me off with 'its because your part way through the month'. However once convincing her i was right i ended up in a conference call between myself, EE and I had to email my confirmation email to prove the plan.

I now have 2Gb per month as 1GB has been manually added on each month with no end date, plan however does state 1Gb only. Happy as ive now got my 2Gb allowance each month as advertised! I did warn them that everyone taking out this deal is going to be in the same boat, and that they should either sort it out or pull the offer as its not as advertised!

Good luck :smiley:
elitom to adamnewlove
9 Mar 16 #272
can you post a screen shot of how this extra 1GB shows on your account - obviously with no sensitive data !

then others can see if their account gets sorted !

or maybe this will be a case by case problem to solve :disappointed:

and offer is still live as per OP's link

9 Mar 16 1 #270
So when I get through I just say my order was with not e2save?

I have premium numbers blocked so I can't actually call the number they've given me.

All the ones I've tried from saynoto0870 also say e2save.
9 Mar 16 #268
Yup same company and all part of carphone warehouse Dixon group!

I got the numbers from here and there are other numbers there if you wanna try those! xoxo
9 Mar 16 #267
I tried those numbers and both say they're e2save customer service not

Are they the same company?
9 Mar 16 #266
Just done this with EE myself. I had about a month and a week left on my contract. They ended my old contract free of charge (apparently because of loyalty, would have been the contract price VAT free otherwise).

They're transferring the number without any PAC code business within 24 hours. Result!
9 Mar 16 1 #265
So i've called EE and about the whole 1GB vs 2GB thing
EE were insistent on the phone that its only 1GB, and mobiles insistent that its 2GB. So a call between mobiles and EE is going to take place I believe. As they pointed out, maybe the extra data will get added on in a day or two. But hopefully mobiles are going to get back to me within 24 hrs.
9 Mar 16 #264
I spoke to EE about this and they told me to ring up with 30 days notice period of my current contract ending and then to ask for my current number to be switched over to the new contract. No need to switch out to another SIM/network for the number changevoer, according to them.
9 Mar 16 #263

just had the same from CPW about my order for the £20 mifi deal with EE

just an extra credit check - call them and confirmed some details and had an email 10 mins later to say all OK order confirmed !

nowt to worry about

9 Mar 16 #262
Thank you.

Will see if they have a live chat or anything first.
9 Mar 16 #260
Got a text saying I need to call 08712203590 to confirm some details so assume I've failed the credit check. I thought I might because I'm not currently employed but figured it was worth a go.

Need to find a different number because there's no way I'm calling a premium rate 10p a minute number.
xxxSimoneBxxx to Wotan
9 Mar 16 2 #261
01509 618770 or 01509 618591 are two numbers I've used to get through! Be warned you'll be on hold for a long long long long time before you get through xoxo
9 Mar 16 #258
If you transfer to PAYG then back to EE, what happens to any call credit on the PAYG?
Also, what happens to the remainder of the notice period I'd already paid for on my old EE account? (I gave them 30 days notice)
9 Mar 16 #257 saying credit check declined, despite having very good score.but they wanted to do another credit check if iam looking forward to get a sim only contract with another network
9 Mar 16 #256
Yep checked mine and same result

Plan summary

Your EE SIM only plan includes 1GB of data, 1000 minutes and unlimited texts to UK mobiles & landlines starting 01, 02 and 03 (except Channel Islands & Isle of Man).
Your plan details Your contract dates
Contract starts: 08 Mar 2016
Contract ends: 08 Mar 2017
Plan length: 12 months
Your allowances
Included phone minutes: 1000 minutes
Included SMS texts: Unlimited
Included data: 2 GB
Your payment details
Monthly cost: £12.49 (excluding VAT)
Payment method: Direct Debit

just spoken with EE live chat again and they still say it is definately only 1GB

waiting for a reply to my online message to asking what is the situation

8 Mar 16 #255
The EE direct system is hopeless - two separate contracts and both asked to call - first to confirm that we wanted a sim only deal not an upgrade (yes, I do know how to place an online order!) my wife's this evening to speed up the ordering process (?) as they have received a lot of orders and them confirming details would mean they process quicker? Have we just been unlucky or is this a cunning plan to avoid paying cashback?
6 Mar 16 #19
If I'm already with EE can I get this and still keep my number?
Derek_Duval to anthole
6 Mar 16 #21
I think the only way would be to port to another provider pay as you go card, then port to this.
fedex1401 to anthole
6 Mar 16 #78
From my own experience, you could port to Orange PAYG , and then port back to EE. Even though Orange is the same company, it is on a different system than EE which means you can port to and from. Not so withT-Mobile.
John Mason to anthole
8 Mar 16 #253
Don't think so. You will need to PAC your number out to another network and then PAC it back in again.
8 Mar 16 #252
Decided to give it a go despite not being hopeful of passing the credit check due to currently being unemployed.

Just go this email through

A I correct in thinking that just means they haven't got Around to processing my order today?
8 Mar 16 #249
This looks very much like a con to me.
2GB turns out to be 1GB.
On 2 consecutive days their website refused to recognise TWO of my current email addresses.
I'll give this a miss.
shabbird to Pluun
8 Mar 16 #251
see below
8 Mar 16 #250
^^^ I just applied for it. The website didn't like my email address in uppercase, but accepted it in lowercase.

I just finished an O2 contact with mobiles.CO.UK and the online cashback process worked fine.
8 Mar 16 #248
Try going to your PLAN summary on the EE site... very confusing

Click here to see what I see

On the main EE page its counting down 1GB of data, but the plan summary allowance states 2GB?
8 Mar 16 1 #247
EE say have to request it from EE

I have messaged - will post back when I get a reply

If no reply - the sim will be going back !

8 Mar 16 #245
yep but the EE guy was adamant that my account only has 1Gb data ..... Grr

8 Mar 16 #243
this is what I thought at first as it shows 1GB left and underneath it say add-on 1GB ...

but after a live chat session with EE - see above post - EE confirm this deal only has 1GB data with no notes on the account to say 2GB

8 Mar 16 #240
I have ordered, thank you this is a great deal
8 Mar 16 #239
OP, Thanks. Just coming to the end of O2 deal so perfect timing.
8 Mar 16 #237
The voucher code for £100 Amazon voucher has appeared on the Topcashback EE Mobiles page again. In theory £36.75 cashback plus the £100 voucher (minimum) for successful contracts.
DragonQ to Anon
8 Mar 16 #238
Not quite as good as the redemption deal but probably less effort.

If you get 3% cashback on your bills from a Santander 123 or NatWest Reward account, it works out as £2.54/mo with redemption.
7 Mar 16 #128
bu&&er !!!

Just finished the O2 deal with and posted out to Life Mobile on teh £6 uSwitch deal

now this - half the cost and double the data .... and 4G

deciosns decisions - do I jump again

wonder how the porting would work as Life are on EE - I heard many stories about difficult ports from EE to Life

alex_dis to elitom
7 Mar 16 #131
Haha, same here!

The saving grace is at least Life mobile is just 1 month rolling, so you've got the option that you wouldn't have with a 12 month contract. Why would Life to EE be anymore difficult than any other network?
jono8 to elitom
7 Mar 16 #136
Ha, in exactly the same boat and can't decide what to do.

Life has more minutes, this has more data. This is £3 a month, Life is £6. Life is only a 1 month rolling contract, this is a whole year. Life is easy, this involves submitting bills for cashback etc ARGH!

Don't know what to do : /

Also I ported from EE to Life with no issues.
0racle to elitom
7 Mar 16 #142
Thanks. Quidco does indeed have that bulletpointed but TCB don't. Might just try it with TCB (£5 cashback) is pretty negligible so I'll get the contract in any case.
usetheforceluke to elitom
7 Mar 16 #153
Just curious in how they make it easy for us?
shabbird to elitom
7 Mar 16 1 #156
Thanks EliTom. much appreciated
Derek_Duval to elitom
7 Mar 16 2 #200
In the past I've sent the consolidated bill, just crossed out pages relating to other account and highlighted the one's for the claim. This is what customer services told me to do (was a few years ago though).
JohnnyUtah to elitom
8 Mar 16 #218
But how long do you have to port the number in as I am currently with EE?

Is there an upgrade option when applying for this deal?

Wouldn't want to give them a chance to reject the cashback due to number change from the original.
DogmaticEngineer to elitom
8 Mar 16 #231
Thanks for the response. I'm leaning towards option B.

How often do these types of deals come up? The £3 seems incredibly cheap to me, but I wonder if I wait until around July time another similarly priced deal with be around?
TommehLi to elitom
8 Mar 16 #236
Ahh that's annoying for you :disappointed: Still though, half the price for 12 months afterwards.

My only problem now is that I have to wait until Friday before I can do anything. I ported my number to LIFE this morning :disappointed:
8 Mar 16 #234
Just got off the phone with LIFE Mobile and they told me that if you cancel your contract within the first 14 days they'll refund the initial £6 payment. I'd literally just jumped on that bandwagon before seeing this deal. Very impressed with their customer service at LIFE so if this fails I'll be sticking with them.
elitom to TommehLi
8 Mar 16 #235
wow that is good

unfortuneatly I have been connected for more than 14 days but willing to pay out the notice - will still save more and get more data and at 4G !!

BTW just got my order complete email :smiley:

8 Mar 16 #233
these are generally a WIGIG thing ...... CPW will buy teh right to sell a block of discounted contracts from a network and when they are gone ....... seem to have at least one deal most of the time sub £8ish with one of the main networks with the exception of Three - I have just come out of a £6 O2 12m Sim only deal and there have been other O2 / voda deals ongoing - but non as low as £3 so far as I know

8 Mar 16 #232
The last redemption deal they had was Vodafone and I think that was up for at least a month. I'm looking to buy in a week's time so hopefully it lasts that long!
8 Mar 16 #230
They have their price rise in March, so you sort of assume this price includes it but nothing would suprise me with mobile phone sharks!
8 Mar 16 #227
At the bottom of the page on it says:

"Please be aware your network will increase monthly prices in line with the base retail price index during the length of your contract."

Is this something to be worried about? On the face of it it sounds as if the monthly cost will go up
Anon to Smokestack
8 Mar 16 #228
Nothing to worry about and becoming standard - it is their way of making sure that they can increase your price each year without giving you the right to leave your contract early.
DragonQ to Smokestack
8 Mar 16 #229
Yes but inflation is almost nothing right now. O2 increase prices by RPI each April, I'm not sure when EE does it but it'll be a 10p/mo increase at most.
8 Mar 16 #226
a) no way

b) buy deal now - let the sim run as it will be live once issued then in July port your out to a non EE PAYG sim then a week later port back into EE on new sim (this deal)

c) get this deal then cancel your current contract and pay it out - get PAC code and do as in b)

8 Mar 16 #225
I'm currently on a SIM-only 12 month contract with EE which ends in July.

Does anyone know if I can:
a) move from my current contract to this one instantly?
b) buy this deal now, then activate it when my current one expires in July?
c) any other option that will allow me to secure this deal! :smiley:

Thank you.
8 Mar 16 #224
Nice deal. I'm just at the end of a similar redemption deal from, which worked out ~£3/mo for 1000 minutes and 1 GB of 4GB data with O2. This one seems even better and their redemption process is simple and painless. I even changed my address and phone number and was worried about that invalidating my redemption but they sorted it all for me.
8 Mar 16 #223
My wife just had the same problem. Text saying call to discuss order, but they said she failed the credit check. it's a joke really
8 Mar 16 #222
did you go via Quidco?

8 Mar 16 #221
Had the same rejected,phoned them and went through the process again and passed the credit check,so mines is coming soon,I don't know why I failed in the first place.
7 Mar 16 #175
i was sent an text to contact to discuss the order further and asked to call 0871 number, have any one of you experienced this situation, if anyone could provide me an alternative number ?
jh787 to z18runway
7 Mar 16 1 #182

01509 618591
Stendhal to z18runway
8 Mar 16 #220
​Had the same. Usually means order rejected for credit check purposes and they tend not to tell you why. My wife definitely wouldn't be failing a credit check so it's weird. Type the number into for a landline number.
8 Mar 16 #219
no upgrade route

you will need to port out to a PAYG sim other than EE then port back in a week or so later

number changes are allowed with so long as you change your number in their portal / your account page with mobiles

8 Mar 16 #216
I just ported my number to the £6/month LIFE mobile deal. How would I go about starting up this deal? I'm very happy to go through cashback if it means I'm paying half the cost for double the data!
elitom to TommehLi
8 Mar 16 1 #217
take this deal and get a PAC code from Life and then port into EE

I am doing the same !

8 Mar 16 #214
Can anyone explain the steps to getting this done for someone who is new to this. Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
elitom to yvibes27
8 Mar 16 #215
see post #127

8 Mar 16 #211
This must be killing O2, Vodafone and 3 to some extent for low users some really good offers from EE who are now part of BT.
elitom to zeberdys
8 Mar 16 #213
O2 and Vodafone have done similar deals last year via - what comes around goes around ..... customer churn

8 Mar 16 #210
Can I get this sim, use it for a month and then port a number over to it?
elitom to TylerDurdenUK
8 Mar 16 1 #212
yes you can port a new number in

but you must go into your account on and update the number there - otherwise the cashback will fail

8 Mar 16 #209
PS when you get your first bill, note the exact date and then in m4,6 etc make a note on that date in your diary/on your calendar/reminders/noticeboard to submit your bill. They do not send reminders as no doubt they are hoping that you forget.
8 Mar 16 #204
Does anyone know how the cashback works here?

Just looked at the "Welcome pack" and there's two options; "For Mobile Phone Contracts" (where you upload bills every two months - starting from month 4), and; "SIM Only 1 month Rolling Contracts" (where you upload every bill within 60 days of receiving it).

I'd guess that for this deal, I'll need to opt for the "SIM Only 1 month Rolling Contracts" option and upload my bill each month, but if anyone has had this (or a similar deal) with previously and can confirm this, that would be great...
elitom to amazinjosh
8 Mar 16 #205
you should now have an account with

log into your account and there will be something like "My Cashback" tab - in that tab it will tell you what bills to upload - it will show teh months that are reveland - just upload the bill dated in that month

Anon to amazinjosh
8 Mar 16 #208
Good morning - you have answered your own question. This is a 12 month contract NOT a rolling one month contract - so follow the process for your contract. If you log in to your account area it tells you exactly which bills to upload so no room for misunderstanding (I always screen shot or print that page so that there is no chance of it changing to trip me up - just call me paranoid!).
8 Mar 16 #206
Thanks OP. Ordered the same deal but from E2save using Quidco
elitom to AstalaVista
8 Mar 16 #207

not sure how it works with e2save - but I woudl guess its similar

ah ha - just looked at e2save login page - it is identical to so the process should be the same

8 Mar 16 #201
Bit the bullet and ordered this. My time with Life mobile didn't last long!

4G, double the data and the fact it is half the price swayed me over just keeping on the £6 life mobile deal.

Also, after cashback on my 123 account, and the TCB fiver this will effectively only cost me £2.12 a month!
elitom to jono8
8 Mar 16 #203
same here - except CBA with TCB - could well jeopardise the deal - every time I have used Quidco with CPW companies I have had some issue that makes you phone them which in turn invalidated the Quidco cashback !

8 Mar 16 #202
Got it from e2save
7 Mar 16 #199
I won't know for another 11 days - the 18th - its aligned the billing dates and I can't see how the bills section of the website could handle more than one bill per account for all active numbers.
7 Mar 16 #192
Mine has just shipped, but also appeared automatically in my EE account along with my current mobile broadband contract.

Its shown as being only 1GB of data as above,.... hmmm

Anyone else getting just 1GB also?

EDIT: looks like it is 2GB, possibly with a 1GB add-on the contract summary is 2GB on the EE site.
elitom to newfoundglory
7 Mar 16 #198
would be interested if you will now get a consolidated bill for both accounts

I also have an EE data sim account and gave the number when I signed up via

the consolidated bill maybe a problem with the cashback claim - maybe worth checking with EE and

7 Mar 16 #197
I think consolidated
7 Mar 16 #196
If the contract gets added to an existing EE account, do you get separate bills or one consolidated bill?
7 Mar 16 #194
u can use on the website directly
vassy4u to rajat1k
7 Mar 16 #195
Link please
7 Mar 16 #193
And the deal then costs £6.6566666 per month.
7 Mar 16 #187
where is the amazon voucher?
rajat1k to rajat1k
7 Mar 16 #189
Jus got it ...

Anon to rajat1k
7 Mar 16 #191
Amazon voucher if you buy through USwitch but no Cashback. The Amazon voucher code offer was on Topcashback briefly but has disappeared.

Mobiles/e2save is a different offer with Cashback.
7 Mar 16 #190
is that via uswitch or via this link

7 Mar 16 #184
I cannot see the 100 amazon voucher things....any help??
vassy4u to rajat1k
7 Mar 16 #186
If you buy through uswitch. U get the £100 Amazon voucher.
elitom to rajat1k
7 Mar 16 #188
do you really think when this whole deal cost £36 over 12 months you are also going to get a £100 Amazon voucher

the Amazon voucher was via uswitch without any other cash back

7 Mar 16 #185
Just received email confirmation from e2save that's my order has been successfully completed, ordered last night 11:30 p.m. received email today at 8:30 p.m. therefore 21 hour turnaround which I think is decent

Now of to Three for PAC code, rather excited! first phone contract in 7-8 years
7 Mar 16 #183
Stupid numpties don't recognise my Email address. :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Mar 16 #179
I just processed an order for this deal but decided to just use Quidco direct to EE. Just a warning my EE confirmation email stated only 1GB data, so I had to contact them to change this to the advertised 2GB which they did after linking them to their own damn website offer.
elitom to Hudbox
7 Mar 16 1 #181
it appears to be a special offer from EE - 2GB for the price of 1GB

7 Mar 16 #180
I had the text too! Sat on the phone for ages, still haven't gotten through! I don't have a mobiles account or an EE contract, and really have little faith in customer services! Or lack of! 7 phone calls, an email and 3 tweets I'm still no further forward than I was!
If I knew the ball ache this was gonna be id have stuck with giffgaff! The extra few quid is worth it for decent customer service! xoxo
7 Mar 16 #178
I went for this had a text saying problem with payment method need to contact contacted them gave them order number chap said it was to do with phone number I had entered as have another account with EE anyway he said as an existing mobiles customer on a sim deal that has just ended it was no problem and put it straight through. Have to say,uk cash back routine online has been the simplest I have ever used and paid out in full.

Thanks OP for spotting this
7 Mar 16 #177
Also, when does this ee deal expire? Couldn't see anything on the webpage. thanks!
7 Mar 16 #176
Does anyone know how long i have to port my number over to EE pls? My ridiculous o2 contract doesn't finish until May. But am thinking of signing up for this EE deal now for the few months inbetween.
I couldn't see anything online on the or EE website. thanks!
7 Mar 16 #171
"We recommend you send this by recorded delivery as we cannot be held responsible for lost items or claims that arrive outside the qualifying period. We also recommend you keep your proof of postage.

looks like another £4 for recorded delivery .
elitom to bavi014
7 Mar 16 #173
but you do all the cashback on line

no need to send bills by post

unless of course anyone has seen that have changed the process for this deal

elitom to bavi014
7 Mar 16 #174
and the line under the one you quoted say this

Alternatively, you can submit an online version of your bill via your My Account area

7 Mar 16 #172
If you do apply, don't put in any details of any existing contracts if applying to EE direct - despite indicating new contract, when I got to the end of the process (with the Amazon voucher code) and submitted my order and there was a message for me to contact them ... where they just confirmed I wanted a new contract not an upgrade (which wasn't possible on a SIM only anyway so why they needed to ask I don't know!). As a result I wonder if the TCB will now track correctly as it has not been completed exclusively online :disappointed:.

Edit - it has tracked in at £10.50 (this is EE direct through TCB) though obviously needs them to confirm the details and uplift the amount.
7 Mar 16 #170
I'm after a deal for my son with more data, preferably over 5GB, has anyone got a link to a good deal?
7 Mar 16 #169
Bought and ordered thanks.
7 Mar 16 #168
many thanks for the update on my question
7 Mar 16 #167
there is cashback for the orignal offer and so people are trying to combine with quidco/TCB more double rewards. worth a go but I went direct with the mobiles offer.

The amazon one,you could use quidco and TCB and get some amount back.

3 quid a month is good enough for me after guaranteed cashback from deal
7 Mar 16 #166
Is there any cash back for using this?
7 Mar 16 #165
Just been knocked back for this deal,I have home broadband, mobile broadband,and 2 mobile sim only accounts with EE,and I have never missed a payment.Looks as if I will be taken my business elsewhere.
7 Mar 16 #164
try the uswitch link which is where I got the deal from click me
7 Mar 16 #163
Will do!
7 Mar 16 #151
I couldn't see anything about the £100 Amazon voucher from EE on either the EE or sites. Has that part of the offer ended ?
Daves_mate to michaelstiff
7 Mar 16 #158
Looks like they've stopped the Amazon voucher! I had the page open should the £100 voucher but after refershing it's gone! My S7 Edge should be arriving within the hour. Deal/Cashback seems to be changing every hour (not the OP deal). May just hang off ordering a new SIM altogther this month as bound to be another around the corner.
shabbird to michaelstiff
7 Mar 16 #160
nope.. still going on.. click me
needdrink to michaelstiff
7 Mar 16 #162
Exactly, anywhere not even mentioned about these.
7 Mar 16 #161
still going on.. see my last post. deal should take you to checkout with the £100 amazon deal
7 Mar 16 #159
Just ordered. Thanks OP!

Will the EE Wifi calling work on my unlocked iphone 6+. Signal at work is horrendous no matter what the network!
7 Mar 16 1 #157
Probably refers to:
- their cashback portal specifying the bill month required
- allowing upload of the bills rather than faffing with posting them
- button on the portal for "cheque not received" if it gets lost in the post.

About the only way they can make the process of claiming the cashbacks even easier would be to use BACS transfers rather than cheques.

I should say I have had a recent issue with a rejected claim for no valid reason - very unusual occurrence and annoying as every time I resubmitted it, it was rejected even though the claim was obviously valid. Cheque sent on querying it through a ticket, although I didn't get an explanation as to why it was rejected multiple times for no reason. This is very unusual though.
7 Mar 16 1 #155
It's all done online - upload the bill for that month and that's it. Did you think you'd have to post stuff to them?
7 Mar 16 #154
see post #128

7 Mar 16 #150
just ordered. My first contract. Have always been happy with PAYG so you can control your

The 1000 minutes - is that local number or everything including mobile numbers?
Free text messages - is that UK only or does that include abroad as well.

Thanks in advance.
elitom to shabbird
7 Mar 16 1 #152
1000 mins is to UK landlines (01 / 02 / 03 ) and UK mobile numbers with a few limited exceptions

unlimited sms is to UK mobiles only

7 Mar 16 #148
lot of hassle though - sending in bills and if you forget to send them one month then they wont backdate it
elitom to usetheforceluke
7 Mar 16 #149
if it is too much hassle then this deal is not for you

but do make it very easy

7 Mar 16 1 #147
no its double speed, I got it before even if they say its not, trust me it is, youll see when you get it, if youre in the right area itll come up as 4g plus and you should get speeds of over 70mbps
7 Mar 16 3 #146
When I purchased a sim only with mobile phones direct it didnt say ee extra either. When i contacted mobile phones direct they said its not. When i contacted EE they said something like all the sim only contracts over 1gb comes with ee extra. Not sure what he said word for word. Anyways when I received it, its got EE extra, tested it I get double speed 4g, 70mbps
7 Mar 16 #145
How frustrating, I just failed the credit check despite having an above average credit score.
6 Mar 16 1 #31
I'd call to confirm but seems to be the same plan that ee offer
V6_Andy to mrwhitelabel
7 Mar 16 #144
I've just spoken to and although their deal looks exactly the same as that on the EE website, it is not the extra plan and DOES NOT include eu roaming.
7 Mar 16 #143
Has anyone using Quidco tracked for the £20 they were offering?
7 Mar 16 #140
Are you guys using Quidco or TCB on top of the deal via If so, will this affect the redemption part of the deal?
elitom to 0racle
7 Mar 16 #141
does not effect redemption but may effect quidco if the T&Cs say "not in conjuction with other deals " or words to that effect

7 Mar 16 #139
Can you please post here once you get the reply? Gonna do the same if that's it.
7 Mar 16 #129
So TopCashback says I'm getting £10.50 of cashback for this. Is that it? Is it a one off cash-back, or am I getting something every once in a while?
mcdexsta to sysak
7 Mar 16 #138
Mines tracked as the same so that's not good. I'll send tcb an email & if they don't play ball I'll cancel the contract sharpish!
7 Mar 16 #137
the submitting bills bit is easy at ..... just finished an O2 deal and no issues whatsoever - only slight PITA is they pay by cheque so you do have to go to your bank once evry 2 months, but cheques are issued within a few weeks

I will try to do an online chat with EE this afternoon and ask about porting in from Life

7 Mar 16 #135
going direct with EE and going via is not the same

TBH I woudl trust more than quidco to get the cash back !!!

7 Mar 16 #133
Quidco now offering the £95 cashback.

Has anyone attempted the cashback route with the Amazon voucher?
JohnnyUtah to northerngeezer
7 Mar 16 #134
Logged into Quidco and see the most cashback they are offering for at the moment is £50 for EE upgrades.

Where are you seeing £95?

EDIT: I see now you are refering to going direct to EE.
7 Mar 16 #132
yep worth loosing the £6 for oe month with Life

the issue with porting is that Life run on the EE network and there are many reports of delayed / failed ports for people coming from EE to Life as it is in fact an internal EE to EE port

maybe I will live chat EE and ask !

7 Mar 16 #130
If it gets rejected, imutual guarantees the cashback. Just look for the tick on their deals.
Other cashback sites will tell you, 'Tough, jog on Old Boy'.
7 Mar 16 #125
how are these companies with cash back? is it a process where you have to jump through hoops to get the cashback cheque?
elitom to EN1GMA
7 Mar 16 1 #127 process is very simple

log into your EE account and download your bill for the correct billing month shown on the cashback schedule

log into your account and upload said pdf

get a cheque a few weeks later and deposit said cheque in your bank account

7 Mar 16 #126
Hi all, bit off topic but clever people here will know. I am interested in this sort of deal but am already with EE and want to keep my number. I presume the deal in question is for a new contract? I want to keep my number. A few years back I got round this problem by porting my number to another network, easyphone I think, cancelling that after a week, then porting to my new contract with my previous network, hence keeping my number. A load of trouble I know. Anyone got any suggestions on how to do the same nowadays?
7 Mar 16 #124
I'm on a £12 O2 refresh tariff (for 3 years handset payed off) think I can cancel anytime. I don't want to lose my number. I don't understand the process to port number over to this SIM (not yet bought).
At what point do I cancel my current tariff and buy this? Bit confused as never done it. thanks!
7 Mar 16 #123
so what's the situation/best deal now? voucher plus cash back and who from as apparently TCB expired last night. Sorry it's all confusing for me. Tia
7 Mar 16 #122
Ordered Thanks OP
6 Mar 16 #100
anyone know if the iphone i bought my daughter on the 02 refresh, would the EE sim work of does the phone get locked down.
Wotan to essexgangsta
6 Mar 16 #102
The phone will be locked to o2.
jh787 to essexgangsta
7 Mar 16 #121
Just get the iPhone unlocked.
It's free.
You can do it online through"My o2" or give them a ring.
6 Mar 16 #107
Doesn't look like I can apply anyway! I'm not currently employed but there's no option to select unemployed. Just 'other' then asks for details of your employer!

I assume this means they don't accept anyone not currently employed.

Also amused by the fact I can't put how long I've been at my address because it's the same as the month I was born! So I have to lie about how long I've been at my address because I happen to have loved here all my life. Is that so uncommon?
Smelly_Pickle to Wotan
7 Mar 16 1 #120
I have moved over 21 times. I envy you.
7 Mar 16 #118
will they do a credit check on this ?
benchaud to andersonchenghy
7 Mar 16 #119
i just went through e2save (same group) and yes i think they will , i received the following email

What happens Next

Sit back, relax and we'll do the rest. We'll be busy processing your order which includes any of the necessary credit and eligibility checks with your chosen mobile network. We'll be back in touch with an update later on today and this will be sent to the email address you provided. Our aim is to get your order delivered to you as soon as possible.
7 Mar 16 #117
odd when i go through TCB this deal is not available on website, only a £4.50 variant is available, yet when i click via this link the £3 is available.

i eventually purchased through E2Save as the offer does appear via TCB, OK its only £5 cashback but better than nothing
7 Mar 16 #116
7 Mar 16 #113
Oh crap! No wonder they didn't mention the cashback amount on the main section, they clearly plan to vary it a bit, not cool TCB!
Ashe to sachinwahal
7 Mar 16 #115
To be fair to TCB, they showed that deal as ending on Sunday, way before this deal took off. And that amount was stated for the £14.99 deal only without the Amazon voucher anyway. There's been no particular amount stated for use of the cashback and Amazon voucher combined.
7 Mar 16 #114
Quidco has now gone to £95 cashback for the EE £14.99 SIM only deal going directly with EE - is it possible the Amazon offer will appear on there too, or buy through TCB and use the cashback guarantee?
7 Mar 16 #112
Jeez that went cold!. No mention of the £100 amazon voucher may have contributed.
6 Mar 16 2 #1
stvoritel to xcm07zfu
7 Mar 16 #111
My friend uses this kind of service (think it's actually e2save) and she instantly started to receive annoying calls from insurance companies etc. prior giving her number to anyone.
7 Mar 16 #110
Just a note that the £95.95 TopCashback offer has now ended - it's gone back down to £35.35. Probably just at midnight a couple of minutes ago!
6 Mar 16 #109
Hi wotan the price £95.95 is the cashback on that SIMO EE section on Topcashback. I've amended my post (#98). Even if it doesn't pay at all still a good option but if it does pay, its a cracker!!
6 Mar 16 #108
It is listed as a specific deal on the TCB page, so theoretically that 'should' be as good as you can get without the retailer themselves confirming it. An issue is that it doesn't show the amount of cashback though.
6 Mar 16 #106
The TCB cashback is not confirmed. It may or may not be paid :smiley:
6 Mar 16 #105
ah ok, thanks for the confirmation.
6 Mar 16 #104
Could I use this in a MiFi device rather than a phone?
6 Mar 16 #101
Perhaps ive missed something, but does it really matter? Its only 2GB of data, you wont be able to stream that much and should be good at standard 4G anyway, and for normal browsing unlikely to be noticeable.
6 Mar 16 #99
It should be the double speed extra EE £17.99 plan
But check with mobiles first
6 Mar 16 #98
ee are selling it on their own site so they must do..
6 Mar 16 #96
Oh the days are long gone of me trying to get these 'cashbacks'.
Calling e2save, sat there on their premium rate claims line for 2 hours only to be told to contact them in three weeks...
three weeks later on their premium rate claims line for 2 hours only to be told I should have claimed before yesterdays deadline... how we laughed about it and these special offers.
6 Mar 16 #10
About to leave three after ten years, they went back on their word. I've been paying £5 a month for unlimited everything for some time now but they said they can change it. So done with them. This is decent
MrPuddington to SLOAMAN
6 Mar 16 #95
Yes, Three is rapidly going downhill. They still have the best roaming deal, and the 321 PAYG is unrivalled, but the packages are not longer competitive. The merger with O2 will only accelerate the inevitable.

Any good MVNO to recommend?

As for EE: proceed at your own risk. In my experience their service is a bunch of clowns that hardly speak English.
6 Mar 16 #28
They had the unlimited calls for £4.50 a month which is a better deal for travellers as its the £17.99 extra plan which give free European roaming (not free data)
zeberdys to mrwhitelabel
6 Mar 16 #30
Could you explain this a bit more where does it say that it qualifies for roaming may be a better option thanks
mcdexsta to mrwhitelabel
6 Mar 16 #94
Does it? I got told sim only deals don't get that benefit?
6 Mar 16 1 #81
is this double speed or normal 4G?
madridpaid_the_referee to michaelgordon2
6 Mar 16 #85
I would like to know this also, can't find out anything on
spondon30 to michaelgordon2
6 Mar 16 #93
Only normal 4g.
hoof hearted
6 Mar 16 #92
Fantastic deal - thanks OP.
6 Mar 16 #91
Ordered for the wife whose cashback o2 contract is coming to an end this week. Anybody who can't be bothered with these cashback deals is quite frankly an idiot. How can you get it wrong when you just go on your network account, download a PDF bill to your desktop, then upload onto e2save/ And you get two months to do each bill!

You cannot match these cashback deals for value.
6 Mar 16 #90
my two year £23.99 contract is just ending in next month with EE, I find the reception great wherever I go, will have to phone up to see what they offer but looks like it might be porting my number to a payg sim then porting back to this one, cant go wrong for £3 per month
6 Mar 16 #89
The first 3 months are half price
6 Mar 16 #88
First three months are half price.
6 Mar 16 #87
How 8.50 pm? If it's 27.99/m then 12 months that is 335.88 and then 192 cashback brings it down to 143.88. 143.88/12 = £11.99/month
6 Mar 16 1 #25
Good deal would have went for this but just signed up recently to EE 12 months sim only unlimited texts calls 5gb data £12.99 per month
hamzii786 to kaiser051
6 Mar 16 #86
Where from?
6 Mar 16 #79
redemption = cold (from multiple terrible experiences)
Derek_Duval to elbs
6 Mar 16 #80
From how long ago? What happened?
mrwhitelabel to elbs
6 Mar 16 #84
That's obviously yours but not everyone Inc mine
6 Mar 16 #83
Can this be capped? Currently with tesco and would hate to get a nasty sized bill.
6 Mar 16 1 #5
This is also available directly with EE with £100 amazon voucher or £97 cashback through topcashback. So many choices but good deal.

Heat added
king464 to northerngeezer
6 Mar 16 1 #6
do you have a link to the deal available directly from EE? or is it just ring them and ask for it?
gazdoubleu to northerngeezer
6 Mar 16 #7
​Can we have a link please as can't see on EE website
Pixam to northerngeezer
6 Mar 16 #14
Where is the deal direct with EE?
terriclarkfan to northerngeezer
6 Mar 16 #82
Can't see the £100 Amazon offer on the EE website - any chance of a link to it, please?
6 Mar 16 #67
Does this site still offer cashback in cheques? I thought every site has moved on to paperless online translations.
Anon to greenair
6 Mar 16 #77
Yes they currently still pay out by cheque from Carphone Dixoin
6 Mar 16 #76
hmm, i should be going for this, got the missus and eldest daughter on tesco mobile at the moment, and the middle daugther is with talkmobile think i'll port there numbers over to EE and take advantage of this deal. will have to work out on which months the claim has to be done to how much i have to lay out before i get any cashback.
6 Mar 16 #72
Tempted. Just left EE after doing the amazon voucher one last year (though I ended up getting lucky and getting the topcashback AND the Amazon voucher!), as they wouldn't offer me anything. Went to the life mobile £6 a month thing.

Will I be able to re-join EE so soon after leaving or is there a minimum period?
Derek_Duval to jono8
6 Mar 16 #75
You can have more than one EE contract, so there's no issue with taking out this offer after leaving. I've always overlapped my contracts in the past with mobiles and e2save.
6 Mar 16 #74
6 Mar 16 #71
I'm currently on EE Payg and want to keep my number.

It would take a few days to port my number out and back again in which time the offer might have gone.

How long do give you to port your number over? I'm concerned the cashback claims might fail if my number changes on the EE bill after a while.
Derek_Duval to JohnnyUtah
6 Mar 16 #73
AFAIK the option to change your number on the mobiles site is there for the duration of your contract, so I don't think it would be a problem changing it before your first claim.
6 Mar 16 #70
I just thought if it's classed as an upgrade, I wouldn't have to pay £30 for my final Vodafone phone bill. But £3 a month is so cheap it doesn't really matter
6 Mar 16 #69
Very good deal. Heat added. Tempted on it as my contract is expiring in few months.

I have done a redemption deal with few years back on a 24 months deal, all 5 redemptions spread over 24 months had been paid via cheque posted to the home address. All you need is to mark down the calendar and log on to their website to upload the pdf bills.
6 Mar 16 #65
I just don't understand the cash back offers. They bank on u not sending for it or they say they didn't receive on time. I had it once with carphone n they r really bad, never again
Skint1 to sarahoceandream
6 Mar 16 #68
I have had 6 contracts with cashbacks for myself and family. never had any hassle. as long as you are organised with dates etc it will be ok. as said before, you download your bill from ee and send a copy via the website to easy compared to donkeys ago when you had to send paper copy through the post.
6 Mar 16 #63
So correct me if im wrong

im currently on 3 PAYG 321 tariff, i can move my number over and still be eligible for the cashback, plus I can do a pdf copy of my bill and send online via my account, and after 12 months I can port back to 3 PAYG or another offer

Plus £5.25 Topcashback making this £30.73 per year or £2.56 a month, seems amazing!

Also Do they do a hard credit check and also do they send the account details to the credit ref agencies, would be good if they did send the info
Anon to benchaud
6 Mar 16 #66
Yes I would think it appears on credit reference agency reports as it is a minimum 12 month contract
6 Mar 16 1 #64
if this was 4gb i would of lapped it up
6 Mar 16 #57
Pity just upgraded last week! Doh!
Anon to m5rcc
6 Mar 16 #62
You may still be in your cancellation period? Could cancel your upgrade and get this.
6 Mar 16 #54
seems like this cashback by redemption can only can done via post? Seems like a hassle to me, but good deal nonetheless.

Topcashback gives you £99 online without hassle and as a lazy guy, I would go for that instead
MDDr to ChowMein4U
6 Mar 16 #55
It looks like there is an option to submit it online as well. From the website:

Alternatively, you can submit an online version of your bill via your My Account area by clicking here.

I assume that EE just give PDF/JPG copies of the bill which can then be uploaded? thanks
mrwhitelabel to ChowMein4U
6 Mar 16 #61
Takes me 5 mins to download a pdf bill , save a just the page needed with all plan and address details (no need to send them your itemised call list) as a new pdf and upload.

have 2 current contract ending this month, been paid on each , each and every payment period one on o2 and one on vodafone ...
will be going for one of these now too
6 Mar 16 #60
Thank you again. I should have looked at their website properly!
6 Mar 16 #59
6 Mar 16 #58
thanks for the clarification.

BTW, there doesn't seem to be an option to give a PAC at any stage during ordering - is this given at a later date? Sorry, never ordered from before...cheers
6 Mar 16 1 #56
Yes you can download a pdf of your bill from EE and can upload to Mobiles or e2save.
6 Mar 16 #45
Not that great a deal, but probably best you can get AT THE MOMENT if you can handle doing a cashback. A few yrs ago you got a decent phone, and 100% free line rental. Now the aim should be to atleast get a 100% free line rental sim only or 100% free line rental and a duff phone at the mimimum.
Ashe to zaheer2003
6 Mar 16 #46
I've done quite a few deals where I've paid basically nothing in the end, and none have had anything like the 2GB of data per month this deal offers. With that amount, it is a great deal.
Derek_Duval to zaheer2003
6 Mar 16 #53
Those deals haven't been around for a few years now, and never included data. Claiming cashback has become more easy and reliable since then aswell, that's probably why they don't offer those deals anymore, because they cant afford to. I think you're unlikely to beat this deal in the near future.
6 Mar 16 #52
Great offer, ordered
6 Mar 16 #51
thanks think I'm going to go for it
6 Mar 16 #47
My Vodafone contract is due to expire mid april, can I upgrade to this sim only plan? It's just I can upgrade with Vodafone now if I wanted, wasn't sure if I could with other networks/to a sim only
Skint1 to HarryShotta
6 Mar 16 1 #50
you don't need to upgrade really. give vodafone the 30 day notice you are cancelling and order one of these now as its only £3 a month after cashback.
6 Mar 16 #49
Is that the same rule if you're with Orange/T-Mobile?
6 Mar 16 #48
a good offer
6 Mar 16 #44
Great deal. Full price after the 12 months but port your number to someone like giff gaff then back to a new EE cashback deal
6 Mar 16 #43
As much as I dislike EE as a company to deal with, without any doubt they have the best 4G connection all around where I live. So I try to get on a decent deal with them and avoid contacting them, cross fingers nothing messes up :stuck_out_tongue: worked so far haha
6 Mar 16 #42
When you go to checkout it gives you the option to purchase this as an upgrade, has anyone got either cash back or voucher when purchasing this as an upgrade?
Has anyone purchased this as an upgrade?
I'm with ee already, have my PAC code as there are some good sim only deals out there, but can't be bothered swapping and changing if I don't need to?
6 Mar 16 #41
6 Mar 16 1 #40
I've just applied for this deal. Got my PAC two weeks ago, but after failing to get the Vodafone 20GB deal last week, I just wanted a cheap contract. A customer of Three since 2011, i'm currently paying £10/month for 2GB/200mins/Unltd Txts + 3000 3to3 mins. I got the EE 25GB for £15/month a few weeks ago so this contract should be good for me. I will use the cash I save to pay the £7.50 a month for Netflix :-)

Don't forget that if you have certain current accounts you'll get 3% cash back on the £14.99 too!
6 Mar 16 #36
I'm with Giffgaff and about to switch to EE for 30 day rolling sim only plan. Have gone through their credit check and given details for direct debit and the sim is on the way. Just discovered this deal and very tempted to go with this instead. Would I be able to do that?
Bunglistik to RTP
6 Mar 16 #39
You'll have a cooling off period to cancel the contract, just don't activate it once received, but call them up

By the way, did you sign up online or over the 'phone?
6 Mar 16 #38
​very good deal. Best deal on best network.
6 Mar 16 #37
6 Mar 16 #35
How is it guaranteed if they have a rejection rate of 36%? Looks like it also has tracking assigned to different affiliates than the cash back site you thought you signed up with!
6 Mar 16 #34
Using for two SIM only contracts with O2 and Voda, incredibly easy to claim, decent claim period (60 days after bill date) and very quick turnaround (24hrs to accept claim and 2 weeks for cheque to arrive in the post).

Mobiles are owned by Carphone Warehouse who won't be going down anytime soon though they could wind down the site for whatever reason, either way IMO return outweighs any risk.
6 Mar 16 2 #12
Just phoned Three to tell them I was moving to this deal after receiving my "The One Plan is over letter".

Best the call centre guy could offer was £16/month for unlimited calls, 8gb of data and unlimited texts.

Not "making it right for me".

Goodbye, the end.
DealJourno to sjr1548
6 Mar 16 #33
I'm leaving Three and currently getting the deal they offered you for £15pm on a monthly rolling contract. I've read messages on here were people are on that deal for £13pm, but they could be on 12mth contracts. Good price for this EE one.
6 Mar 16 1 #32
For those who need more data and prefer EE fast 4G speeds, check out this cashback deal.
unlimited minutes/text+8gb data works out about 8.50 pm.
6 Mar 16 #29
I'm on ee pay as you go, can I buy this to my current number or it'll require a new sim with a different number.
6 Mar 16 #27
I pay 13 per month for unlimited unlimited 4gb with ee. so this is good dear at 3 quid p.m
6 Mar 16 #26
Are there any more deals with more data?
6 Mar 16 #24
Just got this deal for £10! Am already an EE customer and contract has ended. Was threatening to leave and go to a similar deal on BT.
6 Mar 16 #22
If I buy this now, can I chose when my contract starts?
kamran007 to jasewithaface
6 Mar 16 #23
6 Mar 16 #18
Would agree just finishing O2 sim only contract via and claimed cash back all been paid promptly after submitting pdf copy of bill on line with a week. this looks too cheap to not give it a go, enough usage for me.
6 Mar 16 #17
Gr8 deal. I currently get Cash back from
It's So simple
6 Mar 16 9 #16
Now that BT have bought EE, I'll be running away as fast possible once my contract expires in a few months.
6 Mar 16 #15
Cann you upgrade onto this deal if you are on T-Mobile contract that ends in 45 days?
6 Mar 16 1 #13
How do i navigate to this specific deal starting on weblink?
easy tiger
6 Mar 16 4 #11
By the way I have had a cashback deal with this company and it's so simple these days, it's all done online. No posting by recorded delivery etc
6 Mar 16 3 #3
Is it not only £5 cash back for EE SIM Only contracts
backinstock to Anglebox
6 Mar 16 4 #9
£5.10 with imutual.
The cashback is guaranteed there. Far too many declines with topcashback!
Not much to decline, but I'd prefer a couple of guaranteed pints. :smile:
easy tiger
6 Mar 16 #8
Good deal. I'm paying £15.99 per month for Ultd mins, Ultd text and 2GB data. Heat added
6 Mar 16 #4
Seems pretty good
6 Mar 16 1 #2
Also £20 cashback from quidco
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

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