Now’s the time to make your mark in FIFA 17! All Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One can enjoy FIFA 17 for free thanks to Free Play Days. Starting from Thursday, June 1 at 12:01 AM PDT and running through to Monday, June 5 at 11:59 PM PDT, all Xbox Live Gold members can hit the pitch and experience all game modes, headlined by the all-new cinematic story mode, The Journey.
If you haven't played it before, then this weekend is enough time to play through 'The Journey' which is brilliant in itself. Still a far from perfect game but it's worth a try for free!
2 Jun 17#4
Worth I shot I suppose.
2 Jun 171#5
Is there a penalty if I try and play it after the weekend? I just don't get the goal of giving away a game for free for a few days. But in their defence, the graphics do look pretty good.
Assume PS+ is required? But Sony being a bit vague!
2 Jun 171#8
I didn't have a PS+ sub when I tried out the last Free Weekend, so I don't think you need one! I'm currently downloading it to make sure, so will update once it's done.
2 Jun 17#9
already have the FIFA 17 demo downloaded from the PS store. will it automatically let me play the full game (as it didn't before) or will I have to delete and download it fresh again?
Malkaurai to adlevice
2 Jun 172#11
So, to update: After some playing about with the Free Weekend trial without PS+ it appears I can do all the offline modes (Career, The Journey) but not anything with Online. So, PS+ isn't required unless you want to do some online Multiplayer! If it's the demo with only a few teams (that came out last year) then no, you'll have to download the Free Trial that's on the page at the moment (word of warning, though - it's 40GB!)
2 Jun 17#10
tried this out today online. lagfest and quitters.
fps_d0minat0r to kiltyrg
3 Jun 17#15
You can offer a mutual quit, but half the players are such idiots they will reject and happily continue playing the game even if its running like a slideshow.
2 Jun 17#12
Xbox one only? No Xbox 360 this time?
2 Jun 17#13
I'm assuming these free weekends don't unlock trophies?
3 Jun 17#14
Has anyone managed to get this working on PS4? pseu twitter link is broken and searching on the store just brings up paid copies of the game.
The ps4 link on easports website regarding this promotion takes you through to the PS store standard edition (currently 15.99) as well so Im wondering if the demo version is essentially the full version for this weekend?
Opening post
EDIT: Also on PS4 as well, PS+ may not be required..
Thanks Malkaurai for spotting the PS4 update
All comments (16)
Assume PS+ is required? But Sony being a bit vague!
If it's the demo with only a few teams (that came out last year) then no, you'll have to download the Free Trial that's on the page at the moment (word of warning, though - it's 40GB!)
The ps4 link on easports website regarding this promotion takes you through to the PS store standard edition (currently 15.99) as well so Im wondering if the demo version is essentially the full version for this weekend?