i ordered to click and collect for free down from 45 to £10 multi size available.
hope it helps
All comments (22)
17 Oct 15#1
site isn't working properly for me .. keeps going round in a circle - select store, click 'continue' then back to click and collect and select store again
17 Oct 15#2
I gone through topcash back %1 cash back aswell:)
17 Oct 15#3
I had to download the bloody app to complete the purchase. and these doodson's went out of stock in my size as well but they've got a few different choices knocked down to a tenner as well so all is good
17 Oct 152#4
I've voted hot purely on the basis that I have now seen Fila trainers and Kappa tracksuit bottoms in the same day.
I'm jumping on eBay for some Adidas popper pants #90sRule
Gollywood to BuzzDuraband
17 Oct 151#6
Surely Sergio Tacchini would top it off...
17 Oct 15#5
+ £3.99 postage
stuarthanley to sunkissed
17 Oct 15#8
Not on click & collect, it's free.
17 Oct 151#7
and henry lloyed , Kappa :laughing:
17 Oct 15#9
Your right i have put free click&collect
17 Oct 15#10
I've been to the Leeds game today, embarrassingly they are a Kappa sponsored team now, I was going to pop into Sports Direct where there could have been a high possibility of a Sergio Tacchini spotting, but so far, it hasn't happened :disappointed:
Still, Kappa and Fila in the same day? Thats going in the Dear Diary :smile:
Opening post
hope it helps
All comments (22)
I'm jumping on eBay for some Adidas popper pants #90sRule
Still, Kappa and Fila in the same day? Thats going in the Dear Diary :smile: