Minecraft story game is now free from the marked up price of £4.99 on iOS. Should be the same on android.
18 Oct 16#1
is not just the first episode?
blanka to voyager123
18 Oct 16#3
No idea, personally not into this type of game. But I've seen the mark down from 3.99 to free. Could well be the first episode to try and tempt people. If not it's free, worth a go if you like this sort of thing. Or keep the kids amused for a hour.
KinanswerMe to voyager123
18 Oct 16#5
Mentions in-app purchases for episodes 2-8 so assume this is just episode 1. Played the whole series and some were hit and miss, but if you're a fan of Minecraft or looking to get into Telltale games, this is a good place to start.
18 Oct 16#2
On a google play store price, just says install. So guessing it's free also. Unable to check with android device as I am at work (well on a break :wink: )
18 Oct 161#4
On the iOS App Store page for each game/app, if you scroll to near the bottom, it shows a tab for "In-App Purchases" and if you click through to that, it will show you all the possible IAPs and their prices. This is only episode one that is free and each other episode is £3.99 or you can buy the episode 2-5 multipack for £10.99. Hope this info helps.
19 Oct 16#6
Episode 1 really short and then they want you to buy overpriced small episodes for £5 each x8 better off using piratebay a weak laptop or pc can handle it
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