Click on the link, fill in your details, wait for the postman!
You need to use the same email address that your Now TV account is registered to.
Updated terms *Offer available to named recipient of NOW TV kids remote offer email only. Please enter your delivery details in the form below. If in stock, a kids remote will be sent to this UK address within 14 working days*
Top comments
27 Jul 167#9
In case you didn't know, the Roku remote app for iPhone / android also works with the NowTV box too, as it's just a rebadged version of it.
Thanks OP :sunglasses: orderd one for each box I have so will now have two spare remotes :smiley:
27 Jul 16#11
Ordered Thanks OP...
Thank you for requesting a free NOW TV kids remote. If in stock, a remote will be with you within 14 days.
Who’s eligible for a remote?
The remotes will be allocated on a first come first served basis to NOW TV Box customers who received an offer email and claimed via the form. Remotes will be sent while stocks last. One remote per account.
Are kids remotes available to buy?
At this time we are not selling the NOW TV kids remote.
Is it compatible with every NOW TV Box?
Yes, the NOW TV kids remote is compatible with any NOW TV Box – both the NOW TV Box and the new NOW TV Smart Box.
Warning Notice
Warning, this product is not a toy and not suitable for children under 36 months. It should be used with parental supervision.
27 Jul 16#12
Thanks, this will come in handy....
27 Jul 162#13
LOL prepared to be wound up..
mrb30 to R1992
27 Jul 16#15
27 Jul 16#14
Are there any left?
27 Jul 16#16
Never hurts to have a spare remote, ordered thanks.
27 Jul 16#17
Ordered thanks!
27 Jul 16#18
Ordered, hope I get mine!! Thanks
27 Jul 16#19
He more than likely means there'll be none left.
27 Jul 161#20
Hot, thanks for sharing this on the WhatsApp notification
Ordered :smiley:
27 Jul 161#21
Cool find, thanks OP and HUKD Whatsapp folk for sharing.
27 Jul 161#22
Ordered but don't need
27 Jul 16#23
Kid having a remote of their own..use yer brain! :P
27 Jul 16#24
Thanks for sharing, just ordered one. Heat added.
27 Jul 16#25
:smile: thanks
27 Jul 161#26
Don't need it, so managed to resist this I don't want my bachelor pad to look like I'm a divorced dad with kids staying sometimes...
SpongyMave to AlarApprentice
28 Jul 16#39
Sometimes that can work in your favour :wink:
27 Jul 16#27
Will this work with a roku box?
Lixxy to Jodiew24
27 Jul 16#28
27 Jul 16#29
Mini me insists on eating my current remote, he can play with this all he wants and not cost a penny. Heat!
27 Jul 16#30
how comes the thing is not directing to the oficial now tv site?
27 Jul 16#31
27 Jul 16#32
Strange if you don't enter any details and press submit it accepts the order even though no details entered and this offer doesn't show on the now tv site
? Fake offer
28 Jul 16#33
Isnt a fake offer spoken to live customer service. it's to promote kids pass being launched.
28 Jul 16#34
28 Jul 16#35
Updated terms *Offer available to named recipient of NOW TV kids remote offer email only. - If you didn't get the email, you won't get the remote.
luvsadealdealdeal to Nurk
28 Jul 161#36
not sure I give a monkey's :smiley:
SpongyMave to Nurk
28 Jul 16#38
Has anyone received an email?
28 Jul 16#37
Has anyone actually got a remote yet? I never got an email so figure I probably won't get anything.
Opening post
You need to use the same email address that your Now TV account is registered to.
Updated terms *Offer available to named recipient of NOW TV kids remote offer email only. Please enter your delivery details in the form below. If in stock, a kids remote will be sent to this UK address within 14 working days*
Top comments
[url=Roku by ROKU INC][/url]
All comments (39)
It's our little boy that mainly uses it anyway, so this is perfect!
[url=Roku by ROKU INC][/url]
Thank you for requesting a free NOW TV kids remote. If in stock, a remote will be with you within 14 days.
Who’s eligible for a remote?
The remotes will be allocated on a first come first served basis to NOW TV Box customers who received an offer email and claimed via the form. Remotes will be sent while stocks last. One remote per account.
Are kids remotes available to buy?
At this time we are not selling the NOW TV kids remote.
Is it compatible with every NOW TV Box?
Yes, the NOW TV kids remote is compatible with any NOW TV Box – both the NOW TV Box and the new NOW TV Smart Box.
Warning Notice
Warning, this product is not a toy and not suitable for children under 36 months. It should be used with parental supervision.
Ordered :smiley:
? Fake offer