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December return Easyjet flights Luton to Essaouira, Morocco £35.00 or flights+3 nights B&B for £58pp
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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Opening post
8 Oct 15
Take advantage of Easyjet's new direct flights from Luton to Essaouira to enjoy a long weekend break in this seaside city. Essaouira enjoys a mild climate and though it can be windy, you can expect sunshine and temperatures of around 20c in Dec. I've been before at this time of year and it was lovely. It's a chilled town with a lovely souk, beach and port and without the big hustle of Marrakech.

Combine it with B&B in a double room in Dar Latigeo, rated 84 on Trivago for £7.50pppn/ £15 per night per room. So £75 each for a long weekend all in. Taxis between the airport and town are 150DH each way (less than £15).

Flight details: Sat 5 Dec, dep LTN 07.10, arr ESU 10.50. Return Tue 8 Dec, dep ESU 16.20, arrive LTN 19.55

Hotel details: plenty of choices but Dar Latigeo is available with free cancellation for £15 per room per night on these dates at Don't forget to go via quidco/ topcashback to save, or use a voucher.

Other dates available at good prices too. Personally, I am going on 28 November for three nights at £38 and we are staying in Dar Sabon for a few pounds extra.
Top comments
BadBrainz to kipikachuko
9 Oct 15 4 #12
It's the perfect country to visit as a young family. We traveled the whole country by campervan 2 years ago with our 2 year old. We found it felt as safe as most of Europe. The people are generally friendlier they love kids. Marrakech is fine with a little one we staged in the centre and explored the Medina and the stinking tanneries with our daughter she loved it. It's a fantastic city don't let anyone put you off. Some people just love to worry. Enjoy :smiley:
davidbrent to MrGimmeThatHeat
9 Oct 15 4 #8

I think you two commented on the wrong deal. This is the Easyjet thread not Alton Towers.
All comments (28)
8 Oct 15 #1
Sat 05 December 2015
London Luton
to Essaouira
Dep 07:10 - Arr 10:50
Flight EZY2039
2 Adults 2 x £18.24

Tue 08 December 2015
to London Luton
Dep 16:20 - Arr 19:55
Flight EZY2040
2 Adults 2 x £16.97
Subtotal flights and options for all passengers: £70.42
8 Oct 15 1 #2
not bad.
heat frm me.
been to essaouira and enjoyed it.
8 Oct 15 #3
going to look look more into this as looks great n cheap xxx
9 Oct 15 1 #4
Just look out for shady characters carrying violin cases on the beach....
9 Oct 15 #5
How is Marrakech please? I just found flight from bristol to marrakech for £117 for 2 adults and one toddler (2 years old) and I thought it is really cheap but not sure is that a nice place to visit? Thanks
davidbrent to kipikachuko
9 Oct 15 2 #9
It's probably the last place I would want to take a toddler to be honest. I stayed in the Medina (the central medieval walled area) in a beautiful riad (massive townhouse with an open air courtyard) so it would probably be different if you stayed in the outskirts but then you could be staying anywhere.. The issue in the Medina is that there are very few streets and mainly tiny alleyways. Not a problem until you realise Morrocans in Marrakech LOVE their mopeds. THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS OF MOPEDS (months on, I still have a nervous twitch when I hear a moped engine). All trying to go up and down and across the same tiny maze-like alleyways as you and thousands of other pedestrians\donkeys\handcart pushers. You'll get hassled in the souks by traders selling you everything under the sun, hassled anywhere from the general public trying to give you directions and expecting payment, I expected that but for me, if I had a toddler, it would mean I wouldn't stay in or visit the Medina as it would be too much hassle getting around. The crowds as well in the souks (markets) would put me off as well if I had a small child.
animoh4 to kipikachuko
9 Oct 15 1 #10
I go there every year, love it! And if you're taking a toddler doesn't mean don't go. I would recommend staying at a resort near the Atlas Mountains they're family friendly and have activities for kids. I stay in the medina area because I go with adults. Love the hustle and bustle and the Moroccan people are so friendly
BadBrainz to kipikachuko
9 Oct 15 4 #12
It's the perfect country to visit as a young family. We traveled the whole country by campervan 2 years ago with our 2 year old. We found it felt as safe as most of Europe. The people are generally friendlier they love kids. Marrakech is fine with a little one we staged in the centre and explored the Medina and the stinking tanneries with our daughter she loved it. It's a fantastic city don't let anyone put you off. Some people just love to worry. Enjoy :smiley:
9 Oct 15 #6
Great deal if you dont mind your legs being crushed lol
Crustybeaver to MrGimmeThatHeat
9 Oct 15 #7
Or your ears perforated by screaming 2 year olds
davidbrent to MrGimmeThatHeat
9 Oct 15 4 #8

I think you two commented on the wrong deal. This is the Easyjet thread not Alton Towers.
9 Oct 15 #11
Essaouira is fantastic. If you're near Luton this is a fantastic deal. Book one of the beautiful Riads in the ancient Medina. And don't forget to go to the Bob Marley shop :wink:
9 Oct 15 #13
hi, which are these resorts that you mention? are they like all inclusive with stuff to do for the kids? any names or recommendations? Ive been to Marrakech and essauiora with the OH and loved it. definitely want to take the kids but need things for them to do so they are entertained.

essaioura is so chilled out, lazing by the beach, going to the fish market, picking your fresh food and getting it cooked in the restaurant next door...great memories.
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