Is this the game they made from the Epic Citadel awesome graphics demo ?
sidesey to jco83
4 Jul 16#2
Sorry, not sure, it's three different games though. Hopefully someone else can help.
4 Jul 162#3
It uses the unreal engine same as the epic citadel. Good games & amazing graphics. Not really my cup of tea though. Hot for 3 games for free!
5 Jul 16#4
Hopefully some of you managed to get them.
6 Jul 16#5
Oh for the love of Christ. I missed out on the third game a few years ago when it was free and now I missed out on them again. Arrgh so annoyed.
sidesey to MadonnaProject
6 Jul 16#6
Sorry about that, get an app called appzapp. Can get notifications when items reach a certain price, plus does lots more things. It's a must have in my opinion, I literally have saved thousands on apps with it over the years. It notifies you of that too.
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