Exowar is a 2D, top-down shooter, set in close future. As a cybernetically enhanced soldier you will have to face guards and aliens on your way to finding the truth.
User reviews:
OVERALL: 3 user reviews
Release Date: 26 Mar, 2015
Steam Value £0.49
For people that don't have IndieGala account , next steps are required
1. Be logged into indiegala in your browser
2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account
3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group
4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public.
(Thanks to DavidBGD)
1 Jul 17#3
Thanks x :stuck_out_tongue:
1 Jul 17#2
Steam reported my key as invalid..... yet still added it to my account.
gj valve, nice and buggy.
1 Jul 17#1
Another Free game from IndieGala..
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Check your profile for your free gift | Bundles Library > Indiegala Giveaways.
Opening post
User reviews:
OVERALL: 3 user reviews
Release Date: 26 Mar, 2015
Steam Value £0.49
For people that don't have IndieGala account , next steps are required
1. Be logged into indiegala in your browser
2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account
3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group
4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public.
(Thanks to DavidBGD)
gj valve, nice and buggy.
Enjoy your free gift!
Check your profile for your free gift | Bundles Library > Indiegala Giveaways.