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Now TV 1 Month Free Movies - New and Existing Customers
4.5 stars +434

Now TV 1 Month Free Movies - New and Existing Customers

Free NOW TV8y 13d
Source: HotUKDeals | Freebies > Entertainment
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8y 13d
thanks op! Xmas movies sorted 😄
All comments (82)
8y 13d #1
Many thanks 2 months for free. Merry Xmas everyone.
8y 13d #2
Brilliant, thanks so much OP! 😁
8y 13d #3
Brilliant thanks, had just applied the free 14 day pass from an email, now have an extra month giving me 6 weeks free in total!
8y 13d #4
Once the free month pass has started, then you can get 2nd month free using code AANOWAPK2J2S.
8y 13d #5
Thanks cancelled as dont really need it anymore but no harm having plus sky
8y 13d #6
many thanks OP ......... merry Christmas all
8y 13d #7
Hi as a new customer is the code I apply http::.. etc /cinematerial it does not seem to accept this

As an existing customer you would use AA ...etc

Have I got this right? it is saying there is a problem with my account and I can't log on, obviously can't contact them to sort it out, so trying to set up new account with different address
8y 13d #8
Copy & paste this link ->…ies. It takes to 14 days trial. Proceed and in the payment page, apply the voucher AANOWDMRW7MP and get 30 days. Once registered apply the 2nd code AANOWAPK2J2S and get further 30 days free.
8y 13d #9
raj75 .... thanks for info
8y 13d #10
No wont accept code ...not valid ..???
8y 13d #11
Many thanks! 😁

Had problems with both links (page not found), but went into my Now TV account and used the TV subscription page and added the code there.

Must remember to use it. Two years ago got 3 months free with Chromecast and let it run out without actually watching anything!

Thanks again and Merry Christmas to all.
8y 13d #12
I did this yesterday and they charged me full price after I login in and selected the 14 free on us as I'm an existing. I have went on the chat help and they told be there was an error and the expert team are looking into it, as yet I have not had an email yet I will be contacting sky again next week.
8y 13d #13
You are a legend!
8y 13d #14
Superb, just what the doctor ordered for Christmas!
8y 13d #15
Make sure you cancel the offer immediately, Its not a easy one click cancel. The web user interface ensures that you dont cancel easily. Having said that, whats a bit of effort to get some thing free 😄
Heat added!
8y 13d #16
Yep, it takes 5 clicks...
8y 13d #17
Great. Thanks OP
8y 13d #18
Heated added, Thanks alot & A Happy Christmas
8y 13d #19
2 months of movies for free. Thanks and Merry Christmas
8y 13d #20
Worked for me as an existing customer. Nice one.
8y 13d #21
Awesome, 3 months xbox @ £1 was due to expire on 29th, thanks!!
8y 13d #22
brilliant thanks op.
8y 12d #23
Awesome! 2 months free
8y 12d #24
Excellent cheers for this. Two months free up until 25 February. Didn't know about the cancellation being possible immediately too so don't need a reminder. Brilliant!
8y 12d #25
wow awesome deal oO
8y 12d #26
​thanks for the post man. it worked like a charm. I got my 2nd free month too. 😎 Happy Christmas guys!!!
8y 12d #27
Thank You so much for that Cody, it working well. Have a Grate Christmas, Dariusz
8y 12d #28
8y 12d #29
2 more days and I can add these codes 😁
8y 12d #30
When do these codes expire again? Sorry for being ignorant. But I had the 14-day trial on Sky Movies ending in 6 days on the 31st and then added the first code which it now ends end of Jan 2017. But cannot add the 2nd code probably until the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of Jan 2017.
8y 12d #31
So far I think Sky Cinema on Now TV is so much better than Amazon Prime/Instant or Netflix. Yes you get a lot of benefits in being an Amazon Prime Member but they're slow when it comes to screening the latest movies. Also providing you can get cheap/er or free passes to extend your subscription on Sky Movies/Entertainment.
8y 12d #32
...then it's ideal. Hardly any benefits on Amazon Prime Instant.
8y 12d #33
The first code ends on 6th january, the second code on the 29th december i think.
You can not enter another code until you are down to less than a month left.
Probably worth creating a new account so you can have the 2 full months, without using the 14 day trial.
8y 12d #34
​...was thinking about doing that. But do you think they'd accept a different account at the same address with the same devices (if they note the tracking number of a device used). Still have the 4 months lined up to be used though as we went for the Argos deal with Quidco cash-back (Now TV with 4 months Sky Cinema Pass for £19.99 - £17 something after cash-back.
8y 12d #35
...I'm pretty sure there will be other offers on Passes before the end of the 4 month one. Haven't used it yet as we're still on the 14-day trial and the 1st code ending end of Jan
8y 12d #36
8y 12d #37
wow thanks OP perfect for Xmas. heat added
8y 12d #38
1 more day guys then I can add these codes
8y 12d #39
Page cannot be found
8y 12d #40
Thanks for this 1 month free movies worked fine 😄
8y 12d #41
Copy and paste the link, as described in the description.
8y 12d #42
thank op
8y 12d #43
perfect mine just started the final pack and the code is still active 😁 thanks op.
8y 12d #44
Nice one op! :face_with_monocle:
8y 12d #45
Does anyone have any entertainment pass vouchers please?
8y 12d #46
Cheers OP !!
8y 12d #47
OP .. where you getting your cool Codes from? oO very nice. (_;)
8y 12d #48
Many thanks for this. I was about to take up a half price offer for 1 month until I came across this. Am amazed it still works.
8y 12d #49
Sorry for being a dope but just got the month free for 'existing' and then tried to immediately cancel. But it asked me did I want to cancel my free month? Which I obviously want to have! Am I doing the cancellation wrong? Is it sky's usual must cancel 30 days in advance policy? Many thanks for any advice. x
8y 12d #50
+ 1.
8y 12d #51
No, your doing it perfectly right.

Yeh, it's SKY's/NOW TV's 'scare them to stay' tactic's 😞 so, don't worry about it, hehehe 😺 (as I get those dubious messages from them via that same method too, lol) 😛

Just via the cancellation process as per your intended requirements, etc?, and bingo!, your 30 day movie pass freebie will still be retained. :-)

They trick you into initially believing otherwise, lol, but only AFTER you've cancelled it do they then come clean and tell you otherwise also, lol.

They'll also try to coax you into staying by discounted stay with us movie pass incentives (but there's no obligation to buy into it in anyway in order to keep/retain your now acquired freebie, etc?, hehe).

Enjoy. :-)
8y 12d #52
Oh yes, and no 30 day notice/requirements are either needed or required either!.

When I hooked up similar, I cancelled on it straight away (as in less than 15 minutes later), and I still ended up with my freebie the same way?, so ..... :-)
8y 12d #53
I wanted to test out further on whether cancelling early in certain situations could lead to an unwanted outcome but am happy to report in my case, it did not:

Still on 15 day free pass that I received via email. That runs out on the 6th Jan. I cancelled that pass now to find your advice was correct, the 15 day free pass will be honoured. I then applied this free month which won't start until my current free pass expires (6th Jan) meaning this free month will take me up to 6th Feb. I was wondering if by cancelling it straight away today, as per your advice, I would still get until the 6th Feb, or, would it actually be 30 days from the date I cancelled it, ie; today. Amazingly it stacks the cancellations up too so I now have free movies until 6th Feb 😄

HOT and thank for the advice.
8y 12d #54
Your most welcome, I'm happy all worked out well. :-)

As for the Code Stacking, yes that works well too, as long as you have 30 day maximum (or LESS) remaining on any pre-existing freebie Code, etc, then it'll allow you to add another freebie Code to it too, etc?, so ..... (bare that in mind for future reference?, hehe). :-)

As for the last part of your question?, well ... I'm assuming it'll work well (eg. cancelling your 1 month on top of your pre-existing free 15 days pass, will still allow you up to 6th February, etc?).

But, don't hold me to that?. :-(

Unless anyone is able to advise otherwise, I'd wait until at least gone mid-January next Year (eg. AFTER your current 15 days freebie has first naturally expired?), before then ..... you'll have nothing to lose doing it this way, etc?, as long as time doesnt escape you, and you end up forgetting to cancel it next Year, or whatever? (but that ofcourse os an entirely different argument altogether, huh?, hehehe). :-)

Hopefully this last comment has proved of some sort of use to you too and stuff?. :-)
8y 12d #55
Thanks OP, just used code ok
8y 11d #56
code worked for me thanks op
8y 11d #57

The OP's Code is valid until 06/01/17 apparently?.

So enjoy. :-)
8y 11d #58
Just cancelled my existing offer that ran out end of Jan and added this free month now sorted till end off Feb.
8y 11d #59
Thanks, on 2 months @ a £1 a month ends 30 Jan, added pass so now have movies till 27 Feb 😁
8y 11d #60
Cheers OP, code worked a treat 😄
8y 11d #61
Thank you to the OP for this amazing offer.

I already had a 14 day trial activated, so I was only able to use one of the passes, however I tried the 'cancel and then add the voucher' but it just says cancelled in red. The most annoying thing is that the other pass runs out on the 7th, so does this mean I'm stuck or do we think their customer services team would help? I'm a Sky customer so not sure if that would work in my favour
8y 11d #62
I spotted that my discounted Cinema Pass offer comes to an end before the end of January, so I've cancelled and added the code for the free month. Thanks to the original poster for the information!
8y 11d #63
Many thanks! I put the code in AANOWDMRW7MP and got the 1 month free Sky Movies ( I joined 3 days ago so I'm an existing customer ).

I'll cancel it in ample time... Heat added. :-)
8y 11d #64
Good questions you pose there?, hmmmmmm, I can't say either way for certain?, but cancelling one to then be able to input another shouldn't be too much of a crazy issue?.

After all, all you need is a maximum of 30 days riding on your existing NOW TV Account and ..... (personally speaking, I've done similar in the past, TWICE!)

Even though NOW TV is owned by SKY, so essentially mentioning to SKY your existing allegiance to NOW TV also may seem/appear as a minor issue (which it relatively is ... ) SKY on the other hand may be in a 50/50 frame of mind of looking at it?, as they may essentially see it as 'split loyalties'? (it could swing either way?, hehehe), put simply, it's you call? (but personally speaking, I wouldn't bother ... ) :-)

As for your last discrepancy of the currently still active NOW TV Code expiring on you, etc?, well:

Again, personally speaking, I'd simply open up a FRESH NOW TV Account via a different email address you happen to currently also have, make a fresh NOW TV Account again also, and 'link' alllll again? (and/or make a fresh disposable email, for on-the-fly stuff's like this, etc?), and ...

The last bit I mentioned above is something I too am still considering doing on/for it's last valid date of 06/01/17! (to give me a few extra day's grace upon my current existing 1 month NOW TV Movie Code as per the OP's Deal, which I cashed in a few days shy of the New Year, put simply, my own advice to you now would/is obviously useful to me too, huh?, hehehe).

Enjoy. :-)
8y 11d #65
Hi tried to add second code without success, contacted now TV and was told the second code had already expired ...anyone had this problem... any solution?

Thanks jane
8y 11d #66
Try this AANOWABMDA4E for 2nd Month.
8y 11d #67
Had a free 14 day trial that expired today so was able to add the code for another free month... thanks OP!
8y 11d #68
Hi thanks very much will give it a go ...jane
8y 11d #69
If you are using AANOWABMDA4E, make sure it is free and you are not charged.
8y 11d #70

Did the new code work and was this free? I missed out on the 2nd code by 1 day due to my 14 day free trial so looking for another code? Grateful if you let me know, thanks in advance8)
8y 11d #71
I just tried the AANOWABMDA4E code and like in the other thread I got the same message stating it would charge my account £9.99 from start of February maybe try this tomorrow to see if it works with the original code expiring tonight. Thanks Raj75 😁
8y 10d #72
Ok this is a weird one as when I entered the voucher it said that my month pass had gone through, however it said my next payment date was 7/2 instead of 7/3. After asking their customer service team, they said the voucher went through and my next payment date won't be until 7/3.

Unfortunately I backed out of that screen by mistake so I have no proof of the convo should they decide to mess me about and charge me
8y 10d #73
AANOWABMDA4E asked me to pay £9.99 today, and the original AANOWDMRW7MP code simply didn't work 😞
8y 10d #74
I just tried the AANOWABMDA4E code for my 2nd free month and seemed to worked and first states another free month. The main page is a little confusing as it makes you think payment will be taken sooner, I clicked cancel for the first of many cancelation screens and get this message which is still confussing.

"We’ve noticed that you're on a special offer, so if you cancel today you’ll lose out. Your offer of £9.99 a month is not due to end until 9 March 2017, so are you really sure you want to leave?"
8y 9d #75
The code AANOWABMDA4E gives me a free month. Thanks Raj75
8y 9d #76
Yeah I got a free month too using the new code. Sweet
8y 9d #77
There seems to be a LOT of unfortunate 'mixed signals' with that very same Code there, huh?. :-(

Lol, I may try my luck with it soon too perhaps? (and see what gives?), hehe. :-)
8y 8d #78
Just curious, did anyone else recieve an email from nowtv for a £10 voucher after using this code. I did last week, genuine, ad recieved the £10 amazon voucher yesterday. This is the only special code I have used in a long time so had to be this.
8y 8d #79
I used the code, but didn't receive any £10 amazon voucher.

But for a different code AANOWABMDA4E, they were offering £10 retail voucher.
But AANOWABMDA4E didn't give any free movies.
8y 8d #80
I have just applied - AANOWABMDA4E and it says that when my current month ends -

Sky Cinema Month Pass
You'll pay just £9.99 a month for 1 month from your next renewal date.
Offer starts on: 23 Feb 2017
Offer ends on: 22 Mar 2017
Next payment date: 23 Feb 2017
What you'll pay then: £9.99
Back to My passes

Ahhhhhhh!!!! Will have to cancel it.
8y 8d #81
Same problem here 😐
8y 8d #82
Are you just cancelling?
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