Great news for the kids. Minecraft is free to play on Xbox One this weekend. Although I'd assume most, if not all the children own it. It's a great chance for those who don't to have a go.
I'll expect nothing less than this by Sunday...
7y 44d21#1
Free weekends are worth installing in case you pick up a cheap scratched disc.
Got a copy of rainbow six siege for a fiver that fails to install but is now fully working thanks the free weekend a wee while back.
joanddan7 to thedvdmonster
7y 44d2#2
that's a cracking tip....
wish I had known that worked before..
andybriggs03 to thedvdmonster
7y 44d#4
Yes cracking tip)
7y 44d1#3
SO it converts the physical disc to a digital download, forever???
andybriggs03 to reddeviluk
7y 44d2#5
No lol it just downloads full game an reads licence off disc
7y 44d10#6
If your scratched disc doesn't install or stops installing you can cancel it and delete anything it has managed to install so far with the disc still in the console. Then find the game in the Microsoft store and you'll have an option to install from there. It recognises you own the disc but downloads the information from the store. No need to install every free weekend game
joanddan7 to r1ckstar
7y 44d#7
I shall test that tonight as I have a damaged disk that was fobbed off on me on ebay!
dave859 to r1ckstar
7y 44d#10
cowsindahouse to r1ckstar
7y 44d1#12
Wow, wish i knew this before. Wasted hours trying to get various discs to install by cleaning them over and over.
superted2008 to r1ckstar
7y 44d#16
I have this works, but not for minecraft for some reason?
When I have minecraft in the Xbox360 it never gives me the option to install.
I haven't removed all the Xbox data off first as I don't want to lose my sons saved worlds. I suppose I could try and back them up to USB.
I did read online they Microsoft don't allow minecraft to be installed with the method you described. Quite strange really as I get the option with all my sons other games
7y 44d1#8
No problem. As long as it recognises the disc
first off you should be good to go. Let me know how you get on.
7y 44d1#9
Am I the only one that's never played minecraft? What do you actually have to do?
Seems like a good deal though!
dannyblackbeard to luke_1706
7y 44d#15
Nope. Me neither. The idea doesn't interest me in the slightest. FIFA, survival horror and blasting things are fun.
7y 44d#11
I'm at a wedding Sunday.. so not only will it rain - but I'll be spending the time somewhere I'd rather not!
Feel for me, please!
7y 44d#13
Yeah - sadly the kids managed to crack it as they removed it from the case, brand new too, aw well. Oh and the other one thats scratched is GTA V, no digital download available for that one, the game works fine for about an hour and then freezes, I thought it was the console, however when I checked the disk there a few faint scratches...
All good tips - and heat added OP - thanks for the heads up!
Opening post
Great news for the kids. Minecraft is free to play on Xbox One this weekend. Although I'd assume most, if not all the children own it. It's a great chance for those who don't to have a go.
I'll expect nothing less than this by Sunday...
Got a copy of rainbow six siege for a fiver that fails to install but is now fully working thanks the free weekend a wee while back.
wish I had known that worked before..
When I have minecraft in the Xbox360 it never gives me the option to install.
I haven't removed all the Xbox data off first as I don't want to lose my sons saved worlds. I suppose I could try and back them up to USB.
I did read online they Microsoft don't allow minecraft to be installed with the method you described. Quite strange really as I get the option with all my sons other games
first off you should be good to go. Let me know how you get on.
Seems like a good deal though!
Feel for me, please!
All good tips - and heat added OP - thanks for the heads up!
I posted it here