Oh... My laptop has been having problems with wifi lately...
It timed out as I submitted so I went back & tried again - I didn't realise that it worked the 1st time but the 2nd submission was deleted soon after..
I was about to submit again so the 3rd time would have been the charm :wink:
21 Jun 17#8
Bah - anyone else getting "Currently in maintenance"?
Edit: Just checked and the servers go live at 15:00.
21 Jun 17#6
How have I had this for ages on my PS4?
BubaMan to SavageDonkey
21 Jun 17#7
Apologies if not new... the store said it was.
... Just checked and it's been available in the US since October.
Oh well - I couldn't find the PS4 version on this site.
21 Jun 171#5
No. You did :smile:
21 Jun 171#4
I nearly did cheeky
21 Jun 17#3
Whilst free games are always good this game has been very poorly optimised. Frame rate issues all over the place. Quick search on YouTube and you'll see what I mean..
21 Jun 171#2
Awesome. You should post it again mate, just so nobody misses it flirt
21 Jun 172#1
thanks, there's also a free bonus set for PS plus subscriber's, don't know what's in that tho.
Opening post
PS Plus Bonus Pack (thanks eternaldragonuk):
XBox One:
It timed out as I submitted so I went back & tried again - I didn't realise that it worked the 1st time but the 2nd submission was deleted soon after..
I was about to submit again so the 3rd time would have been the charm :wink:
Edit: Just checked and the servers go live at 15:00.
... Just checked and it's been available in the US since October.
Oh well - I couldn't find the PS4 version on this site.