Requires iOS 8.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Top comments
28 Apr 164#2
1. Download the app (iTunes [])
2. Open app and click Supply Shop menu.
3. Click Effects
4. Please note: you may have to login to your Adobe profile to see this. If you don't have an account, register at
5. Download each of the Effects
6. Repeat for Frames, Stickers, and Overlays.
Latest comments (17)
30 Apr 16#17
Why is this expired?it works!
29 Apr 16#16
Great find OP :smile:
29 Apr 16#15
Just got them all for free, definitely NOT expired!
29 Apr 16#14
Just tried now and this has still not expired! Heat :P
29 Apr 16#13
Not got room for it at the mo. so squirreling it away in my account!
Can I somehow download the "In App Purchases" without installing anything, also to my iTunes account? :neutral_face:
28 Apr 16#12
28 Apr 16#11
thanks op, not an apple user myself, but know some who will find this very useful :smile:
scorpio iscariot
28 Apr 16#10
I have loads of photo editing apps on my iPhone and the lot have been replaced by this beauty.Thank you
28 Apr 16#9
28 Apr 16#8
Nice find and good app with plenty of features! Heat added! Thanks.
28 Apr 16#7
Great stuff - OP :smiley:
28 Apr 16#6
excellent find op
thanks and heat
28 Apr 16#5
Cheers x
28 Apr 16#4
Thank you! Downloaded, added the free packs then delete 8 other apps that I use different functions from! This apparently does everything. It's really poo that this isn't the default level of photo editing you get with Apple; but then again they wouldn't make money of the hundreds of editing apps in the store.
But a big thumbs up from me, thanks for sharing
28 Apr 16#3
Thank you.
28 Apr 164#2
1. Download the app (iTunes [])
2. Open app and click Supply Shop menu.
3. Click Effects
4. Please note: you may have to login to your Adobe profile to see this. If you don't have an account, register at
5. Download each of the Effects
6. Repeat for Frames, Stickers, and Overlays.
28 Apr 16#1
Are all the plug ins free. Still says in app purchase ?
Opening post
Top comments
2. Open app and click Supply Shop menu.
3. Click Effects
4. Please note: you may have to login to your Adobe profile to see this. If you don't have an account, register at
5. Download each of the Effects
6. Repeat for Frames, Stickers, and Overlays.
Latest comments (17)
Can I somehow download the "In App Purchases" without installing anything, also to my iTunes account? :neutral_face:
thanks and heat
But a big thumbs up from me, thanks for sharing
2. Open app and click Supply Shop menu.
3. Click Effects
4. Please note: you may have to login to your Adobe profile to see this. If you don't have an account, register at
5. Download each of the Effects
6. Repeat for Frames, Stickers, and Overlays.