Just looked on my iPhone to see Tomtom are giving a free upgrade to the new Tomtom go app not sure if this android as well and not had much time to play with it either yet to see if it's any good,looks like it lasts 3 years the old app is still available the new one includes traffic and speed cameras
Top comments
16 Mar 163#40
Actually this was posted after which says they will keep supporting the old app:-
Will be interested to see if it's android as well. Can anyone elaborate?
14 Mar 16#2
Not as good a deal on the new TomTomGo app. I notice that as a 'free upgrade' you only get 'three free years'....so assuming that, it means that in 2019 we'll have to pay £14.50/year for 'unlimited driving' or be limited to 50 miles/month!
the porter to Sadlybrokeboy
14 Mar 16#3
The old app is still being updated so switch back to that if you don't want to upgrade,but I'm sure some deal will be offered again in 2019
14 Mar 16#4
Can we have some links please?
Sadlybrokeboy to harryp789
15 Mar 16#22
TomTom have just replied to me on twitter and say the current (now old?) app will no longer be updated after the last update - so they're effectively forcing you down the subscription route.....
14 Mar 16#5
For old app and new as well. Thanks in advance.
14 Mar 16#6
Thanks OP.
900mb to download UK & Ireland map. :smiley:
14 Mar 16#7
I guess we're cynics - I'm skeptical about the reasons for upgrading too.
14 Mar 16#8
Where do I find the free upgrade please? On the upgrade page in the app I only see the paid options
the porter to ttocswahs
14 Mar 161#9
14 Mar 16#10
Just downloaded, brilliant, 3 years free unlimited, thank you .
14 Mar 16#11
Thanks, just downloaded. Even of they charge after three years, I'll just revert back to the original or use any of the free Apps there is out there. Nothing to lose as far as I can see.
14 Mar 16#12
Does anyone know if I can get 3 free years on android? If so, could you please tell me how to go about it. Can't seem to get it on the app or on google play store
14 Mar 16#13
Seems a bit unfinished to the original app, does not have the option to travel via, adding address from contacts, paid voices etc. Hopefully they will add these features soon!
AAB to robdougall
16 Mar 16#37
Yes it does not do everything that my old app was able to. And it's not that user friendly either.
15 Mar 16#14
Is it just me or does this app not pick up your current location on start up (if you've moved to a different location while the app was shut down)?
Just launched the app this morning and it thinks I'm at the location of where I installed the app last night.
15 Mar 16#15
No free upgrade in Android
15 Mar 16#16
Maps on iOS has full sat nav built in that is powered by TomTom, so not quite sure what the need for clogging up your phone with another app is and one that doesn't seem as fully integrated as the built in Maps app.
15 Mar 16#17
TomTop UK & Ireland app is now showing £34.99 to download.
nd007 to bl4ckpython
15 Mar 16#18
yes same for me. any idea how to get it for free?
15 Mar 16#19
The app is called Tomtom GO...
15 Mar 161#20
I'm downloading tomtom go app and currently downloading the Western Europe Map how do I get three years free because it's saying I'm going to be limited to 50 miles a month
boomninjaraiden to zee744
15 Mar 16#24
Same problem here. How do you get the free upgrade? Anyone?
15 Mar 16#21
Just asked them on Twitter and the current app will no longer be updated after this upgrade.
So after your three years you will have to pay £15/year to use it!
15 Mar 16#23
I have used copilot for 8 years on my phone and have had regular free updates ever since. Get the occasional blip, but with any sat nav, common sense is required.
15 Mar 161#25
You need to have the old app installed.
15 Mar 16#26
Have deleted the app not worth clogging 1GB of space. I'll make do with Apple and Google Maps
15 Mar 16#27
No you don't . Just a little bit of brains.....
15 Mar 16#28
15 Mar 16#29
Just realised that isn't the unlimited navigation option. That's the freemuim 50 miles/day offering.
You need to initially have your old app installed and log in using the same details on the new app :smiley:
15 Mar 16#30
Only getting the options to purchase in app!
Can only get free 50 miles a month. It would have been nice to explain how to do this instead of wasting people's time!!!
15 Mar 161#31
Voting cold on this sorry.
I paid about £38 for the original app which I thought was a good price because it had lifetime map updates.
It says on the original app that existing users will continue to get app and map updates, but from reading on here it looks as though if you "upgrade for free" to the "Go" app, then you will have to start paying an annual fee after 3 years, whereas if you don't "upgrade" I assume it will remain free
so it will be OK to enable those services etc... Thks
16 Mar 16#38
Would you care to point towards that tweet? I've just read through a mass of their tweets and replies and they all stated that they're continuing to support the old app. The closest one to any sort of doubt came with this "No for now you can still use the old app. If it would stop working we will give you a heads up :wink:"
Interesting! Why offer a 3 year free sub to the old app if they weren't desupporting it and wanting people to move?!?
16 Mar 16#42
Cheers, I kinda figure they'll try and migrate people across to the new app at some point, but hopefully it won't be anytime soon
16 Mar 16#43
Shows £34.99 for me
17 Mar 16#44
serious Q but how is this better than the quality free apps out there live Here, Google maps etc
17 Mar 16#45
I have been using the Go app for about 6 months with the same free offer for Android. You do get used to it, but the lack of planning a route beforehand REALLY REALLY REALLY grinds my gears....
I've just done this offer on my iPhone, gone back to my Android and noticed I've got another 3 years ontop of the previous 3 years! Valid until 2021! Bargain :wink:
17 Mar 162#46
Just use Waze.
Rimi to TheDrunkKiwi
18 Mar 16#48
What a joke....Waze is C R A P big way. Worst of all free I have tried. Here maps are far far better then..
17 Mar 16#47
I've started using Waze
23 Mar 16#49
Use HERE MAPS (nokia maps) esrlier. Its free and better than any maps so far i have seen. Any country maps can downloaded for offline navigation, free voice etc. Once used to it you will never go for paid version again.
Rimi to ashishparmar
23 Mar 16#50
Have you used something else except Here Maps??? I think you don't..
TomTom is good even when you have to pay.
Navigon is my best-and free on Amazon Underground Germany.
Tried Here Maps and the are same crap as others,but having maps offline is only one benefit from it- route calculation algorithm is VERY POOR on Here Maps. Many many mistakes on map about one way roads,of which none I have found on TomTom or Navigon.
23 Mar 16#51
Thanks Rimi for a cracked app!
Installed and now have it for free until 2049 :confused:
Best of all traffic works and speed cameras too.
Opening post
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All comments (51)
TomTom have just replied to me on twitter and say the current (now old?) app will no longer be updated after the last update - so they're effectively forcing you down the subscription route.....
900mb to download UK & Ireland map. :smiley:
Just launched the app this morning and it thinks I'm at the location of where I installed the app last night.
So after your three years you will have to pay £15/year to use it!
You need to initially have your old app installed and log in using the same details on the new app :smiley:
Can only get free 50 miles a month. It would have been nice to explain how to do this instead of wasting people's time!!!
I paid about £38 for the original app which I thought was a good price because it had lifetime map updates.
It says on the original app that existing users will continue to get app and map updates, but from reading on here it looks as though if you "upgrade for free" to the "Go" app, then you will have to start paying an annual fee after 3 years, whereas if you don't "upgrade" I assume it will remain free
If not - give me a shout and I'll put a screen shot up! :smiley:
I've just done this offer on my iPhone, gone back to my Android and noticed I've got another 3 years ontop of the previous 3 years! Valid until 2021! Bargain :wink:
TomTom is good even when you have to pay.
Navigon is my best-and free on Amazon Underground Germany.
Tried Here Maps and the are same crap as others,but having maps offline is only one benefit from it- route calculation algorithm is VERY POOR on Here Maps. Many many mistakes on map about one way roads,of which none I have found on TomTom or Navigon.
Installed and now have it for free until 2049 :confused:
Best of all traffic works and speed cameras too.