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21 Feb 16
Cheap lease deal, star deal of the week from National Vehicle Solutions, used them before and found them to be very good.

10,000 miles per annum.

Seems like an excellent price for an ideal vehicle if you own a farm or work in the construction/engineering industries, or need an offroad workhorse....or to do that school run.

Also available as a personal lease for £183.22 PM plus £1099.32 Initial

In stock vehicle so usually delivery within 2-3 weeks.

RRP is £24,000
Top comments
21 Feb 16 31 #7
This is an off road work vehicle, not saying you would always be carrying loads of bricks around in the rear, but would be interested to know how many scratches and dents would be acceptable on return?
21 Feb 16 5 #13
But will it do 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene? :smile:
21 Feb 16 4 #14
Will the payload on this be enough to carry all the branston beans I buy when they are on offer?
All comments (56)
21 Feb 16 #1
amazing deal for a great rugged vehicle although the new Mitsubishi l200 won the group test and is rated 5*
21 Feb 16 #2
I will be amazed if anyone honours that price!
krishman to leewills8
21 Feb 16 #3
I think it's a good price because it's stock they are trying to clear
21 Feb 16 #4
this is +vat tho
krishman to phatgesus
21 Feb 16 #5
Incl VAT prices in description for personal lease
21 Feb 16 #6
good price... just wonder how much will be for car insurance.
21 Feb 16 31 #7
This is an off road work vehicle, not saying you would always be carrying loads of bricks around in the rear, but would be interested to know how many scratches and dents would be acceptable on return?
Besford to Dinger42
21 Feb 16 1 #19
No - it's for rednecks' trips to the pub. Those who tow their home behind them probably won't be eligible for a lease so they can throw as much tarmac in the back as they like!
sm-1991 to Dinger42
22 Feb 16 1 #22
Land Rover & Range Rovers are off-road vehicles but how many mums go off road after the school run?

I have seen quite a few mothers (they are all short) drive big ass ford Rangers, VW and Nissan pick ups around the city and at school runs in the morning.
jacko791 to Dinger42
22 Feb 16 #23
All the large leasing firms will follow BVRLA guidelines about return condition of vehicle. For commercial vehicles this means that most damage to the load area is acceptable unless it is a quite significant dent. The rest of the vehicle will need to be returned to the same standard as any normal rented car
21 Feb 16 #8
21 Feb 16 1 #9
Or for £179.23+vat more (£215.08) you could have the better model...... but have no idea what you would get extra as never really looked or wanted one myself.
21 Feb 16 #10
Seems great value for money, heat!
21 Feb 16 #11
Oh just looked and the next model up gets alloys (I thought that would have been standard on all cars like this) also push button start!!!!! Cruise and a lot of chrome!! So guess well worth the little bit more unless it's just a workhorse and don't care what it looks like.
21 Feb 16 1 #12
Well, if you need it for business / farm, you wouldn't buy it as all the damage you will have on return, will cost more then the lease itself.

This car is not good for personal / family use either, we have the previous L200 and I needed to use it for couple of months inbetween changing cars. Very hard ride, not much space for kids in the back and no booth.

Also it burns 8-9l / 100km diesel if you are gentle

Maybe it is a great deal, but I wonder how many people will benefit from that.
21 Feb 16 5 #13
But will it do 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene? :smile:
21 Feb 16 4 #14
Will the payload on this be enough to carry all the branston beans I buy when they are on offer?
21 Feb 16 2 #15
​I guess that this should be funny, but I don't get why in UK you buy liquids by liter, not galon, but your fuel economy is in mpg.

Maybe it should be km per galon
21 Feb 16 #16
It's an EU thing.
21 Feb 16 #17
Useful if the title quoted that it was for business users and ex VAT.
21 Feb 16 #18
No longer VAT deductible :smirk:
u102199 to OrribleHarry
22 Feb 16 #28
Yes, needs a one tonne payload to qualify doesn't it? Is everyone getting picked up on this, seems a bit hit or miss whether you get pulled or not.
21 Feb 16 1 #20
Had a previous model of navara ( provided by work) and just lol at this type or cars.. they are just useless at carrying anything serious, my Jazz has better practicality than this car! only good for their 4x4 but than again who even needs 4x4 in this country ,maybe once a year.
itsjonboyok to 229mel
22 Feb 16 #39
Agree with people who live in towns - but if u work in the country there is no substitute for a 4x4, Towing and off road capabilities are the main reason.
I like the navara's to drive but Ive had my 55 plate for 10yrs and the chassis has rusted inside out also nissan did not correct water ingres into the cab whilst under warranty.
21 Feb 16 #21
All those voting hot. Anyone even going for it? Just interested in knowing why they've made the choice :smile:
jacko791 to ZazZYo
22 Feb 16 #24
If you're after a pickup then this is arguably the best of the current bunch. This and the L200 are probably the most refined and also have the highest load capacities
The L200 has a lower towing capability though which is what puts the Navara ahead.
The Isuzu is a decent workhorse but drives awful. The Ranger is OK and tows a reasonable weight but is otherwise behind the L200 and Navara.
Price on this is ridiculously good. I've recently been trying to order a fleet of these and couldn't get prices anywhere near this. I'm guessing they must have made too many of this entry level spec so are trying to clear stock.
22 Feb 16 #25
Have an L200 myself and tempted to trade for the new series 5 L200
22 Feb 16 #26
"Those that tow their houses behind them" don't seem to have any trouble getting lease vehicles around my way, which is odd because I am sure to get finance and car insurance you need to give a residential address.
Besford to st_elswhere
22 Feb 16 #46
Usually cash and a few big mates, one of whom can read and write (a bit). Really.
22 Feb 16 #27
I've had a previous version Navara and it was a tough cookie and pretty in-destructable. I've currently got a Ranger which although I think looks the business its somewhat unrefined and thirsty with an uncomfortable ride. I test drove the new Navara a month back and its leaps ahead of the previous version and the Ranger in terms or comfort and refinement. Whilst a facelifted Ranger is just out, its not a bottom up new model like the Navara is.

I'm guessing this price is so good as the most popular version is the Tekna with all the kit. Thats the model I have on order at a chunky discount. We use it in our business and as a family vehicle and its tax efficient compared to us buying a car.
22 Feb 16 #29
The VAT thing seems to say that if it can carry a 1 tonne payload or more you're fine and who is actually going to check whether you are using it for goods or people?
deany76 to lukepearson9216
22 Feb 16 #30
I thought is a vehicle has:
1/ rear seats fitted
2/ rear side windows you can see through
3/ seat belts fitter (as per law and 1/)

and the insurers of course need to know above, if its been modified.

Then it can NOT be classified as a commercial vehicle, and VAT can't be claimed back.

Double cabs are a 'grey' area

and as you say "The 1 tonne rule only applies to double cab pick-ups, not to any other vehicle."
kevinyork to lukepearson9216
22 Feb 16 #43
Yes it does state that. This model has a payload of 1052 suggesting it qualifies.

I think any double cab pick up maker would be silly to introduce a non VAT reclaim qualifying version in the UK as its sales would be severely hit.
22 Feb 16 #31
Appreciate the link. This is why we never give employees leased vans.
As a matter of interest do most bosses (what %) get their staff to pay the excess on damage if there is an insurance claim? (no one injured)
Also do bosses get staff to pay lease 'damage on return' costs?
& is the above in their Terms and conditions of employment?
We have £15,0000 Peugeot Experts and some treat them well, some not, one seem to treat his van very badly (messy etc).
We have 6 monthly 'Health checks' by ATS (member of office staff knows someone who works at ATS) & the 12 month MOT and service. and weekly van check reports.
Dr Zoidberg
22 Feb 16 1 #32
22 Feb 16 #33
Its now saying they have the Acenta for the same price?
22 Feb 16 #34
what can you pick up with this?
22 Feb 16 #35
Looks very interesting. Thank you.
22 Feb 16 #36
We will be changing back to gallons in June my mate Boris told me on the quiet. So don't pass it on! :man:
22 Feb 16 #37
We're bilingual, mpg, litres/100km, inches/cm, metres/yards, lb/kg etc etc
22 Feb 16 1 #38
Great episode.."put it in h"..that's my afternoon accounted for..trawling youtube for simpsons clips
22 Feb 16 1 #40

Rugged you say? Owners of earlier ones with them snapping like that would tend to disagree.
itsjonboyok to Avalon-One
22 Feb 16 #50
Ah its got the rear tipping bed option!!
22 Feb 16 #41
I seem to remember reading somewhere that if the payload area is bigger than the passenger area, then it can be classed as a van, sorry, can't make reference to it, as I can't remember where I read it, as an example, a Transit Custom double cab in L2 variant, would qualify as a van.
22 Feb 16 #42
Is this £183 x 24 + £1099 (initial rent) + £240 (admin) total therefore £239 per month for 2 years?
itsjonboyok to brutallogic
22 Feb 16 #44
Think so- if you cannot reclaim the vat
22 Feb 16 #45
Presumably they had tatoos too? :wink:
22 Feb 16 #47
​Not entirely sure of the rules but the price drop is a direct result. These were basically a tax deductible "car" however when I enquired my accountant said this was no longer the case, she didn't specify why.
22 Feb 16 #48
Maybe they are better at spelling than you ??
They may wear PJ's for the school run, drive 4x4's but have the occasional TATTOO ???
22 Feb 16 #49
Ah, thanks - not a word I have much opportunity to use! :wink:
22 Feb 16 #51
Our vehicles are shared so it's hard for us to track damage etc. We have a company wide bonus which is affected by the amount of damage to vehicles. It's helped since we brought that in. Effectively the company still foots about 75% of the damage costs but the guys make more of an effort when they know it affects what's in their pocket, even if it's only a tiny amount.
22 Feb 16 #52
Really good idea I think we will almost certainly bring that in when we update the fleet (trying to get 7 years use and then buy them outright, they do under 15k a year) we've been putting money in a different account after the 3 years finance ended.
We do have an 'attendance bonus scheme' so staff think twice about being off - they lose their bonus after being off more than one day every six months.
Since introduction, sickness levels now are very low, for some strange reason.
22 Feb 16 #53
tempting. hmmm. £183.22 PM.

Don't need it though, but do need a motor. Need to get rid of my crappy Peugeot estate. This deal is tempting.
23 Feb 16 #54
very tempting....
24 Feb 16 #55
cracking deal, highly recommend this company as I got the a4 deal through them and they were a pleasure to deal with.
8 Mar 16 #56
Still tempting
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