OK I know I will get flamed for this. Oooh! - the audacity of me putting up a deal that is on BBC iPlayer. It isn't even a freebie - you have to pay your TV licence, your broadband supplier and indeed for the electricity used.
So what? - I hope not too many numbskulls vote this down as they'd actually learn something by watching this instead. Thanks in advance.
A rare opportunity to watch it free of charge.
Sir Kenneth Clark begins his landmark 1969 series on the history of civilisation with the re-establishment of civilisation in Western Europe, in the tenth century after the fall of Rome to barbarism. He travels from Byzantine Ravenna to the Celtic Hebrides examining aqueducts, cathedrals, the lives of the Vikings and of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne
17 Jul 17#12
Hot! Just like "Zeitgeist:The movie." :man:
17 Jul 17#11
Always nice to reminisce on the glory days of enlightenment, alas our children will have to submit to the new state sanctioned religion of peace by 2030
17 Jul 17#10
haha, Most of hypothesis regarding "civilization" are purely based on assumptions. Since new discoveries are has gone against our "presumable facts", we need to grasp a new understanding based on the fact, that human life on this planet was quite different then have been preached through our text books
16 Jul 17#9
Also available in grainy glory on Youtube.
Not sure whether it's more satisfying to invest the time in the scholarship of Kenneth Clark, or the diaries of his philandering lunatic son, Alan Clark.
15 Jul 17#8
Looks like a visit to guerrillamail.com is in order to sign up then. :/
15 Jul 17#7
wel that took about 10 seconds :smiley:
15 Jul 17#6
BBC iPlayer has switched from I don't want to sign in now ---> you must sign in to watch this
as I watch
15 Jul 17#4
Thanks op all I need now is a time machine to go back and actually see how it was back in the day.... :man:
15 Jul 17#3
I'm sure it will just be reinforcing more lies upon us.. the true history of the world will never be taught! Might be interesting though if you've nothing better to do with your time? I'll heat this but only because op seems desperate..
15 Jul 171#2
Time to finally get round to updating Get iPlayer after the BBC faffed around updating iPlayer recently.
Roger_Irrelevant to sabresonic
15 Jul 171#5
Won't be long before their "Register for personalised content" message becomes "Enter your BBC licence number to access iPlayer" (annoyed)
15 Jul 173#1
An excellent BBC history series to remind us what civilisation is.....as ours crumbles around us.
Opening post
So what? - I hope not too many numbskulls vote this down as they'd actually learn something by watching this instead. Thanks in advance.
A rare opportunity to watch it free of charge.
Sir Kenneth Clark begins his landmark 1969 series on the history of civilisation with the re-establishment of civilisation in Western Europe, in the tenth century after the fall of Rome to barbarism. He travels from Byzantine Ravenna to the Celtic Hebrides examining aqueducts, cathedrals, the lives of the Vikings and of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne
Not sure whether it's more satisfying to invest the time in the scholarship of Kenneth Clark, or the diaries of his philandering lunatic son, Alan Clark.
as I watch