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Super Mario Run to launch on the iPhone and iPad *Now Live
4.5 stars +403

Super Mario Run to launch on the iPhone and iPad *Now Live

Free iTunes15 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Freebies > Entertainment
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16 Dec 16
Dunno but this game doesn't capture my imagination, I totally love Mario and all things Nintendo but would rather play it with family on the main TV.

They should release a Zelda mobile game! I would even consider buying an iPhone as a second phone just to play it!
All comments (112)
16 Dec 16 #1
I really like the game. There is a variety of stuff to do and each level is effectively 3 different levels. Surprised by the hate tbh at £7.99 I think it's well worth it
16 Dec 16 #2
Game has been good fun so far, playing on a spare iphone 5c and the performance is quite good (sonic runners on the same hardware was choppy and would stutter a ton)
16 Dec 16 #3
is it available now?
16 Dec 16 #4
played it, didn't really think it was that good. Not as good a Mario
16 Dec 16 #5
It's almost as though they're running a business and want to make some money or something.
16 Dec 16 #6
What exactly is your point. Licensing is irrelevant in this discussion. They didn't make the game.
16 Dec 16 #7
Haha yes, some truth. People have been going on for YEARS about games on smart phones and how they will revolutionise gaming. They are all ****. Why are people surprised?!
16 Dec 16 #8
Not on Android... Riiiiiight....
16 Dec 16 #9
It's not being pedantic. Niantic made Pokemon Go. They used the Pokemon brand of which Nintendo owns a portion. Nintendo even went on record and said "We did not make this game".

What if you built a car from scratch and you used an engine bought from Toyota. If you then give away that car, you can't then say "Oh hey look, Toyota give away free cars!". No, you just so happened to use a part that was produced by Toyota to help make a car that you subsequently gave away for free yourself. That doesn't mean Toyota gives away free cars.

Niantic built an app from scratch and used a license partially owned by Nintendo. Niantec then gave away that app, but you can't then say "oh hey look, Nintendo give away free apps!".
16 Dec 16 #10
It is ****, Apple need to make an official controller so developer start using a good control input instead of just dumbing to the game down to this sorry state.

Go play Mario Maker on Wii U.
16 Dec 16 #11
Even worse this year with Samsung failing to make money with the Note 7.
16 Dec 16 #12
Someone explain how this is a deal?
16 Dec 16 #13
It doesn't surprise me that Apple make nearly all of the profit. Nearly 50% of the price you pay for the iPhone goes to them as profit. Their supply chain needs cleaning up with some of that huge margin they're making. I think ownership is more significant than profit with regards to the narrow target market of this game though.
16 Dec 16 #14
Have you seen Asphalt 8? Pretty impressive for a mobile game!
16 Dec 16 #15
Yep, that's my point. Pretty impressive...for a mobile game. How well received do you think it would be if it was released on PC or console?
16 Dec 16 #16
90 minutes completed the game

16 Dec 16 #17
All coin sets?
16 Dec 16 #18
Jimmy Fallon playing on Mario Run and the new Zelda game on the Switch…Gl4

The switch isnt going to save Nintendo.. it looks like a prototype that will never get built.
In 10 years time they are going to do a Sega.. selling rehashed Mario games on mobile.
17 Dec 16 #19
This game is awful. I hate this apple thing of reducing games to single taps. The latest Mario offering is inferior to the 1985 NES original.
17 Dec 16 #20
I am so happy to hear that. I always wondered why they haven't made it available on smart phones yet. Such a classic game.:3
17 Dec 16 #21
Online-only. :-/
17 Dec 16 #22
Charging £8 for a series of short levels doesn't seem like great value. The tutorial is awful as well. Oh, and always online only, so no playing on the train, plane or tube. Y'know, where people want to play games on the go.
17 Dec 16 #23
Oh man, there would be so much to criticise if Asphalt 8 was turned into a console/PC game!
17 Dec 16 #24
No problem with that. I do take issue with their aggression towards their own customers and fans in killing several promising fan/tribute games, and even being vindictive enough to have them pulled from the golden joystick awards. I take issue with them creating artificial scarcity by knowingly under supplying major products like the NES mini and often special editions (and sometimes even just standard editions) of their games (Fire Emblem being a big one).

Nintendo make some very nice games no argument there, they just aren't a very nice company IMHO....
17 Dec 16 #25
If Asphalt 8 was upscaled for console you could make a great game even better. Mobile games are generally only going to be for having a quick blast while on the go. A big exception to this is Pokémon Go and I think that has been a revolution for mobile gaming.
17 Dec 16 #26
Im 46 too. Get a xbox and play battlefield 1, you'll love it!
17 Dec 16 #27
Nintendo did not make Pokemon Go.
17 Dec 16 #28
How much should this normally be then?... (_;)
17 Dec 16 #29
at least there are no ads
17 Dec 16 #30
The whole bait and switch method is v annoying
17 Dec 16 #31
i like it very much i think price is a bit steep though something like £2.99 would be acceptable come on Nintendo its a mobile game you will sell more by making it cheap the mobile user base is so huge!
17 Dec 16 #32
Cool game, won't be buying the £7.99 in-app purchase though. Doesn't feel the same as retro Mario. I want to run where I want and double back to grab missed coins. The ticking clock doesn't allow you to relax whilst playing.
17 Dec 16 #33
yeah i hate ads and IAP's much rather have some proper crafted games that are rewarding and clever and make you think, and pay a bit of money, at end of day thats what gaming is about, it should be fun and engage yoiur brain or reflexes, just wish this was a bit cheaper! but its good not basic at all like someone said earlier!, the level design has complexity! the graphics arent basic theyr perfectly good for this type of game i think. Well done Nintendo.
17 Dec 16 #34
Not really. Just don't get why you're getting moody because a couple of people printed out you are misinformed.
17 Dec 16 #35
well they sort of had a bit to do with it mate!, Pokémon Go was developed by augmented reality specialist Niantic, and it is not part of Nintendo’s big smartphone game deal with Chinese firm DeNA, which led to the release of its Miitomo social app. However, since last October, Nintendo has become part of a $30 million investment in Niantic, and has always had a stake in the Pokémon Company, which manages every aspect of the Pokémon brand. Nintendo refers to the development of Pokémon Go as a “partnership” with Niantic, so is likely to have had creative input too (although it's arguable that perhaps if Nintendo had been more involved at this level, Pokémon Go would function better as a game and the servers wouldn’t keep crashing).
17 Dec 16 #36
They've taken a really basic game and removed complexity from it. £8 seems very expensive to me :disappointed:
17 Dec 16 #37
The only thing that game did was made it easier to bring idiots together. It was complete tosh.
17 Dec 16 #38
I find it frustrating ..hate the only run one way thing and if the 3 levels they've given us is any guide it won't take long to complete ..£8 is way to much ,won't be biting at that price
17 Dec 16 #39
DeNA are Japanese. Nintendo wouldn't jump into bed with a Chinese software firm. They would consider it beneath them tbh.
17 Dec 16 #40
They ruined it by needing an always on data link, i guess Japan has cheap data plans and wifi everywhere.
17 Dec 16 #41
​how is it "ripping us off"? developers have spent time building a game for your enjoyment. if you don't like video games, then don't buy it, simple.
17 Dec 16 #42
Unintalled just now
17 Dec 16 #43
For the JB peeps
Install tsprotector from cydia and add Mario in your settings :smile:
17 Dec 16 #44
Not licensed by and Nintendo weren't involved in the making of Pokemon Go, they simply own large shares in The Pokemon Company so benefit from its success.
17 Dec 16 #45
Nope same here. The annoying thing is that this is missing only one thing to make it great - turn off the auto run! If this was manual movement controls it could have been great, but with just feels like a clone of every other similar game with the mario IP thrown in. We always new this would be the case but it's still disappointing:(
17 Dec 16 #46
if i purchase this on my iPad can i play the unlocked version on my iPhone too?
17 Dec 16 #47
Only early adopters got those games for free because Nintendo dropped the price of the 3DS daily quickly and early buyers were annoyed. If I recall correctly, the 3DS launched in late March 2011 for £250 and was dropped to £160/170 in June/July 2011.
17 Dec 16 #48
17 Dec 16 #49
Hmmm, disappointed, seemed too short and it was annoying you couldn't go back the way!
17 Dec 16 #50
If android users want to play something similar in the meantime:

BAM Boys Mobile
17 Dec 16 #51
Played the game and didn't like it. IMO the asking price at £7.99 also isn't very attractive.

IMO Nintendo have got it wrong again with this product. The only clever thing they did in the last 4 yearsbwas with the Nintendo mini nes.
17 Dec 16 #52
'Completing it' is kinda missing the point, like arcade games of old there is plenty of complexity and things to do if you look for it, not to mention high scores etc.

Either way I'm hugely pleased that this is a one-time purchase, IAPs are killing the mechanics of many otherwise good mobile games.
17 Dec 16 #53
Reported. Enjoy your ban.
17 Dec 16 #54
Well, I've bought it, and I think it's great. Admittedly, the first few levels are not mind blowing, but the later levels really have that Nintendo spark of genius. The coin challenges get absolutely fiendish as they go on, and there's some beautiful presentation. Sure it's a little easy if you just want to go from A to B, but that's not what the game is about.
As for the "always on" internet connection, it's purely a piracy measure. Considering that typing Super Mario Run into Google brings up the result "Super Mario Run APK" as the third option speaks volumes about the levels of piracy.
17 Dec 16 #55
Really? Grow up
17 Dec 16 #56
Game made over 5m so far despite all the self entitled whiners who complain it's not free. Apparently £8 is extortionate.
17 Dec 16 #57
Cold because full retail price :smile:
17 Dec 16 #58
Why is this even a deal... this sites ridiculous sometimes.
17 Dec 16 #59
£7.99 for the game beyond the first three levels, means you get about 10 minutes of play for free - feels more like a demo version than anything good - voting cold I'm afraid.
17 Dec 16 #60
Yes you can. Its awesome on the iPad!!

And for everyone saying its easy to complete the free levels, i suggest you play the game as its intended, every level as previously mentioned is 3 levels so essentially they give you 9 levels free, i challenge anyone to complete that in 10 mins!! I refuse to move on to the next level until all 3 coloured coins have been collected. Its such a challenge, love it!!
17 Dec 16 #61
No wonder you have no deal posted for 2 years since you joined.
18 Dec 16 #62
hot for the nostalgia but cold for the price.
Nintendo hyped it so much it failed at the stage 3!!!b dissapointed
18 Dec 16 #63
Cold, way to expensive for what it is. Let's be honest it would be free if it was not a mario skin.
18 Dec 16 #64
This site is for posting good deals, not to be told when a new app is launched at the non reduced price of £7.99. oO
18 Dec 16 #65
I've purchased it on my iPhone but iPad still not showing extra worlds and showing the purchase option. Weird.
18 Dec 16 #66
Not saying Android piracy isn't rampant, but downloading an APK isn't necessarily piracy - there are regular APKs and cracked APKs, and there are plenty of sites that archive legitimate APKs for whatever reason, like if you need to install an older version of an app if an update broke something, want to download once to install on multiple devices, just have bad internet on your Android device or want to force install an app that's not officially compatible with your device or out of region - and I suspect that's why this is a popular search result, because this game isn't actually out in Android but I bet people are assuming it is, searching in the Play Store, not finding it and so resorting to Google to find an APK. It's how people installed Pokemon Go before it was rolled out in all countries, and that wasn't piracy as it was a free app, it's just that in this case any APK you find is probably malware because the Android version doesn't actually exist.
18 Dec 16 #67
where is the deal as the app has not been reduced?
18 Dec 16 #68
Or install xcon and respring.
18 Dec 16 #69
18 Dec 16 #70
The only titles that are priced at premium, which we must compare against as it is on the mobile market - are games by Square Enix - huge RPG's with depth and customization. This is a premium price for a runner (as it has ended and endless levels).

As good as this looks, I would rather it be free with advertisements and stuff. I love Mario but not sure I'd pay £8 for the limited content this soon after Mario Maker.
18 Dec 16 #71
Randy savage here is getting annoyed playing this. Ive been trying to collect all 5 red coins on each level thinking i could continue to bowsers castle:(
18 Dec 16 #72
your mum must be sick of all these reports you give her
18 Dec 16 #73
I had no question on the price it was higher than I thought but I was already committed to buying because of the hype. All the levels unlocked in a couple of days but the challenges well totally different story addictive and fun.

But its the online ghost play that's the real hook. Very addictive game play even though your just playing ghosts you always give it that one more try. This is without a doubt the best auto runner I have played to date has that easy to play hard to master written all over it.

Maybe it will go down in price or be on sale soon but Nintendo generally don't budge much on price.

Just had to say something as I don't see much mention of the multiplayer aspect.
18 Dec 16 #74
Tom gold run is better then this.
19 Dec 16 #75
it cant be bought in a retailer its electronic download only! £7.99 is probably cheapest Nintendo has ever sold a game at, still i think under a fiver is a must for this market! its a little too dear!.
19 Dec 16 #76
doesnt work on Ipad 2 - crashes :disappointed:
19 Dec 16 #77
Many people are totally missing the point here. I'm not paying for the game but have got a really challenging game for free from the 3 full levels and 20 second trial level. I started by completing the levels, then working my way to the black coins. Now I am trying to (1) get as far along level 1-4 before the 20 seconds runs out and (2) complete 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 blindfold just timing my screen presses. Fiendishly difficult and hours of entertainment for free.
19 Dec 16 #78
Create a Nintendo ID or sign into an existing account on both devices. Robert's yer father's brother.
19 Dec 16 #79
Does this extend to not being able to have it on your phone and iPad without paying 2 x £7.99 ? (same iTunes account). I really hope not, that would be awful.
19 Dec 16 #80
Yeah funny isn't it, a business trying to make money, they must be such cheapskates and terrible people.... idiots or paupers
19 Dec 16 #81
Just as long as you only want to replay the first level over and over... and over...
19 Dec 16 #82
19 Dec 16 #83
Played this on iPad for a while, it's not very good, as someone who's played pretty much all the Marios since the nes, I won't be buying the extra levels, the constant running isn't really fun all and the levels are very short, couldn't help but feel disappointed. Download it and try it, but it's not for me.
19 Dec 16 #84
How is this even a deal, this is just the rrp. There's not even a voucher code to get the price down
19 Dec 16 #85
This game is a "one button wonder" Flappy Bird, Retry or any of the Rovio made games...wastes your time and leaves you totally disappointed and dissatisfied after playing it for ages.
19 Dec 16 #86
Because it's easy to rack up coins in the game for the kingdom builder
19 Dec 16 #87
Also get mynintendo coins playing this, just like miitomo to use on 3DS or Wii U stuff
19 Dec 16 #88
What a scrooge that guy is
19 Dec 16 #89
my son loves it, i'm happy!
19 Dec 16 #90
This game is fantastic. Each level has a few variations that increase in difficulty the better you get, Toad Rally gives a fun and every changing competitive edge (which you can get at least two tickets to each day), and Nintendo has solved the button issue on phone games. The automatic running is clever in that it requires you to carefully time jumps and plan everything ahead of time, while making sure that you can control the jumps without fear of just missing a touch screen button. On button based touch screen games it's easy to be playing then lose where the button is and thus lose control of your character. Nintendo fixes this by allowing Mario to keep running and going over small obstacles automatically, but requiring you to make the moves in order to get coins, crush enemies, and perform the best. Anyone who says that Mario just does everything for you didn't realize that the goal itself isn't just to complete levels, but to also get as many coins and defeat as many enemies as possible.
19 Dec 16 #91
I played it for 15 minutes and fell a sleep because its so crap.

If you're 10 it's probably great - but I worry about the future of the UK when adults seem to be enjoying this junk.
19 Dec 16 #92
Played it, prefer Sonic Jump.
19 Dec 16 #93
Rip off.
19 Dec 16 #94
Apart from Mario Kart, and a few goes on Mario 64, I am far from a Mario Fanboy, but after playing this properly now I think it's pretty good, it is not as dumb as it it first looks, there is a cleverness to it for sure.

Probably not worth £7.99 for all the levels, I would have thought £5, but better than it first appears and worth getting I think
19 Dec 16 #95
No, if you're a single user you can download it to all your devices and your in app purchases will cross over just fine (you'll have to choose 'restore purchases' on all subsequent devices).
19 Dec 16 #96
Looks like the general consensus on this one is not good and Nintendo are taking a hit for it...…559
20 Dec 16 #97
If that's fun for you so be it, not really anymore inventive than flappy bird then is it? Horses for courses. It's not for me, glad you enjoy it.
20 Dec 16 #98
lol I just said flappy bird too. So shall it forever be called Flappy Mario Run
20 Dec 16 #99
Christ, people these days. It's a MARIO game, it's a single payment of only £8 and doesn't fleece you for IAPs, it's designed for mobile use (a dpad onscreen is awful and would have been impossible to play as well). It has a ton of hidden depth and replayability, and if it's like Miitomo, there will be a fair amount of content to come.
20 Dec 16 #100
How can you gather all of that from the first world ?
20 Dec 16 #101
And how is it different from gazillion other running smartphone games?
20 Dec 16 #102
Deleted after 2 minutes, about as much fun as flappy bird
20 Dec 16 #103
I played all 3 free levels - that's how. You get a feel for these things - This isn't Mario - it's Mario's look a like. Are you saying i should pay 7.99 just incase it gets better? no thanks. go download sonic evil and play that, its free, and has the added benefit of creeping you out.
20 Dec 16 #104
Very disappointed with this. I hate the constant running, cannot believe this from the people who gave us so many classics.
20 Dec 16 #105
its not a deal its spam
22 Dec 16 #106
10% cash back if you go via iTunes link on TopCashBack.
22 Dec 16 #107
Not a definite discount as might not track or can be rejected by the retailer
25 Dec 16 #108
Never thought I'd see Mario on another platform! Seems Nintendo to wising up.
25 Dec 16 #109
It's good but not as good as I expected.
26 Dec 16 #110
Crap demo but glad it saved me £7.99
27 Dec 16 #111
downloaded the is very average even for a mobile game..imo 2D Mario is becoming so overrated and repetitive.I don't care what fanboys's just an easy cash in brand for lazy Nintendo.and this game..well it's a great game if the full game was £2.99 or £3.99 max..anything more is just not worth it and asking £7.99 for it is just ridiculous.
demo deleted.
there are better games to play in this day and age.
9 Jan 17 #112
Waiting for ages for this game . Amazing
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

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