Was marked up at £40 in store. Assumed to be a decent deal?
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finnmaccool to ficosaneil
31 Oct 153#2
Thanks for posting
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31 Oct 15#1
I got one similar to this for £8 delivered off ebay, works a treat too
finnmaccool to ficosaneil
31 Oct 153#2
Thanks for posting
31 Oct 15#3
tv aerial. old school
crazylegs to Flora82
2 Nov 15#20
Until your broadband connection goes down and then it New School all over again! :stuck_out_tongue::D
31 Oct 151#4
Might be ok in stronger signal areas but it's really only a 5 element aerial in terms of gain although it doesn't state the gain so hard to judge performance, probably fine in a tight fitting spot in the loft where signals are good but probably need a bigger/more elements in lower signal areas.
Would the 2 mentioned work for a loft mounted Ariel or should I be looking for more specialist Ariel ?
What tools required for a DIY job on Ariel?
Quotes to install are around £100 for the few places I called so far.
31 Oct 15#6
20 element aerial, £9.09 delivered from eBay, item number 380910592579.
spannerzone to ficosaneil
1 Nov 15#8
That one is probably much the same as this deal, so half price, no sign of gain and again, really what might be classed as a 5 element. Good price though.
31 Oct 15#7
Exactly same position for me. **** took the aerial on the house I just moved in to (including everything else).
Prefer a loft mounted aerial and the coax cables still here so I'm assuming it's a case of just fitting a new aerial and booster
1 Nov 151#9
The Amazon aerial comes with pole and mount and so all you need is longer cable if the supplied 10m isn't long enough. The TLC is a slightly better performer but needs cable, bracket, pole and connector to be added into cost.
They're fairly easy to install if you're ok with basic DIY and working in a loft, look at your neighbour's aerial and note whether their aerial is mounted horizontal or vertical (rods flat or rods up), fix the antenna to a suitable bit of wood high as possible in the loft, with least amount of obstructions such as chimneys etc. If you're in a low signal area then a loft aerial may not be good enough. If you run more than 1 TV you'll need some way to split the cable (using splitters or amp with multi TV outlet)
1 Nov 15#10
Should be easy enough, if only 1 TV (1 cable in loft) then replace with a new aerial such as this, if multi cables in loft then it may feed several TV points, if several TV points in house then an amp with multi outlets may be required and that means mains power in the loft is usually required too, but not always, depending on how it was all originally set up.
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If you've got the space I'd probably spend a couple pounds more and get something like this
or this
What tools required for a DIY job on Ariel?
Quotes to install are around £100 for the few places I called so far.
Prefer a loft mounted aerial and the coax cables still here so I'm assuming it's a case of just fitting a new aerial and booster
They're fairly easy to install if you're ok with basic DIY and working in a loft, look at your neighbour's aerial and note whether their aerial is mounted horizontal or vertical (rods flat or rods up), fix the antenna to a suitable bit of wood high as possible in the loft, with least amount of obstructions such as chimneys etc. If you're in a low signal area then a loft aerial may not be good enough. If you run more than 1 TV you'll need some way to split the cable (using splitters or amp with multi TV outlet)