ps: just kidding :smile: yeah when i get a sec will do as just buying the mrs a few movies
Latest comments (67)
6 Aug 17#67
few arrived already. including Breaking bad complete which i cant wait to get into.
1 Aug 17#66
checked account, and all were free.
1 Aug 17#65
You sure you've not actually bought the current ones then :grin: :laughing:
1 Aug 17#64
I ordered a number of movies and all have been dispatched and received.....funny thing is the credit is still showing on my account. Will wait a couple of months and then use credit.
30 Jul 17#63
I pre ordered a few dvds and 2 have been despatched :
30 Jul 17#62
Hahaha I thought I got enough!
30 Jul 17#61
30 Jul 17#60
Ha how much?
30 Jul 17#59
Anyway, in my panic of losing the credit, I blew the lot. All showing as dispatched bar one (which isnt out until November anyway).
30 Jul 17#58
To be honest, the prices on sky store for buy and keep are hefty to say the least. Breaking bad complete seasons £60. It's half that elsewhere.
Sky haven't lost a lot on this overall. Especially those who just rented as that's obviously no cost to sky....
29 Jul 17#57
Claimed would mean you generated the code on the site, redeemed is when the code is applied to your sky account in exchange for the £5.49.
It seems that any funds added at the time were honoured. I wonder how many codes in all were redeemed. Some people were claiming them by the dozen! If they applied them all to their account they have god knows much £££. Taking the pee really, but tbh this was all the fault of MSE. I can't imagine sky are too pleased about any of this.
29 Jul 17#56
Redeemed is added to your account
29 Jul 17#55
Thank God I redeemed my codes and fair play sky for honoring
29 Jul 17#54
However, what is meant by Claimed but not redeemed. Redeemed meaning you have the code? Or meaning you have entered it on SkyStore? Or meaning you have made purchase using code?
My orders seem to be dispatched so fingers crossed
29 Jul 17#53
From MSE:
Sky Store free film rental - deal postponed It's been postponed due to technical problems at Sky's end If you saw a Sky Store free film rental deal here on Tue 25 Jun, sadly it's been postponed due to technical problems at Sky's end.
Sky told us it won’t be honouring any codes that have been claimed but not redeemed.
Any future campaigns will be treated separately and everyone will have the same chance at getting a code next time around.
We’re hopeful it will return and we'll let you know when it does in our weekly email.
28 Jul 17#52
do you think they'll reopen this promotion when they've fixed their schoolboy error? Or have all of the code gone maybe
28 Jul 17#51
Got 4 pending, 2 emails saying dispatched, 2 not released yet anyway. Digital copies work fine
28 Jul 17#50
Is anyone's order stuck at pending
26 Jul 17#49
This is like the blinkbox credit thing from a few years ago all over again. You would think they would learn.
26 Jul 17#48
Yep - I subseqently posted a correction.
26 Jul 17#47
Someone above said the codes were duplicated, don't know if that meant by sky or by people generating codes
26 Jul 17#46
Think it was getting abused that much some codes where duplicated, or the code was made invalid when they shut it down maybe
26 Jul 17#45
Only got one code as per T&C, but when click the link in the email it says it is invalid. :-( How can this be as code came direct from them. Have there been issues?
26 Jul 17#44
Yet again greedy t w a t s ruin an honest deal.
26 Jul 17#43
Once added to your account, for any Vouchers issued from 16th December 2016, you will have 12 months in which to use your credit balance before the balance is removed from your account. For Vouchers issued prior to this date you will have 36 months in which to use your credit balance before it is removed from your account.
Terms of the vouchers from sky store.
26 Jul 17#42
Greedy though.
26 Jul 17#41
I think the worst that could happen if you've used the vouchers is not honour them and cancel orders, or ask you to pay full price. It's a glitch they didn't spot and people took advantage, I don't think it would be classed as fraud.
26 Jul 17#40
If anyone has a spare code it would be appreciated missed this one thanks in advance
26 Jul 17#39
I'm worried I might have the police at my door in the morning. I've conned Sky out of about £180. Went back on later to try for more but the deal had been suspended. Could I be charged with fraud? Or would I get out of it by just saying I got unwanted free codes from friends and family who had spare vouchers?
26 Jul 17#38
Also BD3V7S33YTRB Don't ask me for anymore that's all I had!
26 Jul 17#37
Can't seem to decide how to use my credit... So many choices.
26 Jul 17#36
Try this didn't work for myself ZHHRZQGY3NY4
26 Jul 17#34
It did work =) I requested through the link a few hours but couldn't redeem until now
26 Jul 17#35
No you didn't have to You could use any email and get a code ......the reason the codes didn't work was because they were being duplicated....that's why sky pulled the plug
26 Jul 17#32
Oh dear, really? Real life got in the way so didn't apply the codes to my account, thought I could do it on the box! :disappointed:
26 Jul 17#33
You had to use the same email address as in your Sky/NowTV account or it says invalid. I got that wrong first go too.
26 Jul 17#30
I think the codes where being duplicated so you may have missed out
26 Jul 17#31
i ordered two dvd's advised via email on way today. had 6 codes but only 4 worked. Saving 2 to try again over the weekend to see if they work then.
26 Jul 17#28
I managed to get a few codes whilst the deal was live but now they are all saying invalid when I try to redeem online, please does anyone know why? Was looking forward to watching a couple of movies :disappointed:
26 Jul 17#29
Or Netflix radio times offer... My free 10 months just coming to an end...
26 Jul 17#26
Yeah I'd rather the orders get cancelled than my card charged! See what happens anyway!
26 Jul 17#27
Dvd on its way apparently...
26 Jul 17#25
I missed it too :disappointed:
26 Jul 17#24
It's a bit of a worry though. Maybe if there's no card on the account they'll just cancel the orders. I'd prefer that
26 Jul 17#22
Good job the card registered to my account is no longer in use then!
26 Jul 17#23
damn missed this
26 Jul 17#20
I made the mistake of using my code and my girlfriends code last year. They billed me the amount as terms are strictly one per account.
26 Jul 17#21
I ordered trolls paid £2.50 by card on my sky account and then my mum ordered home but didn't have her card so I paid the 50p off mine but on my mum's sky store account hope ours don't get cancelled or charged I didn't stack any codes :-(
26 Jul 17#19
26 Jul 17#18
Could someone please send me a code if possible?? Thank you! :smile:
25 Jul 17#17
Well thanks a grands worth of sky credit in the bank!
Just kidding. I bought one DVD though Happy days!
25 Jul 17#16
made the mistake of going to have my dinner and then watched game of thrones, and during those few hours, i missed this. i am always on this blooming site all day long and look at what happens when I go for a break! damn it.
25 Jul 17#15
Same here too!, lol. :-(
25 Jul 17#14
lol hamish sent a few
25 Jul 17#13
man. missed out. take my eyes off this site for 5 minutes and miss the bargain of the century :disappointed:
25 Jul 17#12
Who knows at this point! How did you get one?
25 Jul 17#11
What do you mean
25 Jul 17#10
Got a code but not redeemed yet, am I safe?
25 Jul 17#9
Could i get one if you have one, no worries if you dont. Please pm. Thx
25 Jul 17#8
off to bed if I get more than one code sent I will pass any others on to people like me that are unable to get one themselves Night all
25 Jul 17#7
Hmmm others posts claim once redeemed we have 12 months to use credit....
25 Jul 17#6
If anyone wouldn't mind generating a code and sending it this way, I'd appreciate it :sunglasses:
25 Jul 17#5
off to bed I think but if anyone has a free one, I would love it. Thanks in advance
25 Jul 17#4
could you send me one please!! xx
25 Jul 17#3
for an op - in for 2 days
25 Jul 17#2
lol thanks, just one would be so good - need it to keep busy in hospital
Opening post
Latest comments (67)
Sky haven't lost a lot on this overall. Especially those who just rented as that's obviously no cost to sky....
It seems that any funds added at the time were honoured. I wonder how many codes in all were redeemed. Some people were claiming them by the dozen! If they applied them all to their account they have god knows much £££. Taking the pee really, but tbh this was all the fault of MSE. I can't imagine sky are too pleased about any of this.
My orders seem to be dispatched so fingers crossed
Sky Store free film rental - deal postponed
It's been postponed due to technical problems at Sky's end
If you saw a Sky Store free film rental deal here on Tue 25 Jun, sadly it's been postponed due to technical problems at Sky's end.
Sky told us it won’t be honouring any codes that have been claimed but not redeemed.
Any future campaigns will be treated separately and everyone will have the same chance at getting a code next time around.
We’re hopeful it will return and we'll let you know when it does in our weekly email.
Terms of the vouchers from sky store.
Don't ask me for anymore that's all I had!
You could use any email and get a code ......the reason the codes didn't work was because they were being duplicated....that's why sky pulled the plug
Thank you!
Just kidding. I bought one DVD though Happy days!
Hamish will send them anyway