Op thanks used movie offer already on went pass with over 1 month
Latest comments (39)
31 Aug 16#39
Thank you
31 Aug 16#38
Great spot op! Thanks. :innocent:
31 Aug 16#37
Yes. :smiley:
31 Aug 16#36
Thanks, got both passes. :smiley:
31 Aug 16#35
Awesome. I pay anyway, but free is free! Thanks OP x
31 Aug 16#34
31 Aug 161#33
How are people extending their viewing time when they already have passes?
I don't have an Apply A Voucher option on Entertainment or Movies as already have active passes.
31 Aug 161#32
I noticed that too, went on live chat and they gave me a different code to add on later, apparently, I'm a loyal customer!
31 Aug 16#31
I month Movies & Ent + 14 day free trial for new customers.
Thanks op :innocent:
31 Aug 16#30
Had trouble last night but went through today fine. Cheers OP.
31 Aug 16#29
Thanks for this,got 1 month free movies then when I went to cancel they offered me pay £3.99 per month for 4 months.So got movies until end of January.Voted hot.
31 Aug 16#28
Thanks for this code. I can't enter a new code to my entertainment, as have a voucher until November on the go, but added movies for a month!
31 Aug 16#27
Thanks OP
31 Aug 16#26
The movie one worked OK for me, but it didn't recognize the entertainment one.
31 Aug 16#25
Thanks OP :smiley:
31 Aug 16#24
Works spot on
31 Aug 16#23
31 Aug 16#22
Thanks used with movies one aswell
31 Aug 16#21
Brilliant timing, had a diary note to cancel my entertainment pass today as vouchers are due to run out soon, thank you OP, would give double heat if I could :smile:
31 Aug 16#20
Yep!, that's the one ...
31 Aug 16#19
Same stupid thing I TOO came across too?!, hmmmmmmmmmmm. :-(
Ohhhhhhh well?, lol. :-)
31 Aug 16#18
I was JUST about to bemoan the same thing too?!, hahahaha.
As I've already milked a 2 month free code for the Entertainment Package via a Google Chromecast! (so still 2 months outstanding on it as of today ..... )
Glad to see that this new fresh code via the OP will not go down the pan on me still?, hehehehe, thanx everyone. :-)
31 Aug 16#17
Thanks :smiley:
31 Aug 16#16
Many thanks OP.
Both codes worked so now got free Movies and Ent till middle Oct as was on free passes.
Hot Hot Hot from me.
Cretus Maximus
31 Aug 16#15
This deserves serous heat, thanks OP
31 Aug 16#14
when does the code expire?
31 Aug 16#13
Well, actually it could if someone would post a one month free sky sports pass :smiley:
For people who seem to be having issues in activating their free month passes, you need to sign in to your NOW TV account, go to MY Account --> my passes --> once there just click apply a voucher and make sure there's no spaces left when you type the codes, before or after.
Once activated and you get your confirmation e-mail, you can cancel if you do not wish to continue after the first month, in case you'll forget and don't want to be charged later. And yeah, you need to click the "I do not want my free contract pass... bla bla", as someone was asking at some point about this.
30 Aug 16#12
Neither worked for me. I'm on the Movie pass if thats got anything to do with it.
30 Aug 16#11
Cheers worked for me
30 Aug 16#10
If I've already got a pass, does that mean I can't add this voucher?
30 Aug 16#9
Hmm, good to know that the Entertainment Pass is useless for the BT YouView box (as obtained through a previous HUKD offer). Have run out of HDMI sockets. :man:
30 Aug 16#8
Thanks, just added both.
30 Aug 161#7
Great thanks got both entertainment and movies pass thanks everyone :wink::laughing:
30 Aug 16#6
Thanks, Heat Added. I am new to NowTV so a new account created and it just shows me 14 days free trials.. can someone advise how can i add the code ? its not asking me to buy or add code.. just 14 day trial. Thanks again for basic help
30 Aug 16#5
thanx heat added :smiley:
30 Aug 16#4
Worked for me!
30 Aug 16#3
How do I cancel so I don't get charged?
Is it cancel my pass?
30 Aug 16#2
OP, thanks for the code!! code worked perfectly. also thanks to the poster for the entertainment code. again, worked great.
30 Aug 16#1
If I signed up as a customer to the free 1 month trial could I use these codes to extend that to 2 months?
Opening post
Latest comments (39)
I don't have an Apply A Voucher option on Entertainment or Movies as already have active passes.
Thanks op :innocent:
Ohhhhhhh well?, lol. :-)
As I've already milked a 2 month free code for the Entertainment Package via a Google Chromecast! (so still 2 months outstanding on it as of today ..... )
Glad to see that this new fresh code via the OP will not go down the pan on me still?, hehehehe, thanx everyone. :-)
Both codes worked so now got free Movies and Ent till middle Oct as was on free passes.
Hot Hot Hot from me.
For people who seem to be having issues in activating their free month passes, you need to sign in to your NOW TV account, go to MY Account --> my passes --> once there just click apply a voucher and make sure there's no spaces left when you type the codes, before or after.
Once activated and you get your confirmation e-mail, you can cancel if you do not wish to continue after the first month, in case you'll forget and don't want to be charged later. And yeah, you need to click the "I do not want my free contract pass... bla bla", as someone was asking at some point about this.
Is it cancel my pass?