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Free use of Victoria station toilet, from £0.50 to £0.00
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Free use of Victoria station toilet, from £0.50 to £0.00

Free Freebies13 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Freebies > Travel
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14 Dec 16
The Victoria WCs were 20p for years until the unnecessary refit a couple of years back when entry was hiked to 50p!

Yes, they're slightly nicer now, but marginally so.

Just realised I've become Alan Partridge!
Latest comments (73)
1 Mar 17 #73
​NOT the best thing I'd be personally admitting too if I was you?.

But fair enough ..... dwl!.
27 Dec 16 #72
Still free today :grin:
19 Dec 16 #71
They are literally **** money away X)
17 Dec 16 #70
soldierboy001, if you don't remember what you described anyone who has had an accident or is seriously ill or who is on an old age pension, I feel sorry for you...You used this term and other offensive terms too...Just read your posts...Maybe you have a memory problem?
17 Dec 16 #69
16 Dec 16 #68
And who said everyone on benefits is low life not me, so don't make statements that are not true, and I am 100% sure I have more of a clue than you.
16 Dec 16 #67
And NB who on EARTH said 'everything should be free at source'? No one.

This topic is railway toilets charging 50p due to the greed of fat cat railway company bosses when 99.9% of railway users have paid for their tickets and many pay £5000 to £8000 a yr en route to Victoria station
16 Dec 16 #66
Clearly you are a very sad and rather unpleasant and nasty piece of work and you also sound highly uneduicated, unChritian and devoid of any compassion.

At the time of your father we didn't charge people for using railway toilets and we certainly didnt wish to starve or cause to die our fellow citizens. I doubt you know anything about why our soldiers fought and why they (yes it was mostly armed servicemen) voted en masse in 1945 for a degree of compassion towards their colleagues.

I suggest you speak to a few real soldiers who have done something rather than talk to the tin soldiers in your head

I wonder: just where does your unpleasant nature and nastiness come from and what gives you the right to claim everyone who is receiving benefits is lowlife? 98% are pensioners or people who had an accident or illness and the vast majority have worked for at least 20 yrs before falling ill or having an accident ...You want them all to starve and die of the cold.

I pity you as you are odious and haven't a clue
16 Dec 16 #65
No mate my father fought to keep out dictatorship from the Germans that followed Hitler and his looneys and save their families and friend and would be turning in his grave if he thought he died to give the country dossers and low life, that think that the country should pay for everything, and everything should be free at source.
16 Dec 16 #64
cripes soldierboy...So we live in a country where benefits mean the guy can go to the loo 120 times in a week (50p x 120 equals unemployment benefit and starve to death and die of death...

Is that what our grandparents fought for to be 'a land fit for heroes to live in'...? Dear oh dear

PS A little intelligence and a little emotional intelligence might have got you a job where you weren't trained if necessary to be a professional killer for our Queen and country...And I say that as someone steeped in the military tradition and the sense of service and the 'ultimate sacrifice our servicemen are prepared to make...Ever since i was a kid..!
16 Dec 16 #63
You must be on benefit.
16 Dec 16 #62
it is a public toliet, it suppose to be free anyway. And all bus and train station should have free toilet. Pay for visit to the loo is a capital tax and have no discount for children. charge is against public service
15 Dec 16 #61
Literally a crap deal!
14 Dec 16 #60
Blimey what a bargain. Might as well have a number two while you're at it to make it really worth it.
14 Dec 16 #59
Now you don't need to spend a penny!
14 Dec 16 #58
There are loos (free) in almost all underground stations in Tokyo
14 Dec 16 #57
Two messages as seen in a cubicle...

"Here I sit broken hearted, paid 50p and only farted."

"Here I sit sly and artful, paid f'all and s**t a cart full".
14 Dec 16 #56
Heat. Bought three for ebay.

Wait a..
14 Dec 16 #55
14 Dec 16 #54
free loos you say? walk in to any pub and you can use their loos, it's part of their licencing obligations to have their toilets for use of the public and not just paying customers.
14 Dec 16 #53
I got in so much trouble when i tried to lift my little boy over the barrier for his 3rd wee in a row in about 5 minutes (he had a urine infection). I had no money left to keep paying the barrier. The security bloke when bonkers at me. My little boy then weed on the floor and I left the security man to clean it up!
14 Dec 16 #52
Free every day everywhere with a RADAR key I purchased for less than £2
14 Dec 16 #51
Valid point to an extent. But their activities are still closing much needed public loos.
I recall a few years ago Tynemouth toilets were even organizing (via net and no doubt said app) gay orgies in the toilets FFS. When that happened they had no option but to close them down.
14 Dec 16 #50
You had to pay before so good to know
Thanks OP
14 Dec 16 #49
Thanks for the info...
indeed discrimination that only men's are free....
Women get less pay then they have to payout of that for this... wow!
14 Dec 16 #48
Plus the tube is cramped, smelly and awful and the lines/stations don't all have cute jingles that play when you arrive.
14 Dec 16 #47
No charge for spending a penny
The Daily Telegraph (Main), 10/12/2016, p.5, Unattributed
Network Rail has revealed that it will stop charging passengers at railway stations in London for using the toilets. It said that any profits go to the upkeep of the stations, but that after a re-evaluation of its customer service it would no longer charge passengers for toilet use.
14 Dec 16 #46
Thank you for the relief OP, I keep getting sore banging my head when ducking under the barrier :smile:
14 Dec 16 #45
Cold, this is a cr*p discount!
14 Dec 16 #44
Seriously! oO
14 Dec 16 #43
blessing in disguise ( for southern rail passengers ) & coz of southern rail, all other trains company passengers as well. LOL
14 Dec 16 #41
loll free use of a toilet hahaha :grin:
14 Dec 16 #42
This is not a deal.
Glad I don't go to London so much (used to be up there weekly in the 60s and 70s - was 'the' place to be, fantastic!).
They want 50p to go to the loo?
That's taking the P I S S to a new level.
Now it's free for a limited time?
That's also taking the P I S S !

I know it was a penny to go to the loo in those old times, but that was to have a sit down and read the Daily Sketch :grin: , a p i s s was always free!
There were also 240 pennies to 1 pound then until 71!

So, 240 sh i ts then, but now, for a bargain limited period only, 2 sh i ts for free.
Nah, no way, no bloody way whatsoever is that a hot deal.
14 Dec 16 #39
40p for the Moscow metro and it's so beautiful I could've easily spend all day admiring the interior. Can't recall if they had loos at all, probably not :grin:
14 Dec 16 #40
Just love how apparently Southern Railways were given a special 'sweetheart' deal by Cameron so that not onlydo the trains not run but WE yes WE the taxpayers have to reimburse the Southern Rail management for their lost profit in ripping off commuters...

So its in Southern Railways management's interest to have as many strikes as possible

Now I bet that the civil servants who agreed to that and the relevant Minister are all exceedingly well paid as consultants to the owners of Southern Rail...What a DEAL eh?

Taxpayers are robbed to pay the rail franchisees. Heads they win, tails taxpayers and commuters lose...
14 Dec 16 #37
It's a marginal thing these days with the rise of apps, far worse problems are vandalism, lack of cleaning and needing coins when you've only got plastic in my opinion.
14 Dec 16 #38
tinkle in the Thames is free now. lol :stuck_out_tongue:
14 Dec 16 #35
50p they are pristine, 0p will probably look like a protest in a prison! :grin:
14 Dec 16 #36
Toilets should be free. Its stupid to charge for some who may need a wee or a number two.
14 Dec 16 #33
this offer is taking the ****!!
14 Dec 16 #34
This is a **** deal.
14 Dec 16 #31
You pay all that money for a ticket on the underground where prices are 8 or 9 times more expensive then the SEOUL METRO and you still have to pay to use the toilet. Its the biggest racket going I'm surprised you Londoners put up with that kind of shafting.
14 Dec 16 #32
I heard this was organised by Southern Rain, as they have been messing things up with the trains they thought as a good gesture at least commuters can s**t for free in Victoria, as everything else from Southern is a pile of s**t.
14 Dec 16 #29
I know where I'm going after having my 11am coffee...
14 Dec 16 #30
Its pathetic! and the funny thing is the prices and amount of shafting that goes on will only get worse year after year
14 Dec 16 #28
you missed out the part that says all the cottagers were foreigners coming over here taking our jobs etc etc
14 Dec 16 #27
Forgot about that ! PML :grin:
14 Dec 16 #25
Reminds me that Fulham fans are known as cottagers..
14 Dec 16 #26
You can wee for free in the spoons toilet :smile:
14 Dec 16 #23
I guess that's why its known as the diirrtyyy south?:p
14 Dec 16 #24
I'm male.. .the world is my Urinal
14 Dec 16 #22
can confirm this deal works all year round at Manchester Victoria aswell,if you push the barrier forwards slightly you can squeeze through on the right.heat added
14 Dec 16 #21
Its not the pee-ers and poop-ers that are a problem. But if you mention the REAL problem with public "Gents", it's "homophobic" oO
14 Dec 16 #19
Ha, the discrimination of North London to South London. Plenty more options in North London!
14 Dec 16 #20
Only if you wee water.
14 Dec 16 #17
I personally have no objection to paying, but at least ensure the toilets are clean, smell reasonably fresh, and are in working order when I do!
14 Dec 16 #18
You could try a Google search for your local council Waste & Recycling Centres?
14 Dec 16 #15
Woohoo free toilet what next
14 Dec 16 #16
You don't have to pay to use the toilets on the International Space Station, either!
The trip up there is a bit of a killer though...
14 Dec 16 #13
Excellent! I need a gentleman's wash :sunglasses:
14 Dec 16 #14
The best way to find a loo in central london is just to walk into a busy pub and voila :grin:

Has worked for me atleast 15-20 times in all different pubs
14 Dec 16 #11
I also did it at Wimbledon station. Was also drunk. Put money into the machine, it just kept it and didn't open. So I jumped over. Right in front of two station guards and a BTP copper. Nobody said a word to me. Filthy toilets too not sure why you have to pay for it. On the other end of the spectrum, St Pancras has great toilets and loads of them and it's totally free and cleaned every few minutes. Ought to be illegal to charge for the toilet these days. Considered getting one of them radar keys for £5 from ebay.
14 Dec 16 #12
Ha ha! Fab! :smile:
14 Dec 16 #9

My top tip for finding convenient low cost toilets as well as enjoying a nice day out in London is simply go into the nearest off licence and purchase a 3litre bottle of Frosty Jacks or similar high strength alcohol. After downing that in a short period of time, suddenly th
14 Dec 16 #10
just read this on time out web site…316
Its not just Victoria Charring cross is free to :smile:
14 Dec 16 #7
So far this year, revenue from the toilets at Victoria station has totalled £1.4m
14 Dec 16 #8
Spend a penny without spending a penny. Luxury!
14 Dec 16 #5
​Because they want to generate revenue from them obviously, not about preventing misuse, having a ticket doesn't change anything
14 Dec 16 #6
The Great Stink is returning for the festive season.
14 Dec 16 #3
They tried this in Birmingham new Street station. I always jumped over the barriers. Did it a couple of times right in front of the police; on purpose to see if they really would haul me in front of a judge for not paying to use the toilet. They really gonna waste time on that? Never once got challenged. I'm not paying to use the facilities on top of my train ticket. Very rare I have cash on me anyway now. Most pubs take plastic now. That used to be the only reason I carried it.
14 Dec 16 #4
Crazy that is down as a deal. You should never have to pay to use the toilet anyway it's just crazy...this is where trees/bushes come into play...for us classy ones that is haha :wink:
14 Dec 16 #1
The Waterloo toilets admission is too expensive. Some of the toilets are broke or dirty and the staff are very unhelpful. I generally use food or drink outlets which are free but not always suitable for disabled.
14 Dec 16 #2
TFL really should provide a lot more in the way of facilities and keep them cleaner! Gives us a bad name with the amount of tourists with have moving around the capital. Especially for parents with children, must be a nightmare!
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