Space Codex is a casual retro arcade minimal awesome top-down shooter featuring waves of enemy spaceships with different attacks in what is, literally, a bullet hell. To beat them, you will have power-up options available through the map.
User reviews: OVERALL: Very Positive (74 reviews) Release Date: 9 May, 2016
For people that don't have IndieGala account, next steps are required 1. Be logged into Indiegala in your browser 2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account 3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group 4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public (Thanks to DavidBGD)
8 Jul 17#5
OP posted a deal link to the wrong game. It links to codex of victory instead of space codex. Might want to fix that.
heyshul to LocanTank
8 Jul 17#6
Hmm, that's weird. I think the link changed while the image was added (which I guess other people can do because I didn't). I'll try and fix that as soon as possible if I can.
8 Jul 17#4
Thanks, for some reason the main deal link didn't take me to the right page, just a page advertising the codex of victory game but the link you posted worked fine...
Opening post
User reviews:
OVERALL: Very Positive (74 reviews)
Release Date: 9 May, 2016
For people that don't have IndieGala account, next steps are required
1. Be logged into Indiegala in your browser
2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account
3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group
4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public
(Thanks to DavidBGD)
You'll need to scroll down to near the bottom to the mass giveaway box.